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A. Matching
Column A Column B

(a) Shaduf (i) Ancient Egyptian writing

(b) Sundial (ii) The Pharaoh’s tomb

(c) Hieroglyphics (iii) Telling the time

(d) Pyramid (iv) Ancient Egyptian’s dead body

(e) Mummy (v) Raising water to irrigate crops

B. Fill in the Blanks

1. Many historians believed that the __________________ were the first people to live in
2. The four main centers of early civilisation all began in ________________________.
3. When people lived in river valleys, they could get water for drinking and
4. Crops could grow better in river valleys because land in the river valleys was usually
5. The Nile Valley is in today’s __________________.
6. The golden age of Egypt began when ________________________ unified Upper and
Lower Egypt in about 3200 BC.
7. King Menes was the first __________________ to wear a red and white crown.
8. Ancient Egyptian farmers used a __________________ pulled by oxen to cut and turn
over the soil.
9. Ancient Egyptian farmers used the __________________ to raise water to irrigate
10. Ancient Egyptians not only used water reeds to make paper, but also to build
11. __________________ is a kind of picture-writing developed by ancient Egyptians in
around 3200.
12. Pyramids were usually found in the __________________ area where the
__________________ were buried.
13. Ancient Egyptians preserved dead bodies to make __________________.
14. Ancient Egyptians used a water reed called __________________ to make paper.
15. Ancient Egyptians used __________________ to make paper. They wrote with
__________________ and a __________________.
16. In 700 BC, ancient Egypt was first conquered by the __________________ and later by
the Persians.
17. The Huanghe valley civilisation originated in today’s __________________ and

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18. The artifacts of the Huanghe belonged to the ________________________ and
19. Historians called the writing of the Shang people ____________________________.
20. __________________ were the people living in Indus Valley civilisation.
21. The writing of Dravidians belonged to the category of __________________.

C. True or False
1. The main centers of early civilisation all began in mountain valleys from about 4000 BC.
2. The ancient Egyptians got water to drink mainly from rain water. ________
3. King Menes of ancient Egypt wore a double crown which was red and black in color.
4. The ancient Egyptians made paper called papyrus from reeds. ________
5. Pyramids, which were made of large stone blocks, were the tombs of ancient Egyptian nobles.
6. Most ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses had a bird’s body and an animal’s head.
7. Mummies are the preserved dead bodies of ancient Egyptians. ________
8. The Great Sphinx is a large stone statue built near the Great Pyramid. ________

D. Multiple Choice
1. Many historians believe that the first civilisation started in ______________________.
A. the Huanghe Valley
B. the Nile Valley
C. the Indus Valley
D. the Fertile Crescent

2. The world’s earliest writing was invented by __________________ in about 4000 BC.
A. the Chinese
B. the people living in the Indus Valley
C. the Egyptians
D. the Sumerians

3. The early civilisations all began in _______________________.

A. deserts
B. river valleys
C. islands
D. mountains

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4. The Nile Valley is in today’s _______________________.
A. Egypt
B. India
C. China
D. America

5. Who first unified Egypt?

A. Tutankhamun
B. Menes
C. Amon
D. Ra

6. What do we call the tool shown in the picture?

A. a sundial
B. a shaduf
C. a plough
D. a water clock

7. The Egyptians used the shaduf to __________________.

A. irrigate crops
B. measure distance
C. turn up the soil
D. tell the time

8. In ancient Egypt, reeds were used for ____________________.

(i) making paper
(ii) irrigation
(iii) making boats

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(iv) making water clocks
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. i and iv
D. ii and iii

9. The writing shown in the following picture is known as ______________________.

A. scripts on tortoise shells or bones

B. hieroglyphics
C. Sumerian writing
D. Indian writing

10. The Great Pyramid was built in about __________________.

A. 2500 BC.
B. 2680 BC.
C. 2800 BC.
D. 3200 BC.

11. Which of the following buildings was built by ancient Egyptians?

A. the Parthenon
B. the Great Sphinx
C. the Cathedral
D. the Statue of Buddha

12. Which of the following was the first step in the making of a mummy?
A. to put some salt and spices in the dead body
B. to dry the dead body in the sun
C. to take out the organs of a dead body
D. to wrap the dead body in long pieces of cloth

