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Drying Technology: An International Journal

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Optimization of the Spray Drying Operating

Parameters—A Quick Trial-and-Error Method
a a a a
Meng Wai Woo , Wan Ramli Wan Daud , Siti Masrinda Tasirin & Meor Zainal Meor Talib
Department of Chemical and Process Engineeering , University Kebangsaan Malaysia ,
Selangor D.E., Malaysia
Published online: 10 Dec 2007.

To cite this article: Meng Wai Woo , Wan Ramli Wan Daud , Siti Masrinda Tasirin & Meor Zainal Meor Talib (2007) Optimization
of the Spray Drying Operating Parameters—A Quick Trial-and-Error Method, Drying Technology: An International Journal,
25:10, 1741-1747, DOI: 10.1080/07373930701591093

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Drying Technology, 25: 1741–1747, 2007
Copyright # 2007 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373930701591093

Optimization of the Spray Drying Operating

Parameters—A Quick Trial-and-Error Method
Meng Wai Woo, Wan Ramli Wan Daud, Siti Masrinda Tasirin,
and Meor Zainal Meor Talib
Department of Chemical and Process Engineeering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Selangor D.E., Malaysia
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In those preliminary experiments, a standard spray dryer

This short communication reports an optimization approach to unit was used as we do not have a dryer specific for our
effectively determine suitable spray drying operating parameters product of interest. As the feed material (sucrose-malto-
for a pilot-scale dryer. The proposed optimization approach is essen- dextrin solution) has not been utilized on this dryer before,
tial, as pilot-scale investigations and medium-scale contract produc- we did not know the capacity of the dryer specific to this
tions often involve usage of standard spray dryer units which is not
specifically designed for the feed material used. This optimization product.
approach was developed based on past studies on the effect and Large industrial dryers are normally designed specific to
relationship of the many spray drying operating parameters and a product with the desired capacity. This economical
highlights two factors which has to be solved (or considered) chron- design approach is suitable for dryers intended for large
ologically: dripping problem, followed by product caking problem. continuous production of a specific product. On the other
Based on this proposed approach, an algorithm was developed in a
case study to optimize an available spray dryer for our future hand, in medium- or small-scale contract productions
experimental study on wall deposition. In this case, the operating where batches of different products are required to be
parameters were determined under minimal experimental runs. This spray dried, normally only standard dryer units are avail-
proposed optimization approach will be a useful tool for operators able. The same limitation is also normally encountered in
and experimenters utilizing spray dryers of similar type, particularly pilot-scale experiments.
in exploring new feed materials. Depending on the optimization
objectives and experimental limitations, different algorithms can In determining the dryer capacity for such cases, there is
be developed. Apart from that, interesting deposition pattern was a tendency to rely on the standard designed dryer capacity.
also observed in the case study. This short communication also However, a standard designed capacity will not be suf-
reported on the design of an internal rig for further studies on wall ficient to effectively take into account of the complicated
deposition. effects of the properties of a specific feed material on the
drying process. Feed properties (viscosity, density, surface
Keywords Operating parameters; Optimization; Spray drying tension, hygroscopicity, etc.) greatly affect the atomization
and drying process. In turn, the atomization process con-
trols the droplet-air contact and the trajectory of the dro-
plets, affecting residence time for free flight within the
Spray-drying operating parameters are mainly material chamber.
and equipment specific.[1–6] In our preliminary experiments As there are myriad possible combinations of dryer
spray drying sucrose-maltodextrin feed, two problems were design and feed material, it will be difficult to determine
encountered: a suitable set of operating parameters, particularly in
1. Excessive dripping on the wall at the atomizer level. exploring new feed materials. Although the effect of the
2. Caking of the final product. different operating parameters on dryer operation has been
fundamentally studied,[1] the authors believed that a quick
The two problems above indicate that the initial operat- optimization technique to apply this fundamental knowl-
ing parameters used are beyond the capacity of the dryer. edge is desired. The developed optimization technique will
be a useful tool for operators or experimenters utilizing
Correspondence: Meng Wai Woo, Department of Chemical spray dryers of similar type to obtain successful drying
and Process Engineeering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia; operating parameter. For our experimental work, we chose
E-mail: to apply this developed general optimization technique.

