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say more about yourself and other people

ask and answer common questions
ask follow-up questions and maintain
describe how well you use different languages
pay more attention to the language in texts
tell better stories
page 6

talk about how you feel - and why

respond to good and bad news
talk about your life now
explain why you can't - or don't want to - do

page 14

VIDEO 't: Kenya comes to Central Park page 22 REVIEW 1: page 23 WRITING 1: Keeping in touch page I 50

describe places and explain where they are

give and respond to suggest¡ons
discuss future plans
talk about the weather
recognise and reuse useful chunks of language
ask and ta'k about holiday experiences
page 24
talk about free-time activities
descr¡be how often you do (or did) things
explain how good you are at things
talk about injuries and sports problems
ask about tastes

page 32

VIDEO 2: World Heritage quiz page 40 REVIEW 2: page 41 WRITING 2: Short emails page 152

.. taik about jobs and what ihey.involve Musi ani

. comment on people's experiences cornrlefil
. dlsauss rules.and.fréedoms at woik r. alk¡ng a
. talk about getting used to changes
. say longer chunks better

. talk about phones and phone companies

. compare products
. describe what people are wearing
. discuss shopping habits
. describe souvenirs and presents
. negotiate a good price
page 50

VIDEO 3: Wheelin'and dealin'antiques page 58 REVIEW 3: page 59 WRITING 3: Stories page 154

. describe courses, schools, teachers and students

. show you believe or sympathise with what people
tell you
talk about different education systems
talk about possible future plans or situations
discuss different aspects of education
form and say different words from the same root
page 60

describe different dishés and ways of cooking food

explain what is on a menu
discuss experiences of foreign food
make generalisations
descr¡be restaurants

page 68

VIDEO 4: The business of cranberries page 76 REVIEW 4t page 77 WRITING 4: Making requests page 156

Auxiliary verbs . Talking about people The Google . Meeting for the first Asking follow-up questions
Narrative tenses . Talking about translators in human time
languages form . Stories connected to
speak¡ng a foreign

Linking verbs . Feelings It only takes Juan . Talking about . Response expressions
Present simple and . Understanding Mann to change the feelings
present continuous vocabulary: -ed I -ing worldl . Juan Mann
adjectives . Bumping into an old
school friend

Future plans Places of interest Thlngs to see and do . Vis¡t¡ng Kraków Giving and responding
Present perfect Weather in Kraków . Holiday plans suggestions
simple Understanding ls disaster tourism
vocabulary: Useful such a total disaster?
le chunks ¡n texts

Habit and frequency Free-time activities The playlist of your Free-time activities Are you ony good?
Present perfect lnjuries and problems Iife H¡dden talent Talking about tastes
continuous and past Describing music
s¡mple for duration

Must and can't for Jobs Terrible jobs nota Talking about work Doing.wlTot?
cornment¡ng Descr¡bing jobs th,ng ofthe past Rules at work
Talking about rules Work rules and laws
vocabulary: Be used
fo and ge¿ used ¿o

Comparisons Smartphones Shop till you drop! ln a phone shop Avoiding repetition
Noun phrases Clothes and Talking about qifts Negotiating pr¡ces
Describing souven¡TS
and presents

Future time clauses Describing courses What works in Talking about a I con imogine, / bef, etc
Zero and first Education education cou rse
conditionals Understanding Talk¡ng about
vocabulary: Forming education

cod Generalísations ánd Describing food Food for thought ln a Peruvian . Describing dishes
tend ta Restaurants restaurant
Second conditionals Talking about
resta ufa nts

Contents 3
-. ,i:,:. ',:,r . describe flats, houses and areas
:l . :,. . :' L
. explain how big places are
* :
. discuss social and economic chanqes
. compare the pasi and now
. ask about house rules

page 78
talk about exhibitions, films and the theatre
explain exactly where places are
discuss nights out
use idioms connected to different parts of the body
describe different kinds of events
talk about plans that failed to happen and explain
page 86

VIDEO 5: One woman's cho¡ce Page 94 REVIEW 5: page 95 WRITING 5: Formal emails page 158

t7 tell and participate in telling stories

11 #:i,i:: ti :!r ari

describe animals
show emotions through intonation
lrr i¡ talk about challenges and achievements
. :rIi
rdl discuss natural resources and the economy

page 96
. describe character

, ñ[ :[:ilffi..?J:,,1,]?lii['1",,,,,,.,
. express regrets
. talk about relationshiPs
page fo4
VIDEO 6: Greatest journey page 'l 12 REVIEW 6: page 1 13 WRITING 6: Reports page l60
. talk aboutiourneys
. explain travel Problems

: 1;::;:ffi':J:[:*
use extreme adjectives to make descriptions more
talk about problems and whose fault they are
page 1 14
talk about computers
explain and sort out problems
describe games
discuss issues around computer gaming
talk about apps and gadgets

?age 122
VIDEO 7: Air pollution tracking page 130 REVIEW 7: page l3l WRITING 7: Opinion-led essays page '162

. talk about lnjuries and illness with a doctor

15 .
discuss health myths and facts
talk about causes and results
. tell stories about accidents
. report what people said

page 132
. talk about types and sources of news
. comment on the news
. use reportinq verbs to report news
. describe famous people and events
. discuss issues around fame

page 14O

VIDEO 8: Bee therapy page 148 REVIEW 8: page 149 WRITING 8: Reviews page 164

. Present perfect Describing homes Waiting for the A new apartment Explaining how big a place is
simple and present Social issues bubble to burst Room to rent in Berlin Asking about rules
3erfect continuoús Describing areas Small ads
. Comparing now and

: I ua ntifiers Exhibitions. films and . Big night out Go¡ng to the cinema . Explaining where places are
-re future in the past theatre What did you do last
ldioms n ig ht?
--he body Understanding
Describing events
-.xplain ability / Movements and The strange story of . Animal stories Helping people to tell stories
ssligation sounds Maurice Wilson . Maurice Wilson
rassives Challenges and Natural resources . The resource curse
achievements fact file

--§ed ¿o, would and Describing character Struggting to f¡t ¡nto Talking about family Thot's like ...
r3st simple Relationships the role of granny Talking about Nicolas
-sing wlsh

-.ird conditionals Ways of travelling The long journey to a Talking about How come?
S',auld hove and travel problems new life lourneys Blaming people
Phrasal verbs Holiday problems
ts more vocabulary: Extreme

Árticles Computers . My life as a gamer . lT help desk Sort¡ng out problems

-flnit¡ve and -ing Describing games . The gaming lndustry
Apps and gadgets . Totally great or totally

ádverbs lnjuries and illness . Fact or myth? At the hospital Short questions wifh ony
?eported speech Understanding Accident on holiday
vocabulary: Word
endings and word
Acc¡dents and health

?eport¡ng veits News Seeking fame and Talking about news l.ntroduc¡ng and comment¡ng
,ellnrnq relátrve Explaining who fortune stories on news
¡lauses people are Talking about famous

Grammar reference pages 166-186 lnformation files pages 147-'193 Audio scripts pages '194-2f 3
Contents 5

:=: ,i






LISTENING VOCABULARY Talking about people
: Listen to two conversations in which people
fiX1,m :i Check you understand the words in bold in
meet for the first time. Answer the questions for the sentences below. Then decide which two
each conversation. words / phrases in the box could replace each
1 Where do they meet? word ,/ phrase in bold so you are talking about
the same subject. The first one is done for you.
2 Why are they there?

i E*}m Work in pairs. Try to answer the questions Hortugese Japan an only child sport
below. Then listen again and check your , a c¡vil servant married reading a translator
ECOnOmTCS lVedicine Arabic a twin
answers. an office separated
, Germany a warehouse
1 How is Alfie feeling? Why? 1 My friend Marcin is from Poland. Jopon, Germony
2 ls Holly a new student? 2 My husband's a software engineer.
3 When did Alfle start studying French? 3 My brother works in a university.
4 What does he think his strengths and weaknesses 4 My mum speaks good French and a b¡t of Russian.
a re? 5 My sister's doing a degree in Law at the moment.
5 According to Holly, where is French an officlal 6 My parents are really into travelling.
7 My friend lmke is the youngest of six kids.
Conversation 2 8 My aunt Maria is single.
6 How did Noah feel about the talk he attended?
Think of one more word or phrase that could
7 Where ls Noah from - and where is he living now?
replace each word / phrase in bold.
8 When did Noah move to his current home?
Work in groups. Use language from Exercises 4
9 Has Giuliana visited the city Noah is living in?
and 5 to say five true things about people you
1O What does Noah do for a living? know.
1 With your partner, take turns to tell each other
as much as you can about the last new person
you met.

Auxiliary verbs Asking fol low-up questions

,'/hen we make questions and negatives, we use different After someone answers a question we have asked. we
=Jx¡liary verbs. There are only three: be. do and hoye. often ask a second related question. This helps us to find
don't know. (present simple) out more details and to keep the conversation going.

'cw's ¡t going? (present continuous) A: So hoye you studied here before?

Hove you been there? (present perfect simple) B: Yeoh, lost term.
A: Oh reolty? OK. And did you enjoy it?
Look at these questions from the conversations. B: Yeoh, it wos omozing.
Then work in pairs and answer the questions
below. 1' Match the questions (1-6) with the pairs of
a Do you know it? possible follow-up questions (a-f).
c Did you enjoy it? 1 What are you studying?
c Hove you studied here before? 2 Have you studied here before?
C Where qre you bosed? 3 What do you do when you're not studying?

e Whot sre you doing there? Are you working? 4 Do you have any brothers or sisters?

, How long hove you been leorning French? 5 What did you do at the weekend?
6 What do you do?
I Which auxiliary goes with the infinitive (without to)?
a Whose class were you in? / Where did you learn your
2 Which two auxiliaries go with the past participle English?
(often an -edform) of the verb? b What year are you in? / What does that involve?
3 Which auxiliary goes with lhe -ing form of the verb? c Older or younger? i What do they do?
d Where do you work? I Do you enjoy it?
e How often do you do that? / Did you get anything

f How long have you been doing that? / What kind of
music are you into?
EE Listen to the questions from Exercise 7 - 13 Write one more follow-up question you might
first said slowly and then faster. Notice that in ask after someone answers questions 1-6 in
faster speech, the auxiliary verbs are hardly Exercise 12.
c heard at all.
:Ch L4 EE Listen to six short conversations. What
EE Listen again to the faster version. Practise follow-up questions do you hear?
saying the questions as quickly as you can.

Complete the questions with the correct

tor :
auxiliary verbs. tr 5 Choose six questions from this lesson that you
: I Where you live? think are good to ask people when you first meet
them. Then think of two other questions you
2 Who you live with?
could also ask.
rmany 3 How long have you _ living there?
4 Where you born?
16 Choose one of these tasks.

5 How long a Work with the whole class and have conversations to
it usually take you to get to get to know other students.
ran. work / school?
rt. 5 What you do last weekend? Anything
b lmagine you are at a party for language students.
Look at File 1 on page '1 87. Choose a person to
- pretend to be. Then have conversations to get to
7 Why you studying at this school? know other people. Ask and answer questions in the
E you ever been to an English-speaking role of the person you chose.
:d 9 anyone else in your family speak English?
- anyone you know ever lived abroad?
-'s 4 Where?
)u- Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
Exercise 10.

Unit 1 First class I


VOCABULARY Ta lking about la ngua ges t,, üh
1 Work in pairs. How many of the languages in the
picture do you recognise?
, "'¡ll
2 Complete the sentences about using foreign
languages with these words and phrases.

accent express fluently picked it up

accurate get by mastering struggled

l'm not very , but I can hold a conversation

-- understood.
and make myself
I know the basics - enough to when l'm
travelling there. --
I really with French when I was at school, ,ñ.#
so I just gave up. Ux-rgcñdqlo
4 I get frustrated when I can't _-- myself.
5 I never went to class. ljust from talking to Work in pairs. Read the comments that follow
people. the article and discuss these questions.
l'm a bit embarrassed to speak sometimes because . Which comments do you agree with and which do
I know I have a strong
--. -
you disagree with? WhY?
7 I grew up b.ilingual so I speak Spanish and Japanese . What did you find most interesting about the article? *,,É ,- -
. Did you read anything about the habits of hyperglots
8 I'm not interested in _-- the language, ljust
that could helP You studY better?
want to be able to read lt for mY job.

