Introduction To Research

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Developing Appreciation for Research

Malvar Senior High School

Change is the only inevitable thing
in this world,
we cannot do away with change….
The challenge for people is to adapt
to these changes, failure to do so
will make societies extinct…
Ask your self….
Why do I need to learn about research?
What is the importance of conducting
What will the world be today if man did
not learn to research?
Research is a scientific, experimental, or inductive
manner of thinking (Baraceros, 2016).
Research is a systematic process of collecting,
analyzing, and interpreting information in order to
increase our understanding of a phenomenon about
which we are interested or concerned (Leedy &
Ormrod, 2013).
Importance of Research
Some important avenues of research are:
1. It is the fountain of knowledge and provide guidelines
for solving problems in any field – business, academe,
government, social science, etc.
2. Research provides basis for many government policies.
3. It leads to the identification and characterization of new
materials, new living things, new stars, etc.
4. Research leads to a new style of life and makes it
delightful and glorious
Stages of the Research Process
1. Defining a Problem
2. Planning a Research Design
3. Planning a Sample
4. Gathering a data
5. Processing and analyzing the data
6. Formulating Conclusions and Preparing a
7. Defining a New Problem
The PROBLEM and its
•Identifying Inquiry and
Stating the Problem Practical Research 2

OUR LEARNING After this discussion, you are
GOALS expected to have the ability to…
1 state research questions;

2 write a research title;

Identifying Inquiry
and Stating the 3 describe background of research;

Problem: 4 indicate scope and delimitation of study;

ITS BACKGROUND 5 present written statement of the

What is meant by a research problem?

•A research problem is a statement about

an area of concern, a condition to be
improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or
a troubling question that exists in
scholarly literature, in theory, or in
What is meant by a research question?

•A research question is 'a question

that a research project sets out to
research problem vs. research question
Research problem Research question
Broader specific queries
generated from the
declared in the title of indicated as
the study statement of the
problem (SOP)
NOTE • Distinguishing among Topic, Research Problem, Purpose, and
Research Questions
a general
T narrows the
broad subject
matter addressed educational issue, purpose into
by the study. concern, or the major intent or specific questions
controversy objective of the that the researcher
addressed in study used to would like
research that address the answered or
narrows the topic. problem addressed in the
Can peer tutoring
Low grades of SHS improve the grades of
SHS Mathematics students in General To improve the grades SHS students in General
Mathematics of SHS students in Mathematics?
General Mathematics
The starting point of a research is the selection of a
research topic and problem.

Research is Cyclical - starts with a problem and

ends with a problem.
Characteristics of a good thesis research problem

1. Topic should be suitable for research.

2. The topic should be of great interest to you.
3. It should be useful for the concerned
people in a particular field and it relates to
one or more academic fields of study.
4. The problem generates research questions.
Characteristics of a good thesis research problem

5. It is grounded in theory.
6. It has a base in the research literature.
7. It should lend itself to complex designing
8. It is feasible.
9. It should not carry ethical or moral
• What are good resources of
researchable problems?
1 Theory of one’s own interest
2 Technological changes
3 Unexplored areas

4 Discussion with experts and research


5 Theories to be validated, extended, or

6 Other studies, particularly through
research recommendations

7 National or international trends or

situations to be described or
8 Real-life problems, issues,
Drawing Topics of Research from Problem Situations


1. Several people are weak The effects of Group
in facing problems or
frustrations so some of them
Dynamics Activities on
commit suicide, get involved the Frustration
in crimes or eventually Tolerance of Students
became insane.
2. Authorities are not The Level of Aspiration of
aware of the needs of Slum Dwellers
the less privileged.

3. Several married couples Factors Influencing The

broke their marriages. Marital Success of Married
4. Physically The Level of
Handicapped Self-esteem of the
individuals have Physically
typically lower self- Handicapped

5. There is rampant The Cause and Extent of

drug abuse in the Drug Addiction
6. Parents with mentally The Impact of Having
retarded children suffering in Special Child to Selected
many aspects. Family Factors

7. Unwed mothers Personal Variables and the

experienced difficulties in Status of Adjustment of
their adjustment. Unwed Mothers
8. Nurses in hospitals The Level of Job
are observed to be inefficient Satisfaction of the Nurses
and dissatisfied in their work.

