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What is Non-Academic text?

• Non-academic texts are non-objective. These texts tend to be more personal

and based on opinions or one's point-of-view. Opinions are neither correct nor
• Non-academic texts are written for the mass public. There is no specific
audience for non-academic texts.
• These are published quickly and can be written by anyone. No specialization is
• Authors of non-academic texts use casual, informal language. These texts may
also use slang.

Below are examples of non-academic texts:

Non- Academic
It is an example of non-academic text that is simple and informal, it
will be sent or received over a computer network. It can be sent to
Email messages multiple recipients and it carries multiple attachments at the same
time. The writer will usually express urgency and needs an
immediate response from the email sent.
It is an example of non-academic text that can be communicated
through essay writing or in any other form. The writer expresses own
opinion of the subject. Own opinion is non-factual or baseless thus,
opinions anything that has no reference is non-academic. Not unless anything
undergoes intensive research with reference data
It is a kind of non-academic text, simply because the content is not
intended for academic use. Sometimes you need to verify the
Newspapers content before accepting the statement in the newspaper. Some
writers are not realistic and are relying on fictitious stories, unlike
those materials being used in school for teaching purposes.
It is another kind of non-academic text which is being used for leisure
time. Writers express own ideas of anything it depends on the topic
which is being discussed in the magazine. Sometimes it talks about
Magazine life, foods, love life, social media, artist, house or anything. The writer
uses simple text and informal style of writing. Magazines are usually
placed in a noticeable place in the office for visitors who visit the
company and employees who are taking break.
It is another non-academic example. Blog article is a product of a
creative mind. Everything found in the blog is not reliable for
academic though. Blog content can add more ideas about a
Blog article particular thing but it’s not good to be a source of research,
specifically writing a thesis in school. Blog writers are good in story
formulation that is why they are very popular when it comes to
website content writing.

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