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Oral Presentation: Student's Performance Assessment

Name: ______________________________________ Course & Year: ____________

Subject: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________

Activity: Student's Performance Assessment in Delivering an Oratorical Piece

Lesson Objective: To be able to determine a student’s ability in Public Speaking and/or

Oral Presentation

Lesson Procedure: Before the oration, ask your students about the main goal of their
presentations. As they start presenting, carefully observe their presentational skills and
how they present. Are they nervous? Do they speak fast? You might help them calm

Lesson Assessment Method: The following checklist (rubric) is used to evaluate

students’ public speaking skills and on-stage presentational performance. Students will
receive an assessment report that highlights weaknesses, strengths, and suggestions to

Lesson Reflection: As the evaluator of public speaking skills, you have to make sure
that your comments don’t affect your students’ self-esteem and their perceptions of their
abilities. Reward their strengths and give them feedback to transform weaknesses into
positive qualities. The most difficult part of the evaluation process is to attend to all the
speaking aspects that need to be judged.

1. Outstanding 3. Satisfactory
2. Very Satisfactory 4. Needs Improvements

1 2 3 4
Student's Performance Evaluation Criteria
1. The topic is well researched and comprehensively talked ✔
2. Is there a poise at the beginning? – The speaker Appears ✔
comfortable with the audience.
3. The topic is introduced clearly. ✔
4. The speaker is able to capture the audience’s attention. ✔
5. The purpose is clear and captures the listener’s attention. ✔
6. The audience is engaged and interested during the ✔
7. There is some flexibility during the speech. ✔
8. The speaker varies the voice pitch and pace during the ✔
9. The speaker demonstrates the complexity of thought & the ✔
use of academic phrases and expressions.
10. Stories and examples throughout the speech. ✔
11. The content is organized logically with fluid transitions to ✔
capture and hold the listener’s attention.
12. The speaker shows enthusiasm and interest in the topic ✔

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throughout the speech.
13. The speaker uses body language appropriately. ✔
14. The synthesis shared with classmates is comprehensive, ✔
precise, and well-written.
15. The speaker is able to pause effectively during the speech. ✔
16. The speaker has the topic credibility (references and ✔
sources of information).
17. The speech is completed within the time frame. ✔
Sub-Total 7 8 15 4
Grand Total 34.00

Evaluation Formula:
 (Add rows 1 to 17 x 1) = Colum 2 Sub-Total
Ex: 7 x 1 = 7
 (Add rows 1 to 17 x 2) = Colum 3 Sub-Total
Ex: 4 x 2 = 8
 (Add rows 1 to 17 x 3) = Colum 4 Sub-Total
Ex: 5 x 3 = 15
 (Add rows 1 to 17 x 4) = Colum 5 Sub-Total
Ex: 1 x 4 = 4
Grand Total
 (Colum 2 + Colum 3 + Colum 4 + Colum 5 / 4) = FR
7 + 8 + 15 + 4 = 34

Final Rating: 34.00 (Very Satisfactory)

Rating Scale:
Outstanding = 17 to 33 Satisfactory = 51 to 67
Very Satisfactory = 34 to 50 Needs Improvements = 68 above

Performance Remarks:


Evaluator’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Date of Evaluation: ________________________ School Year: ___________________
School Name: __________________________________________________________
School Address: ________________________________________________________

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