9. Incompetent teachers The Influence of the

affect Teachers Personality and
the performance of the Competence on Academic
students. Performance

10. Most unmarried Personal Satisfaction and

individuals seem Social Adjustment of
to be unhappy. Unmarried Individuals
Ask Yourself…
1. What are my interests?
2. What is the latest issue (societal
3. What is the current trend?
4. What are the problems, experiences, and
current situations that affect most
Possible answers…
1. What are my interests?
- K-pop
- Online Games
- TikTok, social media
- sports
- netflix
Possible answers…
2. What is the latest issue (societal
- COVID 19 pandemic
- community quarantine
- unemployment
- academic freeze
Possible answers…
3. What is the current trend?
- Distance Learning/Education
- Work from Home
- Online Selling
- Plantito/plantita Fever
Possible answers…
4. What are the problems, experiences, and current
situations that affect most people?
- struggles on distance modular learning
- depression and psychological stress
- stigma on a COVID-19 patient
- study habit adjustments of students
- parents as teachers in distance learning
- quarantine restrictions
Possible concerns…
1. Acceptability of a program
2. Satisfaction on a program
3. Problems, challenges, struggles
4. Coping mechanisms, adjustments, and
Acceptability of the Learning Continuity
Plan of Malvar Senior High School

The Challenges of Modular Distance

Study Habit Adjustments of Senior High
School Students on Modular Distance

Acceptability of the Self Learning

Modules at Malvar SHS
Acceptability of the Work from Home
Arrangement among SHS Teachers

Awareness of Senior High School

Students on COVID-19 and Community
Quarantine Restrictions
Satisfaction of the Parents on the DepEd
Learning Continuity Plan

Mental Health Awareness of Senior High

School Students
• What are the standards in writing the
What is the attitude towards work of research title?
SHS students of families who are 4Ps
(Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) • A research title must…
SHS students of Pantawid 1 • list key variables
Pamilyang Pilipino Program
families and their attitude towards 2 • be written in scientific or
work technical style
Does social media usage possess any
3 • be concise (no more than 12
relationship with a SHS student’s words) and non-repetitive
attention span in class? 4 • Should provide the gist or
summary of what is studied
SHS students’ use of social media
and their attention span • not explicitly provide reference
5 to the research design
Contents of Chapter I

❑ This part presents the overview of the problem
from macro to micro development or from
general to specific.
1. Introduction
Statement of the Problem
❑ It states the general problem of the study and
2. Statement of the Problem
enumerates the specific questions.
Scope and Delimitation
❑ 3.ThisScope
portion answersand
the basic Delimitation
questions of
what, where, when, why, how and who. It also
states the limitation of the study.
•1 This is the description that leads the reader to
understanding the research questions and
AND ITS appreciate why they are asked.
• In writing this section,
• Introduce and briefly define the variables under
• cite the most important study or related literature
• be consistent with terms used
• ensure that paragraphs summarize unresolved
issues, conflicting findings, social concerns, or
educational, national, or international issues.
• write the last paragraph to highlight the research
A. Macro to micro development of
the problem (deductive)
B. Legal justification/legal basis
C. Literature or concepts about the
D. Personal justification to conduct
- Relation to field of specialization
Chapter I

elements among the grade nine students in Tanauan City High School. Batangas

Cabales et al. (2015). Effects of integrating film-viewing in teaching literary

The 21st century offers a vast array of technology innovations. Technology is the sum of the ways in
which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization. In short, it
encompasses everything that spaces out burden and provides ease to man’s lifestyle. Improvements of such
have great impact which led to the revolution of man’s life. Aside from this fact, the priority to learn is not
left behind. Since the two are integral part of man’s great walk, educational technology has been optimized.
One application of educational technology is through the use of multimedia which refers to the
combined use of several media. According to Rodman (2010) media is the plural form of medium which
refers collectively to print media, broadcast media, digital media and entertainment media. Print media are
State University - JPLPC Campus, Malvar, Batangas.
the books, magazines, and newspapers. Broadcast media are televisions and radios. Digital media which is
❑sometimes referred to as new media includes Internet, cell phones, and any other medium that uses
Current situation relative to the undertaking is introduced from general to
computer-based technology. And lastly, entertainment media refers to all of the abovementioned media plus
recordings and video games. These are all present in the world outside the portals of the school.
This phenomenon signifies that people of all ages are living in a “media-saturated world”, term coined by
Choo and Chan. People are picking up information, values and attitude confound in the indirect experiences
within reach through these media. From the video games they play down to scenes in movies and
televisions that they watch, magazines and books they read, music they listen to, and everything they do
under the sun, these are all engaged with media. Majority are now engaged to media that it would be a good
consideration to include such in instruction.
Media has a great impact to the society. Since the use of media is not limited only to entertainment,
people are all then compelled to use it in a more meaningful way. Because of such scenario, different
countries have made moves with regards to the inclusion of media education in the academic curriculum. In
England, media has been taught since 1960s. In the United States, media literacy programs are included in
the high school curriculum in almost all of its 50 states. Other countries such as Australia, Norway, Canada
and Israel have also included an extensive media education program at the primary and secondary school
levels for many years. These programs indicate that media literacy is becoming an essential skill in this
technological driven world. According Teves (2008), Philippines is also keeping up with change. Basic
education needs to keep up with modern technology. It is a goal to make classroom instruction fun and
interactive by supplying computers with fast internet connectivity, television sets and DVDs as well as other
technology-based paraphernalia which coincide with the needs of the 21st century learners.
Chapter I

