Alfred Adler Individual Psychology

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ALFRED ADLER: The Final Goal

 either personal superiority or the goal of

INDIVIDUAL success for all humankind
 fictional and has no objective existence.
PSYCHOLOGY  unifies personality and renders all
behavior comprehensible
Overview of Individual Psychology  it is the product of the creative power
(people’s ability to freely shape their
 people as being motivated mostly by behavior and create their own
social influences and by their striving personality)
for superiority or success  a person’s final goal reduces the pain of
 people are largely responsible for who inferiority feelings and points that
they are person in the direction of either
 present behavior is shaped by people’s superiority or success.
view of the future
 psychologically healthy people are The Striving Force as Compensation
usually aware of what they are doing  People strive for superiority or success
and why they are doing it. as a means of compensation for feelings
of inferiority or weakness
BIOGRAPHY OF ALFRED ADLER  need to overcome inferiority feelings
and pulled by the desire for completion
 he saw the death of his brother Rudolf  Success is an individualized concept and
and his near death from pneumonia as a all people formulate their own definition
challenge to overcome death of it.
 feeling more comfortable in group
situations Striving for Personal Superiority
 began private practice as an eye  with little or no concern for others
specialist after receiving his medical  goals are personal ones, and their
degree and military strivings are motivated largely by
exaggerated feelings of personal
 turned to psychiatry and general
inferiority, or the presence of an
inferiority complex (murders, thieves)
 Society for/ Free Psychoanalytic Study/  consciously or unconsciously hide their
Individual Psychology self-centeredness behind the cloak of
Striving for success
 people are born with weak, inferior  maintain a sense of self
bodies—a condition that leads to  concerned with goals beyond
feelings of inferiority and a consequent themselves
dependence on other people.  helping others without demanding or
expecting a personal payoff
1. The one dynamic force behind people’s  able to see others not as opponents
behavior is the striving for success or  own success is a natural tendency to
superiority. move toward completion or perfection.
 Psychologically unhealthy individuals  Social progress is more important to
strive for personal superiority, whereas them than personal credit
psychologically healthy people seek
success for all humanity.
2. People’s subjective perceptions shape their  harmony between conscious and
behavior and personality. unconscious actions.
 Unconscious becomes conscious and
 the manner in which they strive is not conscious becomes unconscious if we
shaped by reality but by their fictions or fail to understand it
expectations of the future.
Unconscious - neither clearly formulated nor
Fictionalism completely understood, not helpful
 are ideas that have no real existence, yet Conscious - understood and regarded by the
they influence people as if they really individual as helpful in striving for success
 People are motivated not by what is true
but by their subjective perceptions of 4. The value of all human activity must be seen
what is true (Ex. God) from the viewpoint of social interest.
 people are motivated by present
 perceptions of the future. Social Interest / Gemeinschaftsgefühl
 Gemeinschaftsgefühl a feeling of
Physical Inferiorities oneness with all humanity; it implies
 insisted that the whole human race is membership in the social community of
“blessed” with organ inferiorities. all people.
 people compensate for these feelings of  perfection for all people in an ideal
inferiority by moving toward community
psychological health and a useful style  attitude of relatedness with humanity
of and empathy for each member
 physical deficiencies alone do not cause  cooperation with others for social
a particular style of life; they simply advancement
provide present motivation for reaching  natural condition of the human species
future goals. that binds society together
 necessity for perpetuating the human
3. Personality is unified and self-consistent.
Origins of Social Interest
Organ Dialect  originates from the mother-child
 the deficient organ expresses the relationship during the early months of
direction of the individual’s goal infancy
 the whole person strives in a self-  an infant survived because of a mother
consistent fashion toward a single goal, who possesses a social interest
and all separate actions and functions  every person has had the seeds of social
can be understood only as parts of this interest sown during early months.
 mother – well-being not needs or wants.
 Disturbance of one part of the body
Balance of love
affects the entire person father – caring attitude to the mother and
 the body’s organs “speak a language other peeps
which is usually more expressive and  The relationship a child has with the
discloses the individual’s opinion more mother and father is so powerful that it
clearly than words are able to do” smothers the effects of heredity.
 Ex. A man with arthritis speaks for his
whole style of life and desires sympathy Importance of Social Interest
 the sole criterion of human values
Conscious and Unconscious
 standard to be used in determining the causality, which considers behavior as springing
usefulness of a life from a specific cause.
 Social interest = psychologically mature

5. The self-consistent personality structure

develops into a person’s style of life.
 refers to the flavor of a person’s life.
(person’s goal, self-concept, feelings for
others, and attitude toward the world.)
 established by age 4 or 5.
 People with healthy lifestyle actively
solves the three major problems of life;
neighborly love, sexual love, and
o represent the highest form of

6. Style of life is molded by people’s creative


Creative Power
 each person is empowered with the
freedom to create his own style of life
 places us in control of our lives and is
responsible for our final goal
 is a dynamic concept implying
 heredity and environment (bricks and


External Factors in Maladjustment

1. Exaggerated Physical Deficiencies


Teleology is an explanation of behavior in terms

of its final purpose or aim.

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