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International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26

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Landscape change and hydrologic alteration associated with dam construction

Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu ∗ , Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Cong, Wang, Zhifeng Yang, Juejie Yang
State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Characterizing the landscape changes and hydrologic alterations associated with dam construction is very
Received 27 April 2011 important for watershed management. This paper presents a case study of the Lancang River in Yunnan
Accepted 2 November 2011 Province following dam construction. The landscape patterns and dynamics indicate the fragmentation,
shape, and diversity of the river in 1980, 1990, and 2000. The Range of Variability Approach (RVA) is used
Keywords: to evaluate the degree of hydrologic alteration (DHA) using 44 years (1957–2000) of hydrologic data.
Landscape change
The results indicate that the midstream and downstream landscapes were affected by dam construction,
Hydrologic alteration
becoming more complex and fragmented during the 1980–2000 period; the upstream area was not
Range of Variability Approach
Dam construction
influenced by dam construction and the reservoir impoundment exhibited less change. The variability
Lancang River in maximum runoff occurrence in the post-dam period was less than that in the pre-dam period. The
integrated DHAs of the Jiuzhou (upstream), Gajiu (midstream), and Yunjinghong (downstream) stations
were relatively low, reaching 26.28%, 33.40%, and 37.14%, respectively. However, the alteration became
obvious in the midstream area, and the situation worsened when the river was simultaneously influenced
by dam construction and other human activities (downstream). The results of the regression analysis
show strong relationships of landscape metric changes with DHA, and the forestland and water areas
with DHA. The DHA increased along with the aggravation of landscape fragmentation, the complexity of
the landscape shape, and the diversification of the landscape.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In the outer river area, landscape changes associated with land
use and land cover change are the most obvious impacts of dam
Excessive anthropogenic activities such as agricultural land construction (Ouyang et al., 2010), and have a fundamental recipro-
reclamation, industrial development, road network expansion, and cal relationship with ecological processes (Turner, 1989). Therefore,
dam construction play important roles in landscape change and the investigation and quantification of landscape changes caused
hydrologic alteration (Xu et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2008; Yang et al., by dam construction in the outer area are the domain of landscape
2010; Bergerot et al., 2011). Dams, which are constructed for sea- ecology and the basis for sustainable environmental management.
sonal flood control, navigation, and generation of hydroelectric A number of metrics have been developed to measure the influ-
power, are often cited as the most significant impact on rivers ences of human activities on landscape structure (Theobald, 2010),
around the world, reducing the connectivity of rivers, fragmenting such as the total land area and individual land use type areas, patch
watersheds, causing changes to hydrological processes, and result- density, edge density, perimeter-to-area ratio, landscape diversity,
ing in downstream river channel erosion (Tiemann et al., 2004; and so on (Palmer, 2004; Morgan et al., 2010). Usually, researchers
Hu et al., 2008). Therefore, concerns about the effects of dam con- select metrics for quantification of landscape changes based on spe-
struction on the environment have increased with the increasing cific categories (e.g., fragmentation, shape and diversity) to avoid
number of dams in recent years (Jansson et al., 2000; Chovanec linearity and redundancy between metrics.
et al., 2002; Tockner and Stanford, 2002; Dudgeon, 2005). Early Dam construction can affect the hydrologic regime in the inner
studies show that dam construction can affect a variety of processes river area more immediately than the landscape in the outer river
in both inner (Ellery et al., 2003; Hu et al., 2008; Walters et al., 2009; area (Nilsson and Berggren, 2000; Walter and Merritts, 2008). Dam
Zeilhofer and De Moura, 2009) and outer river areas (Dudgeon, construction can block the continuity of hydrology, disrupt sed-
2005; Zeilhofer and De Moura, 2009; Ouyang et al., 2010). iment transport and fish migration by modifying the seasonality
of flows, and alter surface and subsurface water levels, chang-
ing the magnitude, duration, frequency, timing, predictability, and
variability of flow events (Nilsson and Berggren, 2000; Ouyang
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 13522671206; fax: +86 10 58800397. et al., 2011). These impacts may lead to a loss of biological diver-
E-mail address: shiliangliu@bnu.edu.cn (S. Liu). sity and decrease the ecological functions in an aquatic ecosystem

0303-2434/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
18 Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26

