ChoiceOfGames Loresheets

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amarilla domains learned the hard way that online communi-
cation is a death trap for Kindred. To escape the fires of the
Second Inquisition, vampires have turned to physical couriers.
Europe can sometimes rely on rooftop runners and the discre-
tion of sewer-dwelling Nosferatu, but the vast empty spaces of the conti-
nents, especially the New World, require messengers to brave the open road.
While ghoul couriers have the advantage of operating during the day, they
can be vulnerable whenever they stop, so Princes and Barons are sometimes
forced to employ discreet and loyal Kindred to transport vital documents
and artifacts.

Whether you travel alone on a Yamaha cruiser or with a whole crew in an

armored van, you know how to survive the roads, and how to get under
cover with your precious cargo before the sun rises.


Bucket: As long as you’re in an Ride or Die: Unlife is filled with dot Adversary for as long as you stay in
urban area or along a major road, you uncertainties, but at least there’s one the city.
rarely have problems finding a ride for thing you know you can always count on.
the night. Add two extra dice to your Select one vehicle that you’ve had for Midnight Express: You
Intelligence + Streetwise rolls while at least one entire story; the bonus for know spotters, scouts, and fellow couri-
looking for a temporary vehicle. Every operating and working on this vehicle is ers across the country. They function as
success above the margin of difficulty three dice. two dots in Contacts. In addition, once
gives some extra comfort and ensures per story, you can order them to watch
you won’t instantly alert the police. Highway Harbinger: and clear the roads ahead of you for a
You’ve been delivering bad news long single night, letting you maintain a high-
Six in the Morning: You know enough that vampires know your arrival way speed of 75 miles per hour in even
a hundred forgotten caves, empty ga- spells trouble. For the first three nights in the worst bucket and 150 miles per hour
rages, and abandoned warehouses. Once a new city after you announce yourself, in a high-end cruising vehicle like a Mer-
per story, receive a four-dice bonus to you gain a three-dice bonus to all Intimi- cedes or a sports car. You need to decide
a Survival test to find shelter, as long dation, Investigation, and Streetwise tests on a start and end point before you set
as you’re on a road or street and have with vampires, as people make stupid out. Your spotters clear out any mundane
a vehicle. Your temporary haven is big mistakes and rumors spread like wildfire. problems, like speed traps. They can’t
enough for a large van. However, your coming is now ominous protect you from vampires, Lupines, or
enough that a paranoid Prince or other other supernatural threats, but they can
notable vampire makes it their business usually warn you or provide you with
to end you or drive you out. Gain a two- alternate routes if you come under fire.


nce a lowly neonate with the sheriff, and set up a node
among the Toreador for the Circulatory System
of Chicago, Amanda
Chastain ventured Still drawn to fame, a vestige from
out to the small town of Jericho her early days in vaudeville in the
Heights to set up her own domain 1920s, she now hosts a popular pod-
where her influence now reaches cast that reaches tens of thousands
every part of the town. Having of loyal fans each day. Her influence
made most of her money in sales of over the people of Jericho Heights
cryptocurrencies and stock futures, knows no limits, and her sphere
she started her new domain with of influence continues to widen,
considerable resources. It took little stretching across the county, and
time for her to establish herself in even into Chicago.
the small town. She propped up
a puppet mayor, Bonded him along


The Pulse: In frequent talks with you a permanent Contact ( ) - the Learning the System:
Chastain, you receive stock tips, insider group can help you out for the right Chastain considers you a close personal
trading offers, and invitations to invest- price, and once per story, you can add friend and has taught you her system
ment clubs, all of which prove fruitful. three extra dice to your pool while of setting up a domain. Through close
Once per story, gain three extra dice in hacking. Each hack comes with some personal tutelage, she has given you the
any Finance dice pools. risks, though, and failing may result in tools of her trade, a rather ruthless and
compromising your Mask or Haven at influential trade at that. She taught you
Boss Lady: You have a personal the Storyteller’s discretion. how to gain the love and respect of
relationship with Chastain. Not only does those in the community, effectively grant-
she consider you an associate , but she Blood Work: Chastain has ing you Influence ( ). When dealing
has taken you under her wing and acts as access to The Circulatory System, and with mortal politicians, law enforcement,
your mentor. You possess Mawla is willing to share the blood for a favor or the media, add two extra dice to all
( ) (Amanda Chastain). If you’re too or two. You can perform long-distance Social dice pools. Once per story, you
public with this relationship, you may risk tasks for her per Storyteller’s discretion may ask for Chastain’s assistance and
attracting attention of one of Amanda’s and no more than twice per story, with receive it (at the Storyteller’s discretion).
enemies ( ). difficulty 4. Upon succeeding, you receive
a vessel bearing a resonance of your
Hacking the System: Having choice. Failing at fulfilling Amanda’s or-
access to many of Chastain’s contacts, ders may pose additional risks, depend-
you have made acquaintance with a ing on the nature of the task.
group of mortal hackers. This grants


ew Kindred in Canadian domains fuel the ever-churning rumor
mill quite like the enigmatic Nosferatu, Sheriff Qui. Even the
dullest of fledglings recognize that his given name is a moniker,
but only those close to him know his true identity as James Coyle,
a name he left behind in the United States decades ago. Qui’s most
distinguishing feature, or lack thereof, is the absence of his clan’s monstrous
disfigurements with the notable exception of a sinuous, pulsating scar that
snakes down the back of his neck. How was the curse altered? Neither
bribery nor threat have been successful in wresting the secret from him.

