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Chemical Substances which are added to food materials to prevent

their spoilage are known as chemical preservatives. In India, two
chemical preservatives are permitted for use
1) Sodium Benzoate ( Also known as Benzoic acid)
2) Potassium Bisulphite (Also known as Sulphur dioxide)
Potassium bisulphite is used specifically for the preservation of
colourless food materials (Fruit juices, Squashes, Apples and Raw
Mango Chutney) as on reaction with acid of the juice liberates
sulphur dioxide which is very effective in killing microbes which
cause spoilage

HSO3 – (aq) + H+ ( aq) H2O (l) + SO2 (g)

*As the sulphur dioxide leaves as gas, no harmful chemical is left in
the food
To study the effect of potassium bisulphite as food preservative
under various conditions
1) At different temperatures - I
2) At different concentartions of preservative – II

Conical flasks (100ml) , a mixer , glass rod , knife apples , sugar and
potassium bisulphite

1) Take 500g fresh apples. Wash them and peel of the outer
layer, remove the seeds
2) Crush the apples in a mixer. Add about 100g of sugar and
heat the contents slowly while stirring for about 10 minutes
to prepare jam.
Study of effect of temperature
1) Take three conical flasks and label them as A, B and C.
Add 50g of jam in each of the three flasks.
2) Add 0.5g of Potassium bisulphite to each of the three
conical flasks. Stir the contents with the help of glass
rod to affect through mixing.
3) Keep flask A in a refrigerator, flash B at room
temperature and flask C in an oven maintained at
60.C, leave them undisturbed for few days
4) Check for any growth of microbes after each day and
record the observations.

Study of effect of concentration of Potassium bisulphite v/s
1) Take four conical flasks and label them A, B, C and D.
Add 50g of jam in each of the four conical flasks.
2) To flask A add 0.1g, flask B 0.2g ,flask C 0.5g and flask
D 1.0g of potassium bisulphite. Mix the contents in
each flask and leave them undisturbed at room
3) For some days check for any growth of microbes after
each day and record in the observation table.

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