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Lesson 2.

Vocabulary Practice

1. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below and translate them.
get my foot in the door, confidence, socialise, novice, professional,
mature, face, support, courage, masculine
1. Doctors don't have much time to socialise as they work very long hours. (mix with
people) socialise-partcipate in social activities; mix socially with others.
2. The experienced chess player easily beat the novice who was still learning the rules
of the game. (beginner) Novice-a person new to and inexperienced in a job or
3. After months of training the young fire fighter was ready to face a real
fire. (deal with) Face-confront and deal with or accept a difficult or unpleasant
task, fact, or situation.
4. There aren't many female boxers as it is a very masculine sport. (male)
Masculine- having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men.
5. The contacts I had, helped me get my foot in the door when I was looking for a
job. (get started) Get my foot in the door- to make the first step toward a goal by
gaining entry into an organization, a career, etc.
6. My parents were a great  support to me when I lost my job. (help) Support- bear all
or part of the weight of; hold up.
7. My tennis coach is a professional ; he has been playing in international matches for
years. (paid expert)Professional- relating to or belonging to a profession.
8. Working as a chef for five years gave Brian the confidence to open his own
restaurant. (sense of self-worth)Confidence- the feeling or belief that one can have
faith in or rely on someone or something.
9. Fire-fighters need a lot of courage  as their work is often very dangerous. (bravery)
Courage- the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.
10. The manager didn't hire the young man, as he didn't think he was mature enough to
deal with the stresses of the job. (emotionally developed) Mature- fully developed
physically; full-grown.
2.  Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once. Refer to
the text in Lesson 1. Translate the full phrases. 
a champion's, to wear, to win, to prove, limit, tough, to damage, to give, popular, to
take, on equal terms, casually
1.  a casually world           
2. to give sb the chance to           
3.   a champion's the legal right           
4.   to prove your confidence          
5.  there is no limit to          
6.   popular with crowds
7.    to wear elegant
8.    to take a test
9. to fight on equal terms with
10.  to win himself
11.  to damage my hair loose
12.  to have  tough mentality
4. Fill in the correct particle.
1. She gave up eating fatty foods when she went on a diet. (stopped)
2. Spies gave away top secret information during the war. (revealed)
3. Although it looked as though Steffi was winning the match, Monica refused
to give in (surrender)
4. The charity gave out food to the poor and needy. (gave freely)
5. For such a small electric fire, it gives off a lot of heat. (emits)
6. Their food supplies gave out before they reached the summit of the
mountain. (came to an end)

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