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Designer: Dr. Michael LaBossiere

Cartographer: Dr. Michael LaBossiere
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Cover Image/Art: Michael LaBossiere, Midjourney

Credits .................................................................................... 1
Contents ................................................................................. 1
Introduction .......................................................................... 2
Background/History............................................................. 2
Getting the PCs Involved ...................................................... 4
Map Key ................................................................................. 4
Encounter .............................................................................. 5
NPCs....................................................................................... 5
Conclusion ............................................................................ 6
Hook?..................................................................................... 6
Free Stuff! .............................................................................. 8
Free Map Collections ............................................................ 8
Free Rules .............................................................................. 8
Free Encounters .................................................................... 8
Free Encounters Collections ................................................ 8
Free Character Options......................................................... 8
Stuff to Buy! .............................................................................. 8
Adventures ............................................................................ 9
Class & Character Options .................................................... 9
Karabeth Series ..................................................................... 9
About the Author .................................................................10
Maps ..................................................................................... 11

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All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
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INTRODUCTION Determined to pierce the secrets of the Hohu
Abyss, the brilliant scholar Apanal led an expedition
This is the 78th in an ongoing series aimed to
into the cold and crushing depths. When he failed to
provide the overworked DM with ready-to run
return and divination revealed nothing, it was
encounters. The PCs encounter a Mokule
believed that his magical diving apparatus had not
(shipbreaker). Will they break it or be broken?
been a match for the Hohu Abyss.
A Mokule (shipbreaker) is CR 8. A damaged version
His sister, Akaha, refused to give up on her beloved
is CR 6. The encounter also includes the option of
brother and sought to construct a second craft to
including a Welg, which is CR 4.
search for him. As the vessel was nearing completion,
It includes a history/background for the encounter,
Apanal returned. When asked about his missing
a map, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file
companions and what had transpired, Apanal always
contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without
quickly changed the subject. While Akaha and his
grid), the Word file of the encounter, and a Fantasy
friends were glad that Apanal had returned, they
Grounds Unity Module file.
became dismayed when they learned of his odd and

