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UFAZ-L0-Chemistry 2nd Semester



During all the session, take notes in your laboratory notebook. You may find some questions
regarding the practical works in the next exams.


Upon completion of this lab, the student should be able to

 Proficiently calculate molarities for solutions.
 Prepare a solution of known concentration.
 Prepare a dilute solution from a more concentrated one.
 Perform serial dilutions.
 Use a pipet and a volumetric flask


Solutions are an important part of chemistry. A solution is a homogeneous mixture created by dissolving
one or more solutes in a solvent. The chemical in the mixture that is present in the largest amount is called
the solvent, and the other components are called solutes. Solutions with accurately known concentrations
can be referred to as standard (stock) solutions.

Laboratory experiments and types of research often require preparation of chemical solutions in their
procedure. Many experiments involving chemicals call for their use in solution form. That is, two or more
substances are mixed together in known quantities. This may involve weighing a precise amount of a dry
material or measuring a precise amount of a liquid. Preparing solutions accurately will improve an
experiment's safety and chances for success. Pipettes and volumetric flasks are used to prepare solutions of
exactly known concentration.

In this laboratory session, you will practice preparing solutions of different concentrations. The amount of
solute that is dissolved in a given quantity of solvent is expressed as the concentration of the solution. A
dilute solution contains only a small amount of solute in a given amount of solution. The units that chemists
use most often to describe concentration of solutions are molarity units. The molarity, of a solution is the
number of moles of solute in one liter of solution. To determine the molarity of a solution, the following
equation can be used:

Molarity = moles of solute / liters of solution

CM = n / V (1)

During this laboratory session, you will experiment 2 ways of a solution preparation:

A - Preparing a solution by weighing a chemical substance (solid or liquid).

B - Preparing a solution by diluting a stock solution of known concentration.

A. Preparing a solution by weighing a chemical substance.

A solution of known concentration can be prepared from solids by two similar methods. Although inherent
errors exist with each of the methods, with careful technique either will suffice for making solutions in
General Chemistry Laboratory.

In the first method, the solid solute is weighed out on weighing paper or in a small container and then
transferred directly to a volumetric flask (commonly called a "vol flask"). A funnel might be helpful when
transferring the solid into the slim neck of the vol flask. A small quantity of solvent is then added to the vol
flask and the contents are swirled gently until the substance is completely dissolved. More solvent is added
until the meniscus of the liquid reaches the calibration mark on the neck of the vol flask (a process called
“diluting to volume”). The vol flask is then capped and inverted several times until the contents are mixed
and completely dissolved. The disadvantage of this method is that some of the weighed solid may adhere
to the original container, weighing paper, or funnel. Also, solid may be spilled when it is transferred into
the slim neck of the vol flask.

In the second method, the solid is weighed out first in a small beaker. A small amount of solvent is added
to the beaker and the solution is stirred until the solid is dissolved. The solution is then transferred to the
vol flask. Again, a funnel may need to be inserted into the slim neck of the vol flask. Before adding
additional solvent to the flask, the beaker, stirring rod, and funnel must be rinsed carefully and the washings
added to the vol flask making sure all remaining traces of the solution have been transferred. Finally, the
vol flask is diluted to volume (additional solvent is added to the flask until the liquid level reaches the
calibration mark). The flask is capped and inverted as before until the contents are thoroughly mixed. The
disadvantage to this method is that some of the solution may adhere to the beaker, stirring rod, or funnel if
not washed thoroughly. Also, a possibility of contamination exists from the beaker, rod, or funnel if they
have not been washed carefully.

You will prepare a solution by the second method introduced. To prepare a solution with a desired molarity
you will weigh out an appropriate mass of the reagent, dissolve it in a portion of solvent, and bring to the
desired volume. The mass of the solute is calculated using known concentration and volume of the solution
to be prepared:

nsolute = Csolution · Vsolution (2)

msolute = nsolute · Msolute (3)

Some solutions are prepared by mixing liquid reagents (liquid solute + liquid solvent) as volume percent
solutions. When using liquid reagents the percent concentration is based upon volume per volume. In
Percent by volume (v/v) = [volume of solute (ml) / volume of solution (ml)] x 100

To prepare a solution where the solute’s concentration is a volume percent, an appropriate volume of solute
is measured and sufficient solvent is added to obtain the desired total volume.