(Postel, 1998; Isik et al., 2008; El-Shafie et al., 2009). Accordingly,

it is essential to understand the impact of dam construction on
aquatic systems in the inner river area. Recently, the majority of
researchers in China and abroad have explored the impacts of build-
ing dams with a focus on hydrological changes in the inner river
area (Richter et al., 1998; Wang et al., 2005; Lajoie et al., 2007;
Ouyang et al., 2011). These studies demonstrate that the hydrologic
alterations and related environmental impacts of dam construction
have become a main concern in hydrological development plans
(Richter et al., 1998; Lajoie et al., 2007; Ouyang et al., 2011). Regard-
ing hydrologic alteration, many indicators have been developed
from the hydrological monitoring data to quantify flow character-
istics that are sensitive to human perturbations (Yang et al., 2008;
Chen et al., 2010). Although over 170 hydrologic indicators have
been developed to describe different components of flow regimes,
which hydrologic indicators to use to summarize flow properties
analogous to the use of the widely accepted metrics is still unclear
(Gao et al., 2009). Comparatively, the Indicators of Hydrologic Alter-
ation (IHA) comprising 32 parameters developed by Richter et al.
(1996) are more commonly used worldwide (Shiau and Wu, 2006;
Magilligan and Nislow, 2005; Hu et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2010).
Fig. 1. Location of the Manwan Dam and gauging stations in the Lancang Basin,
Further, Richter et al. (1996) introduced a useful approach referred
Yunnan Province.
to as the Range of Variability Approach (RVA) based on the 32
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) to quantitatively evalu-
ate the degree of hydrologic alteration (DHA) induced by human for hydropower cascade development in this area (He et al., 2005,
disturbance. This method has been shown to be a practical, and 2006).
effective way to assess the DHA caused by dam construction and The study area is a section of the Lancang River in Yunnan
other human activities (Maingi and Marsh, 2002; Magilligan and Province, wherein the lower control point is the Yunjinghong gaug-
Nislow, 2005; Kummu and Varis, 2007; Yang et al., 2008; Zeilhofer ing station and the upper control point is the entrance of the
and De Moura, 2009; Chen et al., 2010). Lancang River into Yunnan Province (Fig. 1). This area is a key part
In general, dam construction has great impacts on landscape of the upper stream of the Lancang River where four hydropower
and hydrology, so it is of scientific importance to investigate and dams have been constructed (Xiaowan, Manwan, Dachaoshan,
evaluate the landscape changes and hydrologic alterations induced and Jinghong Dams) and several dams and storage reservoirs for
by dam construction. Nevertheless, many previous researchers hydropower production are under construction or in planning (Wei
focused on quantifying land use change or hydrological alter- et al., 2009). The study area was divided into three parts accord-
ations without investigating the interrelation between landscape ing to the hydrological and topography features (Gan et al., 2002).
changes and hydrological alterations under the influence of dam The section from the inlet to the Jiuzhou station was defined as
construction. However, it is inevitable that land use changes such as the upstream area, and was not influenced by dam construction
conversion of forest to cropland will directly influence the regional or reservoir impoundment. The section from the Jiuzhou station
hydrologic characteristics and processes (Zacharias et al., 2004; to the Gajiu station was defined as the midstream area, wherein
Verbunt et al., 2005; Ouyang et al., 2011). Therefore, the objectives dam construction and reservoir impoundment were the dominat-
of this study are to (1) appraise the magnitude of the influence ing disturbances to the landscape and hydrology. The downstream
that dam construction imposes on local landscape and hydrology, area includes the section from the Gajiu station to the Yunjinghong
and (2) reveal the relationships between landscape change and station, and was simultaneously influenced by dam construction
hydrological alteration in the Lancang River in Yunnan Province and other human activities.
(internationally known as the Mekong River) where large dams are The Manwan Dam, which is the first dam of the Lancang main-
being constructed or have already been completed. stream cascade and the first multimillion kilowatt hydropower
station in Yunnan Province, was completed in the middle reach
of the Lancang River in Yunnan Province in 1993. The dam is 132 m
2. Materials and methods high, has a crest length of 418 m, and forms a 337.1 m wide water
surface reservoir, which is two times more than that of the nat-
2.1. Study area ural channel. The reservoir area is 23.6 km2 , which is 2.8 times
larger than the area existing prior to dam construction. The total
As the largest international river in Asia, the Lancang River reservoir capacity is 1060 × 106 m3 , and the effective capacity is
passes through seven climatic zones, crosses different geographic 257 × 106 m3 , which is dependent upon seasonal discharge regu-
environments and connects different cultural, social, and economic lation (He et al., 2004, 2005, 2006; Fu and He, 2007; Zhao et al.,
communities (Liu et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2009). The average rain- 2010). The associated hydrology and landscape mosaic of the areas
fall in the Lancang River basin is about 500 mm in the southeast upstream and downstream from the dam have been affected by its
and 250 mm in the northwest parts of the river. The Lancang River construction and operation (He et al., 2004).
exhibits strong seasonality of runoff, with 70% of the overall annual
water flow normally occurring in August and September (Jacobs, 2.2. Data and methods
2002). Additionally, the Lancang River has a main channel drop of
5000 m, and the portion of the river in Yunnan Province has a drop 2.2.1. Data
of 1780 m and an average gradient of 0.15% (Jacobs, 2002; Liu et al., In this study, regional land use data from three periods (1980,
2008). Therefore, the unique natural and geographical features in 1990, and 2000) were directly extracted from the national land
addition to plentiful hydraulic resources bring many advantages use database acquired from the Data Center for Resources and
Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26 19

Table 1
Records for gauging stations used in this analysis, and total number of years of records available for pre- and post-dam periods excluding the wet years (P ≥ Pmean+0.75stdv ,
1006 mm) and the dry years (P ≤ Pmean−0.75stdv , 883 mm).