BACKGROUND/HISTORY disturbing activities. Over the next few years, Apanal

rose to power and transformed the loose Chokoban
coalition into a centralized state. He also encouraged
This section provides the relevant general
the people to worship a new god, Haleulim, and move
background/history for the adventure. It can be
away from their traditional worship of the kind and
modified as needed to fit your campaign. Most
generous Kauka.
encounters also have
Though clever machinations
their own background
and secret assassinations,
section which provides
Apanal forged the former loose
the specific details for
coalition into an empire. When
that encounter’s
he had himself crowned, his
sister and some of his surviving
Before their fall, the
former friends fled to the island
Chokoban were known
chain of Mokuni. The people of
for their love of
Mokuni had refused to join the
scholarship and
empire and had remained
exploration. In the early
faithful to Kauka.
days of the world, they set
The Chokoban Empire
out from their idyllic
initially tried to win over
islands in search of
Mokuni with persuasion and
adventure and
bribery. The empire then tried
knowledge. Encountering
assassinations and threats.
other people, they were
When these failed, the empire
often able to persuade
went to war against the
them to join the loose
coalition that formed the
While the Mokuni people
Chokoban government.
were generally peaceful, they
These island
were skilled sailors and warriors.
communities experienced an enduring golden age of
They also had the assistance of loyal sea creatures,
learning, art, and equitable commerce. But all
including the Gopao, intelligent octopi devoted to
golden ages end.
Kauka. All this enabled the Mokuni to put up an
effective resistance.
Faced with the martial competence of the Mokuni, pleased and submerged the island. This would have
Apanal turned to the use of terrible magic and been the death of Akaha and the people of Mokun, but
gruesome allies to overcome their defenses. As a Kauka used the last of her divine power to intervene
weapon designed to damage morale, Apanal’s and transformed the land dwellers into dolphins.
wizards created constructs made from the broken Apanal learned of this too late, and most of the Mokun
heads of statues of Kauka and the tentacles of slain and their Gopao allies were able to escape and start a
Gopao. These constructs became known as Welgs. In new life in a faraway sea.
the Chokoban language, “Welg” means “a degrading Kauka, no longer a goddess but still a celestial
cruelty to break an enemy.” Until now, this word had being, gathered as many of the faithful from among
never been used to describe actions of the Chokoban. the Chokoban as she could and fled far from her
The Chokoban also made beloved islands.
use of more traditional No fool, Apanal sent a small
weapons, including the fleet to pursue the refugees.
Mokule (shipbreaker). A This fleet was destroyed in an
Mokule is a stone construct unusual storm before it could
designed to destroy ships. complete its mission and
To this end, its arms are Apanal took this as a sign
massive blades that can from the gods and did not
slash through flesh and send a second fleet. He did,
smash timbers. A Mokule is however, dispatch searchers
also equipped with a to look for those who had
magical sail burner that escaped his wrath and, as he
spews fire. While intended saw it, betrayed the Chokoban
to burn sails, it is also very Empire.
effective against ship As the Chokoban Empire
crews. A Mokule is usually expanded it grew more
chained to the large warship that carries it, allowing wicked and corrupt—the worship of Haleulim
it to be retrieved should it sink an enemy vessel. Some involved horrific rituals and the god expected terrible
warships had massive trebuchets that could hurl a things from its followers. As the wickedness and
Mokule at an enemy ship, doing massive damage as a corruption became evident to all, internal dissent
projectile and then attacking the ship and crew. Being grew and eventually exploded into a civil war. While
constructs, these creatures do not die of old age and the civil war ended with the destruction and sacrifice
need neither food nor air. As such, they can still of the rebels, it severely weakened the Chokoban
sometimes be found in the sea or near the shore in Empire. It retreated to the core islands and, over the
areas once controlled or contested by the Chokoban. centuries, became even more corrupted and
While the Mokuni resisted bravely, they could not degraded.
hold against the might and magic of the Chokoban. Always fearing discovery, Kauka and her people
The Chokoban fleets conquered each island in turn, moved ever farther away from their home islands,
