Energy Healing Guide

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What Is Energy Healing? -----------------------------------------------------1

Why Do You Need Energy Healing?---------------------------------------1
4 Most Popular Energy Healing Techniques: ----------------------------2
・Crystal Healing
・Quantum Medicine
Introduction to Scalar Energy Healing ------------------------------------4
How Can Scalar Energy Healing Work for Human Energy Field? -6
Other Energy Healing V.S. Scalar Energy Healing ---------------------6
Why Choose Spooky2 Scalar for Human Energy Field? -------------8
What Our Scalar Users Are Saying --------------------------------------10

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing has surged in popularity these days because of rising health anxiety and
conspiracy theories in the media. People start to seek inner peace and better living without
any medical intervention. Despite it being part of the wellness revolution, the history of
energy healing can trace back to ancient times.

Since ancient times, philosophers have acknowledged the concept of the human energy
field. Together, there are five layers within our energy field. These layers form our mental,
physical, spiritual, etheric, and emotional characteristics.

Just like everything else in the world, the energy field can stay in balance or become
imbalanced which affects your health as a result. Emotional and mental stress, false
beliefs, physical distress, and trauma are examples of energy blockage in our body’s
energy field. They impact our ability to function at our full potential negatively.

Why Do You Need Energy Healing?

Energy healing is the original form of medicine. There are different forms of energy healing
therapies that can benefit us on both physical and emotional levels. It clears hidden blocks
in our energy fields. It also repairs and rebalances our energy so that our body can get
boosted to its optimal level and regain its ability to heal. Energy healing can also help
identify issues before they manifest as pain or diseases in our body. It opens our con-
sciousness to the areas we need to heal and bring health, harmony, and vitality to our
energy field.

According to medical records and results, there are over forty types of common side effects
that can be caused by conventional treatment. Examples of side effects include damage
to blood-forming cells and vital organs, loss of appetite, swelling, bruising, and
However, energy healing can increase our general well-being without causing side effects.
And unlike conventional treatments, we will also have a better understanding of our body,
make decisions by ourselves, and take a more decisive role in our healing journey. It also
allows us to have a positive and hopeful outlook for the future.

4 Most Popular Energy Healing Techniques:

Reiki is a type of healing method which focuses on relaxation and stress reduction. It
originated in Japan, and the name is made of two Japanese words: Rei is “God’s Wisdom
or the Higher Power” and Ki is “life force energy”. It is a natural and simple healing and
self-improving tool that everyone can practice. By laying on hands, reiki treatment provides
glowing radiance that flows around and through you. It benefits you from different aspects
such as body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Many people shared their reiki experience as “a
wonderful relaxation”, “feelings of peace, security and well-being”.
(Learn more about Reiki from here!)

Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a holistic, natural alternative therapy that uses gemstones to balance
your energy field. It can be used with traditional medicines to heal people and has zero
side effects. They act like tuning forks that help to bring harmony and stable power to
your unbalanced energy field. The main principles of crystal healing are to indulge in the
self-reflecting experience, focus on mindfulness and acceptance, and remove negative
energy for our body and mind. It is all about enjoying deep relaxation during healing sessions.
It also helps to relieve stress and anxiety.
(Click here to learn more about Crystals and the Healing Power)

Qigong, or chi kung, is a traditional Chinese health exercise that combines movement,
breathing, and meditation. For thousands of years, Qigong masters practised and refined
Qigong exercise and teach people to strengthen muscles, clear the mind, and unlock their
potential. Qigong has many health benefits and is very easy to practice. You can do it at
any time or place. Take a few minutes every day to do some Qigong breathing and movement
exercise. You may not notice any day-to-day differences. However, persistent practice
will definitely reward you with amazing improvements in your health.
(Related Blog: Qigong: A Millenia-Old Health Exercise)

Quantum Medicine
Quantum medicine is a relatively young field compared to theories of quantum physics,
which have been around for centuries. Physicists have established intriguing concepts
such as wave-particle duality and wave functions that inspired many people to apply these
theories to medical practice. It measures a patient’s magnetic field to diagnose diseases
and employs energy to heal damage or kill pathogens. Quantum medicine uses vibrations
and homeopathy and is non-invasive. It avoids the side effects of drugs and annoying
tests of modern medicine.

