Midterm Study Guide

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Symbolic and Critical Reasoning Midterm Study Guide Chapters 1-9 Opening Notes Be sure to REVIEW the powerpoint

nt lectures and book for content of test. You may also look at the website listed on the blog. Class Blog: http://symbolicandcriticalreasoning.blogspot.com Review Website: http://wps.prenhall.com/hss_browne_askingquest_8/ Test contents: Know the 7 Critical Questions we have learned Multiple Choice Short Answer/Definitions Small paragraphs be able to answer the Critical Questions Chapter 1: Two Thinking Styles: Sponge Style Panning for Gold Style Thinking and Emotion what role should emotion play in thinking? Chapter 2: What are the Issue and the Conclusion? What is the Issue? What is the Conclusion? Review how to FIND the conclusion and issue (indicator words, look at the beginning and the end) Chapter 3: What are the Reasons? What makes up an argument? REASONS + CONCLUSION = ARGUMENT Are all arguments of the same quality? What are the Reasons? How do you identify the reasons? Be able to identify the reasons in a passage. Chapter 4: What Words of Phrases are Ambiguous? What does ambiguous mean? Be able to identify key ambiguous words in a passage.

Chapter 5: What are the Value Conflicts and Assumptions? Know the definition of Values, Assumptions, Be able to give examples of values. What are some ways to find values? Review common value conflicts such as Generosity vs. Material Success and Loyalty vs. Honesty. Chapter 6: What are the Descriptive Assumptions? The difference between Prescriptive Assumptions and Descriptive Assumptions. Prescriptive Assumptions are assumptions about the way the world should be. Descriptive Assumptions are assumptions about the way the world is. Understand how to find Descriptive Assumptions. For example: find them in the gap between the reasons and the conclusion. What unstated belief do you have to believe in order to accept the persons argument? Be able to identify descriptive assumptions in a passage. Chapter 7: Are There Any Fallacies in the Reasoning? You must know the following fallacies we talked about in class: 1. Ad Hominem 2. Slippery Slope 3. Equivocation 4. Appeal to Popularity 5. Straw Man 6. Appeal to Emotion 7. Either-Or (False Dilemma) You must know the definition of each and be able to identify in a passage. Chapter 8: How Good is the Evidence? (Part 1) What is evidence? Be able to identify in a passage and give one strength, and one weakness of the following types of evidence: -Intuition -Personal Experience -Personal Testimonials -Appeals to Authority

Chapter 9: How Good is the Evidence? (Part 2) Be able to identify in a passage and give one strength, and one weakness of the following types of evidence: -Personal Observation -Research Studies -Case Examples -Analogies

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