1742 WOO ET AL.

The layout of this short communication is as follows. 5. Inlet temperature can be varied within a fixed range for
First we describe the outline of the general optimization the purpose of further experiments.
approach, including development of an algorithm for our
case study. Then we describe the equipment, material, From past literature on the spray drying of orange juice
and experimental method used. Results from the case study and amorphous sugars,[2–4] a temperature range of
and different application of the optimization approach are 120–190C was chosen. Works on orange juice were
discussed and the interesting deposition pattern observed included as orange juice contains a high concentration of
from the experiments is reported. sucrose. As an initial basis, a 40 wt% solid (75% sucrose,
25% maltodextrin) solution will be used for the optimiza-
tion work. This is adopted from the works of Bhandari
et al.,[2] although this proportion is expected to be specific
to a lab-scale spray dryer unit and certain operating
The authors would like to highlight the two important
conditions. Arbitrarily, a slightly higher proportion of
factors that have to be overcome (or prevented) chronolo-
maltodextrin is used to account for a higher DE value
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gically in optimizing a spray dryer: dripping problem at the

maltodextrin (DE value: 9–12) used in this work (their mal-
atomizer followed by the product caking problem.
todextrin DE value is 6), as maltodextrin with higher DE
According to a past literature,[1] the dripping problem is
value was proven to have a lower molecular weight.[8]
the result of direct impingement of semi-wet particles on
The drying air flow rate was arbitrarily set to the maximum
the wall and can be alleviated by improving the feed atomi-
( 76 m3h 1 S.T.P.) to ensure sufficient drying of the
zation. Practical methods to improve the feed atomization
droplets and to attenuate the need of the cyclone. This
are to increase the atomization revolution, reduce feed flow
was determined as it is the upper limit in which constant
rate, and reduce feed concentration. In line with that, one
mass flow rate of the drying air can be feasibly maintained
should not neglect the role of the moisture removal rate
at different temperature. High tangential velocity is
as higher rate will result in drier products hitting the wall.
required in the cyclone to ensure good powder separation
Provided sufficient inlet temperature is used, this effect is
from the air stream, particularly for fine products.
minimal if the droplets experience high-speed trajectory
The trial and error algorithm developed is presented in
at the atomizer level. The second problem, caking of the
Fig. 1. In view of the fact that a maximum allowable feed
products, can be alleviated by reducing the stickiness of
flow rate was desired, the atomization revolution was set to
the product. This can be undertaken by adjusting the sticky
the maximum allowable ( 27,000 RPM, calibrated using
point,[2] reducing the moisture content, or reducing the
dry run) to alleviate any limitations it exhibits on the allow-
temperature of the product.[7]
able feed rate. Throughout each experiment, the voltage to
Based on the general approach above and such that they
the atomizer was maintained at a constant value. The feed
have to be overcome chronologically (which is only logi-
flow rate and feed concentration can then be reduced
cal), many different trial and error algorithms can be
accordingly following the initial loop in Fig. 1 (top sec-
applied depending on the objectives of the optimization.
tion). At this initial loop, only the lower temperature limit
In order to illustrate the application of this general
was tested as successful operation at the lower drying rate
approach, and for the purpose of our experiments, one
will ensure the same operating parameters can be applied
such algorithm was developed in this work. This optimiza-
at drying rates above this lower limit. This was intended to
tion will provide the basis for our future experimental
minimize the number of runs required. It is important to note
study on wall deposition. It should be noted that based
on this general approach, different algorithms can be
developed depending on the objective of the optimization.
This will be further described later.
It is important to firstly list the objectives of optimizing
the operating parameters in our case:
1. To allow collection of deposited materials on the collec-
tion plates.
2. To use the maximum allowable dissolved solid mass
flow rate to ensure sufficient resolution on the depo-
sition flux determination.
3. Sufficiently dry and powdered product is produced
(successful drying).
4. Final product having minimal additive to effectively
represent spray drying of amorphous sugars. FIG. 1. Schematic of the spray dryer unit.

that this initial loop assumes that the effect of changes in the
suc:malt ratio on the feed viscosity is negligible.
Once the dripping problem is alleviated, the trial
proceeds to the next loop intended to alleviate the caking
problem. In view that the hot air temperature is to be
varied, the product caking problem can be alleviated by
adjusting the sucrose to maltodextrin proportion as this
controls the Tg of the particle surface, which subsequently
affects the formation of liquid bridge between particles.
Both temperature boundaries will be tested, as higher
temperature, while producing dryer particles, might propel
the particle into the sticky region. Theoretical explanation
of this possibility can be found in past literature.[7]
Similarly, intermediate temperatures were not tested as to
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minimize the number of runs required.

Feed flow rate of 40 mL=min will be used as the initial
condition. For practical purposes, the minimum feed con-
centration to be used is 20%wt. At each run, regardless
of the feed concentration or flow rate, a standard of
200 g of dissolved solid will be spray dried. This is to ensure
there is sufficient product for the determination of yield
and also the determination of the deposition fluxes in
future experiments.


