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Semestre : 1 2
Session : Principale Rattrapage

Nom et Prénom : …………………………………………………... Code :
Classe: …………………………………………………....................
Module : Techniques de Virtualisation
Enseignant(s) : M.Bouzouita, N.Samet, S.Berrahal
Classe(s) : 4 Arctic 1  5
Documents autorisés : OUI NON Nombre de pages : 3
Calculatrice autorisée : OUI NON Internet autorisée : OUI NON
Date : 12/01/2022 Heure : 11h Durée : 1h30

Nom et Signature Nom et Signature Observations
Code Note du Surveillant du Correcteur


Virtualization was an enabler technology for Cloud, offering high computational power and
huge storage capabilities. In the following, we are exploring virtualization techniques, namely
server, storage and network virtualization. Note that all parts are independent.

Part 1 (8 pts)

1/ An hypervisor is a software that allows multiple OSs to run concurrently on a physical

machine allowing the share of physical hardware.

a. There are two main parts (components) within a hypervisor, list them and explain briefly
the role of each component. (1,5 pt)
Hypervisor component


b. Hypervisors are classified regarding their deployment model. List the two main types
of hypervisors, and explain the difference between them? (1 pt)



2/ Encapsulation is one of virtualization properties, that ensure that a given VM could be
captured in a single file called “System Image”
a. List the different information and/or states that are captured in the VM image? (1pt)

b. Does VMs portability is the same as VMs migration? If not, explain the difference
between the two techniques. (1,5 pt)

c. As virtualization is an enabling technology for the Cloud, explain the need for VMs
migration. (1 pt)

3/ In the following we are interested to VM live migration. Fill in the table with the two
techniques of live migration, compare between them regarding performance and use of network
BW and give an explanation for each choice. (2 pts)

Technique Performance Use of network Reason

Part 2 (6 pts)

1. To provide storage virtualization capabilities, three main architectures can be considered;

Identify them among the given architectures. (1,5 pt)

(1) ……………… (2) …………………… (3)………………………….

2. Regarding the previous architectures, list one advantage and on disadvantage for each one.
(1,5 pt)

Architecture Advantages Disadvantages

(1) - -

(2) - -
(3) - -

3. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) technologies improve the performance of

the storage system providing data protection against disk failures. Give a brief explanation
of RAID 0 operations. (1 pt)


4. Storage virtualization introduce an abstraction layer between the application and the
storage devices. Which item is mandatory in order to be able to map between logical
volumes and physical storage space? (1 pt)

5. List the 3 layers (types) of storage virtualization options. (1 pt)

Part 3 ( 6 pts)

1. Network virtualization is the ability to create independent virtual networks on the same
physical substrate. Explain briefly the need for network virtualization. (1 pt)

2. Overlay networks, is a type of network virtualization solutions and VxLAN (Virtual

eXtensible LAN) is a protocol used to create overlay network, in Cloud environment.
a. What are the characteristics of an Overlay network? (1 pt)

b. How does VxLAN facilitate the communication between virtualized servers in a

data center? (1,5 pt)

3. Considering programmable networks, there are two different approaches proposed to

implement the concept. Fill in the table below by giving a brief description, one advantage
and one challenge regarding the deployment of the approach. (2,5 pt)
Approach Description Advantage Challenge

(1) ……….

(2) …………

Good work


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