Work in groups. Use some of the language from

Exercise 2 to discuss these questions. Understanding reading texts and improving your vocabulary :
involves more than just learning single words. You also need
. What languages have You studied? to notice the connected words and grammar.
" :l *
. What languages do you know at least a few words lli*'J':
in? What can you saY? *:.:d
8 Find these words in the article and notice the
. How did you learn? Do you use these languages connected words and grammar. 1i1lr - :' 'É
now? How well do You know each one?
ifar evidence 9rowrng ."lh,i*,*
i allow opportunities

terms LJ||i ile

READING i=.-.= -.-..-:--,..--=,...-.-=,---:-=.=.-.=
I :. -]ffi
4 You are going to read an article about'hyperglots' Work in groups. Cover the article and complete -¡r& ru
- people who speak many languages. Work in the sentences. Then check your ideas.
páirs. Look at the photos and the title opposite - lmrl)lúffflr
1 But far :t
then discuss how these words and numbers might

be connected to the toPic. 2 There evidence he could use -LlllilfiFÍ'Í.,,[

many languages. 'lllil,,ülllilrillltu

¡ f!:
72 a parrot translator 10,000 3 - will
There -? growing ¡n the
two weeks globalisation genes mistakes future. -- nmnl] w
4 Top may genes _-
Ír.f lm|]li
Read the article and check your ideas from allow -- the
get-.- their training'
Exercise 4.
- ilm, mmlal

5 They often limited terms

According to the article, are the sentences individual languages.
true (T) or false (F)?
Mezzofanti spoke 72 languages fluently.
Some people who heard Mezzofanti speak probably 10
6 They
closer to home.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

couldn't know if he was fluent. . Think of two examples where there are growing rm
There is no proof that Mezzofanti really was numbers of something. Why are they growing? um
multilingual. . How is your English in terms of vocabulary, speakin: lriffitru
4 Globalisation will create more hyperglots. listening etc.? What can you do to improve these üffi
different aspects?
5 Hyperglots often posess genetic advantages.
6 Hyperglots aim to speak all their languages fluently.
. What opportunities do you have to practise Englisl'

l'{icham& §rmrm§'s mmw
, nguisüs mn
§:xmmk xxxwemt§gm&mm &§,xm mmstmr
i 8th century ltolion priest Cordinol Giuseppe Mezzofonti is o legend
:rg linguists.They soy he studied 72 longuoges, 30 of which he mostered,
,coke qnother nine fluently, though not perfectly, ond could hold o bosrc
.ersotion in of leost eleven more.And qll thot without leoving ltolyl One
, suggests he picked up Ukroinion in just two weeks, ofter meeting o visitor

: -- ^ow for is this true? Certoinly, the figure of 72 ts too high ond some people
.:.-^rps exoggeroted how fluent he wos. He lived of o time when trovel wos
- -:¡lt ond leorning other longuoges wos still unusuol.Therefore, mony
'=::'ts of his obilities come from visitors who were probobly struggling to
:,:-ess themselves in ltolion,There were olso those who, while opprecioting
- . :cod occent ond qccurote grommqr, described him os merely o porrot
-: soid nothing of interest. However, occording to Michoel Erord, outhor of
follow --: cook Mezzofanti's Gift,there is suffrcient evidence to believe he could use
- : ^,r longuoges,
hich do :':-: olso orgues thot there ore mony hyperglots in the world todoy ond thot,
-^ Elobolisotion, there will be o growing number
in the future. For exomple,
re article? -:,onderArguelles uent in oround twenty Ionguoges ond hos studied ó0,
is f

ryperglots -- .-udies nine hours o doy, down from fourteen before he got morriedlThe
--^;orion trqnslqtor Koto Lomb worked with sixteen, ond you con wotch o
: ,=ube video of Alex Rowling speoking eleven longuoges of the oge of lwenty.

- :=ntrol question of the book is whether hyperglots ore born or mode.

-'= -reir ochievements genetic or do hyperglots hove secrets thot normol
rlso need
r - liroge leorners con leorn from? Erord's conclusions ogree with reseorch on
- tolented people in other oreqs such os sport ond music.These people
==-erolly hove odvontoges they ore born with:top othletes moy hove genes
ce the --:- ollow them to get the most from their troining; hyperglots seem to possess
=, -:llent memories ond hove broins thot ore more efflcient in processing
,::ech sounds. However, becoming the best olso requires o lot of hqrd work.
: : : -e orgue thot the difference between o top performer ond someone who's
]15.: :___i ,:- very good' is thqt the top performer hos proctised for 'l 0,000 hours insteod
omplete --: foct is thot mosi ordrnory longuoge leorners lock these noturol
-:,'cntoges ond simply don't hove thot much time, So is there ony hope for
- ,' Erord believes there is ond thot reseorch on hyperglots con offer some
ould use -.:rul lessons, For exomple, they often hove limited ombitions in lerms of
-: viduol longuoges: they're hoppy to get by, or to be only oble to reod, or
- :- to hove o pedect occent,They?e procticol: if they con't trovel, they look
¡ the
-:- opportuniiies to use the longuoge closer to home, Some simply imogine
- : rversotions in their heods, They qlso use other techniques like leorning words
- :ontext. Finolly, they're never ofroid to moke mistokes or oppeor sfupid ond
a -
i: .ever give up.

a nguage Q T$MMIil{T§

ongleorner: l've octuolly reod Koto's book obout longuoge leorning ond I think the best odvice is to reod whot you're
interested in ond reod o lot.
cwrng sobjob: I know ii's wrong, but I kind of hote these peoplel l'm struggling to leorn one extro longuoge,
unconvinced: How does Alexonder Aguelles eorn o living? I think you need to be rich to be o hyperglotl
', speaking, hughd: You hove to stort leorning longuoges when you're young.
¡ these cndyw: When people soy they're bod of longuoges, they just meon ihey don't wont to spend the time required to leorn
o rlisl: I con soy'do you work or study'in fifteen longuoges. Does thot moke me o hyperglot?
e English? r sewell: The thing obout vocobulory in context is good, I never leorn single words, I olwoys leorn words in groups,

Unit 1 First class 11



ilr¡,E _5
S T-trr I




SPEAKING 3 EE Listen again and complete the sentences
with three words in each space. Contractions
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. count as one word.
. Where and when do you use English outside the 'l a Two Chinese guys me and stopped me
b They started talking really fast, you know, and I

. What do you do most: read, listen, speak or write? at all!

. When was the first time you used English outside a c -
I asked them to slow down, and then,
classroom? What did you talk about? How successful of my bad Chinese and gesture, I explained ..
was it?
2a He worked in the engine room and she was
. What's been your best moment using English outs¡de
the classroom? Why was it good?
My mum said Dad was a really good dance¡
verv difficult to believe.
- fier
LISTENING c They also said it about whose country @

2 Wl Listen to three people telling stories to live in. ,*

connected to speaking a foreign language. Match 3a We go all over the place unusual wild
two sentences to each speaker (1-3). There animals.
are two sentences you do not need. b We often need local people to act as
a They helped someone by using a foreign language. guides or cooks for the film crew.

b Their parents fell in love in Rio de Janeiro. c Anyway, last year we were filming in Sumatra in TJ
a forest ... ,ipinlp¡fñ
c They have an unusual family background. -
d Theywere involved in a misunderstanding. Work in groups. Discuss the questions. ; J,ffi

Their parents speak together in a foreign language . Which of the stories did you like the best? Why? rirF m
. Do you know any families where they speak more
:1ll tr
f They filmed an animal attacking someone. t-TI
than one language? Why? {
s They changed their behaviour as a result of the .
experience. Have you ever been on a cruise? When? Where? Y'
irl[r( ;

They work with people from other countries. . Have you ever helped anyone in the street? Where? ;:xr{M
What did you do? fler

. Do you know any 'false friends' - words that look

lnirü r
or sound the same, but have a different meaning in i¡ür"rii§ :

different languages?


GRAMMAR Narrative tenses
: Look at these sentences from the stories. Then PRONUNCIATION
complete the rules below.
EfrI Some of the details of the story in
They first looked reolly surprised ond then they Exercise 7 are missing. Listen and write down
stdrted tolking reolly fost, you know. the eight phrases and sentences you hear.
It wos octuqlly the first time l'd spoken to qnyone You will hear each twice: first fast and then
Chlnese outside of my closs. slower.
They first met when they were both working on o
cruise ship.
$5 Listen again to the faster version. Notice
the weak forms of the auxiliaries: was lwezl ,
Neither spoke eoch other's longuoge, but my mum were lwel, had ledl . Practise saying the
hod worked in Germony before. phrases and sentences as quickly as you can.
Lost yeor we were filming in the middle of o forest
... ond one t¡me ot dinner I wos talking to the guide
ond I tried to osk obout 'the people of the inner
10 Work in pairs. Decide where each of the eight
forest' ...
phrases and sentences from Exercise 8 should go
in the story in Exercise 7.
11 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
,'r3 us€ three main tenses when telling stories: the past 'I When I got home, I suddenly realised ...
. "':ple, the past continuous and the past perfect simple.
. Past simple: add to the infinitive (without 2 I didn't recognise her at first because ...
:o) of the verb. Some past forms are irregular. e.g. 3 lwasn't looking where lwas going and ...
4 This guy came up to me and ...
Past continuous: use I _+ -ing form
cf the verb. - 5 I had meant to say... , but l'd actually said ...
rast perfect simple: use + past participle. 6 I found out later that ...
Some participles are irregular, e.g. _ .
12 Work in pairs. Compare your ideas from Exercise
11 and decide which is the most interesting.
Look at the sentences in Exercise 5 again and Then write a story around the sentence.
answer the questions.
I Which tense is the most common in telling stories?
2 Which tense is often used at the beginning of the
)ns story to give background information? SPEAKING
3 Which tense shows the events followed each other 13 Choose two of these ideas for stories. Spend a
ped me. in order?
few minutes thinking about what happened and
lnd I
-1 Which tense shows the 'past in the past' - an action how you will tell the stories.
that happened before something else we talked . the first time your parents met
a bout?
5 Which tense shows an action was unfinished or
. the first time you met your best friend I wife I
husband / boyfriend / girlfriend
S stopped by another action?
. a time when you forgot or lost something important

. a time you had a good or funny experience using a
- Read this story about how another person's
foreign language
ountry parents met. Decide if the past simple forms . a time a stranger helped you or you helped a
are correct or not. Correct the ones which stranger
rl wild are wrong. 14 Work in groups. Share your stories.

Lct as lor-e the story ol hou,my parents mer. My dad was

! trvenry One day my dad ttahed an overnight train to
Lra in I Prague in Czech Republic and dunng rhe night he2fell
.sleep. When he'wcthed up, he realised they awrrs in Prague
¡.¡ he rushed to get off the train. He ''see a poiiceman looking
...: someone's papers and he suddenly realised he 6hadn't
tY? ::rs passport or money or phone. HeTranback to the train.
nore ne sat down, buL then this gu1, \canrc rtp to him and asked
:lrm something 1n Czech. He then said in English, 'What's
-ie matter?' and so my dadeexplained. So basically, rhis guy,
,i ho r,r,as ca11ed Anton, tjhelped him. He took my dad home,
rrglr,en him something
Vhere? to eat, 12leú him phone his prrents to
:.1 some money - everythlng. And later that evening my
jad met Anton's parents ... and he met his sister. And that's
ing in rorv he met my motherl

Unit 1 First class 13

. talk about how you feel - and why
. respond to good and bad news q
. talk about your life now \
. explain why you can't * or don't want to * do thlngs


.. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. Who do you think the people are? {
. How do you think each person is feeling? Why?
. What happened before the picture was taken? -,f,

. How does the p¡cture make you feel?
Work with a new partner. Tell each other
about the last time you felt:
. very happy very tired. . quite annoyed.
.. What other words do you know to describe





; r.
VOCABULARY Feelings 4 fE Do you remember why they feel this way?
Listen again and check your ideas. ,3
1 Match the words in bold in the sentences to : {,
these basic meanings: happy, annoyed, tired, 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
- --i¡
bad, sad, angry, worried. . What would you do or say if a friend was upset?
1 We left at six in the morning and didn't get back till Would it be different if it was a man or a woman?
midnight. I was exhausted. . What kind of things do you do to cheer yourself up if
2 You must be really pleased with the results. They're you are a bit down? I lüffi
great. . Are you good at sort¡ng out problems? -:

3 She was absolutely furious when she saw the mess . Who do you talk to if you have a problem? :a
that they had made. :,{
4 l'm under so much pressure at work. l'm really
stressed about everything.
His dog died last night. He was very upset when I
spoke to him. He sounded as if he might cry.
Linking verbs : =
l'm so sorry. I feel really guilty about leaving you
Be, look, seem, fee¿ sound, foste and sme// are all linking
with all the work to do.
verbs. These verbs can be followed by different patterns.
Ask her now. She looks like she's in a good mood.
She might say yes.
Look at these sentences from Exercise 1 and the r -{É
It was good to see her happy and enjoying herself conversations. Then work in pairs and answer :
because I know she's been a bit down. the questions below.
I was pleasantly surprised by the film. I really didn't =
expect it to be so good.
a Thot chocolqte cqke looks nice. ¡.lx

'10 I'm fed up with this weather. lt's so hot you can't do
b He seemed o bit down. $ frSi:m
anything. l've had enough of itl c He sounded os if he might cry. :"lmm
d She looks like sheb rn o good mood. mffi,,
Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1 Can you find the five prepositions connected to
e Thqt sounds like o nightmore.
adjectives in Exercise 1
1 What is the pattern when an adjective comes after
2 Why else might you feel exhausted? linking verb?

? How do you know if someone is pleased with
What two patterns are possible when a clause
after a linking verb?
4 How do you know when someone is furious? What is the pattern when a noun comes after a {ú!úl@
5 Why might someone get upset?
linking verb? f('iirfuhpf,

6 What other things might you feel guilty / bad about? |

@' flmP
,r4üt m
7 What things might put you in a good mood?
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form 0k*
a: What's the opposite of being pleasantly surprised? of the verbs. You may also need to add other (ffiü
M ¡tmuq
LISTENING 1 Are you OK? You a bit stressed. (look) tu
3 ff Listen to two conversations. The first is 2 Are you all right? You
you've seen a mü
between two people talking about their friend
Karim. The second is between two women, Belinda ls Julie OK? She disappointed when I

and Alisha. How do these three people feel? spoke to her. (sound)
1 Karim 2 Belinda 3 Alisha ls Mike all right? He a bit down. (seem)


Are you OK? You you've got a cold. tm Complete the exchanges with these words.
sou nd)
Are you all right? You _- a bit confused Congratulations Oh no a shame
a relief a pain
-+2 -1ave you seen Ana? She so well, so
-elaxed when I saw her Iast! (look)
an? -- 1 A: I can't drink at the moment. I,m pregnant.
elf up if
: -Ji. You you're in a very good mood. (look) B: Really? I When is the baby due?

l,latch 1-B from Exercise 7 with the responses 2 A: I'm going to Canada to study English.
a-h). B: I That's greatl How long are you going
Yeah, I've just found out l've got a new job. l,m really
cleased. 3 A: l'm afraid I can't meet you tonight.
B: Oh, what ! Are you sure?
Yeah, I know. She's so much better after that holiday.
4 A: My brother's not very well.
Yeah, I feel terrible. I think l've maybe got flu. B: I l'm really sorry. I hope it,s not too
am. I'm really behind with work and l,m exhausted. --
Yeah, I don't understand this. What am I supposecl
to 5 A: l've lost my wallet.
<ing Co? B: Oh no! What _-- ! Did it have much in it?
Yeah. Well, on my way here I was almost hit by this 6 A: I've found my walletl
Euy who was driving like an idiot. B: Phew, that's ! Where was it?
rd the le's just split up with Jo and he,s quite upset about
wer it,

Yeah. lthink she expected to get a better mark as PRONUNCIAT¡ON

she'd studied so much. :lf ffiGI Listen and check your answers to
r,Vrite your own responses Exercise 10. Notice how the intonation
' to 1_g in Exercise 7.
Then work in pairs. Take turns reading out l_g changes when responding to good and bad
and giving your own responses. news. Then work in pairs and practise the

rfter a
comes iesponseexpressions X2 Wgrk in pairs. Each think of a piece of good
or bad news. Write a conversation like the
= 'lse lots of short expressions to respond to news. Look
I r_ :.ese examples from the conversations. Notice how we ones you heard in Exercise 3. Include response
.=n ask a question after the response. expressions.
Aoparently, she's quite iil ond
obout her-
he,s just very worried ll:i Try to remember your conversation. Act it out in
front of another pair of students.
rm Oh no! Thot sounds like o nightmore. Whot's wrong
er ttith her? ls it very serious?

