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7/2/22, 1:12 PM Letter from a Reader on the Democrats' Plans to Steal the 2022 Election

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Letter from a Reader on the Democrats’ Plans

to Steal the 2022 Election
By Joe Hoft
Published July 2, 2022 at 10:00am


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A TGP reader responded to the report yesterday of the recent

government, non-profit, and corporate election-related groups
meeting in Colorado.… 1/6
7/2/22, 1:12 PM Letter from a Reader on the Democrats' Plans to Steal the 2022 Election

We reported yesterday on a meeting that included many of the same ×

individuals and entities involved in the 2020 Election steal.

BOMBSHELL: Recent Conference Uncovered Between Government

Entities (FBI, DOJ, CISA, and EAC) with Liberal Groups (ERIC, CTCL
and Elections Group) and Corporations Like Microsoft – What’s Going

Below are one of our reader’s thoughts:

Great exposé on the meeting and plotting of the scoundrels that are
planning to steal the midterm elections.

The one thing that should tip off people about the Dems’ confidence in
their ability to cheat and their confidence that nobody will see legal
consequences, is that Biden and other Dems are so flippant about the
destruction they have caused, and will continue to cause, especially with
the high gas prices.

Normally when a politician’s or a party’s negatives and “country on the

wrong track” numbers turn out badly, they act contrite, try to make up
for the mistake, and correct things some. They fear the retribution at the
ballot box in the next election…”the populous are pissed off and are
going to stick it to us, we need to adjust this policy, retract that one
policy, etc.”

However Dems aren’t doing that, and as you’ve pointed out, are
doubling down, basically telling the tens of millions complaining people… 2/6
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to shove it, that high gas prices, high food prices, food shortages here ×
and there are the new norm, Dems are fine with that, and aren’t going to
do anything to remedy these items.

The only reason they are taking that attitude is that they are
supremely confident in their ability to cheat  when it comes to
voting. They do not fear retribution at the ballot box because they
have neutered the population’s ability to bring that retribution. We
saw it in 2020 and I think it is going to happen in a way in 2022 that will
shock people because no President has had as low favorable ratings as
Biden, and no “country on the wrong track” number has ever been so
high. Common sense says that the party in power with those two
negative factors in place, should get wiped out in the elections. But that
won’t happen and while I hope that I am wrong, I fear that 2022 will be
an epiphany for the population in a bad way.

That AP story from a couple of weeks ago where they projected Dems to
hold the House and pick up four Senate seats is some early
gaslighting/conditioning that reveals their hand.

The Fix Is In – Democrats Start to Prep America for Their Mid-

Term Steal

More of this type talk will occur over subsequent months and so when
the steal happens, the mainstream media will just refer back to these
articles as “Well, things turned out like what was predicted for months.
No surprise or shock here. Dems keep the House and increase their seats
in the Senate.”… 3/6
7/2/22, 1:12 PM Letter from a Reader on the Democrats' Plans to Steal the 2022 Election

One of the common themes in Democrat policies, or in general their×

mindset, is that they and their constituents don’t expect to suffer
negative consequences like they naturally should, from their
bad/wrong/irresponsible behavior. Their whole M.O. is to rig a
system, be it judicial, academic, voting, etc. for their benefit.

Abortion is one example (irresponsible behavior leads to unwanted child,

abortion makes the “problem” go away). Alec Baldwin is an example (kills
someone, albeit accidentally, but still expects to receive no jail time, no
penalties, no nothing). Sussman, Strzok, Clinesmith, etc. (all are part of a
coup plot against the sitting president and all are walking free). Youth in
our inner cities in large numbers don’t academically excel (they still get
waved into Harvard or onto the next grade, etc.). Criminals and illegals in
large numbers commit crimes (they get waved out of jail). None of the
aforementioned suffered negative consequences like they naturally
should have.

Now we see it with the Dem President and Dem Congress…they burn
down the country, but have voting rigged so that they won’t get thrown
out of office en masse like they should. The 2022 vote will be very telling
about where our country stands.

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7/2/22, 1:12 PM Letter from a Reader on the Democrats' Plans to Steal the 2022 Election

Joe Hoft

Summary Recent Posts Contact

Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP's founder, Jim Hoft, and a contributing editor at TGP. Joe's
reporting is often months ahead of the Mainstream media as was observed in his reporting on the
Mueller sham investigation, the origins of the China coronavirus, and 2020 Election fraud. Joe was a
corporate executive in Hong Kong for a decade and has years of experience in finance, IT,
operations and auditing around the world. The knowledge gained in his career provide him with a
unique perspective of current events in the US and globally. Joe's weekday radio show at has received rave reviews. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of
four books. His new book: 'The Steal - Volume One: Setting the Stage' is out now. It addresses the
stolen 2020 Election and those activities that led up to November 3, 2020 - please take a look and
buy a copy.

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