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Your Bridge School 2

Level: Beginners A1
Revision 01
A. Complete the table below

School objects Family members Jobs Rooms in the house Places in the city
1- 1- 1- 1- 1-
2- 2- 2- 2- 2-
3- 3- 3- 3- 3-
4- 4- 4- 4- 4-
5- 5- 5- 5- 5-
B. Complete the words that start with the following letters

A……….. H……….. O……….

B……….. Y………. P……….

C……….. J………. Z……….

D……….. K………. R……….

E……….. L………. S……….

F……….. M………. T……….

G……….. N ………. U……….

-Reading comprehension-
A. Read and answer the following questions

Subject: My work life
Hi Samantha,
I hope you are great.
I am a professor at Hackney College in London. On weekdays I always get up at about 7 o'clock. I have a
shower and then I have breakfast with my husband and daughter. After breakfast, I brush my teeth and get
dressed and then I take my daughter to school. I go to college by bicycle at 8:30 and I start work at 9 o'clock.

At about 1:30, I usually have lunch. I have a sandwich and some fruit in my office. I finish work at 5 o'clock
and take my daughter from her after-school club. I usually have dinner at about 7 o'clock and then I have a
cup of coffee. ln the evening, I watch television or sometimes I listen to the radio. I like listening to music. I
usually go to bed at about 11.30. Then I read my book for about half an hour. I go to sleep at midnight.

What about your work life?

Love Lesly XoXo

Your Bridge School 2
Level: Beginners A1
Revision 01
The text is

□ A letter
□ A story
□ An email

The text is about

□ Lesly’s holiday
□ Lesly’s daily routine
□ Samantha’s daily routine

Who does she have breakfast with?

What time does Lesley get up?
Does she have a shower in the morning?
How does she go to college?
What relative does she pick up after work?
Where does she have lunch?
Has Lesley got any hobbies after work?
What time does she go to bed?
A. Complete the blanks with the negative or the interrogative form of the verbs in brackets.

Mark: Hi, Tess! What are you doing?

Tess: I'm watching the football team.
Mark: Do you watch (watch) them every day?
Tess: No, I don't. They __________ (not play) every day. They play four times a week.
Mark: __________ you __________ (have) a favourite player?
Tess: No, I __________ (not have) a favourite player. Everyone on the team is good.
Mark: __________ the attacker __________ (move) fast?
Tess: No, he __________ (not move) fast, but he's very clever. __________ you __________ (like) football, Mark?
Mark: No, I __________ (not like) it. I like basketball. It's a great sport.
Your Bridge School 2
Level: Beginners A1
Revision 01
B. Circle the correct words.
1. There are ( lots of / any ) apples on the table.
2. How ( much / many ) is the steak?
3. Today, ( I wear / I’m wearing ) a blue dress.
4. There are ( some / any ) mushrooms in the soup.
5. Shelly goes to work ( by / on ) train.
6. ( Has / Does ) David have brown eyes?
7. We don’t have ( any / some ) ice cream.
8. ( Are / Is ) there any spaghetti?

A. Choose one topic and write an email about it

□ Your daily routine

□ Your house and family
□ Your city.

Your Bridge School 2
Level: Beginners A1
Revision 01
A. Translate from English to Arabic
I’m seven years old. I have one brother and one sister. They are older than me. My
brother is eight and my sister’s ten. My mum is a doctor. My dad isn’t a doctor, he’s a
teacher. We are very happy because it’s Saturday and we aren’t at school!
B. Translate from Arabic to English
‫ تقع في الشمال الغربي لدولة الجزائر وفيها‬.‫ مدينتي كبيرة جدا وعريقة‬.‫أنا أعيش بمدينة تلمسان وأنا أحب مدينتي كثيرا‬
‫ توجد العديد‬.‫ المباني هنا قديمة وأثرية‬.‫ الناس هنا لطيفون جدا ومضيافون لكن مشغولون كثيرا بأعمالهم‬.‫شواطئ ذهبية جميلة‬
‫ اليوم الطقس جد جميل إنه‬.‫من المطاعم الفخمة والفاخرة و هنالك أيضا بعض المطاعم الشعبية التي تقدم مأكوالت تقليدية‬
R........‫ أتمنى أن تزورني صديقي قريبا‬.‫مشمس والهواء منعش‬
Ask any question and answer it


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