!'vejust found out I con't cont¡nue to stay where I om ot

k) lhe moment.
ghost Whot o poin! How come?


Unit 2 Feelings 17
SPEAKING 6 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
Do you think Juan Mann was right to walk away f
1 Check you understand the words and phrases the Free Hugs 'brand'? Why? / Why not?
in bold. Then work in groups and discuss the
Why do think the Free Hugs movement has been
controversial in some countries?
. How often do you do these things? ln what
Do you think it has a future? Would it be popular in
your country? Why? / Why not?
- hug people
- kiss people on the cheek or lips
- walk arm in arm with people or hold hands UN DERSTAN D¡ NG VOCABU LARY
- shake hands or bow
:t,::i:trr::::.rr ::a:.a,
- touch people on the arm or put your arm round -':
their shoulder
. Do you do any of these things more often or less
-ed l-ing adject¡ves
often than most people in your country? Why? A small group of common adjectives can end in both -ed
and -rng. The -ed form describes people's feelings. The
. Have you been anywhere where they do these -ing form describes the things that cause the feelings.
things differently to you? Where? What do they do?
ln the modern wortd, it ¡s not unusuot for people to feel
READING It wos o depressing time.
2 Work in pairs. Look at the photo opposite and
discuss the questions. Complete the pairs of sentences with the
. What is the man in the photo doing? Why do you adjective form of these verbs.
think he's doing this?
. What would you do if you saw someone like this?
. Are there any famous local characters in your local 1a Can you explain it again? l'm still a bit
area / town / city? Why are they well known? b The instructions for this camera are really

Read the article. Answer the questions.

2a He has a really habit of repeating the
1 What made Juan Mann start his campaign? same stories over and over again.
2 How did he feel when he went out for the first time? b l'm a b¡t that he hasn't phoned me.
promised to!
3 Who first asked for a hug, and why?
3a He's been for a while, but he refuses
4 How did Mann become so famous? try counselling.
5 What two theories are put forward to explain the b -
This weather's so . lt's so cold and
success of the Free Hugs movement? 4a I found the violence in the film quite
Work in pairs. Cover the article. Try to be honest. -
remember the adjectives that went with these
b I was really to see so many homeless
people on the streets there!
nouns. Then look at the article and check your -,
answers. 5 a l'm . Can't we go out somewhere?
b I find her quite
- . All she ever talks
1 connections is her children!
2a attempt 6 a Obviously, l'm a bit that I didn't get
3 an star job.
4 -a vear
b I loved her last film, but to be honest I found this
one quite
5 his- identity -
Complete the sentences so they are true for
6 one- of the shopping districts
7 skills
1 I find it really annoying when people ...
8 - experiences
2 The last time I got really bored was when ...

- 3 | always get really depressed when ...

LISTENING 4 One thing I found really disappointing was ...
5 The most shocking thing l've ever seen was ...
5 fE- Work in pairs. Discuss what impact
6 I still get quite confused about ...
success probably had on Juan Mann and what
you think happened to his campaign. Then listen 9 Work in groups. Compare your sentences and
and check your ideas. explain your ideas. Who do you have most in
common with?

ay from

:r ihe modern lvorld. it rs not unusual for
,lar in :ople to leel depressed or rsolated lr can be
:.rd to make meaningful connections witl-I
,rers. That certainl)¡ horv the myslerious
-.¡n M¿rnn ('One man') lelt * untll the day he
-:cidecl io start free hugs to strangers.
I'Lat started as a desperate attempt to change
-s o\\11 lile subsequently trar-Lslormed him into
, international star.
-::rrrning to Sydne¡,, Auslralia, in early
:. . - after travelling in Europe , lt4ann (r.vho
. ., r.a1's kept hls true identity secret) had a
- .e rable year. His parents l-rad divorcecl and
. *nd himsell lone11, and r-rnemp1o1.ed. It
. ., depressing time as manrv of his friends
correct . :rrr longer around and his family also
, iere. Alter spending months hicling au,a;,
:he r,vorld, feeling sad and sorry lor himself,
-':¡ided to change his hfe and do something
'1ete11. diflerent.
' ,..rmething dilfererrt ls exactl;, rvha¡ he clicll
-r, \\'ent to one ol Sydne;,'s rnain shopping

.g the - .-ricts holdn'rg a cardboard slgn sa1,1ng 'p¡ec

. .. - and rvaited. He expecred to last an hour
me. He -l most and had even asked a friend to come
I to protect him. He also deliberatel,"- Ielt
)fuses to . -¡l1et at home.
lnd wetl
. tllleen minutes, horvever^ a wolnan
-.ached him and said that her dog had died
:-norning and on top o[ that it r,vas the hrsl
-, ' .rsar)r of her daughter's death, so she could
urse a hug. Nlann rvas happ1, to help!
,e? , - ree Hugs' campaign continued c[rieth, for a
ks abou:
--1e ol ,vears until a songrvriter he kner,r- filn-reci
.1 action. This lriend ¡hen adde d a song b1.
get the
--nn bancl Sick Puppies and posted the r.idecr
r,vhere it has now had over 75 million
rd this
. \lann qurckl,v became something of a
.tlti[1,, 1¡r¡5 inlervie§,ed by legendar,v American To sorre , the grou,th ol the Free Hugs movement rs a sign tl-rat
for you.
-.l-Loll, host Oprah Wlnlrel and salr, Fr"ee Hugs acts ol krndness are becoming more socially acceptable. 1n an age
: ,-rbal, lvlth similar groups appearing all over r,rüen nobocl,v expects to get something lor nothrng and r,
.r orld. economic competition and greecl har.e become the noru. perhaps
the movement olfers a diffcrent, sofier approach to lile Also. sh¿rred
:-L seemed to find the success olhis prolect
-r erperlences in the real rvorlcl ma,r, be more importanl Lo Lls now
as he had been told at school that he iacked
tl-rat r,ve spend so much tjrne rn virtual online r'vorlcLs.
social skills [c¡ u,ork u,rrh pe c¡ple in need, ¡,et

- :nded up as a kincl ol therapist for a u.ho1e However, the most incredrble aspect olJuan \,Iann's stor'1. has nr'rL
Hrs explanation u,.as that nrany people needed been the eflect rt has i-rad on those 1-Le shared hr-Lgs with or even
s and :' to llsten to their problems, but lr.ere too on those rnsprrecl b), his stc¡D,-, but actually the ellect iL has had on
st in :¡rrassed to call a helpline or seek counselhng. himsell.

Unit 2 Feelings 19

3 HM Listen again and complete the sentences

§,s§.i, *§ 4*
with two words in each space. Contractions
" count as one word.
1 Sorry. ljust --- you. You look so different.
2 I do sales for a film company.
3 That's amazlng. l'm really You.
4 l'm working really
5 l'm learning- a lot and the money's not bad either, so
I_-. -
6 OK. And are you still living
7 She stlll talks about you from time
.B i 8 That's my idea I

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
. -
Have you ever failed to recognise someone you
knew? Why? -
Would you like to work in sales and marketing?
Why? / Why not?
Do you know anyone who's getting married
SPEAKING sometime soon? tr
Do you know anyone who is out of work at the td
bump into /,b,tmp 'rnts/ (¡rfrruls¿ll ve,rl¡) moment? J

you bump into someone you know, you unexpectedty

lf Do you know anyone who trains regularly? What for? wi
meet them somewhere - when you have not planned to What's your idea of hell? r,ililA

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. GRAMMAR
Where you live, in what places do you often bump
into people you know?
What's the most surprising time you've bumped into Present simple and Present
someone? Why was it so unexPected? continuous
When was the last time you bumped into someone? The present simple uses the infinitive form of the verb
Where was it? What did you talk about? (without to). The third person form adds an -s.

ls there a famous person you would like to bump I work in soles ond morketing.
into? What would you ask them? The present continuous uses a form of the auxiliary verb
be and the -ing form of the verb.
ls there anyone you wouldn't want to bump into? Why?
We're setting up o new website of the moment'

S Look at these sentences from the conversation.
;l ffim Listen to two people, Carla and Robin, Answer the questions below.
who bump into each other in the street. Are the
sentences true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (N)?
a We're getting morried in the summer.
1 Carla and Robin went to school together.
b Sheb stoying with her brother on the coost.

2 Robin has put on a lot of weight s¡nce they last met. c ltroin on Soturdoys.
3 Carla isn't working todaY. 1 Which sentence is about a habit or a regular
4 Carla is a website designer. repeated activitY?

5 Her work is very busy at the moment. 2 Which sentence is about a temporary, unfinished
6 Carla lives with her boYfriend. 3 Which sentence is about something in the future that
7 Robin has a part-time job atthe moment. is already arranged with other people?
8 Robin's parents are seParated. 4 Do you know what the connection is between these
9 Carla is really into running. verbs?

1O Robin would like to run a marathon. agree believe belong

lit<e fu"d-.-..-. ..-:o-Y=-.n..-.-

Put the words in italics into either the present Write reasons to explain why you can't or don't
simple or the present continuous. Use want to do the things below. Use the present
contractions where possible. simple or present continuous.
1 A: How your course / go? Are you still enjoying it? '1 A: Do you think you could help me move this table?
B: Yeah, although I I find lit a lot harderthan before B: No, sorry but I can't.
1S 2 A: Are you busy this weekend? you I wont I go out I 2 A: We're going out for dinner later. Would you like to
somewhere? join us?
B: I I work / Saturday mornings, but l'm free in the B: Oh, l'd love to, but I can't.
3 A: Can ljust use your computer for a few minutes?
3 A: What's your sister doing these days? she I still I B: No. sorrv.
B: Yeah. She graduated last year, but now she I do I
4 A: Can you turn this music off? lt's driving me mad.
B: No, leave it on
a Master's.
her, so A: Would you like to go out with me on Friday?
A: ll
need / a coat? ls it still raining outside?
B: Oh, it's nice of you to ask, but lcan't. Sorry.
B: Yeah, it I pour / down.
3 A: you I hove / any plans for tonight?
B: Yeah. I I meet / an old friend of mine for dinner. f 0 Work in pairs. Take turns reading out the
actually. questions in Exercise 9. Say your responses
3 A: What's the matter with him? Why he I shout I at and continue each conversation for as long as
everyone like that? you can.
/O LI B: I don't know. He's just in a bad mood. he I get I
like this sometimes.
11 Work in pairs. You are going to roleplay a
E*I Listen to the present continuous conversation between two old friends who bump

sentences in Exercise 6 - first said slowly and into each other in the street.
then faster. Notice the contractions and the
hat for? rveak forms of the verb áe. Student A: read File 3 on page 188.

Work in pairs. Practise reading out the Student B: read Fiie 7 on page 189.
exchanges in Exercise 6. How quickly can ?2 Now roleplay the conversation. Use some of the
you say them? language below.
. I haven't seen you for ages.
. How have you been?
'.. cu say you can't or don't want to do something, it's
:r:ite to g¡ve a reason. The reason will often use the . lt's so good to see you.
b :-:sent simple or present continuous. Look at this extract . So what are you doing here?
'-;tr the conversation:
. So what are doing these days?
= Whot ore you doing this Soturdoy? Do you wont to
,neet for lunch or something? How's your family?
: Oh, I'd love to, but I troin on Soturdoys. I'm doing the . Anyway, listen. l'm actually in a bit of a rush.
morothon next month. . We must meet again sometime.



ure that

r these

::1.: r', l
-, al
tseellngs ¿l
.':i]lii. ..

,t§ §


Work in pairs. Look at the photo and imagine 5 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
you met these people. . What do you think of what happens in the video?
. What might you say to them? What questions would . Why do you think Jimmy sleeps in the park?
you ask?
. Would you find it easy to start conversations like this
. What things do you think you might have in common in a park? Why? / Why not?
with them?
. Have you ever made a fire? Where? How?
TIffi§ Watch the first part of a video about two . How well would you survive living outside? Why?
men like those in the photo (0.00-1.28). Find out: . fell your group about one experience that will stay
1 why they are running in the park. with you for the rest of your life.
2 where they are from.
3 what they have in common with the man they talk to. UNDERSTANDING FAST SPEECH
The words and phrases below all appear in the S ffim Read and listen to this extract from the
second part of the video. Work in pairs. Check video said at natural pace and then slowed
you understand them, then discuss what you down. To hetp you, groups of words are marked
think might happen in the second part of the with / and pauses are marked //. Stressed
video. sounds are in CAPITALS.
1 East Africa 5 leopards You know YEAH / we GOTta hang OUT someTlME /
2 The Bronx 6 sticks you KNOW // You KNOW you VlSit HERE / any time you
3 some issues 7 elephant dung HERE you Vlsit US / and any TIME we're over THERE /
4 sheets and blankets 8 the rest of my life we COME Vlsit YOU
ffi! Watch the second part of the video where ,.i Now you have a go! Practise saying the extract
the two men meet someone called Jimmy at natural pace.
(1.29-4.5t). Find out why the words and phrases
in Exercise 3 are used. Then compare your ideas
with your partner.