Cartago et al. (2014). Structural analysis of selected folktales in Batangas.

Interpreting literature is considerably a very subjective activity wherein the most common tool to
decode its message is solely experience. For each individual has unique adventures in life that may be
related in a given literary work, it is impossible to come up with one interpretation. Consequently, there is a
zero chance in obtaining objectiveness in interpreting literature and the only known purpose it plays on
Basic Education is enhancing children’s reading and comprehension skills and nothing more. Thus, the

Batangas State University - JPLPC Campus, Malvar, Batangas.

profitable use of literature and its real value for education is not recognizable even if it can help Filipino
youth to connect with their cultural roots for it is the written record of their ancestors’ struggles and
With the light of promoting nationalism, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) updated the
Republic Act No. 7722, otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, with CHED Memorandum
Order (CMO), No. 59, Series of 1996. It adopted a new general education curriculum which must be
implemented as part of all baccalaureate degree programs in all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the
Philippines. The said order involved implementing an interdisciplinary approach which would help the
students see the human beings as in integral person living in both a national and a global community. To
❑achieveLegal bases
such goal, the of
saidthe problem
order arestressed
specifically cited to
the show thatofthe
application the research topic isininthe
Regional Approach
subject Literature One or Lit 1 which must cover “The Literatures of the Philippines”. It emphasizes the
line with the research thrust and priorities of the government.
need to focus on the literatures of all regions of the Philippines, whether written in native or foreign
languages from the beginning of Philippine history to the present wherein literary texts and authors outside
the National Capital Region should be taken with adequate attention.
In accordance with the preceding order which aimed to produce culturally-sensitive and nation-loving
citizens which the Philippines is dramatically losing today, the Republic Act 10533 or The Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013 was passed. It states that there will be additional two years on the Basic Education
which is the Senior High School. Based on Department of Education’s Qualification Framework
Articulation, Senior High School students should possess an understanding of right and wrong; one’s history
and cultural heritage; and deep respect for self, others and their culture, and the environment. Also, for the
medium of instruction, the Department of Education (DepEd) mandated the Mother Tongue – Based
Approach to make cognition easier for children with the justification that students learn better if lessons are
delivered by their first language which is Filipino in Philippines’ case. To aid schools situated in the
provinces which speak of different dialects, there are 19 dialects in focus and Tagalog is one of those that is
In the business globe, battle lines are drawn as to who earns it more and mostly,

Mendoza et al. (2015). Personality type and persuasive strategies employed in

writing of grade 9 students at San Pedro National High School. Batangas State
the greater persuader wins. Kahane, et al. (2006) supposed that ads tend to skew
consumers’ choices in unreasonable ways because some products are advertised more
heavily than others.
In a selling strategy, persuasive emotional scheme connects with customers and
prospects at the affective level and moves them to respond with feelings. Advantaged
groups press on since they utilize effective persuasive skills therefore acquiring
‘persuasive advantage’. Because the role of marketing communications is to ignite
responses, messages must be persuasive (Duncan, 2005).
Cavender (2006) also supported the importance of persuasion stating that
professionals over the years have learned how to use the emotive side of language to
further their own ends whether benevolent or self-servicing. She also stressed that
University - JPLPC Campus, Malvar, Batangas.