It is more accurate in diagnosing. Unlike modern medicine that focuses more on relieving
symptoms, quantum medicine focuses on holistic recovery and strikes at the core of a
problem, dealing with the cause of a disease.

There are various types of energy healing out there for you to learn and practice. Each
has its own benefits and healing effect. Today, we will introduce another energy healing

type - Scalar Energy.

Introduction to Scalar Energy Healing

Scalar energy was first discovered by James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish scientist who was
born in 1831. Maxwell specialized in the field of mathematical physics and formulated the
theories of electromagnetic fields and radiation. Several years later, Nikola Tesla worked
on Maxwell’s findings and proved the existence of Scalar Energy.

Scalar energy is known for its extraordinary healing power. You can enjoy Scalar energy,
and in the meantime, reduce and possibly eliminate many forms of diseases. (New to
Scalar? Start Here!)

The paper Scalar Plasma Technology and Water as An Effective Stress Manage-
ment Protocol for Healing the Cellular Regenerative System written by Jere Rive-
ra-Dugenio proves that scalar energy has many benefits for human health. Here’s an
excerpt from the paper:

“Benefits of Scalar Energy
Scalar energy is created when two electromagnetic waves come together from two opposite
converging vectors. When the energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each
other leaving a spherical, standing or stationary energy field. Scalar energy does not flow
like normal, transverse electromagnetic waves but instead occupies space and increases
in spatial mass. This space the scalar energy occupies is not a vacuum but alive with
checked and balanced energies as there is a continuous energy flow in this active vacuum
in the form of scalar electromagnetic pairs. This longitudinal, scalar energy space has
special properties that produce aspects of healing when exposed to this energy field
such as:

1. Increases the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt
2. Improves cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every
cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell,
3. Cleanses the blood, improving chylomicron (protein/fat particles floating in the blood)
and triglyceride profiles and improves fibrin patterns,
4. Improves immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies,
5. Improves mental focus and balance the hemispheres of the brain as demonstrated
through EEG analysis,
6. Functions as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by PC12
nerve cells.”

Want to learn what help you can get from scalar energy? You may be interested in these
Scalar Energy for Human Energy Field
Scalar Energy for Chakras
Scalar Energy for Lyme
Scalar Energy for Pathogens
Scalar Energy for Sleep Disorders

How can scalar energy healing work for human energy field?
Despite interruption by blockages, our body retains the memory of healthy energy through
cell communication.

Normally, cells use scalar energy to communicate. However, blockages and diseases
disrupt this form of natural communication. Scalar energy restores this cell communication
and exposes the pathogen cells to the body’s defenses.

Mitochondria are the “power stations” of cells. Scalar energy charges the mitochondria,
giving your cells much-needed energy to open and remove the blockages. Once the
blockages are removed, our body will restore the flow of Chi back to a healthy state.

If the theory is hard to understand, just imagine removing a fallen tree from a river which
will restore the water flow. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: “Where there
is free flow, there is no pain or disease.”

Other Energy Healing V.S. Scalar Energy Healing

Reiki vs. Scalar
Reiki is very convenient. All you have to do is to lay hands on the patients to heal them.
But first, you need to be trained by a Reiki master to "attune" to the energy pool. If you
want to learn on your own, the process may be long and difficult. However, the creator of
Reiki left no official institute or certificate for his students, which means you can never
be sure whether a Reiki master is qualified or not. The creator would not approve the
so-called certificates on the market.

In comparison, scalar energy can never be fake. As long as you set up the machine correctly
and stay in the field, you will receive the benefits of it.

Crystal Healing vs. Scalar

Crystal healing is very easy to practice because a crystal is enough to induce the healing

effect. However, carrying the rock close to the body is necessary to absorb the healing
energy. It may not be a big deal, but a rock can be heavy and inconvenient to carry all
the time. Moreover, the source of the crystal almost matters. A crystal buried underground
for a longer time draws more energy from the earth and carries a stronger healing ability,
whereas artificial crystals have almost no healing power. Besides, the user's intention also
impacts the effectiveness of crystals. A good crystal for others may not be the right one
for you.

Scalar energy, however, can provide stable and powerful healing no matter when or where
you use it. You do not need to seek "a suitable scalar field for yourself" to get the best
results. All scalar fields (by Spooky2 Scalar) are as effective.

