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As a DM it is your job to decide what to give your

players for your games. You and you alone have the
Designer: Zorat
ability to judge if something is too powerful for your
Editor: Zorat and the homies.
Art: Various table, or if it fits the style of game you’re running.
Naruto Games. With that all being said, below are some things to be
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura taken into account when considering using this class
Hirsbrunner mod.
Cover Illustrator: Unknown. • Ensure whichever player has this class mod is the
Special Thanks: King for creating the system. focus of damage while this class mod is activated.
Playtesters: None, yet.
Reason being that the amount of extra health this can
potentially provide at higher levels is sizeable.
• Make sure your player understands the detriments of
this class mod. Usually players have long term goals for
their characters and things they’d like for them to
achieve even beyond the campaign. This class mod can,
and likely will, prevent that due to the Cellular Stain
mechanic. Ensure your player knows what they’re
getting into.
• Ignoring detriments early on. Some may look at the
detriments and think they’re harsh, however, at later
levels you can choose to ignore a big factor of the
Cellular Strain system, by simple not having the Yin Seal
heal you. What this means is that early on is when the
most strain will happen, but it is also harder to reach the
higher strain thresholds. Don’t be afraid to let your
players take the detriments for power, especially not
when other players at the table may have to continuously
suffer from their own class mods.

YIN SEAL the moment of truth when you attempt to use the Yin
Seal for the first time.
The Yin Seal is a Jutsu lost from an era long forgotten.
First you train your body, putting yourself through
While lesser versions of this Jutsu still exist today, in
vigorous routines for 6 weeks of downtime. You then
various forms, the original, and most powerful, is known
must make a DC 20 Martial Arts (Strength or Dexterity).
only to a handful of users across the world. Its power is
On a failure, you gain disadvantage on the first part of
legendary amongst high level shinobi and scholars of
your Yin Seal Activation check. If you succeed by 5 or
ancient history. The Yin Seal’s power comes in different
more you gain advantage on the first part of your Yin
forms depending on the user, some use it to gain
Seal Activation check.
unmatched strength, others to greatly enhance their
Second, you begin to practice your ability to
speed, but all enhance their physical attributes. The
manipulate chakra precisely, by performing a series of
most notable feature of the Yin Seal is its ability to store
exercises which focus exclusively on controlling the flow
vast amounts of chakra in a single point on the body, to
of chakra. This training also takes 6 weeks of downtime.
be released in a time of need and boost the user to
Make a DC 20 Chakra Control check. On a failure, you
greater heights, as well as heal any wounds they may
gain disadvantage on the second part of your Yin Seal
have sustained. Such power is not without great cost.
Activation check. If you succeed by 5 or more you gain
Each time the Yin Seal is released the user loses years of
advantage on the second part of your Yin Seal Activation
life as the cells in their body split, creating new cells in
order to heal wounds no matter how grievous. However,
Third, you throw yourself into your studies of human
the body can only do this so much before the cells can
anatomy, learning the names, function, and location for
split no more and the user must accept their fate.
every cell, nerve, vein and muscle within the human
Gaining this class mod should be difficult regardless
form. This process takes 6 weeks of downtime to
of the method chosen, a mentor should be reluctant to
complete. Make a DC 20 Medicine Check (Wisdom or
teach anyone this Jutsu, be it due to feeling they aren’t
Intelligence). On a failure, you gain disadvantage on the
worthy or due to the consequences of this Jutsu. A
third part of your Yin Seal Activation check. If you
mentor should send the player on several tasks to prove
succeed by 5 or more you gain advantage on the third
they have what it takes, and are willing to face the
part of your Yin Seal Activation check.
consequences of having such power. If given through a
Finally, all your training comes together in but a
scroll or other text, the player should have to go on a
single moment of truth, using all you have learned you
dangerous journey to retrieve it, delving into an old
must now put it all together and prove your mastery.
forgotten tomb, or learning a powerful foe has come into
This is done in three parts.
contact with what they seek. Whichever way you decide
• Part 1: You put your training of your body to the test
to do it, this should not be given freely, nor without
preparing yourself for the rush of chakra. You must
consideration to a player’s character. As this has the very
make a DC 25 Martial Arts Check, (Using the same
real possibility to alter their character’s story beyond modifier as your training).
repair. • Part 2: You then begin to let your chakra flow through
your body, precisely guiding it to enhance your abilities.
GAINING THE YIN SEAL You now must make a DC 25 Chakra Control check.
• Part 3: The final and most difficult part of the task,
Once a player has their method of learning the Yin Seal
using all the medical knowledge you have gained
their training can begin. Regardless of if they are
through your training you attempt to guide the flowing
learning via text or a mentor the method remains the
chakra through your veins and muscles, without over
same, and the player must make a series of skill checks exerting them. You must make a DC 30 Medicine check
in order to ready their bodies for the influx of chakra (Using the same modifier as your training.)
that will flow through it. You must succeed on all 3 of these checks, a failure on
The process of learning the Yin Seal is three fold, first even a single check leads to great pain and irreversible
one must strengthen their body to endure the strain of damage on your body. For each skill check you fail, roll
your highest available hit die (As if leveling up) and
power. Second one must learn to control their chakra to
reduce your Hit Point Maximum by the result.
ensure they never allow too much to flow at once.
Additionally, if you fail to meet the DC for any of these
Finally, one must have masterful medical knowledge, checks, your training must begin from the beginning,
they must know every cell in the body as well as its however your prior knowledge aids you, giving you
purpose, every muscle and every nerve in order to use advantage on all training checks.
this technique safely. If you succeed on all 3 checks, you activate the Yin
To begin you must first undergo extended periods of Seal perfectly, and gain access to the first level of this
class mod.
training, the results of which will all come together upon