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13. Which of the following was used by ancient Egyptians to tell the time?
A. the plough
B. the shaduf
C. the water reed
D. the sundial

14. What is the function of the tool shown in the picture?

A. to tell the time

B. to wash clothes
C. to clean water
D. to store water

15. How many palms is one cubit equal to?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

16. Which of the following was not invented by the ancient Egyptians?
A. plough
B. shaduf
C. hieroglyphics
D. scripts written on tortoise shells or bones

17. When did the ancient Egyptian civilisation end?

A. in the 8th century BC
B. in the 3rd century BC
C. in the 6th century BC
D. in the 5th century BC

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Short Questions

1. What is civilisation?





2. Who unified ancient Egypt in 3200 BC?



3. What did ancient Egyptians use reeds for?



4. What do we call the writing invented by the ancient Egyptians?



5. List some ancient Egyptian inventions.





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Long Questions

1. What are the characteristics of a civilised society? Do you think that ancient Egypt was a
civilised nation? Explain your answer.







2. Why did the floods of the Nile help farming in ancient Egypt?





3. Why did ancient Egyptians make mummies?





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Data-based Questions

1. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.


Egyptian hieroglyphics Stone Age people


A European city in the 19th century Qing officials

A. What are the characteristics of a civilised society?




B. Which of the above sources show features of a civilised society?


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C. Do you thing that Hong Kong is a civilised society? Explain your answer.




2. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

All the sources are drawings depicting Egyptian gods.



A. What are the characteristics of the Egyptian gods shown in the sources above?

B. How did ancient Egyptians worship their gods?


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3. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.
The following pictures depict the occupations of the ancient Egyptians.


____________________________________ ____________________________________


____________________________________ _____________________________

A. Identify the occupations of the ancient Egyptians shown in the pictures. Write your answers
on the space under the pictures.
B. Which person do you think had the highest social status in ancient Egypt? Explain your



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4. Study the source below and answer the following questions.

An archaeological finding in Egypt

A. What is shown in the picture? When and where was it found?

B. What kind of historical source is it? What importance does it have?




5. Study the source below and answer the following questions.

They are large stone buildings built in the shape of a triangle. They are
built in the deserts of Egypt, and not in the Nile Valley.

A description about an ancient Egyptian building

A. Give the name of the buildings referred to in the source. What are these buildings used for?



B. Why did the ancient Egyptians build these buildings in the deserts of Egypt, and not in the
Nile Valley?

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6. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.
The following sources show how the ancient Egyptians dealt with the dead body and their


It was a very complicated process.

They would take out the insides of

the dead body and put some salt

and spices in it…


A. What do Source I and Source II show people making?


B. Whom does “They” in the passage refer to? Were they the only people allowed to do the thing
shown in Source I and Source II?

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C. Which of the following descriptions of Source III is correct? Put a  in the appropriate box.
(You can choose more than 1 answer.)
Many Egyptian gods had a human body and the head of bird or an animal.

Ancient Egyptians did not believe in gods.

Ancient Egyptians did not believe in the life after death.

Ancient Egyptians believed that they would live in another world after
they died.

7. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source I: Statues of a people and their writing in an early civilisation.

Source II: An extract about the features of a civilisation from an article named “Man's Fate”
by André Malraux.

⬧ Archeologist V. Gordon Childe believed that some elements were needed for a
civilisation to exist: the plow, wheeled cart and draft animals, sailing ships, the smelting
of copper and bronze, a solar calendar, writing, standards of measurement, irrigation
systems, specialised craftsmen, urban centres and a surplus of food necessary to support
non-agricultural workers living within the walls of the city.