Stations Locations Drainage area (km2 ) Series length (year)

Pre-dam (1957–1992) Post-dam (1993–2000)

◦  ◦ 
Jiuzhou 25 17 N 99 13 E 34392.6 15 6
Gajiu 24◦ 35 N 100◦ 27 E 20058.4 15 6
Yunjinghong 22◦ 12 N 100◦ 28 E 10801.9 15 6

Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (RESDC). dry year, while a period with annual basin precipitation more
These data were interpreted using Landsat MSS and TM series of than mean + 0.75stdv (P ≥ Pmean+0.75stdv ) is considered a wet year.
images and saved as a shape file format. The data were validated The periods in which annual basin precipitation falls within the
using the ground truth data, and the results indicated that the accu- threshold of mean ± 0.75stdv (Pmean−0.75stdv ≤ P ≤ Pmean+0.75stdv ) are
racy of each land use map was at least 90% (Liu et al., 2006, 2008). considered the normal years. In this study, only the runoff records
We then converted these data to raster format and imported them in normal years can be applied in the RVA hydrological alteration
into the FRAGSTATS software program to calculate the landscape assessment (Yang et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2010).
metrics. We analyzed the monthly average runoff data recorded
from 1957 to 2000 at the Jiuzhou, Gajiu, and Yunjinghong hydro- 2.2.4. Range of Variability Approach and degree of hydrologic
logical monitoring stations (Fig. 1, Table 1). The Jiuzhou station is alteration
located 269 km upstream from the Manwan Dam site, which not IHA assesses alterations in terms of flow magnitude, timing,
affected by the backwater of the Manwan Reservoir. The Gajiu sta- frequency, duration and rate of change with 32 hydrological vari-
tion is located about 2 km downstream from the Manwan Dam site. ables. However, these 32 variables are only defined when the daily
The Yunjinghong station is very close to the China–Burma border, flow logs are available (Lajoie et al., 2007). Therefore, we defined
so the data collected there is always considered representative of five parameters – magnitude, frequency, interannual variability of
the Lancang River trans-boundary runoff. In this study, we divided magnitude, periods of occurrence of the monthly minimum and
the data series from these three stations into pre- and post-dam maximum flows, and interannual variability of the periods of occur-
periods based on the time of dam completion. The precipitation rence – based on monthly average flows, following the research of
data (1957–2000) used to remove the potential impacts of pre- Richter et al. (1996) and Lajoie et al. (2007). Next, we assessed the
cipitation variability on hydrological processes came from eight hydrologic alterations using the five parameters with RVA. The RVA
surrounding National Reference Meteorological Stations. target range for each parameter was determined from the pre-dam
flow presumed to be the ideal condition. We selected a simple mul-
2.2.2. Landscape metric selection and calculation tiple of the parameter standard deviations (mean ± stdv) for the
In order to quantify the landscape change, we computed land- pre-dam flow as the RVA target range suggested as by Richter et al.
scape metrics indicating landscape fragmentation, shape, and (1996). The degree to which the RVA target range is not attained
diversity information at the landscape level using FRAGSTATS soft- was regarded as a measure of hydrologic alteration (Hu et al., 2008;
ware (McGarigal et al., 2002). Patch density (PD), mean patch size Yang et al., 2008; Zeilhofer and De Moura, 2009). This measure of
(MPS) and largest patch index (LPS) were used to quantify the frag- hydrologic alteration, expressed as a percentage, can be calculated
mentation information. Landscape shape index (LSI), edge density as:
(ED), perimeter-area fractal dimension (PAFRAC), and the mean  Observed frequency − Expected frequency 
fractal dimension (MFD) index were used to measure the shape and DHA = × 100% (1)
Expected frequency
size information. Contagion (CONTAG), Shannon’s diversity index
(SHDI) and Shannon’s evenness index (SHEI) were used to quantify where DHA is the degree of hydrologic alteration, “observed” is
the compositional and structural components of the diversity infor- the number of years in which the observed value of the hydro-
mation (McGarigal et al., 2002; Ouyang et al., 2009; Huang et al., logic parameter falls within the target range, and “expected” is the
2010). The mathematical expressions and ecological meanings of number of years for which the value is expected to fall within the
these metrics representing different landscape aspects are listed in target range. DHA is equal to zero when the observed frequency of
Appendix C of the FRAGSTATS software manual (McGarigal et al., the post-impact annual values within the RVA target range equals
2002). According to previous studies, the input pixel size of the the expected frequency. A positive deviation indicates that annual
land use map principally influences the analytical metric results parameter values fell inside the RVA target range more often than
(Liu et al., 2005; Uuemaa et al., 2005, 2008; Ouyang et al., 2009). expected, while negative values indicate that annual values fall
In this study, we selected 200 m as the input pixel size based on within the RVA target range less often than expected (Richter et al.,
previous studies (Uuemaa et al., 2008; Ouyang et al., 2009; Morgan 1996; Hu et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2008; Zeilhofer and De Moura,
and Gergel, 2010). 2009). DHA indicator values of hydrologic alteration will be used
to quantify the deviation of the post-dam flow regime from the
2.2.3. Removal of potential precipitation variability impacts on pre-dam flow. However, a single integrated index is needed to rep-
hydrological processes resent the overall hydrologic alteration (Shiau and Wu, 2006). Thus,
The water years of the hydrological time-series data must be we used the average of the absolute DHA values of all parame-
separated in order to retain the same impact sources such as the ters (defined above) to provide an assessment of the overall impact
effect of dam construction on runoff (Yang et al., 2008; Chen et al., of dam construction (Richter et al., 1998). Moreover, to evaluate
2010). Therefore, we identified the wet and dry years according whether a specific characteristic was severely altered, a simple
to the method developed by Yoo (2006), who recommended that three-class system was used to evaluate the severity of hydrologic
the proper threshold to confirm the independent occurrence of alteration (Shiau and Wu, 2006). DHA values between 0 and 33
dry or wet years based on the annual basin precipitation is the percent were classified as low alteration, values between 33 and
level of mean ± 0.75stdv. A period with annual basin precipita- 67 percent as moderate alteration, and 67 to 100 percent as high
tion less than mean − 0.75stdv (P ≤ Pmean−0.75stdv ) is considered a alteration (Richter et al., 1998).
20 Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26