5 Write a sentence before and after the sentences

REVIEW 1 from Exercise 4 to create short dialogues.

6 Match the verbs (1-8)with the collocates (a-h).

Complete the text with one word in each space. 1 express a hands / her head
Contractions count as one word.
2 shake b myself understood / a mess
:lave I ever told you how my parents met? I don't think
. Well, they met in the middle of nowhere
3 pick it up C frustrated / the most from the class
'r Peru. My dad 2-walking on his own to 4 hold d myself clearly / his feelings
:re lost city of Machu Picchu. He was very fit at the 5 get e as you go along / slowly
:,me, but found he was 3- slower and slower
and then he stopped and was really sick. Apparently, 6 make f hands / a conversation
=- caused by being so high up in the 7 find it s the language / the basics first
¡ountains. Eventually, he got to a little village to ask for
aelp, which was a bit difficult as he 5_ speak
8 master h difficult to believe / annoying

rruch Spanish. Fortunately, there was another group Decide if these words and phrases are connected
,';ho 6- just visited Machu Picchu and were on
to relationships, language or feelings.
:neir way back to the nearest city, Cuzco. My mum was
: that group. She had 7_ Spanish at university,
so she translated for him. She told me that B_ i accent fluent
accurate twin
**, I

sire first saw him, she was really shocked because he I only child fu rious :

ooked e- if he was dyingl Fortunately, he

i down single separated upset:j i

''- ! My dad recovered and they fell in love.

And that's why they 11- going back to Machu Complete the sentences. Use the word in
Dicchu later this year to celebrate their 25th wedding brackets to form a word that fits in the space.
My dad still 12_ been there! 1 I didn't expect it to be very good, so I was
surprised. (pleasant)
Make two questions from each group of
words (1-6). I struggled with German at school because ljust
found the grammar so _ . (confuse)
I Where i What / does / are / that I you I based /
involve We were quite with the results of the
research. (disappoint)
2 Have / Are lyou I you lworking i been /
here before / at the moment Did you see the news yesterday? lt was quite
, wasn't it? (shock)
3 Where/When / does /was /she I she I live/ born -
e Ithink it's easier to remember words if you can make
4 Did i Has / you / she / go out/ seen / itl last night a meaningful to your own language.
5 What I How / kind of music / often / do / are I you / (connect)
: this you / into / do that
Apparently, he can speak six Ianguages
6 How many / How long I have I brothers and sisters / (fluent)
do / you I you I been / have / doing that
Meeting her again after all these years, I had a
a of emotions. (mix)
Choose the correct option.
tay My flight was overnight and I didn't sleep at all, so l'm
1 What do you do when you're not I you don't
working? . (exhaust)

2 Are you OK? You look I look /lke a bit confused. 9 Complete the extract from an email with one
3 Sorry, I can't speak to you now. I do I l'm doing word in each space. The first letters are given.
something. By the way, did I tell you I 1bu_ into Brian in
Why don't you come round on Friday? We hove I qre town the other day? lt was a bit 2em_ actually
rked hoving a barbecue for my birthday. because I didn't 3re_ him at first as he's grown
this huge beard. I was walking along and this guy came
We couldn't get back into the house becausel left I ou- me and he looked as if he was
hod left my key inside. about to hit me and I actually screamed. Then he said
ls Hasan OK? He sounded I sounded /ike he was his name and of course ljust laughed with
you gett¡ng a cold. 5re- and I gave him a big 6h- . We
were in the 7mi-
of the supermarket so we
RE/ It was stupid. I wos trying I hod tried to carry too
got quite a few strange looks. He's actually doing really
many things and in the end I dropped everything.
well. You know he was working as a civil
I asked them to turn their music down because I wos 8s- ? Well he left that job last year and he's
rct studying I studied. gone back to university. He's studying eMe_ .

9 He said he can't come on Friday because he hos / rs His brother was ill for a while and Brian did some
hoving too much work.
10re- into his illness as a way to support him
and now he wants to do more. I think he was also a bit
10 We met I were meeting some clients when we 11f- u- of his old job and he'll have far
heqrd I wos heoring the news. more 12op- when he gets his degree. lt really
was great to see him.
4 f Listen and write the six sentences you hear.

Review 1 23
. describe places and explain where they are
give and respond to suggestions
discuss future plans
talk about the weather
recognise and reuse useful chunks of language
ask and talk about holiday experiences

1 Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss
the questions.
. Would you like to go to a place like this for a
holiday? Why? lWhy not?
. What's the best place to get a view where you
live? What can you see from there?
. What's the highest building or place you have
been up? How was it? When did you go there?

t* EI
VOCABULARY Places of interest 3 Complete the phrases with prepositions from
Exercise 1. EI
l. Complete the sentences with these words.
1 lt's about ten miles / sixty kilometres / an hour :t
Then check you understand the words and "

of town.
phrases in bold.
2 You can walk the walls / the river / the
, gallery ruins walls old town lake beach.
. !ightllf:. palace --o'q-':= ......-',:ll' .._,"=,.".p?'f 3 lt's the east of the city / the financial
district / the old town.
1 There's a about a mile out of town, where -
you can hire a boat and go fishing. 4 lt's by the river / the beach / the lake.

2 There's an old castle above the city. You can walk 5 lt's further
- the coast / the river / the canal
along the and go to the top of the tower. 6 You find them all this part of the country
- this-area / the city.

3 There's a street market ln the east of the city with

selling everything from antiques to apples.
4 There's an old royal down by the river. lt
reopened recently after being restored. PRONUNCIATION
5 There's a really fun further along the 4 ffi Listen to some of the phrases in
coast. They've got some great rides there. Exercise 3 said slowly. Notice how consonant
6 The main is in the old Jewish district. sounds link to vowel sounds.
There are lots of bars and restaurants there and it's
always very lively. - 5 ffiIilil Listen again and practise saying the
phrases in the same slow way. Then practise
7 There are Roman all over this part of the
- discovered some saying them as quickly as you can.
country. They near here recently.
8 There's a beautiful near here. You'll hear
the call to prayer in the morning. ffi Think of a tourist destination you know
well. Spend a few minutes preparing a short
9 They built a new modern art _ recently. lt's presentation about the place and what you
an amazing building. lt was designed by a famous
Brazilian architect.
can see and do there. Try to use some of the
vocabulary from Exercises 1-3. Then work in
10 Most of the was built in the 17th century, groups and give your presentations to each other.
but there's a famous church which is medieval.

3 Work in pairs. Think of a word or phrase LISTENING

connected to-each of the words in the box in
Exercise 1. Use a dictionary to help you. 7 Look at the places to visit in and around Kraków
Poland's top tourist destination. Work in pairs.
gallery - exhibition lake - go for o swim
Decide which places you would go to and why.

A huge..medieyal.square in thecentre The old Jewish district, now a

of the old town where there is a
Iively- atea wilh g¡ggtlent n igrhtlife. Enjoy,q da¡r's wqlkin§ lnlhis,,
market with some great stalls.
beautiful location.
UTICA ¿óZEFA The industrial and housing district FUt[;§eY''T§lrR, "'.,1',',
This street is full of shops selling
producti by Polandt top designers.
rbuilt in the 1:950iidüring f|¡e , :- TO AUSCHWITZ.
communist time. Brn(eñÁU nlú§run
Auschwitz-Birkenau was a Nazi
Kraków's modern art gallery, coneentrAt¡on SámpdUri n g
'The best club,in tor¡vá. [ue§-Sat World War ll.
designed by the ltalian architect
from I 0 t¡ll the,ta91.gue5t,[eave¡;,,,
Claudio Nardi.
ST. MARY'S CHURCH Half-day tour to Wieliczka Salt
The city's most ¡mportant church,
Mine. Go down and see the
built in the sixteenth century. amazing underground world of
these ancient mines.
IIE Listen to a conversation between a tourist Conversation 2
? I
and a hotel receptionist in Kraków. Which of the
places in Kraków are mentioned? What does the
g Right. l'm not really into museums, to be honest.

tourist decide to do? Work in pairs and compare

h Well, you could try the local museum. That's quite
close to here. They've got lots of interesting things in
your ideas. there.
IIEI Complete the sentences with one word in i No, it's quite cheap. lt should only be about $ 10.
each space. Then listen again and check your j l'm thinking of doing some sightseeing today. Can
answers. you recommend anywhere?
1 Hello there. I if you can help me. k Oh, that sounds better. Are they expensive to get
2 I'm of going sightseeing today. into?
3 Can you anywhere good to go? I That's OK. ln that case, how about going to the
Roman ruins down by the lake? There are also some
4 It depends on _ you like.
nice cafés and you can swim there.
5 l'm -not really a big _ of churches, to be
honest. - 11 EE Listen and check your answers. Then work
:rrry I in pairs and practise reading the conversations.
6 Well. ¡n that case. vou trv Kazimierz.
7 How a guided tour of Nowa Huta?
8 I can call and a_ for you, if you
want. t2 Make a list of places in your town ,/ area that
you think are good for visitors to go to.
PI 13 Work in pairs. You are going to roleplay a
Giving and responding to suggest¡ons conversation between a tourist and a hotel
receptionist in the place where you live.
:: Put the two conversations into the correct order.
The first one is done for you. Student A: you are the tourist. You are thinking of
Conversation 1
going sightseeing. Ask for recommendations. Reject
some before deciding on one.
a Well, you could try Oxford Street. There are lots of
big department stores there. Student B: you are the hotel receptionist. Suggest
b Oh, OK. Well, in that case, how about Portpbello some different places to the tourist. Explain why
Road? lt's a big street market. You can find lots of they are good.
bargains there.
l4 Now roleplay the conversation. Try to use
c To be honest, I'm not really a big fan of department some of the phrases in bold from Exercise 10.
stores. When you have finished, change roles and have
d Oh, that sounds great. I love that kind of thing. ls it another conversation.
easy to get to?
ków, e l'm thinking of doing some shopping today. Can you
rs. recommend anywhere? 1
ry. f Yes, very. l'll show you on the map.
'i Work in pairs. Look at the
photos and the descriPtions
of people and holidays.
What do you know about the
places in the photos? Which
people do you think go with
which holiday? Explain your
ffiffiE Listen to three people
talking about their holiday WENDY,45
plans for this year and A British teacher with
answer the questions. teenage kids.

1 Which of the peoPle in the

photos are talking?
2 Where is each person having
their holiday?
3 What other places do theY

ffiE Decide which of

the following things are
important for each speaker
(1-3) when planning their
holiday. There is one you do
not need. Then listen again WALEED,19

and check your ideas. A Saudi student with Parents

and sisters.
a nice accommodation
lrt.r:.:...,4ir_r,::-.rrr ..- 1.1..r ,.¡ r:.r...
b evening entertainment and

c guaranteed good weather
d sights and history l9§-r-',t-,
e meeting local people
f mounta¡ns or beautiful
good food
h peace and quiet
i extra activities (e.9. tennis, LIAN. ó1
sailing, diving, climbing)
A retired Chinese civiI
servant w¡th husband.
4 When choosing a holiday,
what is most important for
you? Rank the things in
Exercise 3 from 1 (= most
important) to 9 (= 1s.t¡
important). Make some
notes to explain why.
5 Work in groups and compare
your choices. Who in your
group would make the best
partners to go on holiday
with? Where might you go
and what might you do? A French waiter on his own.

GRAMMAR Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
. Are you going away in the summer?
. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
=uture plans . What are you doing after the class?
', -3n we talk about plans in the future, we can use a
. Are you going to do anything for your birthday?
='ety of forms will; be going to the present continuous;
-:,,e to', moy I might; be thinking of. . Are you going to continue studying English after this
cou rse?

Look at these sentences from the listening. . What are you going to do after you leave school /
Answer the questions below. graduate?

: We're stoying in q five-star hotel, of course. Do you have any plans to changejobs?

: So we'll probobly hire o cor to do off-rood.

- I hove to work long hours in July and August.
: When fhe seoson ends, I might toke o short holidoy. VOCABULARY Weather
- I'm going to trqvel round Vietnom loter in the yeor.
' So we're thinking of going to o show or two.
When we want to know about weather in the future, we
usually ask one of these questions:
Which three sentences show plans that are definite -
already decided or arranged? Whdt's the forecqst for tomorrow I the weekend?
Which three sentences show plans which are less Whot's the weother going to be like this ofternoon I when
certain? you're there?
Which sentence shows a plan which is an obligation? To talk about predictions we're sure of, we use will or be
going to. To show we're less certa¡n, we use it'll probobly
Do you know two questions we often use to ask
or it moy I might.
about future plans?
They soid iÍffi it'll probobly roin this ofternoon but
What are the negative forms of each of the structures it might cleor up by this evening.
in a-f?

Match the two parts of the sentences.

