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FX & EM Research

FX Hotspot
31 October 2018

TRY – Works… until it doesn’t

In its Q4 Inflation report, CBT raised its end-2018 inflation forecast by more than
10pps to 23.5%, which is close to the last observed inflation reading. This confirms
that the central bank does not really expect inflation to moderate significantly in
coming months. Yet, it continues to label its 24% benchmark interest rate as “tight
monetary policy”. Based on this tight policy, inflation is supposed to head down to
16% by the end of next year – the same kind of projection which featured in every
previous inflation report. We can give up any hope that CBT has launched a
comprehensive fight against inflation: it is following its old mantra of insisting that its
present policy stance is tight when it isn't. This can work for some time…until it

Of the 10pps upward revision to the inflation forecast, CBT attributes less than 5pps to lira
pass-through and the rest to either higher food prices or deterioration in pricing behaviour.
We, however, do not view these as independent phenomena: deteriorating pricing behaviour
is a symptom or mechanism by which the lira pass-through plays out. Similarly, when all
prices are rising, energy and transport costs are rising, food producers or retailers may
inflate their own prices, but they would not have done the same in a generally disinflationary

CBT emphasised the need to anchor inflation expectations. But how best to do this besides
proving to the public that the central bank will indeed control inflation? Chart 2 shows the
behaviour of inflation expectations compared with actual inflation: expectation is a less
volatile (and often lagging) version of actual inflation. This is understandable because
Turkey has witnessed dramatic changes in inflation level between successive decades –
how should economic agents have any confidence that inflation is set to converge with a
given level? Following the latest trend may well be the best alternative. Sometimes
commentators use the less volatile inflation expectations to calculate the real interest rate
and argue that this real rate is actually quite high. Nevertheless, this argument does not hold
water because inflation expectations are not anchored in any specific way, and therefore do
not have any deeper “fundamental” character to them.
As we see in chart 2, expectations have begun to skyrocket only after actual inflation has
accelerated; but, it was not that difficult to anticipate several months ago that inflation would
accelerate. Hence, expectations did not turn out to be a very efficient indicator of future
CHART 1: CBT’s current stance is not tight at all CHART 2: Inflation expectations a lagging indicator
Real interest rate: weighted avg. cost of funding minus inflation, pps Actual CPI inflation vs. 12-mth forward expectations (CBT survey)

3 20

-2 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
Actual Expectation
2011 2013 2016 2018

Sources: CBT, Commerzbank Research Sources: CBT, Commerzbank Research

For important disclosure information please see page 3 and 4. Tatha Ghose
+44 20 7475 8399 / Bloomberg: CBKR
FX & EM Research | FX Hotspot

Stagflation a possibility
Another notable feature of this Inflation Report was that the central bank views the
government’s mid-term economic plan as curbing inflation pressure eventually; it also sees
the ongoing economic downturn as a dampening factor. We, however, view these as
marginal influences at best: their combined influence will not nearly approach the effect that
the central bank’s own monetary policy will have via the exchange rate. And because
exchange rate pass-through is such a dominant root cause of this inflation, the likelihood of
a stagflationary environment continuing, even when demand weakens, is quite high.
Conditional inflation target
Finally, CBT reminded us that its inflation target is variable: the year-end forecasts which are
being made at this time will “serve as interim targets”. In other words, 23.5% is a near-term
inflation target, and if actual inflation does not exceed this level by much, CBT will not hike
rates. We are not sure if the MPC realises how antithetical such a reaction function is to the
very concept of inflation targeting – just like there can be no concept of conditional central
bank independence, there can be no concept of a conditional inflation target, which simply
adjusts to recent inflation trends.
All said, today’s inflation report is not a departure from past practice at all. If we go back to
the inflation report of Q4 2017, we find this summary: "Given a tight policy stance that
focuses on bringing inflation down, inflation is estimated to converge gradually to the 5-
percent target. Accordingly, inflation is likely to be 9.8 percent at end-2017, and stabilize
around 5 percent in the medium term after falling to 7 percent by the end of 2018 and to 6
percent at the end of 2019….. The year-end inflation forecast is revised upwards by 1.1
points from the July Inflation Report.” CBT simply repeated such a summary today, albeit
with hugely higher inflation numbers.
For us, the main takeaways are: 1) CBT is not looking to hike rates further even though the
real interest rate has dropped to zero (see chart 1). 2) There is no discernible difference in
the central bank’s reaction function now compared with previous years – the comprehensive
fight against inflation exists only on paper. Reading in-between the lines when key policy
makers have spoken, it is clear that they acknowledge that CBT’s past policies were not
adequate. For example, when Mehmet Simsek famously tweeted about taking back central
bank credibility (this was during the emergency rate hike of May), that automatically
acknowledged that credibility was low before. Similarly, when Minister Albayrak says that
CBT has launched a comprehensive fight against inflation, it acknowledges that inflation was
not tackled before. And now, CBT will continue to follow that old style: just as it did last year,
CBT insists that its policy stance is already tight, when the real interest rate is in fact zero.
This may work for some time while the lira is benefiting from external developments… until it

2 31 October 2018
FX & EM Research | FX Hotspot

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4 31 October 2018

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