until only the main island of Mokun remained. Akaha finally reaching the coast of what is now Karabeth. As
had managed to escape death and capture in battle a former goddess of the sea, Kauka must remain
after battle and made her final stand on this island. close to the water and her faithful refuse to abandon
Rather than engage in a costly invasion, Apanal her. After settling in and constructing a town, they
commanded his fleet to encircle the island. His called it “Aole Ko Mākou Mokupuni.”
priests then invoked the power of Haleulim, Exhausted by her efforts and lacking a large body
sacrificing hundreds of captives by slitting their of worshippers, Kauka must sleep for long periods of
bellies and tossing them into the sea. Haleulim was time. She does, however, awaken when her people
are threatened. While she is a kind being, she knows when the merchant ship got far enough away spared
that kindness sometimes requires dealing with the the vessel from complete destruction.
wicked very harshly.
When the Ventani Empire expanded into Karabeth,
they encountered Aole Ko Mākou Mokupuni. GETTING THE PCS INVOLVED
Heeding the advice of their diviners, the Imperial The encounter could be random—the PCs might be
Forces did not attack the town. The town leaders travelling through the area, perhaps coming to shore
agreed to become a friend of the Empire rather than after another adventure, and run into the shipbreaker
part of the Empire, a status rarely granted. or welg.
When Ventani explorers reached the islands of the The PCs could also learn of the attack on the
Chokoban Empire centuries later, they found nothing merchant ship, the Spirited Gull, and decide to
but the ruins of empty cities and horrors in the sea. investigate. The ship is being repaired and the story
The Ventani wisely decided to stay away from the of the attack will circulate among the taverns and inns
area, although conspiracy minded historians claimed frequented by sailors.
that remnants of the Chokoban Empire tried to The surviving crew know where the wreck is
infiltrate the Ventani Empire. located. If the PCs speak to a crew member, they will
When the Ventani Empire itself fell, the people of provide the location of the wreck. They will also
Aole Ko Mākou Mokupuni provided what aid they provide a description of what attacked them. Because
could to those fleeing disaster. When the invaders of the terror of the attack, the sailors will
attempted to attack Aole Ko Mākou Mokupuni from unintentionally exaggerate the size and capabilities of
the sea, their forces were devasted by an awakened the creature. But the basic details will be correct.
Kauka and her Gopao. Various other attempts were Because the wreck is near a port, the owners of
made over the years to raid or conquer the town, but merchant ships or the officials of the city are likely to
these all failed. The Blood Claw made one serious be willing to pay the PCs to destroy the defender(s) of
attempt to take the town. They now call it “the place the wreck. The negotiations will usually start with a
we do not bother”, though none speak openly of why small reward, perhaps 100 gp, but the merchants or
it has this name. While Kauka is no longer a goddess, officials will be willing to pay significantly more
she is not without divine friends, and they do what
they can to keep he secret.
While the Chokoban Empire fell into decay untold MAP KEY
centuries ago, its legacy still festers. Creatures that The map shows the wreck and the beach. This is
once served the empire sometimes emerge to trouble the damaged hull of an ancient Chokoban warship.
the world. There are also signs that the Chokoban The Chokoban used magic to strengthen and
Empire persists, and a few mad prophets speak of it preserve their ships; this is why the wreck remained
arising from the depths to conquer, destroy and surprisingly intact over the centuries and survived
enslave. being pushed by the storm. The design of the vessel
Recently a great sea storm swept an ancient is different from any local ship designs and will
Chokoban wreck up from the bottom and close to the somehow feel old. If there is a welg defending the
shore. A Mokule (shipbreaker) and perhaps a welg wreck, there will be bodies of the crew in the ship’s
came with the ship, still following the last orders brig. Welgs usually had standing orders to take living
given, to protect the ship. captives for interrogation. Since the brig is
The defender(s) of the wreck attacked a merchant underwater, the captured crew members drowned.
vessel that sailed to close, and the ship barely escaped
after suffering heavy damage and many casualties.
Only the fact that the defender(s) ceased attacking