B. Preparing a solution by diluting a stock solution of known concentration.

Solutions are often prepared by diluting a more concentrated stock solution. A known volume of the stock
solution is transferred to a new container and brought to a new volume. Since the total amount (number of
moles) of solute is the same before and after dilution, we know that

Ci · Vi = Cf · Vf

where Ci is the stock solution’s concentration, Vi is the volume of stock solution being diluted, C f is the
dilute solution’s concentration, and Vf is the volume of the dilute new solution.


A. Preparing aqueous solutions by weighing a chemical substance

Task 1. Prepare 100 mL of sodium hydroxide NaOH (S1) solution at concentration c1 = 0.1 mol/L.
Calculate the mass needed to prepare this solution.

Procedure : Take a 50 mL beaker and put it into the balance. Press the zero / tare (0/T) buton. When
a balance is tared with an object on the balance pan, the weight of the object will be automatically
subtracted from every reading until the balance is re-tared or zeroed. Take the beaker out of the balance.
Using spatula take a small quantity of sodium hydroxide and put it into the beaker carefully. During
weighing, avoid spilling chemicals on the working table, particularly on the balance. Any remaining of
chemicals on the balance will lead to the error during measurements. Put the beaker into the balance. Check
how many grams of the substance you added by weighing again the beaker. Repeat adding the substance
until you reach the needed mass.

Dissolve the solid compound – NaOH in the beaker with 20 mL of distilled water (DW) using stirring
rode. With the help of a funnel, pour the solution into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Rinse the beaker, stirring
rode, funnel with a small amount of DW, and add the washings to the vol flask making sure all remaining
traces of the solution have been transferred. Complete the volumetric flask with DW at one finger from the
calibration mark (meniscus). Cap the flask and shake the solution. Bring the level of solution to the
meniscus by adding the last drops of DW using dropper. Shake it again and check the meniscus. Clean the
beaker, stirring rode and the funnel. Label the flask with compound name (S1, NaOH) and concentration

Task 2. Prepare 50 mL solution of iron (III) chloride FeCl3 (S2) at concentration c2 = 0.1 mol/L. Calculate
the mass of the FeCl3 needed to prepare this solution.

Procedure: Repeat the procedure of the task 1 using a 50 mL volumetric flask. Label the flask with the
compound name (S2, FeCl3) and the concentration (0.1M) of the solution. Wash used glassware and rinse
with DW.

Task 3. Prepare 50 mL solution of copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate CuSO4 ∙ 5H2O (S3) at concentration
c3 = 0.1 mol/L.

Procedure: Repeat the experimental procedure of the task 2 to prepare the solution S3. Label the flask with
the compound name (S3, CuSO4 ∙5 H2O) and the concentration (0.1M) of the solution. Wash used glassware
and rinse with DW.

Task 4. Prepare 25 mL of 20% V/V ethanol solution (S4) from pure, 100% ethanol. Calculate the mass of
pure ethanol you would mix with DW. We give density of ethanol at STP: 0.789 g/cm3.

Procedure: Weight and transfer calculated mass of 100% ethanol into a 25 mL volumetric flask. Then add
DW to the flask until it is about ½ full. Cap the flask and invert it several times to mix solution. Next, add
water until the liquid is just below the etched line on the neck of the flask. Bring the solution to the line by
adding the last few drops of water drop-by-drop using dropper. The final volume of the solution is 25 mL.
Label the vol flask with the name (S4, ethanol) and concentration (20% V/V) of the solution.

Task 5. Calculate the volume of distilled water you should add to 100 mL of a 10% V/V solution of acetic
acid to reduce it in strength to a 4% V/V solution. Propose a suitable experimental procedure for this task,
discuss it with instructor, and perform preparation of the 4% V/V solution (S5). After obtaining the solution
S5, label the vol flask with the name (S5, CH3COOH) and concentration (4% V/V) of the solution.