LEVELING UP THE YIN SEAL chakra when your Sealed Chakra also falls to 0, the Yin
Seal will automatically spend all your remaining chakra
Once the Yin Seal has been acquired, it naturally grows in
dice to fill for Sealed Chakra pool as much as it can. If
power as your body grows tougher, your chakra control
you are at 0 chakra, have 0 chakra dice remaining, and
grows more precise, and your medical knowledge grows
your Sealed Chakra pool is at 0. Your Yin Seal Release
beyond masterful levels. See the Yin Seal Leveling Table,
immediately ends, and you double the amount of
to discern what features of this class mod you have
Cellular Strain you have at the conclusion. At the
access to based on your overall character level.
conclusion of your Yin Seal Release’s duration, any

Sealed Chakra that remains vanishes, reducing your
Sealed Chakra to 0. You must then consult the Cellular
Select a place on your body where you wish to focus your Strain table.
Yin Seal, this can be anywhere of your choosing such as Beginning at 2nd level in this class mod your control
the center of your forehead, palm of your hand, or back over your new chakra enhanced form gives you greater
of your neck. After choosing this spot a small crest of precision of your attacks.
your description begins to manifest, indicating you have Whenever you are gaining the benefits of your Yin
successfully stored chakra within your Yin Seal. Seal Release feature you gain the following benefits.
Beginning at 1st level of this class mod your Yin Seal
holds a maximum of 100 chakra within it. This is known • You gain a bonus to Taijutsu attack rolls equal to your
as your Sealed Chakra Limit. Chakra placed inside the level in this class mod.
Yin Seal is slightly different to normal chakra and is • You gain a bonus a to your Taijutsu save DC equal to
considered Sealed Chakra. In order to store chakra half your level in this class mod. (Rounded up)
within the seal, you must spend 1 hour concentrating • You add your level in this class mod to damage dealt
upon your Yin Seal to activate the process of Chakra with Taijutsu.
Sealing. When you do so, you select an amount of chakra
that your Yin Seal will convert into Sealed Chakra every Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod you gain the
single day until it is full. You can select an amount in ability to delay your seal’s cellular regeneration ability.
multiples of 5, (5, 10, 15, 20, etc) when you do at the start Whenever you activate your Yin Seal Release you can
of each day you subtract that amount of Chakra from choose not restore your hit points upon activation, as
yourself and convert it into Sealed Chakra. This process well as prevent your Sealed Chakra from rapidly healing
cannot be paused or stopped until the Yin Seal is full, but your wounds. Until you use a bonus action to activate it,
you may change the amount it absorbs each time you your Yin Seal Release does no reduce your Sealed Chakra
begin the Chakra Sealing process. instead of your hit points. Once you activate that feature
At 2nd level in this class mod your Sealed Chakra Limit any missing hit points are instantly restored and you
increases to 150. This value increase to 200 at 3 rd level, reduce your Sealed Chakra by the same amount. This
250 at 4th and finally 300 at the 5th level of this class mod. counts as your Sealed Chakra being reduced by damage
for the purpose of Cellular Strain. Additionally, you no
YIN SEAL RELEASE longer need to fill your Yin Seal completely to activate
your Yin Seal Release. If you do use it without it being at
Beginning at 1st level you gain the ability to release the maximum capacity you must restart the Chakra Sealing
chakra stored within your Yin Seal to push your body to process to being filling your Yin Seal once more.
perform amazing feats of rejuvenation. As a Bonus Beginning at 4th level of this class mod your body has
action, or when you fall to 0 hit points, your seal begins become far more durable, and thus does not strain quite
to spread in a fashion you decide, while chakra flows as easily. At you conclusion of your Yin Seal Release you
through you. This is known as Yin Seal Release and lasts roll a number of d4s equal to your level in this class mod
for 1 minute. Immediately after you activate your Yin and reduce the amount of Cellular Strain you gained by
Seal Release you regain a number of hit points equal to double the result. This applies before consulting the
the number of hit points you are currently missing, and Cellular Strain chart to determine what effect you take.
reduce your Sealed Chakra by half of the amount. Additionally, you gain the following benefits while under
Additionally, for the duration of your Yin Seal Release, your Yin Seal Release.
you gain the following benefits:
• You add your level in this class mod to Constitution
• You gain immunity to the Bleeding condition. Saving Throws.
• Whenever you would take damage, you reduce your • You reduce damage you would take by an amount
Sealed Chakra by the amount you would take instead equal to your level in this class mod.
of your Hit Points (This applies after Damage
• Your Yin Seal Release lasts a number of hours equal to
reductions and Resistances.) This does not trigger for
your level in this class mod.
temporary hit points.
• You gain advantage on Constitution Saving Throws. Beginning at 5th level of this class mod your control
• Whenever you would be affected by a condition you over your Yin Seal is as great as it can be. At the
may spend 5 Sealed Chakra, for each rank of the conclusion of your Yin Seal Release any Sealed Chakra
condition, to instead ignore the condition. This counts that remains does not vanish, and instead remains
as your Sealed Chakra being reduced by damage for inside your Yin Seal until the next use. Additionally,
purpose of Cellular Strain. when your Sealed Chakra pool drops to 0 while under the
effects of your Yin Seal Release you can decide how
If at any point your Sealed Chakra falls to 0, while much of your regular chakra is converted instead of it
benefitting from your Yin Seal Release your Yin Seal will automatically filling your Sealed Chakra Limit.
automatically convert your regular chakra into Sealed Additionally, you can convert Sealed Chakra back into
Chakra. The Yin Seal will convert as much as it can until regular chakra. To do so as an action while under the
it reaches your Sealed Chakra Limit. If you are at 0

effects of your Yin Seal Release select an amount of
Sealed Chakra you currently have and wish to convert,
when you do so you take a number of Cellular Strain
equal to half of the amount converted. The selected
amount of Sealed Chakra is then converted back to
normal chakra and added to your current chakra pool.
You cannot have more chakra than your maximum
would usually allow.


Yin Seal Arts are special arts that can only be used while
under the effect on Yin Seal Release. Both type of arts
can only be used while under the effects of Yin Seal
Release, Passive arts last the duration of your Yin Seal
Release, while Technique arts can only be activated
while under it. Technique arts that are concentration end
the moment your Yin Seal Release ends, regardless of
the duration. These arts are especially powerful, and
thus put great strain on the user’s body. Each type of art
has a Cellular Strain cost tied to it and is applied
differently depending on the type of art. Passive arts
cause you to gain their listed amount of Cellular Strain
whenever you enter your Yin Seal Release. Technique
arts cause their listed strain when used. In the case of
Concentration arts, you gain the listed strain upon
activation and continue to take the same amount every
round it remains active.

Cellular Strain is what happens when your cells are
forced to split faster than nature intended. The result of
this is rapid, super natural healing, but not without great
cost. You gain a number of Cellular Strain equal to the
amount of hit points you are regain when you activate
your Yin Seal Release and whenever your Sealed Chakra
is reduced in place of your hit points, you gain Cellular
Strain equal to the Sealed Chakra reduced.
Shinobi generally live a very active life style. Short of
illness, or death in combat can live full long lives. The
average Shinobi life span, without intervention, is 100
years old, this is the basis you will use, and is your
Maximum Age. When your character reaches their
Maximum Age their body begins to break down, and
they die within 1d4 weeks of reaching this age, and
cannot be revived by any means.
Whenever your Yin Seal Release comes to an end, you
must look towards the table below and see if your
Cellular Strain has crossed any threshold. It if has you
take only the most recent threshold on the table, YIN SEAL PASSIVES
ignoring previous thresholds. After applying the effects
of the appropriate threshold, you reset your Cellular GRIT OF 100
Strain to 0. Art Classification: Passive
Cellular Strain: 20
Your focus your chakra into your skin, making your body
have the durability of 100 shinobi.
• Your Constitution Score becomes 20 if it wasn’t
already, if it is already 20 it instead increases by 2.
(You do not gain bonus Chakra or HP from this
• Once per turn you can reduce damage you receive by
an amount equal to your constitution modifier.
• At the start of your turn you gain temporary hit points
equal to 1d10+ your constitution modifier
• You gain advantage on Constitution ability checks
• Increase your Sealed Chakra Limit by an amount equal
to your Constitution score