respectively. In the upstream, midstream, and downstream areas,

and landscape fragmentation metrics show the same changes as for
the overall study area. However, differences exist in the magnitude
of PD: the downstream area had the largest PD (largest fragmen-
tation degree) in all study periods, and the midstream area had
the lowest fragmentation degree. The upstream area was not influ-
enced by dam construction and reservoir impoundment, it showed
less change during the 1980–2000 period. Based on the change
in PD, the patch number increased and the landscape became
more fragmented in 2000 as compared with 1990, especially in
the midstream and downstream areas. The largest MPS indicates
the lowest fragmentation degree. The downstream area, which was
simultaneously influenced by dam construction and other human
activities, had the lowest MPS value in both the pre- and post-
dam periods with up–down variation over the study period. Fig. 2
shows that the original downstream MPS was 362.2 ha in 1980
increasing to 502.9 ha in 1990 and then decreasing to 357.2 ha
in 2000 after dam construction. The other three areas had simi-
lar change tendencies as the downstream area, revealing that the
patch size decreased and the patches became more fragmented
Fig. 2. Landscape fragmentation metrics during the 1980–2000 period. after dam construction with the exception of the upstream area,
where the MPS changed little during the 1980–2000 period. LPI
had the same change trend with MPS, and the downstream LPI
2.2.5. Statistical data analysis
had the largest change, increasing from 50.7% to 67.1% during the
In this study, a simple linear regression method, which requires
1980–1990 period, while decreasing to 49.7% in 2000 (Fig. 2). In
a long time period and stable series (Phillips, 1986; Fu and He,
general, the midstream and downstream areas as well as the overall
2007), was used to explore the relationship between runoff and
study area showed larger variations from 1980 to 2000, and became
precipitation. This made it possible to determine the influence
more fragmented after dam construction; however, the upstream
of average monthly precipitation on average monthly runoff. The
area showed little change during the study period.
simple linear regression method was also used to identify the
relationship between landscape change and hydrologic alteration
(Ouyang et al., 2009). Therefore, we analyzed the correlation 3.1.2. Landscape shape metric change
between runoff and precipitation within the study area using Fig. 3 shows the changes in the landscape shape metrics during
monthly series data from 1957 to 2000, as well as the correlations the 1980–2000 period. The landscape shape metrics showed fewer
between rates of landscape change and DHA within the upstream, changes than the landscape fragmentation metrics, which were
midstream, downstream, and overall study areas. The data were relatively similar in that they decreased slightly in 1990. The down-
analyzed using SPSS 15 (Akin et al., 2010). stream area had the largest ED, indicating that it had the longest
edge segments per unit area; on the other hand, the upstream area
3. Results had the lowest ED during the 1980–2000 period. All areas had
the same changing trend of LSI, decreasing before, and increasing
3.1. Landscape metric change in upstream, midstream, and after, dam construction. Moreover, the LSI values increased from
downstream areas of the Lancang River the upstream to downstream areas and reached a maximum in the
overall study area. MFD changed little between 1980 and 2000,
3.1.1. Landscape fragmentation metric change meaning that the change in shape complexity for the area was
The change in the landscape fragmentation metrics at the land- unobvious between the upstream and downstream areas before
scape level is shown in Fig. 2. In the overall study area, PD first and after dam construction. PAFRAC, the indicator of the com-
decreased from 1980 to 1990 and then increased from 1990 to 2000 plexity of patch shapes, shows that the downstream area had the
with values of 0.222, 0.167, and 0.222, respectively. The MPS and most complex shape during the 1980–2000 period. The midstream
LPI show the opposite changes with values of 451.5 ha and 54.4% in area, in which dam construction and reservoir impoundment were
1980, and 600.2 ha and 63.8% in 1990, 451.2 ha and 53.7% in 2000, the dominating disturbances to the landscape, had the most basic