⬧ Another historian added that a true civilisation should also include money collected
through taxes, education, a privileged ruling class, a centralised government and a
national religious or priestly class.

⬧ Clyde Kluckhohn argued that there were three main points for civilisation: towns
containing more than 5000 people, writing, and monumental ceremonial centres.

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A. Name the early civilisation shown in Source I. (1 mark)

B. Name and explain the features of the writing shown in Source I. (2 marks)



C. With reference to Source II, what were the basic features of a civilisation? (4 marks, 1 mark
for each correct answer)






D. How did the Fertile Crescent Civilisation reflect the features of civilisation? Explain your
answer with reference to the Sources and using your own knowledge. (4 marks)










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8. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source I: An extract from Economics of the Indus Valley Civilisation by Chad Greenwood
describing the economic life of the ancient Dravidians.

How did this civilisation make its living? Like the older civilisations proceeding Indus in
Egypt and Mesopotamia, these ancient people farmed. The people of Indus prospered on the
foundations of an agriculture based system of irrigation and fertility, maintained by silt-
bearing floods. Wheat and six-row barley were grown, as were melon seeds, oil crops like
sesame and mustard, and dates. As for vegetables, the only apparent source was the field
pea. The earliest traces of cotton known anywhere in the world have been found in the
Valley. ...They domesticated a number of animals from local wild species, including dogs and
cats, zebu or the humped cattle, short-horns and buffaloes, and possibly pigs, camels, horses
and asses.

Source II: A Dravidian sculpture.

A. Identify the civilisation shown in Source I. (1 mark)

B. With reference to Source I, describe the economic activities of the Dravidians. (3 marks)





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C. With reference to Source II, state and explain the other occupations besides farming of the
Dravidians. (2 marks)



D. How do Sources I and II reflect the features of the Indus Valley Civilisation? Explain your
answer with reference to the two Sources. (4 marks)






9. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source I: Centres of early civilisations.

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Source II: A reed boat which the ancient Egyptians used in their daily life.

A. What was common about the place of origin of the four early civilisations, as shown in
Source I? (1 mark)

B. Give reasons for the place of origin as you mentioned in Question A. (3 marks)





C. With reference to Source II and your own knowledge, why did the ancient Egyptians use
reeds to make boats? (2 marks)



D. Could the appearance of the ancient Egyptian civilisation illustrate the analysis in Question
B? Explain your answer using your own knowledge. (5 marks)






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10. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source I: Gods worshipped by the ancient Egyptians.

Osiris Horus (son of Osiris)

The God of Life and Judge of the It was the god who punished
Underworld. The soul of ancient ancient Egyptians after they died
Egyptians would be tried by him after if they had done something
death. wrong when they were alive.

Source II: Gods and goddess worshipped by the ancient Greeks.

Athena Zeus
She was the goddess of wisdom, peace, In Greek mythology, Zeus was the king of
strategy, handicrafts and reason. She was the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and
the patron of Athens, which built the the god of the sky and thunder.
Parthenon to worship her.

A. With reference to Source I and II, which of them, the ancient Egyptian gods or the ancient
Greek gods are more like human beings? (1 mark)

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B. What were the differences in appearance between two groups of gods as shown in Sources
I and II? (2 marks)




C. How did the people of the two civilisations show their gods? (3 marks)




D. Compare ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian religions with reference to Sources I and II,
and using your own knowledge. (4 marks)







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11. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source I: Photos showing an ancient Chinese writing.

Source II: A photo showing a writing used in Hong Kong.

A. Identify the writing in Source I. (1 mark)


B. What was the difference between the Huanghe Valley Civilisation and other civilisations
like the Indus Valley or the Fertile Crescent Civilisation with regard to continuity? (2



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C. With reference to the modern Chinese writing used in Hong Kong as shown in Source II

and the writing shown in Source I, identify the historical concept related to these two

writings. (2 marks)



D. With reference to Source II and using your own knowledge, explain whether Hong Kong

could be regarded as a civilised society or not according to the list of civilisation features.

(5 marks)







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