Qigong vs. Scalar

While Qigong is not restricted by device or space, it requires guidance like Reiki. It is
possible to learn Qigong from videos or illustrative books, but please be careful. Wrong
movements may hurt joints and muscles and disturb qi flow.

On the contrary, the scalar field is always safe and effective. You only have to learn how
to set up the machines, and then you can enjoy its immense healing energy.

Quantum Medicine vs. Scalar

Quantum medicine is theoretically the most effective, precise, and accurate medical
practice with concurrent diagnosis and treatment. However, quantum medicine generally
requires expensive devices. In addition, some quantum devices are hoaxes, and customers
often find it difficult to distinguish the authentic ones from the fraudulent ones.

In contrast, you can feel the scalar field as you use the machines. Some people sleep
better, and some may feel a tingling sensation. You will know scalar energy is working on
you the moment you step into the field.

Why Choose Spooky2 Scalar for Human Energy Field?
Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of
transmitting healing scalar energy: pure scalar, molecular scalar and Rife scalar. You can
choose which of these best suits your needs.

So how Spooky2 Scalar can help with human energy field with three methods?

Pure Scalar
This is the easiest way of applying healing scalar energy because nothing special needs
to be done. You just need to tune Spooky2 Scalar, then sit or lie between the transmitter
and receiver. Pure scalar energy then flows between the lids.

We did an experiment about the changes of human energy field in pure scalar field. We
have five people in scalar field for 40 mins, and measured the energy field of them to
analyze their energetic homeostasis. All of the results showed that their energy level
has been greatly improved, energy field entered into well-balanced state and anxiety was
relieved to varying degrees.
(Note: If you’re interested in this experiment, please check more details from here.)

Molecular Scalar
Placing a substance on the receiver coil can further enhance the scalar signal. The
molecules within the sample will change the signal between the lids. You get the curative
effect of the chemical. The substance can be essential oils or drugs. For instance, you
can place lavender oil on the receiver coil, and which will help you clear your energy field.

Rife Scalar
The third way to improve scalar energy is by applying frequencies to scalar field.
Connect your Spooky2 Scalar to the Generator, then tune your Spooky2 Scalar. Sit
between the transmitter and receiver while the programs are running. Spooky2 Scalar
accepts any frequency from the massive Spooky2 database, so you can apply related
chakra, meridians and nadis programs.

Check the Spooky2 Software, under Shell (Empty) Presets\Scalar, Click Spooky Scalar
General (SS) –JW, go to programs tab and search “chakra, meridians and nadis”. The
following are the frequencies that you can run using Spooky2 Scalar.

What Our Scalar Users Are Saying
Charlene: Body Functions Have Been Greatly Improved by Using Spooky2 Scalar
Charlene had a body scan that would show her what's going on in her body, and she was
using Spooky2 Scalar at night after she went to sleep within 5 days, then she discovered
the amazing convert happening in her body: the stress levels were down, the immunity
level went up from 34% to 61%, the biological age after 5 nights it turned younger, in
organs area her stomach and bladder improved... the indicators in her body seem to
improve a lot because of the treatment of Scalar. She's really happy with the results!
(Click here to watch the full video!)

Jaime Tacher: My unbelievable healing journey with Spooky2 Scalar!
This is a story shared by Jaime Tacher, a father of 2 kids. He came across Spooky2
machines when he was looking for alternative cancer treatment for his wife. However,
when he found the Spooky2 Rife machines and Scalar, it was already too late. His
wife’s cancer had spread all over the body. Unfortunately, she passed away on May 16,
2021. She left Jaime with his 2 kids. He used to suffer from anxiety and when he has a
very strong and emotional feeling, he used to have this attacks. Also, his son used to
have allergies that he treated with Scalar. Click here to learn more how Spooky2 Scalar
helps Jaime Tacher and his kids.

Paula Quenelle: More Energy, Less Pain and No Longer Getting Cold with Spooky2
Paula Quenelle had Fibromyalgia and Asthma for a long time. Whenever she and her
sister with COPD came to Florida, they always got colds and bronchitis. They were always
making trips to the urgent care clinic. But this year, none of those symptoms happen.
They haven’t had any kind of colds at all. Her sister is so unbelievable about any of these
and is happy to let her sister run scalar against her every day. For herself, she feels more
energy and the Fibromyalgia pain gets manageable. Scalar is helpful for her sister and
her. Click here to watch full video!

View more Spooky2 Scalar verified testimonials here!


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