Write A Speech 1

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Hello, everyone. What a pleasant day for all of you. At this moment, I would like to share with you
a very short story.

Tuesday morning, at 8:30 am, I attended an online class about purposive communication. One of
my classmates and I were supposed to be the reporters for the class that day. However, that classmate of
mine is absent. So, it was supposed to be my turn to report, but my laptop is not working well, and I don't
have a phone to use. Therefore, no reporting happens, and our professor gives us an assignment instead.
That assignment is to answer this question: "If you were a bird, what would you like to be and why?"

My answer to that is, if I were to be a bird, I would choose to be a Common Swift.

Now, before I tell you why I chose this kind of bird, let me tell you something.

As we all know, living in this world is such a challenge. Every

day, we force ourselves to get busy doing everything we think that we
must do, not getting enough sleep or almost not sleeping every night,
ignoring our health condition just to stay focused on what we strived for,
believing that someday, our hard work would achieve everything we
dreamed of. But we forget one of the most important things, and that is to
enjoy ourselves while we are still alive.

Did you know that a common swift can remain flying for up to 10
months without stopping? Except when nesting, swifts spend their lives in
the air. And no other bird can do that.

So, if I were a swift, I would definitely fly anywhere I wanted.

Common swifts are widespread and abundant and are not considered
globally threatened. However, as a swift, I might still be teased by an idiot
human, but I don't care. No matter how many or what kinds of treats I may
encounter, I will just ignore them all and try my best to survive. To keep on
flying and traveling to see the beauty of this world, to enjoy it, and to live
happily in the air for the rest of my life.

The fact that a common swift bird can fly for up to ten months and
is not globally threatened is equivalent to saying that we can do anything to
enjoy ourselves and avoid pointless fights in order to achieve our goals. And
that is the reason why I chose to be a swift.

Because I believe in the saying that "happiness is the real victory that you dream of since you’re
born, not your goal." So, for you, enjoy yourself as long as you can while you are still alive, because you
do not know when you will die, and if you die, you might never achieve your dreams and never become
happy as well.

It's not bad to get busy, but we must enjoy ourselves at the same time. Therefore, as we strive for
our goals, victory has already been ours.

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