• When you lose a clash you take only the effects of the • You gain advantage on Strength Saving throws and
Jutsu, and no additional negative effects. ability checks.
• Your jump height and distance is doubled.
GRIT OF 1000 • You add your level in this class mod to any Strength
Prerequisite: Grit of 100. Class mod level 4 based ability check you make.
Art Classification: Passive
Cellular Strain: 40 TRUE STRENGTH OF 1000
Your ability to enhance your fortitude is second to none,
hardening your skin either further and giving you the Prerequisite: True Strength of 100. Class mod level 4
ability to remain at your peak Art Classification: Passive
• You cannot lose concentration on Jutsu as a result of Cellular Strain: 60
taking damage. Your control over the chakra surging through your
• You reduce damage you take by an amount equal to muscles has become greater still, now granting you the
your Constitution modifier physical strength of 1000 shinobi.
• At the start of your turn you gain temporary hit points • Your Strength Score doubles to a maximum of 50.
equal to 2d10+ your constitution modifier • Your unarmed damage die becomes 6d10.
• When you would take damage you do not take any • Taijutsu you cast deals extra damage equal to double
damage unless it is above your character level your level in this class mod.
• Increase your Sealed Chakra Limit by an amount equal • Your jump height and distance is multiplied by 4
to double your Constitution score • Your base movement speed is tripled
• You are immune to the poison condition. • You gain immunity to the Weakened condition


Art Classification: Passive
Cellular Strain: 20 YIN ART: HEAVENLY FIST
You focus your chakra to specific points of your body to
Classification: Yin Seal Art
ensure you get the most out of your movement, gaining
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
speeds others can only hope to achieve.
Range: Self
• Your Dexterity Score becomes 20 if it wasn’t already, if Duration: Concentration, to 1 Minute
it is already it instead increases by 2. Components: CM, M
• Your base movement speed is tripled. Cost: 20 Sealed Chakra, 5 Cellular Strain
• Whenever you take the dash action you gain the Keywords: Taijutsu, Clash
benefits of the disengage action as well. Description: You channel masses of Sealed Chakra into
• You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and your fist, storing it until the moment of impact. For the
ability checks duration you can, as an action, make a Melee Taijutsu
• You can take the dodge action as a bonus action. attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit
• You add your level in this class mod to any dexterity you deal your unarmed strike damage + 10d10 Force
based ability check you make. damage to the creature. Your Chakra then explodes in a
20-foot cone behind the creature. Any creature caught
SPEED OF 1000 within the cone must make a dexterity saving throw vs
Prerequisite: Speed of 100. Class mod level 4 your Taijutsu save DC or take 10d8 force damage from
Art Classification: Passive the explosion, or half as much on a success. This art
Cellular Strain: 30 deals double damage to Structures and Constructs.
Your ability to increase your speed via chakra
manipulation extends to new heights, at times moving YIN ART: HEAVEN SPEAR KICK
faster than the eye can see.
Classification: Yin Seal Art
• You gain a bonus to AC equal to your level in this class Casting Time: 1 Action
mod Range: 60 feet
• Your base movement speed is multiplied by 6 Duration: Instant
• Attacks of opportunity cannot be made against you Components: M
• You add your level in this class mod to Dexterity Cost: 19 Sealed Chakra, 5 Cellular Strain
saving throws. Keywords: Taijutsu, Clash
• When you take the dodge action attackers rolls 3d20 Description: You rushed up to 60 feet from your current
taking the lowest result position towards your target building great speed, before
• You gain immunity to the slowed condition leaping forward putting all your strength into the tip of
your foot to the point it pierces like a spear. Select a
TRUE STRENGTH OF 100 creature you can see within range, that creature must
Art Classification: Passive make a Dexterity saving throw against your Taijutsu
Cellular Strain: 20 save DC or take double your unarmed strike damage +
You pulse your chakra to every muscle in your body, 5d12 Piercing damage. On a success you miss the target
gifting yourself the strength of 100 shinobi. and travel the remaining distance of this art. This Jutsu
• Your Strength Score becomes 20 if it wasn’t already, if deals double damage to Constructs and creatures with
it is already 20 it instead increases by 2. Temporary Hit Points.
• Your unarmed damage die becomes 3d10.
• Taijutsu you cast deals additional damage equal to
your level in this class mod

