Consolus Question - Revised

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- What’s the purpose of traveling to the USA?

- I am planning to do my Ph.D. degree at The University of Memphis, I have

done my master’s degree at Azad University in Tehran, and I need
to complete my research in the USA, so I contacted Professor Scott,
and he and his group work in my field of research. I searched more,
and I understood The University of Memphis is one of the best
- in computer science. It is in the USA's top hundred (eightieth) computer
science. And it is very highly ranked for R1; also, the University of
Memphis has a perfect professor, so I applied for it and was
1. How did you find this?
- I searched on the internet, and I understood Memphis university is one
of the best universities in computer science. It is in the USA's top
hundred (eightieth) computer science. On the other hand, I had done
part of my research in Iran. I needed to complete it in the USA, so I
contacted Dr. Scott through research on the internet since he had
conducted research in the same field .as he was working at the
University of Memphis. I applied to the same university to work with
2. How will this program help you with your future career? SENIOR
- Firstly, my company owner suggested that I do my Ph.D. course to later
work as a senior researcher in his company as he really trusts me and
has already helped me a lot to make progress in my positions.
Consequently, my salary will be increased, and I will get my promotion.
- secondly, I will be able to complete my current research while working
with Dr. Scott,
3. How many universities have you applied to?
Couple of universities, such as:
a. Clemson University in Carolina
b. Concordia university in Canada
c. The University of Memphis (u of m)
4. How many admissions have you got?
- I didn’t continue my application. Fortunately, Memphis university was
the best choice for me.
5. If you have any other admission, why will you study at this university?
- As I mentioned before because it's extraordinary for research in
computer science and strictly for python and machine learning. Also,
THE UNIVERSITY OF Memphis is the best choice for me because of Dr.
Scott, as we have been working on a similar field of python and would
like to cooperate on the same project.
6. What do you currently do in Iran? What have you done after your
- I work as a data engineer at Samsung company which means Sam’s
‫ نفری که باهم هستیم و کاراشون و بگم‬6 ‫اسم‬
- I continued my job as a Data Engineer at Samsung Electronics (Sam
service) Company, and simultaneously [at same time] I worked as a
researcher for Samsung company. I graduated from the university in
2021, and after my graduation, I applied for a Ph.D. position at the
University of Memphis while working for a Samsung company. I work on
a data mining project with a group of 6 members. We work on
connecting users and computers in a friendly way; I mean, we have
designed a machine that removes the extra comments. It is sensitive to
utilize vocabulary. NLP O YAD BEGIRAM a decent amount of money
7. How will you support yourself financially?
I have my house rented, and the money will roll in / come back to me. The
university will fully fund me; on the other hand, my husband works in
Turkey and Iran and will support us financially. Also, I have two
apartments in Istanbul that I have rented and have a monthly income
from them.
8. tell me about your research background.
- Classifying Toxic Comments:
[Given a comment made by the user, we predicted the toxicity of the
comments. Our team classified social media comments into insulting vs.
non-toxic comments and compared the performance of NLP models like
BOW and TFIDF for this classification task.]
-Topics Identification:
[To extract the hidden topics from large volumes of text, we used NLTK and
the Genism the stop words and utilized the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
algorithm to cluster the Newsgroups dataset.}
- Handwritten Digit Recognition: [We used Neural Networks (CNNs) in
PyTorch to classify handwritten digits using the MNIST dataset.]
- Stock Price Predictor:
[We used PyTorch to build a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network
to predict stock prices using historical closing prices and trading volumes.]
9. What did you do through your bachelor/master thesis in Iran?
- We weren't required to do any research for a BS degree, but for my MS
degree, I worked on a project recognizing facial expressions of computer
and digital device users. [ For instance, it worked well for drivers working
overnights to decrease the probability of accidents by going off an alarm
when the program recognized the expression of being sleepy while
10. What are you going to study in the USA?
-I plan to do my Ph.D. in computer science at Memphis university.
11. What is your plan after graduation?
- [after graduation, I return to my family and continue my career
in research data engineering at Samsung.] after graduation, I'm eager to
come back to Iran because my husband and family were waiting for me
after my older sister pas away about eight years ago we are so closed
together although my parents live the same as my building, behind my
husband so selfless for continuing my research and study in the USA, above
all I would, will my son growing up in near the family that means his aunt
uncle and our family, and I will teach short training courses to other
branches my new knowledge
15. Where have you done your internship? What did you do there?
- I have not done internships yet, because they are usually designed for
Ph.D. candidates in my country.
16. How many siblings do you have?
- I had two sisters, but unfortunately, my older sister passed away eight
years ago, so now I have only one sister
17. What do they do?
- She has a food tracking
16. What do your parents do?
-They have been retired for several years.
17. Have you had any international travel?
- I have been to Dubai two times. Also, Georgia and India two times and
turkey and Thailand.
18- Have you ever registered for the lottery? I registered once.
19- only male application
20- why did you choose this university?
- Memphis university is very research-oriented and has several professors
researching my specific field of interest, like shiva.

Graduatete Assistant (GA) sal e aval in option o be man dadan skott az nazar
e kari ke man ikonam be man shabih tare

Other Ways I must focus my study.



To go on unpaid leave.

To go on an extended leave.

Istanbul to Chicago to Memphis

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