Qui’s time in Canada has been punctuated by cycles of extreme violence:

He arrived as a recruit in a successful coup, only to see his ally, the newly-
minted Prince Cranston, slaughtered by Montreal’s Sabbat hordes. He was
able to save one vampire from the flames—Cranston’s Seneschal, Arundel—
who then raised him to the office of Sheriff soon after he took praxis. Qui
has remained fiercely loyal to his Prince ever since, acting as both investiga-
tor and executioner.


Ally of an Ally: You've worked for Private Eye: You were tutored ready for action. In addition to standard
Qui in the past—but not directly. You've by Qui in the subtle art of sleuthing and battle prowess, they will also give one
never actually met the Sheriff, but that you’ve spent years honing your skills. In a automatic success in any conflict involv-
doesn't necessarily stop you from using rare moment of candor, the Sheriff pro- ing the Sabbat.
the association to your advantage. Once fessed that you were one of the most
per story you may successfully talk your capable students he’d ever trained. Gain Dangerous Secrets:
way out of (or into) trouble by invoking Specialty (Sleuthing) to either Investiga- You've worked closely with Qui in
Qui's name at the Storyteller’s discretion. tion or Streetwise, and once per story, the past and learned a key piece of
add four dice to a roll using this specialty. the secret to his subversion of the
He calls his Car "She": Before Nosferatu curse. Whether this informa-
his appointment as Sheriff, Qui was Comrades in Arms: tion is entirely accurate or not is imma-
known as a discreet and reliable fixer. Many years ago, you assisted Qui in the terial: powerful Kindred believe that it's
Adept as he is at detective work and successful defense of Ottawa against true and will offer you a major boon in
assassination, he still needed a source for Montreal's Sabbat raiders. Those few exchange for everything you know. If you
inconspicuous vehicles and other tools who survived the destruction of Prince choose to sell, you gain six dots to spend
of the trade. You were one of his favored Cranston in the subsequent ill-fated on any combination of Contacts, Influ-
suppliers, gaining his gratitude for procur- counter-attack regard you as an ally. ence, Haven, and Resources. Divulging
ing a particular silver sedan that he still They've scattered to other domains this information will make an enemy of
favors for stakeouts. Gain a two dice since, but some may be called upon in Qui, who counts as a four-dot Adversary.
bonus on Finance, Streetwise, or Persua- times of need. These comrades count as Keeping the secret earns Qui’s respect
sion tests involving selling or obtaining a three-dot Mawla and will fight on your and you may call on him once per
vehicles and vehicle parts. behalf once per story. They must be chronicle as a four-dot Mawla.
given 24 hours’ notice to arrive and get



rince Peisistratos of Athens has long nurtured
an appreciation for the dramatic arts, especially when
used to commemorate the illustrious past of the Hel-
lenes. His troupe of ghouls, kept in relative luxury in his
palace nestled under the Acropolis, enjoy an envied but precarious
position in the Prince’s court. Although prized for their acting
talent and extensive knowledge of classical Greece, they exist in a
state of perpetual threat, should their performance fall short of the
Prince’s exacting taste. Still, for those given a choice, it’s a risk worth
taking—because the one who earns the Prince’s favor can also hope
to taste the gift of his Embrace.


Silent Actor: Your life as a ghoul is No Longer In The to your performances while on stage.
over, but you are still not given speaking Shadows: Years spent on stage made Gain Enemy ( ) Stalker.
parts in the Prince’s tragedies. How- you crave attention, and you know you
ever, you've found that people tend to shine best when all the lights are on you. Impresario: Long gone
underestimate the power of silence, and Whenever members of your coterie are the days when you were afflicted
you can use that to your advantage. Your make a significant attempt to stay low by stage fright before the cold gaze of a
silent years have allowed you to cultivate (using Stealth or Composure rolls) with dead-hearted audience. Now you know
your powers of observation. It’s amazing you present, you can automatically cause the ins and outs of the Prince’s court, and
what one can discover if they can just them to fail in exchange for 3 additional exactly how to put together a show that
keep their mouth shut. Once per story, dice to your next Charisma roll. will bring you the results you want. Gain
you can ask the Storyteller for a piece of three dots to distribute among Influence
information that is hidden from everyone Diva: You have been part of and Status. Once per story, gain three
else, but is obvious to you. the Prince’s troupe for as long as you can dice to a Performance roll of your choice,
remember. You’ve persevered through meant to sway the minds of others to
It Speaks: You proved yourself long years of hard work and abusive your gain, sending a clear message to
to the Prince and you were finally given impresarios, and survived the jealousy your audience (like “we need to unite
speaking parts in his troupe, performing and sabotage of your fellow players. Now against the common enemy”, “do not
in front of Kindred and mortals. Gain is your time to shine. Kindred are a tough trust the Prince”, “Anarchs are the only
Fame ( ) and two extra dice whenever crowd, but these nights you lack neither future for this domain”). Messy Critical or
performing plays you learnt with the the talent nor the experience to be truly Bestial Failure on this roll may end up in
troupe. One of the troupe ghouls is jeal- irresistible. Distribute three dots among disastrous consequences to your cause.
ous of you, earning you Enemy ( ) Flaw. Fame and Herd, and two additional dice

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