" Complete the conversations with one word in
1 They said it'll be hot and humid during the day,
and so
each space. Contractions count as one word.
2 They said it's going to be really windy, so
i: '- you going away in the summer?
3 Apparently, it's going to be really sunny, so
3: Probably, but we're '_to leave it till the last
minute to book and try to get a cheap package deal
4 They said it'll be freezing and
to Greece, or somewhere like that. What about you? 5 They said it's going to be boiling hot all week and
Nowhere special. We ' probably just go 6 Apparently, it's going to pour down tomorrow, so
to my parents' in Scotland. I suppose we a_ 7 They said it'll be generally quite warm during the
possibly go camping along the coast. We'll see how day, but
things go. 8 The same as today: grey and miserable, but
3: That sounds nice. What's the weather usually like up
there at this time of year?
a it might drop to minus I0'.
b on Tuesday it might reach 36'. I hate the heatl
C: Do you have any 5_ for the weekend? c there might possibly be a storm this evening.
): Well, I have an exam next week so I 6_ to do d we should take down the parasol or it'll blow away.
some revision, but l'm'- a friend on Sunday e l'll probably stay at home and keep out of the rain!
morning to go to the Mocak gallery. We 8_
go for lunch too. lt depends how much work I do on
f I might even get a suntan!
Saturday. Why? What about you? g they said it might clear up next week!
C: Well, I'm e- of maybe going to the cinema h it might get a bit chilly at night.
on Saturday night and thought you might like to go, IU Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
but maybe you 10_ be too busy.
. Do you know what the forecast is for tomorrow / the
D: No. I can work during the day, but then I probably
11- want to work in the evening. What are
weekend / next week?
you 12- of seeing? . Are there any bad times to visit where you live
because of the weather? Why? When is the best time
C: I haven't decided. Let's have a look now and see
to visit?
what's on.
. What's the coldest it gets ¡n your country? What's the
. How many of the different kinds of weather in
Exercise t have you had in the last year?

Unit 3 Time off 29

qt j=


ll For most of us, if we describe a holiday as a disaster, arranged and personal protection can be provided at
i! it might mean we got robbed, were stuck indoors a cost of anything up to 520,000. How about visiting

iE as it poured with rain outside, or experienced any Chernobyl, the nuclear power plant that exploded

]E number of other things that could spoil our two in

There is even a company that organises
iI weeks of relaxation. We generally want to avoid these a realistic simulation of a plane crash'including a

¡l things. So you might be surprised to learn that there smoke-filled cabinl According to their website, this
IEE are now companies that actually organise'd¡saster could provide an excellent day out for employees
experiences'for people looking for adventure in their as a company team-building experience, because

f time off. You can travel to look for a storm - the kind 'disasters bring people closer together!'Are they

i that might blow your house down, not just blow serious? Don't we have enough stress at work without
jt your hat off. Or perhaps you might like to visit a war having to pretend we?e all going to diel
zone? visas, travel and accommodation can all be
t! E:

iiI 3?A
;iJ. READING Are there any problems with disaster tourism that the
author hasn't mentioned?
ll,: ::
ri Work in groups. Think of: . Do you think there are times when / places where
: four things that coulcl be describecl as a disaster. you shouldn't take photos or selfies? Why?
: four things that could spoil a holiday. ao
Then discuss whether you have experienced or UNDERSTANDING VOCABULARY
heard of any of the things. Explain what
happened in as much detail as you can.
of an article about
Useful chunks in texts
Read the first paragraph
A chunk is a group of words that often go together. The
disaster tourism above. Answer the questions. words may all be next to each other in a sentence, or they
1 What examples of disaster tourism and disaster may be spread out across a sentence with other words
experiences are given? between the different parts of the chunk. Noticing chunks
and thinking about how to use them to express your own
2 What does the author seem to think of disaster
ideas ls important if you want to get better in a language.
We often reuse chunks, but change the words around them.
3 What do you think of it? Would you want to try any of You might be surprised to ledrn thot there ore now
the holidays / days out mentioned? componies thot octuolly orgonise'disoster experiences.'
Work in pairs. Look at the four photos in this You might be surprised to ledrn thqt there ore more
lesson and discuss the questions. pyromids in Mexico thon EgYPt.

1 Do you know what countries they are in or why they

are famous? ,:l Work in pairs and look at the chunks below. Hou
2 How might they be connected to disaster tourism? much can you remember about what the writer
said using these chunks? Then look at the article
Then read the rest of the article in File 2 on and check your ideas. Rr
page 187 and check your ideas. 1 ... my initial reaction when I first ... was to ... q1

Read the article again. Find: 2 I told myself that there's no way ...

1 why the website 'Selfies at serious places' is 3 ... which commemorates the people who died ...
,., ¡e
mentioned. 4 ... which was completely destroyed by ... -:< t, á

2 two reasons why the author visits places with bloody 5 ... looking at... now, I am wondering ... -CT
histories. :,:ns
3 the aims of the company Political Tours.
6 ... have a lot to offer.
4 two benefits of disaster tourism that James Wilcox
7 ... willing to take the risk and ... 1

mentlons. Write your own sentences using the chunks in

5 how the author ends up feeling about disaster Exerciie 6. Try to make the senlences true. 2

tourism - and why. My initiol reoction when I first sow the mess in the
house ofter the porty wqs to screom!
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
. Can you think of other places that tourists visit which Work in groups. Compare your sentences and
have a connection to disasters and death? Would you explain as much about them as you can. Who
like to visit them? has the best example for each chunk?
. What other benefits of disaster tourism might there be?
t i Complete these answers to the question Have
you (ever) been to X? with Yes or No (never).
1 _. What',s it like?
2 but it's supposed to be amazing.
4 but I might actually go at the weekend
5 -, l've never really fancied it.
6 -.Severaltimes.
7 -, lt's great. You should go.
8 -. -.Idloveto.though.
. I spent a week there last year.
9 . l'm going this summer, though.
10 Have you? l've heard it's quite nice.
-. five questions starting with Have you (ever)
been to ...2 Ask about places you know and want
to compare experiences of - or places you're
thinking of going to and want opinions of.
t the : qAMMAR Present perfect simple 13 Talk to some other students. Ask your questions
and answer other students' questions. Give as
TE -¡ok at this extract from the article. Answer the many details as you can.
: lestions below.
:sve been to the peoce pork in Hiroshimo, which
:c,lnrnemorofes the people who died from the first
'-. eqr bomb. l've visited mony castles like the
-- .', er of London where people were executed. lost
=:" I went to Pompeii, the oncient ruins of o city
^ :h wos completely destroyed by o volcono in
" -= íirst century. While there, I took q photo of the
- -20-yeor-old dead person.
,'/hich verbs are in the present perfect simple?
)o you know how to make the present perfect
=xamples into questions and negatlves?
,'/hich of these statements are true?
The present perfect is often used to introduce
experiences connected to a present discussion.
When we use the present perfect, we make clear
the time of the experience.
The details of the experience are usually in the
low past slmple.
i.ead the Grammar box and answer the
:-uestions below.

-=- someone asks us a present perfect question, we

-. ,: y give information or opinions about our experiences
- - ,'i e ask questions. Note that we often answer using
=-s:s other than the present perfect.
' ','/hy might someone ask this question?
-love you been to the theme pork olong the coost?
1,'/hich of these answers do you think help to develop
:he conversation? Why?
a Yes, I hove.
c Yeoh. lt's greot.
: No, I hoven't. Why?
I No.
Yeoh, I went there lost yeor.

Unit 3 Time off

. talk about free-time activities
. describe how often you do (or did) things
. explain how good you are at things
. talk about injuries and sports problems
. ask about tastes

1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
Where do you think this photo was taken?
What time of day do you think it is?
Have you ever done anything similar to this?
When? Where?
Do you do anything to keep fit? What?
Are you more of a morning person or a night
What do you usually do early in the morning and
late in the evening?
VOCABULARY Free-ti me activities 5 fEI Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or
false (F)? T
X Match each sentence beginning (1-6) with the Conversation I
two most likely endings (a-l).
1 Both speakers have seen the PlaY.
1 lwent 4 I just stayed in and
2 One speaker goes to the theatre a lot more often
2 I went to 5 lhad than the other.
3 I went for 6ldid Conversation 2
a a run round the block this morning. 3 The weather wasn't very good at the weekend.
b took it easy. 4 Domi went sailing more in the past than now.
c climbing in the mountains last weekend. Conversation 3
d sailing on a big lake near my house. 5 Frank had a late night last night.
e the theatre and saw an amazing play. 6 Frank's father doesn't like playing cards.
f a drive to the beach with my girlfriend on Friday.
g a friend's place for dinner last night. GRAMMAR
h a Russian lesson last night.
i some baking for my sister's birthday party.
j played cards with some friends until about two in the Habit and frequency
To talk about present habits, we use the present simple.
To talk about past habits. we use the past simple or used to
k an early night last night.
' infinitive (without to).
I a bit of exercise before breakfast.
We use these structures with a range of different
2 Work in pairs. Think of one more way to finish frequeniy phrases.
each sentence beginning from Exercise 1.
3 6 EÍEI Work in pairs. Try to remember the
Work in groups. Talk about activities in Exercise missing words from the conversations. Listen
1 that you:
and check your ideas.
t have done recently. 3 don't really like doing
1 A: So '- you go to the theatre a
2 only do occasionally. 4 have never done. '-, then?
B: Yeah, 3- a lot, I guess. MaYbe two or
three times ^- month.
2 C: I didn't know you sailed. How s- do yo,-
4 EH Listen to three conversations. Answer the do that?
questions. D: Not as much as I 6- to, to be honest.
When I was living in Brittany, I 7- all the
1 Which free-time activities from Exercise 1 do they
time, but I B- often get the chance now ry
talk about?
How often do Brenda, Domi and Frank do these
3 E: Do you e-
F: Yeah, quite 1o-
play poker?
, actually.

10 Work in groups. Use the questions from
Exercise I
to ask each other about habits.
Use frequency phrases to give true answers.

',4:f €,:f..oQ:,;Qf1!
rWé iU§ú
á llv rúsé:ai§f ainswer, thé srje§tion Are
y-q ú,q ry, §g-o{..l§e,f hé¡ q¡p q! ¡ the ph ¡q s-o, ln.,m o r e d et a i L
I f I

B: Yeoh, l'm OK. I meon. l'm not o professionol or

anything, but I enjoy it.

11 Choose the correct option.

t 1a No, l'm use/ess. / I'm OK. I can't even boil an egg.
¡ b Yeoh, quite good. I No, not reolly. I do good soups
i and I bake quite a lot as well.
2a l'm OK. / No, not reolly. I used to be OK when I was
at school, but I lost interest.
(T) or V Underline all the frequency phrases in Exercise 6. b No, /'m use/ess. I Yeqh, quite good.l usually hit the
Then work in pairs and answer the questions. ball out of the court or into the net.
1 Which frequency phrase compares now with the past? 3a Yeoh, quite good. I No, not reol/y. Most people
2 Which frequency phrases mean the same thing? seem to trust me.
b fm OK. I No, I'm use/ess. I usually end up telling
3 Do you know any other frequency phrases you could everybody everything!
use to answer the questions in Exercise 6?
4a Yeoh, quite good. I No, I'm use/ess. I mean, I can't
even kick a ball in a straight line.
b l'm OK.I No, not reolly. I didn't enjoy it at school,
E Complete the frequency phrases with these words. but now I play tennis quite a lot.

all every hardly quite Etz

Match the questions (a-d) with the four pairs of
that used whenever would E
answers in Exercise 11.
,f A: Do you go swimming a lot?
a Are you any good at sport?
B: Yeah, nearly day, unless l'm really busy. b Are you any good at cooking?
Do you eat out a lot? c Are you any good at tennis?
D. Not as much as we to. Before we d Are you any good at keeping secrets?
were married, we went out all the time.
3A: So do you read much?
13 Write fourmore,Areyou any good at...? questions.
the time Then work in groups. Askand answer the questions
B: Yeah,
- - at least a book a week.
from Exercise 12 and your own questions.
Do you go to the cinema much?
D. Yeah, a lot. I probably go once every
two weeks.
5A: How often do you play games on the computer? 14 Think of a free-time activity that you do quite
D. Not often, actually. I don't have time.
- a lot. Think about how often you do it, where
6A: So how often do you go to the gym? you do it and if you're any good at it. Then have
D. ever now, to be honest. Today was the conversations with other students in the class.
first time in ages. I used to go more often. Use the guide below to help you.
Do you ever try to read in English?
Yeah, I get the chance. lt's hard to find
time, though. Work's so busy.
oor 'i
8A: Do you ever watch your favourite team play? lAsk B: Did you hove o i,.
:iq s a y Yes. E x p
do you
B: Yeah, but not as much as I _
- four times last season. Iike to. i
:-!" _yS_5. _tf.g Iq1.. - - . _. ._._ j .you
did your free-time
I a i n tha t
I only went
* activity. Say
test. Ask if B does this much I
all the ho¡r,r- often B does this.
:e now. PRONUNCIATION -*'*'Answer.
EEE tisten to the questions in Exercise 8. iAsk
:1 for more details- 4§*

Practise saying the questions as quickly as

you can.
Unit 4 Interests 35
Do you know anyone who is very competitive or a
LISTENING bad loser? Give examples.
1 Look at the photos of different martial arts on Have you ever taken part in a competition? What
these pages and discuss the questions. kind? When? Use some of the phrases below to talk
. What do you know about the martial arts in the about how well you did.
came first / second I 357th I last, etc, I¡
. Why do you think people do martial arts?
lost in the first round / the second round, etc.
. What abilities / qualities do you think you need? (e.9.
strength, good balance, patience, etc.) I got to the quarter final / semi-final / final, etc.
. Do you know anyone who does a martial art? Are I did it in three hours ten minutes / under an hour, etc.
they any good? k
. What sports did you do at school? Did you like them?
Why? / Why not? VOCABULARY Injuries and problems h

2 Á Listen to a conversation between Rika and 5 Complete the sentences with these words. m
her colleague Ian, who is working in Japan for :
pulled injured nfit
I injury u
an international company. Answer the questions. i confidence broke banged stiff
1 What is the surprising information lan finds out?
2 Why is he so surprised? 1 I fell off my bike and my head. Luckily, I

was wearing a helmet. lfi

3 Why is Rika annoyed?
2 Iwas playing football and my leg. lt was i 2
3 Eil Work in pairs. Decide if these sentences plaster for six weeks.
about the conversation are true (T) or false (F). 3 I didn't really warm up before we started playing an0 .¡s
Can you remember what Ian and Rika actually so I a muscle in mY leg.
said? Listen again and check your ideas.
4 I'm so ! I went running with a friend, but I
'l Rika gives someone her autograph. had to stop after ten minutes.
2 Rika won the judo tournament she entered. 5 - a twenty-mile walk yesterday, so my legs are
We did
this morning.
3 You need to be tall to do judo.
4 Rika started doing judo when she was a child.
my back skating. I tried to stand up and
slipped and fell backwards.
5 Her teachers at school persuaded her to start doing ñ
7 - me 6-0, 6-0. I lost a lot of
He beat after
that and it took a while to recover.
6 Rika boasts about how good she is. -
8 I got a really bad knee a few years ago
7 She practises two or three times a week. and it's never really recovered properly.
- 3
8 Rika was once national champion. 6 Work in groups. Rank the problems from
4 Work in groups and discuss the questions. Exercise 5 from 1 (= most serious) to 8 (- least 0
. Do you understand why Rika doesn't talk about her
serious). Explain your decisions.
talent at work? 7 Choose three problems from Exercise 5 that yo s
. Do you know anyone who has an unusual hobby or have experienced. Then work in pairs and tell 6
'hidden'talent? What is it? your partner what happened.
. Do you think learning a martial art is the best way to ü
deal with bullying? Why? lWhy not? What else could
be done? e,

=-esent perfect cont¡nuous and past 10 EE Listen again to the questions from
ora Exercise 9. Notice the contractions and weak
: mple for duration forms of have, has, been, did, you, etc. when
rr ldr'r use both the present perfect continuous and the
rat we speak fast. Practise saying the questions
: -s: simple to talk about the duration (how long something
o talk :-.- of an activity or s¡tuation. as quickly as you can.