Fig. 3. Landscape shape metrics during the1980–2000 period.

Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26 21

Fig. 5. Water year separation of the hydrological time-series data for the Lancang
River in Yunnan Province (the hydrological time-series corresponding to normal
years (shaded area) were used in the RVA analysis, the hydrological time-series
Fig. 4. Landscape diversity metrics during the1980–2000 period. corresponding to wet years and dry years were excluded).

3.2.1. Impacts of dam construction on magnitude and

shape, revealing the largest change in PAFRAC among all areas in interannual variability of average monthly runoff
the study. The ED, LSI, MFD, and PAFRAC indicate that the regional We compared the average monthly runoff and coefficient of
landscape shape became more complex and fragmented and less variation (CV) from the upstream (Jiuzhou), midstream (Gajiu),
aggregated in 2000, and this is particularly true for the downstream and downstream (Yunjinghong) areas of in the Manwan Dam on
area. the Lancang River for 12 months in the pre- and post-dam peri-
ods, respectively (Fig. 6). The upstream area was also divided into
the pre- and post-dam periods to analyze the effects of dam con-
3.1.3. Landscape diversity metric change struction on hydrologic alteration for comparison. The average
In the overall study area, the CONTAG value increased from monthly runoff at the Jiuzhou station (Fig. 6a) indicates that there
57.4 to 60.6 during the 1980–1990 period and decreased from was no significant change in runoff after dam construction during
60.6 to 57.2 during the 1990–2000 period (Fig. 4), indicating that January, February, March, April, October, or December. There was
the connectivity among the dominant patches increased in the a significant increase in runoff in May, July, August, September,
first decade whereas the patches were distributed more unevenly and November, but a significant decrease in runoffs in June. The
in the later decade. SHDI reflects the patch abundance and het- monthly runoff CV shows that the change in runoff increased after
erogeneity in the landscape and SHEI describes the distribution dam construction. The maximum runoff occurred in August dur-
evenness of landscape elements with CONTAG (Fig. 4). During the ing the pre-dam period and in July during the post-dam period.
1980–1990 period, SHDI and SHEI declined from 0.994 to 0.991
and from 0.553 to 0.527, respectively, suggesting that the richness
and evenness of the landscape types decreased and the composi-
tion of the ecosystem gradually simplified. During the 1990–2000
period, SHDI and SHEI increased from 0.991 to 0.997 and from
0.527 to 0.556, respectively. The midstream and downstream areas
showed similar trends with the overall study area, but the down-
stream area exhibited greater change during the 1980–2000 period.
The upstream area was almost unchanged during the 1980–2000
period. These results indicate that the landscape diversity increased
and the landscape elements were distributed more evenly in the
influenced area of dam construction. It also shows that human dis-
turbances such as dam construction intensified in the study area.

3.2. Impact of dam construction on monthly runoff characteristics

We analyzed the relationship between runoff and precipitation

in addition to the water years of the hydrological time-series before
analyzing the impact of dam construction on monthly runoff char-
acteristics. The results revealed a close relationship between runoff
and precipitation as shown by a correlation coefficient of 0.867,
which demonstrated that variation in precipitation may influence
the variation in natural runoff in the study period and area. The
location, name, and drainage area of stations, the time-series data
of the pre- and post-dam periods, and the series lengths of normal Fig. 6. Magnitude and interannual variability of average monthly runoff in the
years are shown in Fig. 5 and Table 1. upstream (a), midstream (b), and downstream (c) areas.
22 Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26

Fig. 8. Coefficients of variation of the monthly maximum (a) and minimum (b)
runoff in the pre-and post-dam periods.