thwarted, it will move on to a new target. Following
its orders, the Welg brings corpses to be stored in
the wreck—the Chokoban necromancers had many
uses for bodies. The Welg will also try to take living
captives and bring them to the wreck to be placed
within the remains of the ship’s brig. Since the
remains of the brig are under water, this will usually
result in the death of the captive.


Large construct, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (natural armor)

Hit Points 95 (10d10+40)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


ENCOUNTER 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
The Mokule (CR 8) stays close to the ship but will
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
attack any vessel or potential foe that gets within
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
100 feet of the wreck. The Mokule can be controlled frightened, poisoned
by whoever knows the proper command words, but Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
these are now known only by those long dead. Languages
The Mokule will pursue those it regards as threats Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
to the wreck but will prioritize those closest to it. If a
target moves more than 300 feet from the wreck, it
will let it go. The chains that held the Mokule rusted ACTIONS
away long ago, so it is free to roam from the wreck.
Multiattack. The Welg attacks twice, once with its slam
For an easier encounter, a damaged Mokule (CR
and once with its tentacle.
6) can be used. For a tougher encounter, another
Mokule or a Welg (or more) can be added. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Being an automated construct, a Mokule fights in creature. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
a straightforward manner, smashing and slashing
foes with its blade arms and burning sails and crew. Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. The
If there is a Welg (CR 4) protecting the wreck, it
target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple
follows its ancient orders and patrols an area up to ends, the creature is restrained, and the Welg can't
100 feet from it. If the PCs are in or near this area, constrict another target.
they will attract its attention. If the PCs use magic or
go at night, they might be able to ambush the Welg. Description: The original Welgs were crafted from
The Welg will attack any humanoid in the danger heads broken from statues of the goddess Kauka and
zone it patrols unless the humanoid knows the tentacles taken from slain Gopao guardians. Such a
Welg looks like a floating stone or metal head of a
command word for the Welg. The Welg will ignore
beautiful, kindly woman with a massive octopus
beasts and plants unless they are hostile to it. If a tentacle hanging from beneath the broken neck.
hostile target gets over 300 feet from the wreck, the
welg will let it go. It will prioritize targets closest to While a Welg moves by flying or swimming, they tend
the wreck. to stay close to the ground—the tentacles just scraping
The Welg is not subtle in combat and will select a the surface. They are not limited to that height and can
foe and endeavor to destroy them. If it succeeds or is fly (and swim) freely. One common tactic of a Welg is
to grapple a victim, rise in the air and then drop the
victim. Since Mokulawe are dispatched from a warship to
attack another ship with the intention of sinking it, a
Mokulawe is fitted with two massive iron rings bolted
into its back. Chains are attached to these rings.

 
Large construct, unaligned

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 136 (13d10+65)  
Speed 30 ft. 
Large construct, unaligned
22 (+6) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 80 (13d10+65)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Speed 30 ft.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 22 (+6) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Languages Common
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Siege Monster. The creature deals double damage to frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
objects and structures. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common
ACTIONS Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Multiattack. The shipbreaker makes two blade arm Siege Monster. The creature deals double damage to
attacks. objects and structures.

Breaker Blades. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach

5 ft., one creature. Hit: 19 (3d8+6)
bludgeoning/slashing damage. Multiattack. The damaged shipbreaker is missing an
arm and only makes one attack.
Sail Burner (Recharge 5-6). The shipbreaker exhales
magical fire in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that Breaker Blades. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 19 (3d8+6)
6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much bludgeoning/slashing damage.
damage on a successful one. A creature or object that
takes damage from this ability catches fire; until
someone takes an action to douse the fire, the creature
(or object) takes 2d6 fire damage at the start of each of
its turns. CONCLUSION
Description: Being an island empire, the Chokoban’s The encounter ends when the PCs defeat the
navy was its primary fighting force. The crafter-wizards defender(s) of the wreck die or decide to quit. If they
of the empire designed and created many weapons to succeed and have been promised a reward, they will
ensure dominance above and below the waves. One of receive it. Resolving the threat is also likely to earn
their most successful creations is the Mokulawe goodwill from the merchants, sailors, and city
(shipbreaker). Sculpted out of stone and imbued with a officials.
guiding spirit, these squat constructs are armed with
massive blades designed to bludgeon or slash their way
through even the strongest hulls. They are also
enchanted to spew forth a sticky magical flame that HOOK?
clings to living creatures and structures, causing terrible
The wrecked ship was part of a larger fleet; those
burns. While originally designed to burn the sails from
enemy warships, the fire proved quite effective as a ships and various creatures might be on the nearby
terror weapon. sea bottom, awaiting the brave (or foolish).
The wreck can also have some preserved items
(like maps etched into stone, paper maps preserved
in magical scroll cases, or a magically protected
captain’s log) that could lead the PCs towards the
terrible tatters of the Chokoban Empire.