Spray Dryer Unit and Design of the Internal Rig
Spray drying experiments were undertaken on the APV
Pasilac Anhydro AS pilot-scale cylinder-on-cone spray dryer
unit available in UKM. The cylindrical section is 1 m in diam-
eter and 0.8 m in height. Height of the conical section is 1 m
with a 2-inch bottom outlet. The rotating disc atomizer used
has four annular orifices (1.7 mm) with a disc diameter of
63.1 mm and 8.5 mm plate thickness. This atomizer is driven
by a rotating motor (Bosch: Scintilla SA) in which the
rotation is transmitted to the plate through a set of gears.
The feed flow rate is controlled by a peristaltic pump
(Heidolph, Pump Drive: PD5201). Powder products are col-
lected in a bottom container from a small cyclone and the top
outlet from this cyclone is connected to a cylindrical cartridge
filter prior to release into the atmosphere. Hot air is driven by
vacuum from a single blower at the outlet and is heated
through an electric heater. This air heating setup allows the
inlet air temperature to be automatically regulated at the
desired set point. However, slight oscillation of the tempera- FIG. 2. Internal rig designed for future deposition study. (a) Main
ture about the set point is inherent in the temperature control. frame and (b) fitted with teflon plates within the drying chamber.
The hot air enters the drying chamber at the top near the
atomizer. PT100 temperature sensors were installed at the
heater and the outlet pipe after the cyclone to detect the cor- method by past researchers.[7] This stainless steel rig was
responding temperatures. The drying air flow rate is displayed designed to allow collection of deposits by putting in place
on a bypass rotameter and can be manually controlled by a plates at three different elevations (two at the cylindrical wall
valve at the inlet of the blower. A schematic of this unit is and one at the conical wall). The rig is composed of two sep-
shown in Fig. 2. An internal rig as depicted in Fig. 3 was con- arate flexible rings to allow easy installation within the cham-
structed to collect the deposits, adopting the experimental ber. Within the chamber, the rig is held in place by pushing
1744 WOO ET AL.

maltodextrin powders with distilled water at room tem-

perature. The model solutions were prepared in batches
using a 2-L beaker and mixed with a magnetic stirrer until
all the crystals and powders are dissolved.

Spray Drying Procedures

The following standard operating procedures were used
for all spray drying runs:
1. Start the vacuum blower followed by the electric heater.
Adjust the inlet temperature set point to the desired
temperature. Start the atomizer and slowly adjust the
atomizer voltage to give the desired atomization
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2. Once the desired temperature is reached, start feeding of

distilled water at 16.8 mL=min for approximately
1–2 min to stabilize the temperature.
3. At the same time, minor adjustment to the drying air
flow rate were undertaken to give the required flow rate
(this can further be adjusted throughout the drying
process to maintain the same drying air mass flow rate;
however, fluctuation is minimal).
4. Immediately switch to the actual feed with the desired
feed flow rate.
5. Upon completion of the spray drying run, turn off
the feed pump followed by the electric heater. Slowly
reduce the atomizing revolution and turn off the
6. Allow the dryer to cool with the vacuum blower still in
operation until 50C prior to shutting down the unit to
prevent overheating of the electric heater.
7. Remove the plates for analysis (when applicable).
FIG. 3. Optimization algorithm for reported case study.
8. Heating of the spray dryer at 150C for 5 min (to soften
any hardened feed in the atomizer).
against the dryer wall using the stud rod and bolts. The rings 9. Distilled water spray at 23.1 mL=min at atomization
are further attached in the middle by plate envelopes for extra revolution of 22,000 RPM for 5 min to clean the
support. Another advantage of this rig is that it does not atomizer.
require permanent modification=welding within the drying
chamber. The top plate is held by set screws, whereas the mid- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
dle plate simply sits in the envelope. Small hooks at the bot- Table 1 shows the eight runs undertaken to determine
tom frame were used to hang the bottom plate. the operational condition. Figure 4a shows the heavy drip-
ping observed in run 1. Therefore, the feed concentration
Choice of Material to be Spray Dried and flow rate was reduced accordingly in runs 2–4. Finally,
Sucrose-maltodextrin model solutions were spray dried the dripping problem was alleviated in run 4. However, the
for all experimental runs. This model solution was aimed final product at run 4 experienced caking and this called for
at allowing simple analysis of the problem but yet mimic changes to the suc:malt ratio. Acceptable product was
fruit and vegetable juices where low-molecular-weight finally achieved in run 8. Although the dripping problem
sugars are the main constituents. Sucrose was chosen as was alleviated, a crystallized rim remained at the atomizer
it is the most easily spray dried among other commonly level as shown in Fig. 4c. A shorter additional run, 100 g
available sugars, like glucose and fructose.[2] dissolved solid, was undertaken (run 9) to determine if this
Food-grade sucrose (R&M Chemicals) and malto- rim can be alleviated. Even at such low feed flow rate, the
dextrin (ADM Corn Processing) with DE equivalent of crystallized rim remained (Fig. 4d).
9–12 were used. The model solutions were prepared by Presence of this rim is taken as the limitation of this small
dissolving the required amount of sucrose crystals and pilot-scale rotary disc atomizer-fitted spray dryer on spray