: ,ook at these extracts from the conversation. 11 Work in pairs. Have eight conversations
Then work in pairs and answer the questions starting with the comments and questions
¡e1ow. from Exercise 9. Continue each conversation
for as long as you can.
So how long hove you been doing judo, then?
Lr, etc. present perfect continuous) A: /l's the first occident he's ever hod. He's octuolly o
very good driver.
= Ever since I wos o kid.
B'. I'm sure. How long hos he been driving?
IS Reolly? How long were you out of oction? A: About five or six yeors.
= Well, I didn't do onything for o couple of months. B: Right. So how d¡d the occident hoppen?
tpast simple)
A'. This cor didn't stop at the l¡ghts ond croshed into him
ff How long hqve I known you now? Six yeors? B: Oh deor.
present perfect simple)

ily, I

Does Rlka still do judo?

WAS iT ls Rika still out of action?
Does lan still know Rika?
ng anc 12 Work in groups. Find the answers to the
Why don't we say: How long hove I been knowing
questions below for your group. Find out two
you now?
more details, such as how long, when, where, how
,butl What's the difference between for and since? often, why or how.
gs are
'l Who is the fittest person?
2 Who has run the longest distance?
EtrE Respond to these comments by writing a
pandl llow long...2 question using the verb in brackets. 3 Who has given up a hobby or sport?
Then listen and check your answers. 4 Who plays a musical instrument well?
lfter ' 5 Who has got to this level of English the quickest?
lt's the first accident he's ever had. He's actually a
very good driver. (drive) 6 Who has done the last homework the teacher
i can't meet tonight. I have my kickboxing class. (do) gave you?
3 I used to be quite good at basketball before I gave 7 Who has been on the longest journey?
up. (play) 8 Who has experienced the longest wait for a plane
least : or train?
He only started playing again after the injury two
months ago. (be injured) 9 Who has lived in their house for the shortest time?
lt you : need to stop. lthink l've pulled a muscle. (warm up)
I 10 Who has seen the longest film?
tell - li4y parents are having a party for their wedding 1 1 Who had the shortest journey to get here?
anniversary on Saturday. (be married)
- Her Arabic is pretty good already. (learn)
3 At lastl You're here. I was beginning to worry. (wait)
1 Check you understand the adjectives in bold in 6 Work in pairs. Look at the song titles and artists
the sentences below. Think of songs or genres of below Do you know any of them? Do you like
music you could describe using these adjectives' them?
1 lf a song is catchy, you quickly want to sing it and Hey Jude (The Beatles)
can't stop. Stuck Me (The Gimmies)
2 lf music is repetitive, it has the same boom boom Storshrps (Nicki Minaj)
beat all the waY through.
The Four Seosons (Vivaldi)
3 lf a song is heavy, it's very loud and has a strong beat'
Limón Y Sal (Julieta Venegas)
4 lf a song is soft, it's quiet and relaxing to listen to' I Wonno Be Like You (from The Jungle Book)
5 lf we say the music or lyrics (the words to the song)
Toke My Hond (lvan & The Parazol)
are sentimental, they are romantic or sad in a bad
way. My Heart Will Go On (Céline Dion)
6 lf we say a song is very commercial, it is a negative . Gongnom StYle (PsY)
way of saying it is written to sell a lot.
7 Read the article and find out if the readers like
7 lf music or songs are moving, they make you cry' the songs in Exercise 6 or not - and why.
8 lf music is bland, it's boring. /
9 lf music is uplifting, it makes you happy or hopeful'
I Read the article again. Which person people i
the article:
1O lf music is depressing, it makes you sad. 1 likes different kinds of muslc to their father?
2 Work in pairs and compare your ideas. Say 2 finds some songs drive them mad?
whether or not you like the songs / genres you
3 has good memories of time spent abroad?
thought of and exPlain whY.
4 went to a concert by one of their favourite bands?
5 predicts that one band will become famous?
6 mention special ceremonies?
9 Correct the words in italics with words from the
article. Then work in pairs. Discuss if any of
sentences are true for You.
'I There's a song I dance to whenever it puts on in a
2 lf l'm sad, I like to play something sad to some my
Put the conversation into the correct order. The 3 I Iove singing togetherto songs. I like karaoke.
frrst one is done for You. 4 l've seen lots of bands /lvelY.
a Erm, I don't know ... Girls Rock, Soul Train, stuff like 5 I don't like sensiflve songs about love and romance.
that. 6 There's a song which really remembers me of my
b All sorts really, but mainly pop music and R&8. 7 I sometimes moke stupid dances to some songs'
c Oh right. Anyone in Particular? 8 | like to study with music on in the behind.
d Yeah, all the time. 9 Classical music doesn't fee/ anything for me. lt's
e So have you heard anything good recently?
discuss which person in the
1O With your partner,
f What kind of music are You into? articlé you are most / least similar to - and wh
g Do you listen to music much? 1

h Well, I downloaded this great song by K Boy. lt's SPEAKING

11 Choose two playlist titles from below and make
4 EE Listen and check your answers. list of three songs you want to include.
5 Talk to other students and have similar . My current favourites . Music to fall asleeP to
conversations about music, films and books. . That reminds me of ... . Music for a romantic
Try to use some of the expressions in bold from . Party music
Exercise 3.
. Music I can't stand
. I can't get it out of mY

12 Work in groups and compare your lists. Say as

much as you can about the songs you have ch(
Ask extra questions to continue each

The iop of ony oil-time clossic list hos to be Hey Jude by the
Beotles, lt's o song you immediotelv wont fo sing olong to,The
Beotles <rre the reoson why I leornt English, Sluck Me is byThe
Gimmies, o Joponese bond.l've seen them live ond they were
Éi loud ond energefic - rncredible. [Toshi, Jopan]

- , - cs by Nicki Minoj reminds me of 2012, which spent

- - ^g rn Amsterdom.There were loods of oiher forergners
- -g ihere ond we become very close. We oll worked hord,
. . = cortied hord os wef l, Whenever this song come on oi o
- :r club, we oll jumped up ond donced - it didn't motter
-'=d we were.There's o greot video lhot goes with if too,
Thiswos clifficulf to choose. I hote thot Céline Dion song thot
-='mes wotch it online. fCorlna. Germanyl
wos used in the film Titanic - My Heorf Witl Go On. I con't stond
commerciol pop music - it's so sentimentol, However, the worst
is Gangnam Slyle by Psy. lt reminds me of fomily weddings ond
people doing ihe stupid donce.The problem is it's so cotchyl
The other doy I heord it os the ringtone on o mobile phone
ond I couldn't get it out of my heod ofl morning! It wos reolly
onnoying. I Kevi n, Scotl a nd]


My dod's a big )azz fon ond olwoys hos music on in the

bockgrouncl. Personolly, jozz doesn't clo onything for me. I jusi
find it stronge, Howevel he used to ploy one song for me - /
Wanna Be Like You f rom the fif m The Jungle Book. Now we ploy
it to my younger brother ond it olwoys mokes him lough,
Take my Hand is for my sister. We bolh love indie music ond it's
by o relotively new Hungorion bond colled lvon & The porozol
thot we've been lislening to o loi recently.They're going fo be
big, ltVotoilo Hungaryl




..- ü

Read this short article and find the answers to

the questions in Exercise 1.

The idea of creating a list of World Heritage Sites

began in the 1950s when the ancient ruins of Abu
Simbel in Egypt were in danger from a plan to build
a dam and create a huge lake. The lake was going
to flood the Abu Simbel Temple and destroy it.
However, several countries worked together to save
the temples by cutting them up and moving them to
higher ground. The work involved archaeologlsts,
engineers and financial support from a number of
governments internationally. After this' an agreement
was signed by many countries to protect places whic-
are very important culturally or environmentally. Since
a:<;::i the 1970s, almost 1,000 places have been listed.
These include islands, lakes, mountains and rivers,
and everything from cave paintings to roman ruins,
medieval towns to churches and mosques, and even
early industrial buildings. The list is managed by the
United Nations organisat¡on UNESCO.

ffiffi you are going to do a quiz. Work in teams

Watch the video and make notes to answer the
twelve questions you hear.
ffiE Watch the video to find the answers' Wril:
one new piece of information you hear for eaci-
The winner is the team with the most points,
but if it's a draw, the team with the most extra
i. Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss information wins.
the questions.
. 5 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
Do you know where it is?
. Which three places would you most like to visit? W-
. What do you think happened here? Why?
. Are there any you wouldn't want to visit? Why?
. Do you know what World Heritage Sites are and who
maneges the list?
. Do you know any other World Herltage Sites? Wh¡ .
they World Heritage Sites? Have you been to then
. What kinds of places are included on the list?
. What would you recommend as a new World
Heritage Site? WhY?


REVIEW 2 6 Match the verbs (1-B) with the collocates (a-h).

1 go a Roman ruins / a royal palace

2 gofor b sailing / climbing

Complete the text with one word in each space.
3 pour c by fire / in a storm
ln March, I'm 1- to Taghazout in Morocco for a
4 hire d my head / my leg
holiday. l'm really '- surfing, and it's supposed 5 restore e with rain / down
'- be one of the best places for surfing in the 6 match f my mood / the description
world. l've been surfing 4_ about five years
now, but nowhere that has big waves like they do in 7 bang g abike/aboat
Taghazout, so l'm looking forward to testing myself. A 8 be destroyed h ameal /arun
friend of mine is thinking s_ coming with me,
but he still hasn't 6- . We've known each other 7 Decide if these words and phrases are connected
'-we were kids, but he only started surfing to places of interest, weather or sport.
a few months 8-, so he feels he's not quite
ready. l've told him he could go sightseeing instead § blow away injure gallery stiff
as there are lots of interesting places all s_
! lively miserable humid
miser freezing i
the area. lt's warm and sunny 10_ every day at
that time of year, so he could just lie on the beach and
unfit medieval warm up
:g: -i
get a suntan. Complete the sentences. Use the word in
Complete the second sentence so that it has a brackets to form a word that fits in the space.
similar meaning to the first sentence using the 1 lt was absolutely last month so l'm glad it's
word given. Do not change the word given. You cooling down now. (boil)
must use between four and five words, including 2 lt's going to be nice and sunny, so we could go
the word given. , if you like. (fish)
'l Before I started work, I read a lot more. 3 My first when I heard it was to start
I don't read as _ . USED dancing. (react)
2 I go to the gym as much as I can. 4 lt was a bit embarrassing because I'm _ at
I go to the gym CHANCE dancing. (use)
3 ljoined the club ten years ago now. 5 I can't get that song out of my head, it's so
| of the club for ten years now. MEMBER . (catch)
d 4 We might go to -.
see a show while we're there. 6 I don't listen to much pop music. I find it too
I We to see a show while we're there. ARE . (repeat)

5 l've
- never been there, but l've heard it's great. 7 She thought the film was really _ , but I

I haven't been there, but it _ great. BE too

thought it was . (move, sentiment)
6 When - did you start working here? 8 Since I had my l've lost quite a lot of
How here now? WORKING . (injure, confident)
hich J Choose the correct option. Complete the text with one word in each space.
nqe 1 A: Have you ever been to Europe? The first letters are given.
B: - I spent / hqve spenf some time in Spain a
Yeah, I went to lstanbul on holiday last year. We were a bit
few years ago. stupid, because we didn't check the weather
2A: What's the forecast for tomorrow?
1fo- before we went - we just assumed it was
B: They said il's going to roin I roining most of the going to be 2bo- hot. When we arrived though,
day. it was quite 3gr- and cloudy and at night it
turned out to be quite ach_. We ended up
3A: Do you hove / Are you hoving any plans for the going to a street market to buy some extra clothes! The
weekend? city itself was fantastic. We stayed in the old
B: Yeah. l/lle're go¡ng to / We willvisit some friends 5di- where you have the Topkapi 6Pa-
who live in Milan. where the Sultan lived and we went to see and pray in
4A: Do you go I Are you going to the cinema much? the famous Blue 7Mo_ . We also went up the
i/rite B: Hardly never leyer. I usually just watch them on Galata BTo- which had fantastic views over
my compÜter. the city. And also to Taksim Square, where there is a
5A: I ployed / wos ploying basketball a lot but I gave
monument that eco- the foundation of the
up after I injured my knee. Turkish Republic. There was also great 1oni_
,ra in and around Taksim. We stayed out till five in the
B: How long hove you ployed? I did you ploy for?
morning one night. And I loved that mixture of old and
6A: Do you ever eot out? I Hove you ever ectten out? new. We went to a quite trendy restaurant which had a
B: Quite often - maybe once o I every couple of glass floor over some ruins from the fifth
why? months.
"ce- . l'll definitely go there again. Even the
weather 12d- u- by the end of our
I EEE Listen and write the six sentences you hear. week and it was lovely and sunny.
]y are
5 Write a sentence before and after the sentences
from Exercise 4 to create short dialogues.