cognitive meanings have not escaped the notice of con artists, advertisers and others
whose stock in trade is the manipulation of attitudes, desires and beliefs.
A persuader will never be effective unless the speaker himself is convinced that
what he is advocating is worthy. This purpose attempts to run intellectual agreement and
emotional feelings of the audience. He must understand human nature, in general, and
should have personal magnetism which is the sum of his attributes (Igoy and Saymo,
Therefore, students must first discern the type of personality dominant within him
if his goal is to be an effective persuader since walking hand-in-hand with persuasion is
a blueprint of his personality. The personality of his readers or listeners is one of the
most important ingredients in the art of persuasion and knowing himself first is his
gateway to ensue into a much more complex world of influencing others.
❑ Related literature or concepts are cited to introduce the variables covered
by the study.
Since great link has been scrutinized between personality and

Mendoza et al. (2015). Personality type and persuasive strategies employed in

writing of grade 9 students at San Pedro National High School. Batangas State
persuasion, the study aims to find the link between the students’
personality type and their employed persuasive strategies in writing.
The researchers believe that the result will be of great help towards
students’ abilities in persuasion in general and in persuasive writing in
The demand to know how personality greatly affects the
persuasive strategies employed by the students who will be the future
leaders of the country is of great significance. This opens them
towards awareness of their personality, enlightens them to what kind
University - JPLPC Campus, Malvar, Batangas.

of persuasive strategies they often, unconsciously or consciously use,

allows them to be independent and readies them not just for a nation
but for a world whose real battle is all about competitiveness.
All these elucidated facts served as the rationale for this research
endeavor. By determining the students’ personality type and its
relation to some personal factors and their employed persuasive
strategies in writing, the researchers hope to come up with
recommendations which may help improve the teaching of English
particularly in persuasive writing.
❑ This provides the rationale of the study. It also relates the importance of
the current undertaking to the field of specialization of the researchers.
This section contains the purpose statements
and the research question(s).
A. Introductory statement or paragraph
B. Statement of the general problem
and specific questions
C. Presentation of the variables
covered by the study

This section contains the purpose statements
and the research question(s).
“This study (or research) aims to…(make
congruent with title).”

“Specifically, this research (or study) seeks to

answer the following questions:”

Phrase questions with the data to be collected

in mind. Answer the questions and rephrase
question, if your intended answer does not
match the question.
Study Habit Adjustments of Senior High School Students
under Modular Distance Learning
This study aims to determine the study habit adjustments of Senior High School Students under
Modular Distance Learning at Malvar Senior High School.
Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Sex
1.2 Grade Level
1.3 Strand
2. What are the adjustments in study habits of the Senior High School students in terms of:
1.1 Study Motivation
1.2 Study Organization
1.3 Study Technique
3. Is there a significant difference on the study habit adjustments of the respondents when grouped
according to profile?
4. What support system can be developed to help students acquire efficient study habits in this time of
In writing this section,
• cite data collection
This presents the coverage of the research in
terms of location, time, respondents, etc., and • identify school involved, number of
the potential weaknesses or problems with the classes, their grade/year level,
study identified by the researcher. number of participants (or
respondents, subjects), and topics
• What the researcher does NOT of lessons covered (if applicable).
intend to do • state inadequate measures of
• A researcher must appreciate that variables, loss or lack of
the research must define participants, small sample sizes,
errors in measurement, and other
LIMITATIONS and inform others factors typically related to data
about what these limits are. collection and analysis.
The study is a correlational research focusing on the association between the
social media engagement and attention span of 150 grade 12 senior high school
SCOPE: Identify the
students of Malvar Senior High School during the academic year, 2020-2021. This boundaries of the
study will determine the level of social media engagement and the class attention study in terms of
span of the respondents. The existence of a significant relationship between the respondents,
two variables will be sought. A course of actions which can be proposed to objectives, facilities,
managed social media engagement and improve the class attention span of Senior area, time frame,
High School students will be the output of the undertaking. and the issues to
Furthermore, the study delimits itself to attention span in class and will not which the research
attempt to measure this variable in other environment. Social media engagement is focused.
will be limited to the use of social networking sites and exclude the use of the
internet by the respondents for educational purposes. DELIMITATION:
Grade 11 students will not be a part of this study. The type of social media State the delimiting
used by the students will not be determined. Factors affecting the attention span of factors of the study
the students are also not part of this undertaking. by geographic
location, age, sex,
population size, etc.
You are now ready to develop a
capsule proposal…
I hope you have learned something
from this lecture that you can apply
in your work!!!

Thank You!!!


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