from the Manwan Dam were affected by reservoir regulation

Fig. 7. Frequencies of monthly maximum and minimum runoff in the upstream (a),
midstream (b), and downstream (c) areas. 3.2.3. The interannual variability of the monthly maximum and
minimum runoff
The interannual variability of the monthly maximum and min-
imum runoff expressed by the CV are presented in Fig. 8. The
The largest CV was observed in August during both the pre- and monthly maximum runoff of the areas upstream, midstream, and
post-dam periods, amounting to 39.4% and 37.4%, respectively. The downstream from the Manwan Dam were characterized by high
change in average monthly runoff at the Gajiu station was similar variability (in terms of month of occurrence) in the pre-dam period
to that at the Jiuzhou and Yunjinghong stations (Fig. 6b). The mag- (Fig. 8a), reflected by a lower CV in the post-dam period than in the
nitude of the runoff during each month after dam construction was pre-dam period. The trend for monthly minimum runoff was oppo-
very close to that before dam construction. However, the largest site that of monthly maximum runoff (Fig. 8b). Indeed, the CV in the
CV was observed in October during the pre-dam period with a per- post-dam period was larger than that in the pre-dam period in the
centage of 32.1%, while in the post-dam period it was observed areas upstream, midstream, and downstream from the Manwan
in April with a percentage of 31.2%. The average monthly runoff Dam. These observations suggest that the variability in the months
at the Yunjinghong station shows that the largest CV occurred in in which maximum runoff occurred declined in the upstream and
November, reaching 34.1% after dam construction (Fig. 6c). The downstream areas in the post-dam period as compared with the
largest CV was observed in June with a percentage of 33.8% prior to pre-dam period. The opposite result was found for the months in
dam construction. which minimum runoff occurred.

3.2.4. Evaluation of hydrologic alteration with monthly runoff

3.2.2. Impacts of dam construction on the maximum and
minimum monthly runoff
The influence of dam construction on monthly runoff was esti-
Frequencies of monthly maximum and minimum runoff in the
mated using the monthly runoff data from 1957 to 2000 (Fig. 9). The
upstream (Jiuzhou), midstream (Gajiu), and downstream (Yun-
jinghong) areas (based on relation to the Manwan Dam) are shown
in Fig. 7. The monthly maximum runoff at the Jiuzhou station
(Fig. 7a) was frequently observed in July during the pre-dam period,
but occurred more frequently in July and August during the post-
dam period. The monthly minimum runoff frequently occurred in
February in both the pre- and post-dam periods. For the Gajiu sta-
tion (Fig. 7b), the monthly maximum runoff frequently occurred in
July in the post-dam period and in August in the pre-dam period.
The monthly minimum runoff frequently occurred in February and
March in the pre-dam period, but in January and February dur-
ing the post-dam period. The monthly maximum runoff at the
Yunjinghong station (Fig. 7c) frequently occurred in August, and
was scattered in July, September, and October in the pre-dam
period, while in the post-dam period it frequently occurred in
July and was scattered in August and September. The monthly
minimum runoff frequently occurred in February and March in
both the pre- and post-dam periods. The results indicate that the Fig. 9. Degrees of monthly average runoff alteration for three stream gauges on the
monthly maximum and minimum runoff frequencies downstream Lancang River in Yunnan Province.
Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26 23

Table 3
Correlation between degree of hydrologic alteration and landscape type area.

Independent Dependent Correlation model R2

Forestland y = 0.622x − 25.731 0.930*

Grassland y = −2.4822x + 96.962 0.497
Degree of hydrologic Farmland y = −0.7323x + 36.937 0.208
alteration Water area y = 0.7047x − 24.482 0.975**
Construction land y = 0.8045x − 20.936 0.146
Unused land y = −2.7184x + 67.654 0.813*
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

Fig. 10. Degrees of monthly maximum and minimum runoff alteration for the three
stream gauges on the Lancang River in Yunnan Province. and the situation worsened when the river was simultane-
ously influenced by dam construction and other human activities