Review 2 41





' .'r-l I


.ffi ':l
. talk about jobs and what they involve
. comment.on people's experiences

. talk about getting used to changes

. say longer chunks better

1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss
the questions.
. What do you think the people are doing?
. Where do you think it is? Why?
. What might be good or bad about this job?

2 Work in groups. Which of these jobs are

needed to get the tea leaves in the photo to
a person drinking the same tea in another
country? Explain why each job is needed.
labourer graphic designer trader
engineer programmer surgeon
truck driver electrician sales rep
civil servant lawyer security guard
plumber accou nta nt


VOCABULARY Describin g jobs 3 Work in groups. Look at the jobs on page 43 anc
discuss these questions.
t Work in pairs. Check you understand the words . Are the jobs good or bad jobs to have ln your
and phrases in bold in the sentences below. country at the moment? Why?
Then think of one job that each sentence could
. Do any of your friends or family do any of these jobs-

1 lt's very competitive. Lots of people want to get into

. Who do they work for? Do they enjoy it?
that field and hundreds of people apply for each job.
2 lt's very well-paid. He gets t60,000 a year as well as LISTENING
a bonus at the end ofthe year.
4 ffiEE Listen to two people - Amanda and Ivan -
3 lt's quite rewarding. You really help people and that who have recently met. Answer the questions. :')
makes you feel good.
1 What do they do now?
4 lt's quite insecure. You're either self-employed or
2 What jobs have they done in the past?
have a temporary contract and lt's quite badly paid.
5 lt's easy. You don't have any real responsibility like 3 What are lvan's plans for the future? Why?
managing anyone. You do thejob, go home and 4 How old are they both now?
forget about it.
You need to be quite creative. You have to think of a
5 ffiEE Choose the correct option. Then listen
again and check your answers.
lot of new ideas and new ways of doing things.
It's very stressful. You're under a lot of time
1 l'm involved in I on designing what you see on the
8 Physically, it's very demanding. You have to be
2 How did you gett¡ng / gef into that?
strong and fit. 3 Vodafone were recruiting people so I opplied I
replied and I got a job.
9 lt's very varied. You get to do lots of different things.
10 lt's a bit dull. lt mainly involves admin and
4 lt's like any job. lt has its boring moments I minutes.
paperwork. I basically sit at a desk all day. 5 lt depends if we have a deadline to complete I mee:

3 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 6 That con't I con be easy.

1 What's involved in applying for a job? 7 I sometimes work better underl in pressure.

2 What's the opposite of well-paid? 6 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

3 Why might someone get a bonus? . What do you think of Amanda's job? Would you be
job any good at it? Why? / Why not?
4 What other important responsibilities might a
have? . Would you ever work for little or no money like lvan?
5 What's the opposite of a temporary contract? . Are there any jobs for life in your country? Do you
think having a job for life is good?
6 What kinds of things might admin involve?

){e,¡1.,p§eiir.ú5er¿irr/i!:€¡q€ on'r + i nf i n itive (with out {A) to -
.r,com ¡.nq¡1. qn,pther§§:§. dxpBliétices and féeling§:,, r :
Mus¿ and con'f show that we think our comments are
ldefinitetytrue / probobtytrue, butwe're not lOO7o sure.
ln sentences with a positive meaning, we use 2must I con't.
ln sentences with a negative meaning, we use 3 must I con't.
t, Wh"én,wa l é§pé.tdtto:§omnrenti'u§íñá:o?,ü§¡ró.i cgn,lt,,.¡4q.'".'
r1óñen,use:.lrdoplf, rofrerr.rlséulhé,preseRls!mpJ,q..,This:ishows
we 5know I believe but oren't sure these things are true.
..Wlré¡,iéSeo:ndi ,We.i*suáry i,'gg.¡:t¡ p¡a;n.,répóat e

r,, Ver:bs' a ¡d,ádje¿tlve§,ú§ed iñ,thér sbmm§ñts.',¡': : r' !h

10 Write comments on these sentences usingmust

Match the jobs (1-5) with the specific job and cqn't.
descriptions (a-e). 1 l'm the sales manager for Europe. l'm in charge of
'n I work in the warehouse. thirty reps.
2 l'm in the accounts department. 2 I travel a lot round Europe and the Middle East.
3 I work in human resources.
3 I care for people who are dying.
4 l'm in sales.
4 His wife's a tax lawyer for a top accountancy
5 I work in the marketing department. company.

e I mainly do admin, but sometimes I'm involved in 5 I really see my students develop and improve.
planning the campaigns. 6 Basically, ljustsit in frontof a screen all day.
¡ I'm the rep for the whole of the south of ltaly. 7 I don't have any work after this contract comes to an
: I do all the orders and get them ready for the end next month.
8 They said they're going to give us all a bonus.
5 l'm responsible for recruitment contracts and

working conditions.
I deal with all the pay and finances.
i riiiil*tr{Íiffiffiffi
Use the language from the box above and 11 EE Listen to some possible comments on
Exercise 7 to have five conversations starting the sentences in Exercise 10. Notice how we
vtith What do you do? often don't pronounce the 't' in must or cdn't.

MMAR 12 EE Listen to the comments again and

and con'f for commenting
look at these extracts from the conversation. 13 Work in pairs. Practice having three-part
Then choose the correct option to complete the conversations starting with the sentences from
nules in the Grammar box. Exercise 10.
A: / r¡¿os 25 when I joined, so eight yeors. Time goes so A: I'm the soles monoger for Europe. l'm in chorge of
Ien fqst! thirty reps.
l: You must enjoy it. B'. Thot must be interesting.
rn the
N Yeoh, I do generolly. lt's quite voried. A: /f rs. I reolly love it.

A Someflmes I do something like fifty or sixty hours o

ft week.
t: Reolly? That con't be eosy.
inufes. &. lt's octuolly fine. I meon, it is o bit stressíui
'/ meet- sometimes, but you get used to ¡t. 14 Choose one of these tasks.
a Work in pairs. Think of two jobs each. Take turns to
1: lt's olmost o job for life. use Ianguage from this lesson to describe the job
A: Reolly? Thot must be very compet¡t¡ve. without saying what it is. Your partner should guess
the job.
i: Yeqh, it is.
ru be
b Have conversations with other students and find
out about their jobs. Use language from this lesson.
Comment on what others say using must or con't al
re lvan? Ieast once.
r yOU

Unit 5 Working life 45

I Look at the sentences below about rules at
work. Then work in groups and discuss these
questions. Talkingi,abÓut"rulésr' , ,', ,

. Why do you think companies have these rules? When,we,talk arbout rú we generally use.'hoye to, csn /
c a n't,' b e {n ot) g I ow e d, to, b e'(no t) s u o posed, fo. Wé, préfer
. Do you think they are sensible and fair? to usé these forms instead of musl/ mustil because
must I mustr¡.'f cah §ound.too direat áidirude: ,

1 Women have to wear skirts or dresses at work.

2 We have to agree holidays with our boss. We can't Look at these sentences from the conversa
just take time off when we want.
Complete the statements below with the
3 We have to ask the admin assistant to make structures in bold.
photocopies for us. We can't just do them ourselves.
a We're certoinly qllowed to do it in our breqks.
4 We have to take our breaks at set times.
b Apporently, you're not ollowed to use fhe
5 We have to wear a hard hat at all times. computers like thot.
6 We can't surf the web on company computers. c You con't even weor smart frousers.
7 We can't install any software on the company's d You hqve to weqr skirts!
e You're supposed to orronge time off with me q
8 We can't talk to each other while we're working. month in odvqnce.
9 We can't wear watches in the warehouse.
'l O We can work from home one day
We often use or _ instead of
a week. must.
2 fA Listen to three conversations about rules at We often use or _ instead of
work. Match each conversation (A-C) to one of mustn't.
the rules in Exercise 1.
We often use instead of con.
3 f}E Choose the correct option. Then listen We often use - when the rule has just
again and check your answers. broken or is often not followed.
1 Apparently, he's been given a writing lwritten -
warning. -
2 He was always sending person I personolemails. 6 Replace the words in italics with the correct
form of be allowed to, be supposed to or have to.
3 He somehow got a computer virus and then it
infected the whole / o// system. 1 One other rule we have is that you mustn't smoke
any part of the company property - inside or o
4 l've got this new job working in a lew I lowyer firm.
5 What if you can't wear something for religion I
2 ls there a dress code? Con lweor make-up or
religious or health reasons?
6 I don't know. lguess they mqke I give an exception. 3 I mustn't help's against the rules, but for you,
I'll make an exception.
7 Can I have a quick /fastword? 4 Our contract says we must be in the office a
8 Listen, l'd like to take the day out I off on Friday. minimum of 35 hours a week. They're very strict
9 l've asked you at short I recent notice before and it about it.
hasn't been a problem. 5 Must you work al weekends, if the company asks
you to?
4 Work in pairs. Who do you have more sympathy
with in each conversation - the company or the 6 Other people con't work from home, but they made
an exception in my case because of my heart
workers? Why? problem.
We sometimes musÍ work lale or at the weekend,
we con foke time off the following week if we do.
l'm sorry, but only senior staff con use these toilets.
You must go to the ones downstairs.

if you are going to talk
'[trork in pairs. Decide
about rules where you work, where you study or
ar home. First, work on your own and think of
úe following: ñof JUMP otjf
oF t^/lÑDOw
. nvo rules you like / don't like - and why
" "wo rules which are often broken
. :wo questions for your partner about rules where
.hey work / study

:an / l$ow work with your partner, compare your

refer ideas and ask each other questions.

ULARY Work rules and laws

Complete the sentences below with these pairs
rf words. Underline the other words that go with
lgainst + d¡scrimination fined + ignored
:anned + unpopular changed + fire
:i'eaking + fine feSüi# :
:ourt + won introduced + reduce :

' i't is actually a leqal requirementlo pay the minimum

,.vaqe, but the qovernment doesn lllQ e¡puqh [q
dof enforce the law.
l. The company was found guilty of
rd of environmental laws so they had to pay a huge

3 The company the use of social media

during work hours, which was quite an
I The government has employment laws,
- companies to hire
so it is easier for and
people. -
rect D¡uuGgpe¡de-.
3 The company was because it had
health and-safety rules and had put its
ave to.
'No, I did not have a good day at the office,
smoke workers at risk. know that's aga¡nst the rules.'
i The workers took the company to
- exposed to dangerous
or because they had been
chemicals and they their case.
I for - They recently new rules about accepting
gifts because they're trying to - corruption.
a 3 lt's the law to discriminate against women,
str¡ct but it doesn't mean that doesn't still
happen at work.
ry asks
$lork-in pairs. Discuss the questions.
. Have you heard of any companies being taken to
court? Who by? Why? Who won the case?
. What employment laws do you know? Do you think
they are good? Why? / Why not?
we do. . How strict are health and safety rules in your .€2J.,
country? ls that good or bad? Why?
Would you like to see any rules / laws introduced or
relaxed? Which ones? Why?
ei=» §XrÉPl/¿'tr-5

. ls there much discrimination in your country? Against


Unit Working life

Read the rest of the article about four terrible
READ¡NG modern jobs. Match the sentences below to the
I Work in groups. Read the introduction of the jobs. Sometimes there is more than one possible
magazine article below and discuss the questions. answer. Underline the parts of the article
. How much free time do you have? ls it more or less that help you decide. Then work in pairs and
than in the past? Why? compare your ideas.
Give an example of one terrible job from the a The hours are very long.
past that has disappeared. Why do you think it b Someone had a good relationship with thelr
disappeared? co-workers.
Think of one job where you: c People shout at and insult the workers.
- risk injury.
- are exposed to chemicals or dirt. d The workers risk catching a disease.
- might die of boredom. e Someone has an injury as the result of work.
f Someone feels stuck in their job.
g Someone finds the work rewarding.
h People are paid quite well for the hours they do.
Yffiffiffi§ffitffi Jffiffiffi Rank the jobs in the article from 1 (= best) to 4
(= worst). Then work in groups. Compare your
lists and explain your decisions.
For over a centur)/. people have been predicting that
technology lvould gtve us more free lime: r'r,'e could eat
pills instead ol cooking, robots rvould clean out houses,
the Internet w.ould mean none of urs r'vou1d have to
\'\¡asle time tlavelling to work. Technology r,vould also
so1r,e other nast,v problems, so no-one n'oulc1 have lc¡ do i$B &
dangerous, dirty or dull u,ork to earn money That w'as ffi,#
tl-re prediction! Sad11: it's not quite w-orked out lhat \\'a\:
In n.rany countries, people are r,vorking more hours than
fifty y,s¿.. ago. Some terril¡le jobs may have clisappeared:
lor example , rve don't make rhe coiour purple r'r'rth rotting
seafood anl.more! Hotvet,er, there are sti11 plenty ol bad
jobs lelt - lobs in r,vhich i,ou ma1. risk injurli be exposed
to chemicals and dir¡ or maybe jr-rst die ol boredoml

Hundrecls ol people take part in drug lrials er''ery year.
For betrveen €45 and €'+,500, thev take a new clrug Lo test
for an,v side ellects, such as vomrting or headaches. Sorle
students join these drug tnais as a relativel,v quick and
easy \\¡ay ol earning mone)i John Spiral, a history sluclenl
from Dublin, regularly does them. 'You might go to the
hospital three or lour Limes, ma1üe eight hours 'work'. 1
had a reall1'upset slomach once, and anolher time I got
strange red marks on m1'sk1n, but Lhat's all. Usuall;'it's
flne. and 1'orr're helping science. u,hich benelils ever,vone!'