YIN ART: HEAVENLY DROP distance fallen, and become Dazed until the end of their
next turn.
Classification: Yin Seal Art
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 5 feet
Duration: Instant Classification: Yin Seal Art
Components: M Casting Time: 1 Reaction which you take when you are
Cost: 22 Sealed Chakra, 15 Cellular Strain targeted by an attack roll.
Keywords: Taijutsu Range: 30-foot cone
Description: Your hands extend to grab hold of a Duration: Instant
creature within range, make a Strength saving throw or Components: M
be thrown X feet into the air (X is equal to double your Cost: 17 Sealed Chakra, 7 Cellular Strain
Maximum high jump height) You then leap into the air Keywords: Taijutsu,
after them, grabbing the creature by the ankles before Description: You use a single finger to put a stop to those
returning down to the earth with a thunderous crash. trying to deal arm to you. As a reaction to a creature
The grappled creature takes fall damage equal to the making an attack roll against you, you slam your finger
distance fallen, and become Dazed until the end of their into the ground creating a giant gash in the earth below.
next turn. Each creature within a 30-foot cone in front of you must
make a Dexterity Saving throw or fall into the hole, or
YIN ART: SONIC CHAKRA STRIKE only falling prone on a save. A creature who falls into the
hole is incapacitated has their speed reduced to 0. Each
Classification: Yin Seal Art
creature may make a Dexterity Saving throw at the end
Casting Time: 1 Action
of their turn to pull themselves out the hole and ending
Range: 20 feet
the effect.
Duration: Instant
Components: M
Cost: 22 Sealed Chakra, 15 Cellular Strain
Keywords: Taijutsu Classification: Yin Seal Art
Description: You focus your chakra to the soul of your Casting Time: 1 Action
feet and move with a blinding speed towards a target you Range: 5 feet
can see within range. The target must make a Dexterity Duration: Instant
Saving throw or take Xd4 bludgeoning damage, (x equals Components: M
1d4 for every 10 feet of land movement you have.) and Cost: 20 Sealed Chakra, 15 Cellular Strain
become dazed until the end of their next turn or take half Keywords: Taijutsu, Clash
as much damage on a success. Description: Using only a single finger you’re able to
greatly overpower your opponent through a simple flick
to the forehead. Make a Taijutsu attack roll against a
YIN ART: RAPID ASSAULT creature within range, on a hit you deal double your
unarmed damage and the creature is pushed back 100
Classification: Yin Seal Art
feet. If the creature hits an object or structure within the
Casting Time: 1 Action
first 50 feet of being knocked back they take 20d6
Range: 5 feet
bludgeoning damage, or 10d6 bludgeoning damage if
Duration: Instant
they hit an object or structure after the first 50 feet.
Components: M
Additionally, the creature must make a Wisdom
Cost: 27 Sealed Chakra, 20 Cellular Strain
saving throw against your Taijutsu or gain disadvantage
Keywords: Taijutsu, Clash
on attack rolls against you until it scores a critical hit
Description: Chakra flowing through you, you perform a
against you. As the creature is completely demoralized
great assault of blows, kicks, and all other manner of
from being knocked back with a single finger.
strikes of your own description. When you cast this Jutsu
make a Martial Arts (Dexterity or Strength) check as you
pummel your target into oblivion. The target must make
a Constitution saving throw or take Xd6 bludgeoning
damage (X is equal to the result of your Martial Arts roll)
or half as much on a success.


Classification: Yin Seal Art
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 5 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: M
Cost: 22 Sealed Chakra, 15 Cellular Strain
Keywords: Taijutsu
Description: Your hands extend to grab hold of a
creature within range, make a Strength saving throw or
be thrown X feet into the air (X is equal to double your
Maximum high jump height) You then leap into the air
after them, grabbing the creature by the ankles before
returning down to the earth with a thunderous crash.
The grappled creature takes fall damage equal to the

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