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Title Page

by: Jan A. King, W3GEY/VK4GEY

NOTE #1:
Com. System Engineer:

NOTE #2:
Project Manager:

NOTE #3: Orbit Type:

NOTE #4: Model Under


NOTE #5: Model/Case No./Rev No.:

Date Data Last Modified:

Date W/S Formulas
Last Modified:
Basic Analog Transponder Link Budget Version: 1.6

Reference U/V Transponder
Enter Name of Communications Engineer:
Jan A. King X

Enter Name of Project Manager:


Geostationary Orbit; Orbit Slot is TBD

Mode U/V (UHF Uplink/VHF Downlink) Reference Transponder

GEO or Near-GEO AMSAT Payload


2009 September 30 0
2010 September 2
NOTE #7:
Com. Eng.


Config. Control

Document Not Released


NOTE #8:
Amendment Log

Version Date Author

Ver. 1.4 30-Sep-09 Jan A. King

Ver. 1.5 20-Aug-10 Jan A. King

Ver. 1.6 2-Sep-10 Jan A. King

mendment Log

Found error in original worksheet. User downlink "Filter or Switch Loss" not transferred to 7-Downlink Budget. Line 28 added t
Amended Cells [B32] and [B34].
Found error in original worksheet. 7-Downlink Budget Cells [B6],[B9] and [B10] were modified. Terms involving 6-Uplink Budge
to Cell [B40]. This corrects noise power calculation and terms driven by it.
Orbital Elements and Properties: Jan A. King
Reference U/V Transponder
Blue = User Data Entry Values
Element Reference Epoch: 2008, 87.50000 Black = Computed Values (No Data Entry
(Don't Change These Values!)
Orbit Elements and Properties:
Slant Range to Spacecraft vs. Elevation Angle
Parameter: Value: Unit:
Earth Radius: 6,378.17 km
Height of Apogee (ha): 35,786.00 km
Height of Perigee (hp): 35,786.00 km
Semi-Major Axis (a): 42,164.17 km
Eccentricity (e): 0.000000
Inclination (i): 0.05 degrees
Argument of Perigee (w): 180.0 degrees
R.A.A.N. (W): 0.00000 degrees
Mean Anomaly (M): 0.00 degrees
Period: 1436.061 minutes
dw/dt: 0.0268 deg./day
dW/dt: -0.0134 deg./day
dM/dt: Not Implemented deg./day
Mean Orbit Altitude: 35786.00 km
Mean Orbit Radius: 42,164.17 km
Sun Synchronous Inclination: #NUM! degrees Uplink Earth Station

Uplink Earth Station: To Center of Earth

Elevation Angle (d1): 10.0 degrees

Slant Range (S1): 40,586.12 km.

Downlink Earth Station:

Elevation Angle (d2): 30.0 degrees

Slant Range (S2): 38,611.71 km.

2009 September 30 Ref/U-V/1.6

Red = Key Results NOTE: Cells Not Yet Protected

(No Data Entry) Blue =Critical User Data Entry Values
ese Values!)

Orbit Velocity

S2 = Downlink Slant Range

h = mean height above surface

S1 = Uplink Slant Range

d1 = Uplink Elevation Angle

d2 = Downlink
r = h+Re Elevation Angle

Downlink Earth Station

Re = 6378.136 km

S = Re[{r^2/Re^2 - cos^2(d)}^1/2 - sin d ]

To Center of Earth
Frequency: Use Transponder Center Frequencies.

Center Frequency: Wavelength (l):

Uplink: 437.45 MHz 0.68534 meters

(@ Uplink Earth Station)

Downlink: 145.9 MHz 2.05483 meters

(@ Downlink Earth Station)
Path Loss: Slant Range (S): @ Elevation Angle

177.4 dB 40,586.12 km 10.0 °

Path Loss = 22.0 + 20 log (S/l)

167.5 dB 38,611.71 km 30.0 °

Transponder Basic Set-Up Parameters and Characteristics:
A. Basic Transponder Set-Up Parameters: NOTE:

Transponder Uplink Frequency (Band): 437.450 MHz

Transponder Downlink Frequency (Band): 145.900 MHz

Transponder Bandwidth: 200.0 kHz

Transponder G/T: -17.9 dB/K

Transponder Total RF Power Output: 100.00 Watts

Transponder DC/RF Efficiency (Average): 45%

Transponder Intermodulation Ratio (IMR): 22.0 dB

Transponder Total DC Input Power: 222.2 Watts

Transponder Total Active Gain: 166.7 dB

B. Detailed Transponder RF Parameters: NOTE:

-17.9 dB/K

Input BPF

5 7
This paramet


Spacecraft Rcvr Antenna Pointing Loss: 2 0.5 dB

Spacecraft Rcvr Antenna Gain: 3 9.0 dB

Spacecraft Transmission Line Losses: 4 1.0 dB

Spacecraft Input Filter Insertion Loss: 5 0.9 dB

Spacecraft LNA Noise Temperature: 7 120 K

Spacecraft Transmission Line Temp.: 6 290 K

Spacecraft Sky Temperature: 1 150 K

Reference U/V Transponder Jan A. King Version: 1.6

Uplink Frequency Range: 437.35 MHz to 437.55 MHz

Downlink Frequency Range: 145.8 MHz to 146 MHz

No. of Users and Channels: 40 Channels or Users

User Modulation Type: SSB Choose SSB, FM, CW, Data (Bit Rate)

Per User Channel Bandwidth: 3.0 kHz As Required for Modulation Used

Transponder Minimum Bandwidth: 120 kHz Verify that this value is less
than or equal to the value in Cell [D9].
Transponder Power Allocaton/User: 2.500 Watts Ideally, they should be matched.

Effective Guardband/Channel: 2.0 kHz Verify that this value eqauls

Cell [B11] of the "Downlink
Budget" Worksheet.

Transponder Available BW/Channel: 5.000 kHz

Gtotal 13
25.3 dBW
166.7 dB Total Active Gain


IF Filter Output Filter

200 kHz IF BPF Bandwidth 8 9
This parameter Sets the Transponder
Noise Bandwidth


S/C HPA Power Output: 8 100 watts

S/C Connector, Filter, Switch Losses: 9 0.7 dB

Spacecraft Transmission Line Losses: 10 1.0 dB

Spacecraft Xmit Antenna Gain: 11 7.0 dBi

S/C Xmit Antenna Pointing Loss: 12 0.5 dB

S/C Transmit EIRP: 13 25.3 dBW

S/C Rcvr G/T: 14 -17.9 dB/K

W, Data (Bit Rate)

ulation Used

value in Cell [D9].


User Ground Station Equipment Uplink and Downlink Set-Up

User Uplink: NOTE:

Antenna Pointing Loss:

Yagi, Helix, Spiral, Other

Antenna Gain
Uplink Antenna Gain:

Cable Losses: 3.0 dB

Transmission Line Losses

Filter/Switch Loss: 1.0 dB

Filter, Switch & Connector Losses

Transmitter Power Output:

Ground Station EIRP: = 28.0 dBW

User Downlink:
Ground Station Sky Temperature:

Antenna Pointing Loss:

Yagi, Helix, Spiral, Other

Antenna Gain
Downlink Antenna Gain:


Cable Losses: 2.0 dB

Transmission Line Losses
Filter or Switch Loss
Filter/Switch Loss: 0.7 dB

LNA Noise Temperature

G.S Effective Noise Temperature: = 771 K

G.S. Transmission Line Coefficient: = 0.5370

Gnd. Stn. Figure of Merit (G/T): = -18.1 dB/K

Pointing Loss
a = 0.5 dB

Antenna Gain
15.0 dBi


Parabolic Reflector, Horn, Phased Array, Other

TX Input (Voice, Data, Video, Other)

50.0 watts
Tx Power
Sky Temperature
1000 K

Pointing Loss
a = 0.5 dB

Antenna Gain
13.5 dBi

Parabolic Reflector, Horn, Other

LNA To Receiver

100 K
LNA Noise Temperature
Reference U/V Transponder
Uplink Transponder Budget: NOTE:

Parameter: Value: Units:

Ground Station:
User Uplink Transmitter Power Output: 50.0 watts
In dBW: 17.0 dBW
In dBm: 47.0 dBm
Transmission Line Losses: -3.0 dB
Connector, Filter or In-Line Switch Losses: -1.0 dB
Antenna Gain: 15.0 dBiC
Ground Station EIRP: 28.0 dBW
Ground Station Antenna Pointing Loss: -0.5 dB
Uplink Path:
Antenna Polarization Losses: -1.50 dB
Path Loss: -177.4 dB
Atmospheric Losses: -2.0 dB
Ionospheric Losses: -0.7 dB
Rain Losses: 0.0 dB
Isotropic Signal Level at the Spacecraft: -154.2 dBW
Spacecraft Rcvr Antenna Pointing Loss: -0.5 dB
Spacecraft Rcvr Antenna Gain: 9.0 dBiC
Spacecraft Transmission Line Losses: -1.0 dB
Spacecraft Input Filter Insertion Loss: -0.9 dB
Spacecraft LNA Noise Temperature: 120 K
Spacecraft Transmission Line Temp.: 290 K
Spacecraft Sky Temperature: 150 K
S/C Transmission Line Coefficient: 0.6457
Spacecraft Effective Noise Temperature: 320 K
Spacecraft Figure of Merrit (G/T): -17.9 dB/K
S/C Signal-to-Noise Power Density (S/No): 56.0 dBHz
Transponder IF Bandwidth: 200.0 kHz
Transponder Uplink Input Noise Power -150.5 dBW
Single User Uplink S/N in Transponder Bandwidth: 3.0 dB
Transponder Uplink Interference Density: -250.0 dBW/Hz
Transponder Uplink Total Interference Power: -189.5 dBW
Transponder Uplink S/I (Power Ratio): 35.3 dB
Transponder Total Uplink Noise Power (N+I): -150.5 dBW
Single User S(N+I) in Transponder Bandwidth: 3.0 dB
Single User Signal Bandwidth: 3.0 kHz

Single User Uplink S(N+I) in User Terminal Bandwidth: 21.22 dB

Jan A. King Date Data Last Modified:

Version: 1.6 2009 September 30 Uplink Frequency: 437.45


This is the power associated with ONE uplinking user station.

Ground Station Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) [EIRP=Pt x Ltl x Ga]

Use Value Appropriate for Elevation Angle Selected in Orbit Performance W/S. See Ippolito.

Boltzman's Constant: k= -228.6 dBW/K/Hz

Pn = kTB; Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN); The satellite receiver's White Noise.
This is the S/N for ONE user seen at the S/C Rcvr IF, measured after the BPF, in the bandwidth determined by that filter.
This is the interference density seen at the S/C Receiver. Assume Uniform Density Across Transponder Passband.
Measured at Spacecraft Receiver Input
This is the ratio of the User signal level compared to the Interference Noise in the entire Transponder Passband
This total noise multiplied by the tranponder's gain will produce wasted output noise power from the HPA.
This is the uplink performance measured in the ENTIRE transponder bandwidth (NOTE: This could be a negative number)

THE BOTTOM LINE FOR THE UPLINK (NOTE: This is the average S/(N+I), not the peak value. This matters for SSB

dth determined by that filter.

ransponder Passband.

sponder Passband
om the HPA.
could be a negative number)

alue. This matters for SSB

Reference U/V Transponder Jan A. King
Downlink Transponder Budget: NOTE: Version: 1.6

Parameter: Value: Units: Comments:

Spacecraft True HPA Power Output per User Channel 1.6525 watts This is the "True" RF Transponder Pow
In dBW: 2.18 dBW
In dBm: 32.18 dBm
Spacecraft HPA Transponded Uplink Noise Power: 0.8318 watts This is the uplink noise power amplified
Spacecraft Transponded Intermod Power: 0.0157 watts This is the HPA power wasted in genera
Spacecraft Total HPA Power Allocated per User Channel: 2.5000 watts This is the sum of the three power comp
Spacecraft Transmission Line Losses: -1.0 dB
S/C Connector, Filter and In-Line Switch Losses: -0.7 dB
Spacecraft Transmit Antenna Gain: 7.0 dBiC
Spacecraft EIRP per User: 7.48 dBW Spacecraft Effective Isotropic Radiated
Spacecraft Transmit Antenna Pointing Loss: -0.5 dB
Downlink Path:
Antenna Polarization Loss: -1.5 dB
Path Loss: -167.5 dB
Atmospheric Loss: -2.0 dB Use Value Appropriate for Elevation An
Ionospheric Loss: -1.0 dB
Rain Loss: 0.0 dB
Isotropic Signal Level at Ground Station: -165.0 dBW -135.0
Ground Station:
Ground Station Antenna Pointing Loss: -0.5 dB
Ground Station Antenna Gain: 13.5 dBiC
Ground Station Transmission Line Losses: -2.0 dB
Ground Station and/or Switch Losses: -0.7 dB
Ground Station LNA Noise Temperature: 100 K
Ground Station Transmission Line Temp.: 290 K
Ground Station Sky Temperature: 1000 K
G.S. Transmission Line Coefficient: 0.5370
Ground Station Effective Noise Temperature: 771 K
Ground Station Figure of Merrit (G/T): -18.1 dB/K
G.S. Signal-to-Noise Power Density (S/No): 45.03 dBHz Boltzman's Constant:
Transponder Intermodulation Ratio (S/IM or IMR): 22.0 dB The ratio of the power in one user signa
G.S. Signal-to-Intermodulation Power Density (S/Io) 56.8 dBHz The Intermodulation Power Density
G.S. S/ (No+Io): 44.75 dBHz
Single User Signal Bandwidth: 3.0 kHz
Single User Downlink S/N in User Terminal Bandwidth: 9.98 dB This is the S/N for ONE user due to dow
It does not inlude the effects of the uplin
Date Data Last Modified:

2009 September 30 Downlink Frequency: 145.9 MHz

e "True" RF Transponder Power Allocated to Each User. The Intermod Power is NOT Included in this value.

e uplink noise power amplified and retransmitted by the transponder HPA - Per Channel
e HPA power wasted in generating intermodulation products - Per Channel
e sum of the three power components from above. - Per Channel

ft Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) [EIRP=Pt x Ltl x Ga] per User

e Appropriate for Elevation Angle Selected in Orbit Performance W/S. See Ippolito.


-228.6 dBW/K/Hz
of the power in one user signal divided by the average intermodulation power level in one User channel
modulation Power Density

e S/N for ONE user due to downlink thermal noise (AWGN) plus Intermodulation Interference.
t inlude the effects of the uplink noise.
Transponder Link Results (Combining the Uplink and the Downlink):
<---------------------------------------- Link Results: ------------------------------------->

Uplink S/N Achieved: 21.22 dB

Downlink S/N Achieved: 9.98 dB

Combined Uplink + Downlink S/N

9.66 dB

If Applicable
SSB PEP S/N: 19.66 dB

< -------------------------------Spacecraft Resources: --------------------------------->

Spectrum Used: 200 kHz

Users & Channels Supported: 40 User Ch.

3.0 kHz/Ch.

Transponder End-to-End Gain: 166.7 dB

Transponder DC Power Consumed: 222.22 Watts

Transponder Thermal Dissipation: 122.22 Watts

Version: 1.6
<---------------------------------------User Uplink:------------------------------------->
Uplink Center Frequency: 437.45 MHz

Uplink: User Antenna Gain: 15.0 dBiC

Uplink: User Transmitter Power: 50.0 Watts

<--------------------------------- User Downlink:----------------------------------->