En-rbaimers preserve dead bodies in preparation lor
funerals. The1,r'r,ork anything up to 50 hours a rveek
for a salary ol around 115,000 a )'ear' far less than t1-re
national average . Thel'spend n-rost of the day on their leet
and generall,v rvotk bent over a table. They also heYe to
l rvork r'r.ith \¡ery strong-smelling chemicals. 'I suller from
backache, but the iob's not as bad as 1'ou might think,'
says Frank McCrearyr '1'm even used to the smell nor'v -
I clon't er.en nolice il. And of cor-lrse the families ol the
dead are usua11¡'r.ery grateful lor the job 1'r.e done, lr'hich
rs obr.iously a big motir,ation for me.'

l:ie chunks in bold below are all used in the
.:ticle. Find the missing words to complete them. UN DERSTAN D¡ N G VOCABU LARY
The company has developed a relatively
and - -- way of treating the disease
Be used fo and get used to
'rible - m taking a course preparation
to the Be used to shows a habit or situation is normal for us
:¡e civil service exams.
because of our experience, but others might think of it as
- ,,Vorking in the warehouse is not as bad as you difficult. Be used ¿o can be followed by a noun or an _inEr
. We have some fun. form.
- Apparently, even low _ stress l'm even used fo the smell now- I don,t even not¡ce ¡t.
¡an increase the risk of heart attacks. Gef used ¿o shows a change from being clifficult to
: ve been rushing around so much, l,ve had becoming normal or easy.
to think about th¡s meeting. I got used to it ctfter a while, but my wife never did!
- m working in a factory for minimum
-- rent a flat on my own.
, so I can't afford to , Complete the exchanges by putting the words in
- l'm surprised she's decided to accept a job there. brackets into the correct order.
She could better _ herselfl 1 A: lt must be difflcult getting up so early.
in pairs. Discuss the questions. B: Oh, (to / l'm / it / used). I hacj to get up
at five in my last job.
What quick ancl easy ways of making money do you
rhink there are? 2A How are you finding the new job?
B:It is difficult, but _-- (gettirrg / slowly / to /
What are the three most ¡mportant things you should it I l'm I used). The people I work with are being
)to4 learn in preparation for adult life?
very supportive.
your , ? A. How are you
Do you know what the minimum wage is in your finding your new job?
country? What do you think of it? B: Not that good, to be honest. I hate sitting at a

Do you know anyone who coulC do better for desk all day, but I need the money, so I guess
themselves? ln what way? (to / l'lt / get / used / to /just / have / it).
4A. How do you find working shifts?
B: OK, although ¡t (get / to I me I a / while /
used / took / to) -- working nights. I coulcln,t sleep
during the day to begin with, but it,s fine now.
5 A: How do you find working nights? It must be qu¡te
¡anks ancl other cornpanies har-e call centres abroad B: lt was to begin with, yeah, but (it /
Juslomers can ring lor inlbrmalion or Lo crln.rplain. totally / now / l'm / to / used). -_-
. ..f stress among *.orkers ¿1re \¡crv high T}rev olte n 6 A: How are you finding your new job?
:r crar-npecl conclrtions. her c to st.rrc ,1t .r toinputer B: The job's OK, but I hate the journey to rvork.
;rnd hai,e liltle opportr,rnity ro laugh or joke ir.ith (l'lt /think/ don,t I ever I I / used /to /
\\ r\tkL'I>. get) the crowded trainsl
..rker, from an h-rdr:rn call centrc, saicl, ,\\t gct
., loL ol abuse . I can't repciti r,vl-Lat some p.opl.
:r i1t us. Ofter-r there is noLhing you c¿rn clo ¿üc¡ut PRONUNClATION
---.mplaint, so they.slam dorvn tire phorre , but rhen
,i\ e no timo to Lhink before another person calls yor_r r,:EE§ When learning to say longer chunks,
.:-.ta$,a). I don't think I'11 ever g.L ,reá to it. I.c1 like it helps to say them a bit at a time, starting
¿. but the mone1,'s cluiLe good ancl there,-s a lL¡t ol from the end. Listen to and then repeat I guess
'.:ition lor jobs l-rere in Nlurnbar.' I'll have ta get used fo if divided intobits.
t: Practise saying the other be used to and, get
used to phrases in Exercise 6. Then work in
pairs and practise reading out the exchanges.
. sltpposed to sort Vollr olr-n rubbish and put glass in
-rg, paper in anotl-rer, but unfor.turiatch mrnl-
- --.nt clo this. So u,orkers in a recr.cling planL har.e to
.'re rec¡,c1able iLems from a big prie otlu¡t¡is¡, ancl ali SPEAKING
.- minimum r,r,age . 'You're lLlst dirt\,
¿rl1 Lhe trnle and , Think about the biggest change you have had in
_.., home sn-rel1ing,' sa1,s S6l¡¡1u¡ ft,r.enolu, :rn ex-plalt your life. Make notes about the following. Then
. :r-. '1 got used io it after ¿r r,r,hile , but my rvif'e ncr-e r
work in groups and tell your stories.
lparr lrom the smell, rhL.rr rrc .hr,gcri in hrnclling
-hing lron.r dirtv nappies to rofting meat ancl usecl
. when and why it happened
ir's. 'l got on reallv u.ell i.r,itl-r mv co-u,orkers ancl lve . how you felt about the change
loked abor-rr thrngs u,e found, úrr ,r-. also knen. yor_r . what was good about the change
.rL hepatrtis or other serioLrs illncsses if vou,re not
rl.' Luckr11. lor Solomon, r[ \\-JS L)nh.a Lc,lp..r:rr¡, . what was difficult and how you got used to it
- ped n-re i.vhen I first came to Americ¿r. ltut I ahi,ays . how you feel about that change now
, I cor-rld clo better {or r.nvsell anci mr. lantrly,

Unit 5 Working life 49


?§ §tr?§
. talk about phones and phone companies
) . compare products
. describe what people are wear¡ng
-\': ¡ii
. discuss shopping habits
. describe souvenirs and presents
i,&t\ . negotiate a good price
t\ 1.

-t *§

1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss
the questions.
. Where do you think this photo was taken?
. Do you have any places like this where you live?
Do you ever go there?
. What do you think is good / bad about shopping in
a place like this?
. What kinds of things do you most / least like
shopping for?
. What was the last thing you bought?

ri.: l

...." .8!




Work with a new partner. Discuss the questi 4i

VOCABULARY Sm a rtp ho nes
. How often do you upgrade?
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
. How long does your battery usually last?
these verbs. I

. Do you use the camera on your phone much? Wha:

! charge navigate sign swiPe tap i
do you take photos of most?
last offer
it..:=.**:-:====*"="==: store take uPgrade : . Who are you with? Why did you choose that
1 My phone's out of date. I really want to to
the latest version. lts operating system is better. . What kind of deal do you have? I
2 lt's not a bad phone, but the battery only fr
a few hours.
3 The camera on it is amazing. lt _- great high
4 f@Listen to a conversation in a mobile
quality pictures. ¿
- shop. Complete the table about the two
4 lt uses a touch lD system, so you don't need a phones discussed. Then work in pairs and ;,
password. Youjust your finger across the compare your answers.
screen to unlock it.
They persuaded me to a two-Year
-- to get out of it now.
contract, but I really want
Can I plug my phone in here? I need to ¡t.
The battery's almost dead. airly small i
lf you want to turn the voice recognition on, you d
just this icon here.
- ;
The screen is beautifully designed. lt's really easy to t
vour wav round. í
9 lt can
- up to 50 voicemails at a t¡me.
l¡ 1O I'm with Vodafone at the moment, but if another a
company could a better deal, l'd switch.
--- t
Look at the chunks in bold in Exercise 1. Work in
pairs and think of three ways each chunk could
be changed.
What was the final deal the customer was
il 1 I really want to upgrade to the latest version.
offered? Would you accept this offer? Why? /
I should upgrode to the lotest version. Why not?
I reolly wont to upgrode to the ePhone5.
I'd like to upgrode fo business c/oss.
MAR Ifeel fer sofe r I o tiny bit sofer / /ess sofe when I

have my mobile phone with me.

For me, when it comes to choosing a phone, battery
==:SffiW life is o lot more ¡mportqnt thon I a tiny bit more
¡mportont thon I not os ¡mportont os the brand.
we w6nt:tQlco.mpareitwo things; we usg.a numbér
Now so many people have smartphones, the quality
Báüerns \ lith qdjectivésr qr nóún§. We rc¿inr álso
com p6 ratives'wi1h words like for a, d s¡ ¡ g h t ly,la
of life is woy better I quite o lot better I slightly better I
how,biE the differenee is. q bit worse than it was in the past.

Look at these sentences from the conversation.

Anst+rer the questions below.
a lhe comerq is much more powerful.
h Jrbo bit eosier to novigote.
c Iñe other phone uses o polymer bottery, which isn't
os grood
c Iñe screen folds out, so it's obout twice the size of
your current phone's.
* tt's obout twice qs big as the speoker you currently

I Why does the comparative adjective in a) use more,

but the comparative in b) doesn't?
Match the two parts of the sentences.
2 Which word used before the adjective shows a big 'l This phone comes with a nice protective cover,
3 Which phrase used before the adjective shows a
2 This one only has 'l 0O megabytes of memory,
small difference? 3 This one is only t43.99,

4 Do you know any other words that show how big /

4 These phones are on special offer,
small a difference is? 5 These ones all use a touch lD system,
5 Which sentence is a negative comparison? Which 6 You can store up to 5O0 messages on this one,
structure is used?
a whereas this one is t85.
ñ llow are the structures in bold in d) and e) different b whereas this one has 250.
from each other? Why?
c whereas this one doesn't.
d while that one only has room for 250.
e while those just use a password, which isn't as
ltrE ttre words in italics in these sentences about secure.
úe two phones are factually incorrect. Correct f while those ones aren't.
üem, then listen again and check your answers.
' The N570 offers a slightly better user experience. 10 Work in groups. Compare the features of any
phones you have. Find at least three ways in
¿ The N570 isn'f os eosy to navigate os the 5620.
which each one is different from the others. Use
The lithium-ion battery lasts o tiny bit longer than the one / ones and whereas / while.
other one.
The camera on the N570 is o/mosf twice as powerful.
f The 5620 can store far more photos than the N570.
The speaker on the N57O is o bit smqller.
11 Work in pairs. You are going to roleplay a
conversation in a mobile phone shop.
take the sentences below true for you by Student A: you are a customer. Read File 4 on
choosing the best words in italics. Then work in
page 188.
pairs and share your ideas. Explain as much as
you can about each one. Student B: you are a salesperson. Read File B on
1 l'm /ess I slightly more / much more interested in page 189.
technology than I was five years ago.
t2 Now roleplay the conversation. Use as much
2 Sending texts is not as easy os I for eosier thqn I q language from this lesson as you can.
bit eosier fhon calling someone.
3 Using mobiles while driving is o /ot more dongerous
thqn I q bit more dongerous thon / os dongerous os I
not os dongerous os drink driving.

Unit 6 Buying and selling 53

6 With your partner, look at File-9-on page
VOCABULARY Clothes and accessories Calcuiate your scores and read the descr
I Work in pairs. Tell each other as much as you Is the desóription of you accurate? W}:ry? /
can about the clothes and accessories you are Why not?
wearing at the moment. Think about: 7 Match the definitions below to the words in
. why You chose them' italics in the questionnaire.
. where You got them. 1 something that doesn't follow - or that breaks -
. how long You've had them. a rule

partner, decide which is the odd one

2 a set of clothes that you wear together - qGq
2 With your feel happy ¡ ¡nE
out in each group. Explain your decisions' 3 buying things in order to make yourself
4 something far more expensive than it should be
1 necklace / bracelet / chain / belt / ring
2 top lshirt i jacket / skirt / jumper 5 w¡thout getting what You wanted ru5i
3 jeans / trousers / earrings / tracksuit bottoms / leggings 6 old but valuable because it's in great condition and
it's rare or unusual
4 slippers / trainers i sandals / boots / high heels ;G
7 in a situation where You owe money ¡ilq
5 scarf / gloves / T-shirt / wool hat / thick socks 8 unattractive and bad qualitY r -!tl
6 scruffy / irendy / smart / cool / nice ü -6lt
7 colourful / stripy / tight / bright / plain / checked I Work in pairs. Invent a very short story using
six of thá words in Exercise 7' Then tell it to
- How many of the things in Exercise 2 can you - another Pair. lfr
iu" in your classroomlWhich do you like best? ilI
whv? ti
4- Work in pairs. Say what you think of the waythe 9 Work in groups. Discuss the questions'
people in tfre pholos are dressed' Use some of the young
How much pressure do you think there is on

iágrug" froá Exercise 2 and the phrases below' people to have expensive products and designer
trands? Where does the pressure come from?

. That top / shirt doesn't fit him / her properly'

you worry about it at all? Why? / Why not?
. Those tra¡ners / socks (don't) really suit him i her' +f
go ls debt an issue in Your countrY? WhY? d
. Those trainers (don't) really match / (don't) really you buy
with that / those ..' Do you ever check where / how the things a1
were produced? i................

Do you buy much online? ls online shopping having
READING an áffect on shops in your country? How?
Can you think of any shops that have had bad
5 Read the questionnaire opposite about attitudes to punticlty because of the way they make / get their
shopping,iashion and money' Circle the answers - or the way they run their business? Wha:
tha[ áre most true for you' Then work in pairs' happened?
Compare your answerl and explain your choices'

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