spatio-temporal hydrologic alterations differed among the three

stations. The hydrologic alterations in average monthly runoff in
February (downstream), April (up and downstream), and October 3.3. Relationship between landscape metric change and degree of
(upstream) were more obvious than those in other months. The hydrologic alteration
smallest changes in mean monthly flow among the 12 months in
the areas upstream, midstream, and downstream from the dam The simple linear regression models and coefficients of corre-
site were 0% (January and February), 9.1% (December), and 9.1% lation between the landscape metric change and DHA are shown
(May), respectively. However, the greatest effects of impoundment in Table 2. The results indicate that the fragmentation of landscape
in the midstream area were concentrated in three months: April, reflected by LPI had a significant positive relationship with DHA,
June, and October (degrees of alteration were all above 50%). At implying that an increase in LPI would augment DHA. However, the
the Yunjinghong station, the greatest effect of dam construction relationships of PD and MPS with DHA were positive but insignif-
was concentrated in two months: February and April (with degree icant. Three out of the four metrics (with the exception of MFD)
of alteration reaching 77.3%). The hydrologic alteration of extreme had significant positive relationships with DHA, implying that more
values based on monthly runoff shows that the degrees of monthly complex patch shapes were associated with larger DHA. The results
maximum and minimum runoff alteration were relatively low at regarding changes in DHA in response to landscape diversity metric
the three gauging stations, suggesting insubstantial environmental changes demonstrate that the landscape diversity metric change is
stress and disturbance of the Manwan Dam on the Lancang River strongly related to DHA. CONTAG had a significant positive relation-
(Fig. 10). ship with DHA, and SHDI and SHEI had extremely strong positive
Based on the above comparisons and analyses, different indica- relationships with DHA (p < 0.01), with correlation coefficients of
tors had diverse DHA, so we employed the average of the absolute 0.997. A more diverse landscape is associated with larger DHA val-
values of all parameters’ DHA to provide an assessment for the ues.
overall impact of dam construction. The integrated DHA of the The relationship between landscape area and DHA is presented
Jiuzhou, Gajiu, and Yunjinghong stations reached 26.28%, 33.40%, in Table 3. The simple linear regression models and coefficients
and 37.14%, respectively, indicating that the integrated DHA at the of correlation show that the forestland, water, and unused land
three stations could be classified as low, moderate, and moderate areas had significant relationships with DHA. The water areas had
alteration, respectively. The construction of Manwan Dam altered the strongest (P < 0.01) positive relationship with DHA. The prob-
the natural runoff and spatial variability of the Lancang River. able reason for this pattern is that forestland and water were the
The spatio-temporal hydrologic alterations differed among the dominant landscapes in the inner and outer river areas and their
three stations. The lowest and highest integrated DHA values were changes significantly influence each other. In conclusion, there
observed at the Jiuzhou and Yunjinghong stations, respectively. were strong relationships between landscape metric changes and
This indicates that the degree of hydrologic alteration is relatively DHA: the more fragmented (LPI) and/or complex (ED, LSI, and
low when there is no dam on the river (upstream); however, PAFRAC) and/or diverse (CONTAG, SHDI, and SHEI) the landscape
more alteration took place after dam construction (midstream), became, the larger the DHA value.

Table 2
Correlation between degree of hydrologic alteration and landscape metric change at the landscape level.

Independent Dependent Correlation model R2

Landscape fragmentation metrics PD y = −2.9023x + 121.79 0.759

MPS y = 1.9169x − 82.939 0.711
LPI y = 2.0296x − 78.858 0.898*
Landscape shape metrics ED y = −1.9804x + 80.027 0.949*
LSI y = −1.9209x + 77.392 0.947*
Degree of hydrologic alteration
MFD y = −0.0177x + 0.4322 0.658
PAFRAC y = −0.373x + 13.554 0.843*
Landscape diversity metrics CONTAG y = 0.681x − 26.651 0.958*
SHDI y = −1.1197x + 41.371 0.997**
SHEI y = −1.1185x + 41.334 0.997**
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.
24 Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26