B. Preparing aqueous solutions by dilution of a stock solution - more concentrated mother solution.

Task 6. Prepare 100 mL of 3.5% V/V ethanol solution (S6) from 70% V/V ethanol solution. Calculate the
volume of the 70% V/V C2H5OH you would mix with DW.

Procedure: Using volumetric pipet transfer needed volume of 70% V/V ethanol into a 100 mL volumetric
flask. Then add distilled water to the flask until it is about ½ full. Cap the flask and invert it several times
to mix solution. Next, add water until the liquid is just below the etched line on the neck of the flask. Bring
the solution to the line by adding the last few drops of water drop-by-drop using dropper. The final volume
of the solution is 100 mL. Label the vol flask with the name (S6, C2H5OH) and concentration
(3.5% V/V) of the solution.

Task 7. You have a solution of iron (III) chloride FeCl3 (S2) at concentration c2 = 0.1 mol/L that was
prepared in the task 2. Prepare 100 mL solution of iron (III) chloride FeCl3 (S7) at concentration
c7 = 0.015 mol/L by dilution of the stock solution S2. Before performing dilution, carry out calculations.
Which volumetric flask and pipettes should you use to perform such operation?

Procedure: Transfer required volume of the solution S2 into a beaker of 100 mL, add approximately
50 mL of DW. With the help of a funnel, pour the solution into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Rinse the beaker
and funnel carefully with a small amount of DW, and add the washings to the vol flask. Complete it with
DW at one finger from the calibration mark (meniscus). Close the flask with cork and shake the solution.
Complete carefully with DW until the calibration mark and label it with the compound name (S7, FeCl3)
and concentration (0.015M). Clean used glassware with DW.

Task 8. Preparing a serial dilution. A serial dilution is a dilution where a series of dilutions are conducted,
each one may be one-tenth as concentrated as the previous. This procedure is repeated until the desired
concentration is reached. Serial dilutions are commonly used in microbiology where the solution being
diluted contains bacterial colonies. See the figure given below.

In this task you will perform a serial dilution of the 1M CuSO4 ∙5 H2O solution that will be in your disposal
and compare the color intensity in the obtained solutions of different concentration.

1. Place 5 clean, dry 10 mL test tubes in a test tube rack and label the test tubes as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with
labeling tape.

2. Fill 250 mL beaker about half full of distilled water. This water will be used to rinse glassware after each
use. Label this beaker as a “RINSE BEAKER”. Prepare the second 250 mL beaker by labeling it as a

3. Transfer 10 mL of the 1.0 M copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate CuSO4 ∙ 5H2O stock solution into the test
tube 1 by using a 10 mL graduated cylinder. Rinse the graduated cylinder with DW and pour it into the
“waste” beaker. Invert the cylinder and try to get as much water out as possible.

4. Transfer 5.00 mL of this solution from the tube 1 to the 10 mL graduated cylinder. And fill in the rest of
the graduated cylinder with DW so that the final volume on the cylinder is 10.00 mL Transfer this solution
to the test tube 2. Rinse the graduated cylinder with DW.

5. Transfer 5.00 mL of the same solution to the 10 mL graduated cylinder. And fill in the rest of the graduated
cylinder with DW so that the final volume on the cylinder is 10.00 mL. Transfer this solution to the test
tube 3. Rinse the graduated cylinder with DW.

6. Repeat the same dilution process for the test tubes 4 and 5. Do not forget to rinse your graduated cylinder
out between steps.

7. Calculate the concentration of the last 4 solutions in the test tubes 1-5. Compare the color of the stock
solution (tube 1) and each of the subsequent dilutions in the test tubes 2-5. Rank these solutions in order
of color intensity from the darkest to the lightest color.

DISPOSAL OF REACTION PRODUCTS: The chemical waste from this experiment can be diluted with
water and poured down the sink. Wash properly all the glass material and rinse with DW for the next users.

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