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A student is exercising his limbs by abductions

and adductions of his shoulder
joints and flexing and extending his hip joints


1. What is the plane of movements of abduction/adduction at the shoulder

2. What is the axis of movements of flexion/extension at the hip joints?

3. What is the types of joints at the shoulder and hip?

4. What is the location of the muscles that produce abduction/adduction to

the shoulder joint?
1- At the neuromuscular junction, the influx of
sodium ions that partially determines the
endplate potential is due to:
A. Hyperpolarization of the postsysnaptic membrane.

B. A net outward driving force for sodium.

C. Potassium efflux.

D. High intracellular Na concentrations in the endplate region.

E. A ligand-activated process.
2-For a muscle is to produce flexion at the hip
joint, it must cross the hip joint

A. anteriorly

B. posteriorly

C. medially

D. laterally

E. inferiorly
3- In relation to skeletal muscle, a motor unit is
defined as:

A. that part of the muscle supplied by a motor nerve

B. a group of muscle fibers supplied by one motor neuron

C. a single muscle fiber within the muscle

D. myofibrils within a single muscle fiber

E. a single myofibril within a muscle fiber

4-Which one of the following statements is true
regarding an action potential in a neuron?
A. Action potentials are generated after graded potential has been inhabited at
nerve muscular junction.

B. It requires the opening of voltage-gated channels: first to potassium, then to


C. The peak amplitude of the action potential decreases as the distance from
the stimulus increases.

D. Action potential propagation is typically bidirectional in nerves.

E. Action potentials can summate spatially.

5-Which one of the following statements regarding
biochemical mechanisms and structural characteristics of
skeletal muscle for provision of energy for contraction is

A. Degradation of muscle glycogen leads to formation of glucose

B. Skeletal muscle uses only fatty acids as a source of ATP for muscle
contraction at rest.
C. Creatine phosphate provides ATP from AMP, both in skeletal and cardiac
D. Anaerobic glycolysis is the main biochemical pathway which produces ATP
when tissue oxygenation is diminished
E. Type II (Fast twitch) muscle fibres contain more mitochondria than type I
(Slow twitch) fiber

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