4. Discussion and conclusions 4.2. Range of Variability Approach for assessing the impact of
dam construction on hydrologic characteristic
4.1. Landscape metrics for assessing the impact of dam
construction on landscape patterns The Range of Variability Approach (RVA) has been used world-
wide and is a practical, effective approach for assessing the DHA
In this study, we examined landscape pattern metrics using caused by dam construction (Maingi and Marsh, 2002; Magilligan
regional land use data interpreted from Landsat MSS and TM and Nislow, 2005; Kummu and Varis, 2007; Yang et al., 2008;
images. Similar to previous research, the landscape metrics selected Zeilhofer and De Moura, 2009; Chen et al., 2010). We analyzed DHA
to describe variability in the landscape structure were based on cat- based on monthly hydrologic data following the methods recom-
egorical classifications (Ouyang et al., 2009; Morgan et al., 2010; mended by Richter et al. (1998) and Lajoie et al. (2007) because
Theobald, 2010), implying that there are problems associated with there was a lack of daily monitoring hydrologic data. The results
the classification scheme such as number of classes, arbitrary demonstrate that a combination of the two methods made it pos-
classification schemes, classification accuracy, and spatial scale sible to assess the DHA caused by dam construction using the
(Wu, 2004; Corry, 2005; Diaz-Varela et al., 2009; Theobald, 2010). monthly flow characteristics. The results indicate that operation
Although some approaches were tested to eliminate the effects of of the Manwan Dam brought forward the monthly maximum and
factors such as grain, extent, and classification scheme on land- minimum runoff times in the downstream area. This is quite dif-
scape metrics, they are rarely found to have good applicability (Wu, ferent than the findings of previous researchers (Yang et al., 2008;
2004; Corry, 2005; Morgan and Gergel, 2010). Uuemaa et al. (2005, Chen et al., 2010) studying in the middle and lower Yellow River
2008) demonstrated that responses of landscape metrics to chang- of China. Construction of the Manwan Dam resulted in a decrease
ing grain size vary among landscapes and metrics, such as patch in the interannual variability of maximum runoff and an increase
density and edge density decreasing sharply within the 100 m grain in the interannual variability of minimum runoff. In spite of no sig-
size and then fluctuating slightly; the contagion decreasing signif- nificant change in the magnitude of runoff, a significant increase of
icantly up to a grain size of 400 m then fluctuating with further CV in April and distinct decreases of CV in June, July, and October
increases in grain size for all landscapes; Shannon’s diversity index indicate that the monthly runoff fluctuated abnormally in these
and evenness index decreasing up to one patch at the 400 m grain months in the post-dam period due to the dam operation. Gen-
size; mean shape index decreasing significantly up to a grain size erally, the results reveal that the impacts of the Manwan Dam on
of 100 m and from 200 m showing erratic responses to increasing hydrologic alteration are relatively complicated when combined
grain size. Therefore, in this study, we selected 200 m as the input with magnitude and interannual variability of monthly runoff.
pixel size based on the spatial resolution of Landsat MSS (80 m) and The degrees of monthly maximum and minimum runoff alter-
TM (30 m) images and methods followed in other studies (Uuemaa ation were relatively low in the three stream gauges, and the
et al., 2008; Morgan and Gergel, 2010). integrated DHA of the Jiuzhou, Gajiu, and Yunjinghong stations
The landscape metrics we selected were related to landscape reached 26.28%, 33.40%, and 37.14%, respectively, suggesting no
composition or configuration based on previous research, which substantial environmental stress or intense ecological disturbance
were grouped into three major categories: fragmentation, shape, caused by the Manwan Dam on the monthly runoff of the Lan-
and diversity. LSI is not really a measure of pattern shape in prac- cang River. However, the alteration became remarkable after the
tice, but is more related to the degree of pattern fragmentation dam was built (midstream), and the situation worsened when the
(Saura and Castro, 2007). In this case, we analyzed LSI in the land- river was simultaneously influenced by dam construction and other
scape shape metric changes that are similar to the findings of human activities (downstream). Human activities could lead to
other researchers (Gan et al., 2002; He et al., 2004; Ouyang et al., other disturbances (e.g., agricultural land reclamation, deforesta-
2009). The landscape fragmentation metrics demonstrate that the tion, urban sprawl, road networks expansion, and so on), as the
midstream and downstream areas became more fragmented after Yunjinghong station is located far downstream from the Manwan
dam construction, and the landscape shape metrics show that the Dam, which is close to the China–Burma border, and hydrologic
regional landscape shape in the midstream and downstream areas alteration occurring in the downstream area could be influenced by
became more complex and fragmented as well as less aggregated other human activities. For example, the road construction stud-
after dam construction. A higher level of landscape diversity in ies conducted in this region indicate that road networks have a
the midstream area indicates that the landscape elements became significant effect on ecosystem changes, and changes in landscape
more diverse and more evenly distributed after dam construc- patterns in specific (Liu et al., 2006, 2008). The changed landscape
tion. The spatio-temporal landscape pattern changes in the study pattern impacts the regional hydrologic characteristics and pro-
area are the basis for understanding the impacts of dam construc- cesses (Zacharias et al., 2004; Verbunt et al., 2005; Ouyang et al.,
tion on landscape. However, Wu (2004) and Corry (2005) indicate 2011), and the relationship between landscape change and degree
that the extent of the changes significantly affects landscape met- of hydrologic alteration was also demonstrated in this study. The
rics, though the effects are generally less predictable than those main objective of the present paper was to appraise the damming
of changing pixel size, and the classification scheme can impact effects on landscape and hydrology, so the individual impact of
the diversity and evenness of the regional landscape. These results other human activities on landscape and hydrology is not included.
suggest that a more fragmented landscape pattern after dam con- The impacts of climate variability on initial hydrological time-
struction at the current study extent may exhibit connectedness at series have been demonstrated in different regions (Yang et al.,
fine-scales, and higher levels of landscape diversity and evenness 2008; Chen et al., 2010), and the significant impact of climate vari-
may exhibit a lower diverse or even level as the unique individ- ability can be regarded as precipitation (Labat et al., 2004; Menzel
ual patches become one larger patch through dissolution when and Burger, 2002; Wang and Zhou, 2005). Precipitation not only
shrinking the number of land cover types. Consequently, further affects the magnitude of annual, seasonal, and monthly runoff,
study on landscape responses to dam-induced influence is neces- but is also likely to affect the frequency of extreme flow events.
sary to use landscape metric scalograms in place of single-scale Inevitably, the variation of precipitation between the pre- and post-
values (Wu, 2004), explicitly recognize and address the selected dam periods will substantially influence the value of DHA. So, in
landscape matrices applied to fine-scale spatial data (Corry, 2005), order to clarify the influence of dam construction on hydrologic
and present the optimized management approaches to mitigate the characteristics, we tried to remove the possible impacts of pre-
negative ecological consequences of dam construction. cipitation on runoff using the method developed by Yoo (2006).
Q. Zhao et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16 (2012) 17–26 25

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