FREE STUFF! Mike’s Free Encounter #32: Ancient Aqueduct
Mike’s Free Encounter #33: Tomb of the Desiccated
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Mike’s Free Encounter #36: Molodus
Mike’s Free Encounter #37: The Pool of Pelthonus
FREE MAP COLLECTIONS Mike’s Free Encounter #38: Sea Tiger Island
Mike's Free Maps Collection #1 Mike’s Free Encounter #39: Sanguinem Volant
Mike's Free Maps Collection #2 Mike’s Free Encounter #40: Gladiomortuus
Mike's Free Maps Collection #3 Mike’s Free Encounter #41: A Princess Met on the Road
Mike's Free Maps Collection #4 Mike’s Free Encounter #42: College of the Damned
Mike's Free Maps Collection #5 Mike’s Free Encounter #43: Necrokyrie
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #6 Mike’s Free Encounter #44: Cornu Umbra
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #7 Mike’s Free Enounter #45 Serutani Tomb
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #8 Mike’s Free Encounter #46: Tiger Canon
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #9 Mike’s Free Encounter #47: The Deluded Djinni
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #10 Mike’s Free Encounter #48: Druid of the Moonlit Web
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #11 Mike’s Free Encounter #49: Quillbones
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #12 Mike’s Free Encounter #50: Bonerunners
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #13 Mike’s Free Encounter #51: Welg
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #14 Mike’s Free Encounter #52: Osfranger
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #15 Mike’s Free Encounter #53 Cross Cat
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #16 Mike's Free Encounter #54: Musiksalskare
Mike’s Free Encounter #55: Truthsayer
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Mike’s Free Encounter #61: Sleeper in the Well
Mike’s Free Encounter #62: Krympt Jätte
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Mike’s Free Encounter #64: Rebel Mummy
Mike's Free Encounter #1: Necromancer's Stash Mike’s Free Encounter #65: Dealing Doppelganger
Mike’s Free Encounters #2: Worg Riders Mike’s Free Encounter #66: Of Sheers, Weagles and Spakes
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Mike’s Free Encounter #15: Dwarven Guard Post
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Mike’s Free Encounter #17: Frostcursed Guard Post Mike’s Free Encounters #1-10 (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #18: Death Captain Mike’s Free Encounters #1-20 (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #19: Corporagelida Mike’s Free Encounters #21-30 (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #20: Frostcursed Headless Mike’s Free Encounters #31-40 (Pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter # 21: Frostcursed Forge Mike’s Free Encounters #41-50 (Pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #22: Frostcursed Docks Mike’s Free Encounters #61-70 (Pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #23: Frostcursed River Diamond
Mike’s Free Encounter #24:Dividuicorporis
Mike’s Free Encounter #25: Frostcursed Queen
Mike’s Free Encounter #26: Cult of the Bat Seven Tribes of Comosh
Mike’s Free Encounter #27: Burning Beasts
Mike’s Free Encounter #28: Sting of Drenlak
Mike’s Free Encounter #29: Sand Gnark Horse STUFF TO BUY!
Mike’s Free Encounter #30 Ghul Caravan
Mike’s Free Encounter #31 Fallen Desert Outpost I also sell stuff for D&D.

Arrogo's Tomb
Belmey (pay what you want)
Broken Mine 5E
Dragon Hunt
Tower of Zakelana


Boot Dagger Booter (pay what you want)
Circle of Ash (pay what you want)
Flame Touched (pay what you want)
Legacy of the Frostcursed (pay what you want)

K1 Trip to Town (pay what you want)
K1.5 Where the Dead Speak (pay what you want)
K2 Lelathon Village (Pay what you want)

Dr. Michael LaBossiere is a gamer/runner from Maine who went
to school in Ohio and ended up a philosophy professor in Florida.
While acquiring his doctorate in philosophy at Ohio State
University, he earned his ramen noodle money by writing for
Chaosium, GDW, R. Talsorian
Games, and TSR. After
graduate school, he became a
philosophy professor at
Florida A&M University. His
first philosophy book, What
Don't You Know?, was
published in 2008. He
continues to write philosophy
and gaming material. He is
also a blogger, but these days
who isn't?
When not writing, he enjoys running, gaming and the martial
arts. Thanks to a quadriceps tendon tear in 2009, he was out of
running for a while, but returned to the trails and wrote a book
about it, Of Tendon & Trail. He can be contacted at



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