(15-00293 428-30) JPMC-MRS-00000101

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Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-30 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 8

From: Larry Schneider
To: edd ie. s. guerr ero@chase.com
Sent: 11 /6/2008 4:08:49 PM
Subject: RE: 1st Liens

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-30 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 8

Eddie ,

It would be helpful if someone can start entering the missing names in the spreadsheet so I can check them . I plan to do a thorough job and definitively identify ever single
loan as fore c losed/unsecure or a valid lien.

Thank you ,

Larry Schneider

S & A Capital Partners, Inc.

2101 NW Corporate Blvd

Suite 320

Boca Raton , FL 33431

Tel: (561) 893 - 9805

Fax: (866) 522 - 4547

From: eddie.s.guerrero@chase.com [mailt o :eddie.s.guerrero@ c hase. com]

Sent: Thursday , November 06 , 2008 9:54 AM

To: Larry Schneider

Subject: RE: 1st Liens

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000101

Excellent , trust me , I am out send as well as sure they understand how big and expensive of a task t his is . This is an important issue for the
way higher ups , so it makes like a hero and help you get some deals .

Thank you ,

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-30 Filed 09/30/19 Page 3 of 8

Eddie S . Guerrero

Real Estate Recovery Supervisor

eddie . s . guerrero@chase.com

Direct 602.627 . 8140

Fax 602.680.1152

1 . 800 . 834.9218 Ext . 78140

" I find that the harder I work , the more luck I seem t o have ."

- Thomas Jefferson


nLarry Schneider n

11/06/2008 05:53 AM Subject RE: 1st Liens

I bro ught in 3 temps to start this morning doing data entry . I am hoping t o do my first round of due diligence just to see if the name matches and t hey are still the owner and
have all 600 0 completed by this weekend. Make sure managE,mEent knows the monumental task t his is and how much JPMChase is saving rather t hat ordering title searches the old
fashion way@ abou t $100/search ~ $60 0, 000 .0 0 plus the of having someone spend the t ime ordering the searches and receiving/processing them. Just an extra little ammunition
for later.

I ' ll be out of the office until late afternoon but will let you know how things are going .

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000102

Larry Schneider

S & A Capital Partners , Inc.

2101 NW Corporate Blvd

Suite 320

Boca Raton , FL 33431

Tel : (561) 893 - 9805

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-30 Filed 09/30/19 Page 4 of 8

Fax: (866) 522 - 4547

From: eddie . s . guerrero@chase.com [mailto:eddie.s.guerrero@chase.com]

Sent : Wednesday , November 05, 2008 5 : 24 PM

To: Larry Schneider

Subject: RE : 1st Liens

LOL not sure, I just need the lien verification as soon as you can, the bid and such can t ake more time .

Thank you ,

Eddie S . Guerrero

Real Estate Recovery Supervisor


Direct 602.627 . 8140

Fax 602 . 680 . 1152

1 . 800 . 834.9218 Ext . 78140

" I find that the harder I work , the more luck I seem t o have. "

- Thomas Jefferson

nLarry Schneidern

11/05/2008 02:28 PM cc

Subject RE: 1st Liens

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000103

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-30 Filed 09/30/19 Page 5 of 8
That's going to take time and money as I need to also to a bunch of title and BPO ' s and convince my investors that it's a good deal. And handle all t he legal structuring o f the
entity . How much time can you get me? It' s 6,000 loan s !!!

Larry Schneider

S & A Capital Partners , Inc.

2 101 NW Corporate Blvd

Suite 320

Boca Raton , FL 33431

Tel: (561) 893 - 98 0 5

Fax : (866) 522 - 4547

From: eddie . s . guerrero@chase.com [mailt o :eddie.s.guerrero@chase.com]

Sent: Wednesday , November 05, 2008 3 :1 4 PM

To: Larry Schneider

Subject: RE: 1st Liens

Sounds good , what is the time frame for completion of the First Lien Walk file?

Thank you ,

Eddie S . Guerrero

Real Estate Recovery Supervisor

eddie . s . guerrero@chase.com

Direct 602.627.8140

Fax 602 . 680 . 1152

1. 800 . 834 .9218 Ext . 78140

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem t o have ."

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000104

- Thomas Jefferson

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-30 Filed 09/30/19 Page 6 of 8



nLarry Schneider n

Subject RE: 1st Liens

11/05/2008 12:52 PM

Great . I am finishing the other list today . I sent you a copy of all t he RealQuest Data cards with new owner and foreclosure deed information via FedEx for tomorrow delivery so
you can purge them from your system .

Thank you ,

Larry Schneider

S & A Capital Partners, Inc.

2101 NW Corporate Blvd

Suite 320

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000105

Boca Raton, FL 33431

Tel : (561) 893 - 98 0 5

Fax : (866) 52 2 - 4547

From: eddie.s.guerrero@chase.com [mailt o :eddie.s.guerrero@ c hase.com]

Sent : Wednesday , November 05, 2 0 08 1 : 37 PM

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 428-30 Filed 09/30/19 Page 7 of 8

To: larry@sacapitalpartners.com

Subject: 1st Liens

Hey Larry ,

Here are the first liens we talked about inc luding full collateral address. Some of them are missing the full address or name on account . I can help out on the borrower names and
possibly the c ollat eral address if need be . Take a look at t he ones tha t have the info first and we will go from there .

Thank you ,

Eddie S . Guerrero

Real Estate Recovery Supervisor

eddie . s . guerrero@chase.com

Direct 602.627 . 8140

Fax 602 . 680 . 1152

1 . 800 . 834.9218 Ext . 7814 0

" I find that the harder I work , the more luc k I seem to have ."

- Tho mas Je f ferson

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Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000107

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