Optimization experimental runs
Inlet Feed flow Dissolved Sucrose: Dripping Product
Run temperature (C) rate (ml min 1) solid (%wt) malt ratio condition condition
1 120 44.9 40 75:25 Heavy Toffee
2 120 33.5 40 75:25 Heavy Toffee
3 120 23.1 40 75:25 Slight Toffee
4 120 23.1 20 75:25 Rim Toffee
5 120 23.1 20 65:35 Rim Toffee
6 120 23.1 20 55:45 Rim Caking
7 120 23.1 20 45:55 Rim Powdery
8 190 23.1 20 45:55 Rim Powdery
9 120 11.9 20 45:55 Rim Powdery
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Atomization revolution: 27,000 RPM. Air flow rate: 76 m3 h 1


drying sucrose-maltodextrin solution. The final determined different specifications. One would just need some initial
operational parameters are those in runs 7 and 8. It should basis specific to the material and follow the two solutions
be noted that these operating conditions might only be suggested: improving the direct impingement problem
applicable for the specified amount of dissolved solid used and then alleviating the caking problem.
and the dripping problem might occur if the spraying time As mentioned earlier, keeping these two solutions to the
is prolonged. However, the total amount set a priori here problems in mind, one can modify or develop new
is approximated from past works[7] and should be sufficient algorithms to suit the objective of the optimization. For
for further experiments in this project. example, if the highest possible inlet temperature is desired,
Based on these minimal experimental runs, the applica- this predetermined temperature can then be constantly
bility of the general optimization approach was proven. It maintained while adjusting the other parameters through-
is expected that this method can be applicable for other out the algorithm (Fig. 5). The dotted line included at
materials utilizing rotary disc atomizer fitted dryers of the bottom section of Fig. 6 denotes an alternative in

FIG. 4. Dripping and formation of rim at run (a) 1, (b) 3, (c) 4, and (d) 9.
1746 WOO ET AL.
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FIG. 5. Optimization algorithm for highest possible temperature used. FIG. 6. Optimization algorithm for limited inlet temperature and fixed
feed concentration.
controlling stickiness by removing more moisture from the
product (provided there is allowance for temperature
same type of atomizer.[9] The pattern suggests that the con-
striction at the conical section causes an unstable air flow
Consider another example: If we desire to spray dry a
pattern at the cylinder-conical interface.
solution containing heat-sensitive products in which high
However, the pattern became less distinct in other runs
solid concentration has to be maintained. The highest
with lower feed mass flow rate (Figs. 7c and 7d). Higher
allowable temperature will then be limited by the predeter-
feed mass flow rate is expected to produce particles of lar-
mined thermal degradation temperature. This condition
ger size when compared to lower feed mass flow rate. This
will definitely lead to heavy dripping due to the limited
caused more particle to traverse the air stream at the
moisture removal and atomization efficiency. The only
unstable air flow region, causing such distinct pattern in
way to alleviate this is to progressively reduce the feed rate
run 1. However, smaller particles expected to be produced
to improve the feed atomization, which will also lead to
in other runs will tend to follow the air flow better. In this
improved moisture removal (Fig. 6).
case, the deposition at the unstable region will mainly be
caused by diffusion contact with the wall. This explains
the less distinct pattern formed when lower feed mass flow
Interesting deposition patterns were observed at the side rates were used.
wall and cone interface at different feed flow rates. At all
runs, deposits at the cylinder-conical wall intersection dis-
played a distinct wavy pattern (Fig. 7). This might be simi- CONCLUSION
lar to those observed in the transitional region between top A trial-and-error optimization approach to determine
region of heavy deposits and bottom region of lesser depos- the operational parameters of a rotary disc atomizer-fitted
its in an industrial dryer.[9] This pattern was also observed spray dryer was proposed. This method is based on past
on opposite portions of the internal wall (Fig. 7b) and the studies on the influence of the operating parameters of
region immediately above the distinct wave exhibited less spray dryers and is constituted by two solutions: preven-
deposition. This further confirms the unstable and swirling tion of excessive semi-wet impingement followed by pre-
flow in rotary atomizer-fitted pilot-scale dryers as vention of product caking. Applicability of this method was
observed in CFD simulations[10,11] and the possible shown in a case study by spray drying sucrose-maltodextrin
scale-up similarities to a large-scale dryer fitted with the solutions. The suitable operational parameters were
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FIG. 7. Wavy patterns at the cylindrical-cone interface at run (a) 1; (b) 7, opposite side; (c) 3; and (d) 7.

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