Downlink Center Frequency: 145.9 MHz

Downlink: User Antenna Gain: 13.5 dBiC

Downlink: User LNA Temperature: 100 K

Downlink: User Rcvr G/T: -18.07 dB/K


S/C Uplink Antenna Gain: 9.0 dBiC

S/C Uplink G/T: -17.95 dB/K

S/C Downlink Total Xmtr Power: 100.00 Watts

S/C Downlink RF Power/User Ch.: 2.50 Watts

S/C Downlink Antenna Gain: 7.0 dBiC

S/C Downlink EIRP (Transponder): 25.3 dBW

S/C Downlink EIRP/User Ch.: 7.5 dBW

Place a Typical Uplink and Downlink, (End-to-End) Block Diagram Here. Use GREY Background. Add some performance and
. Add some performance and noise contribution graphics.
Earth and Orbit Shape for Figure in Orbit Performance W/S [NOTE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS WORKSHEET]
Y X R Y1 X1 R1
3.519943 -1.9 16 3.574563 -1.9 16.2
3.546477 -1.85 16 3.6 -1.85 16.2
3.572114 -1.8 16 3.624569 -1.8 16.2
3.596874 -1.75 16 3.648287 -1.75 16.2
3.620773 -1.7 16 3.671171 -1.7 16.2
3.64383 -1.65 16 3.693237 -1.65 16.2
3.666061 -1.6 16 3.714499 -1.6 16.2
3.687479 -1.55 16 3.73497 -1.55 16.2
3.708099 -1.5 16 3.754664 -1.5 16.2
3.727935 -1.45 16 3.773592 -1.45 16.2
3.746999 -1.4 16 3.791767 -1.4 16.2
3.765302 -1.35 16 3.809199 -1.35 16.2
3.782856 -1.3 16 3.825899 -1.3 16.2
3.799671 -1.25 16 3.841875 -1.25 16.2
3.815757 -1.2 16 3.857136 -1.2 16.2
3.831123 -1.15 16 3.871692 -1.15 16.2
3.845777 -1.1 16 3.88555 -1.1 16.2
3.859728 -1.05 16 3.898718 -1.05 16.2
3.872983 -1 16 3.911202 -1 16.2
3.88555 -0.95 16 3.923009 -0.95 16.2
3.897435 -0.9 16 3.934145 -0.9 16.2
3.908644 -0.85 16 3.944617 -0.85 16.2
3.919184 -0.8 16 3.954428 -0.8 16.2
3.929058 -0.75 16 3.963584 -0.75 16.2
3.938274 -0.7 16 3.97209 -0.7 16.2
3.946834 -0.65 16 3.979950 -0.65 16.2
3.954744 -0.6 16 3.987167 -0.6 16.2
3.962007 -0.55 16 3.993745 -0.55 16.2
3.968627 -0.5 16 3.999687 -0.5 16.2
3.974607 -0.45 16 4.004997 -0.45 16.2
3.97995 -0.4 16 4.009676 -0.4 16.2
3.984658 -0.35 16 4.013726 -0.35 16.2
3.988734 -0.3 16 4.017151 -0.3 16.2
3.99218 -0.25 16 4.01995 -0.25 16.2
3.994997 -0.2 16 4.022126 -0.2 16.2
3.997187 -0.15 16 4.02368 -0.15 16.2
3.99875 -0.1 16 4.024612 -0.1 16.2
3.999687 -0.05 16 4.024922 -0.05 16.2
4.000000 0 16 4.024922 0 16.2
3.999687 0.05 16 4.024612 0.05 16.2
3.99875 0.1 16 4.02368 0.1 16.2
3.997187 0.15 16 4.022126 0.15 16.2
3.994997 0.2 16 4.01995 0.2 16.2
3.99218 0.25 16 4.017151 0.25 16.2
3.988734 0.3 16 4.013726 0.3 16.2
3.984658 0.35 16 4.009676 0.35 16.2
3.97995 0.4 16 4.004997 0.4 16.2
3.974607 0.45 16 3.999687 0.45 16.2
3.968627 0.5 16 3.993745 0.5 16.2
3.962007 0.55 16 3.987167 0.55 16.2
3.954744 0.6 16 3.97995 0.6 16.2
3.946834 0.65 16 3.97209 0.65 16.2
3.938274 0.7 16 3.963584 0.7 16.2
3.929058 0.75 16 3.954428 0.75 16.2
3.919184 0.8 16 3.944617 0.8 16.2
3.908644 0.85 16 3.934145 0.85 16.2
3.897435 0.9 16 3.923009 0.9 16.2
3.88555 0.95 16 3.911202 0.95 16.2
3.872983 1 16 3.898718 1 16.2
3.859728 1.05 16 3.88555 1.05 16.2
3.845777 1.1 16 3.871692 1.1 16.2
3.831123 1.15 16 3.857136 1.15 16.2
3.815757 1.2 16 3.841875 1.2 16.2
3.799671 1.25 16 3.825899 1.25 16.2
3.782856 1.3 16 3.809199 1.3 16.2
3.765302 1.35 16 3.791767 1.35 16.2
3.746999 1.4 16 3.773592 1.4 16.2
3.727935 1.45 16 3.754664 1.45 16.2
3.708099 1.5 16 3.73497 1.5 16.2
3.687479 1.55 16 3.714499 1.55 16.2
3.666061 1.6 16 3.693237 1.6 16.2
3.64383 1.65 16 3.671171 1.65 16.2
3.620773 1.7 16 3.648287 1.7 16.2
3.596874 1.75 16 3.624569 1.75 16.2
3.572114 1.8 16 3.6 1.8 16.2
3.546477 1.85 16 3.574563 1.85 16.2
3.519943 1.9 16 3.548239 1.9 16.2

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