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In the vast universe, everyone has their own space. Whether to live, work, or find
happiness, every person needs space. Even when you only exist, you are already occupying
your own space.
Throughout the years, the universe has experienced a multitude of changes. Stars have
died and formed again. Planets, moons, and asteroids have collided and formed new celestial
bodies. Even the size of the universe has expanded manifold. And just like the universe,
people and their surroundings altered. That includes the space they use to make their efforts in
Every individual's place to work has changed. Gradually, equipment and offices have
altered, transformed, and shifted into modern and ergonomic tools and environments to adapt
to the current circumstances. And now, such an environment for labor has been termed a
Now, what is a workspace? According to the BountiXP Team on their website blog
article, ‘Workspace VS workplace: What’s the difference?’, the area where each person does
their work is called a workspace. If you work from home, it may be a table in your kitchen, a hot
desk, a cubicle, a coffee shop window seat, or even a hot desk. With the ‘New Normal’
situation after the COVID-19 Pandemic, the term is modified into the "new normal" workspace.
It may be simply interpreted as a space to work confined within the comforts of home.

Of course, I have my new normal workspace. In fact, what I used to write

this feature is in my very own universe. Do you want to see it? Well then, let us
go on a space tour and explore the cosmos of my workspace!

Ready? In three, two, one… blast off!

Vshhhhh, vshhhhh, voooop!

The first stop is the Computer System, the Solar

System of my universe. It possesses different celestial
bodies, creating harmony as a whole. When one entity is
abolished, the entire system is affected. Its function is to
help me convert my stellar thoughts and ideas into life. It
assists me in completing my academic tasks, and also
provides me news and entertainment that’s out of this world!
It is my main tool for studying lessons, creating written
works, and being a knowledgeable citizen of the galaxies.
A few light years away is my Writing Desk. Legend
says that different stars have aligned in the shape of a desk,
which formed my furniture for writing (or at least in my
imagination). I use it to scribble down all of my astronomical
ideas down in paper. It is also where I think and create a
space of thoughts. This is where I spend time looking for a
brighter future ahead of me.

The next stop is my Mini-Library, or should I say

Galaxy of Books? I think of each shelf as a solar system, and
each book is a world of wonder. There are lots of different
books I can read in my Library, and it helps me gather the
information I need for my academic endeavors. I visit them
sometimes as an escape route from electronic gadgets that
damage the eyes when used long-term. There is a lot of
information I can acquire from the library. It can be
definitions, explanations, instructions, mathematical
formulas, trivia, stories, poems, and many more. Just like the
galaxies, you can discover countless possibilities with each
material you read in a library. And that is how I feel when I
visit my Galaxy of Books.

Arriving at the final destination, we can find my Nebula

of Miscellaneous Storage. The Space Center Houston
defines a nebula as a cloud of dust and gas occupying the
space between stars and acting as a nursery for new stars.
My storage is that nebula, where miscellaneous
paraphernalia is stored. Another similar characteristic that
my storage share with a nebula is that dust can clump
together for both things. Diverting back, I usually put
stationery materials in my storage, to save for later uses. I
also place in there some of my old files, such as previous
works and notes, academic projects, and other things that I
once made. Maybe one day, when I need to produce another
stellar creation, I can always look back on my nebula and
make stars once again.

Now, we have landed back to where we came from.

Our space tour has been concluded. You have seen the majestic workspace of Aron in
his universe. You have known how unique and distinct my workspace is. There is nothing
much into it, but it is cosmological in my eyes. May it give you a moment of eureka for your
own workspace, like a shooting star passing the dark blue sky.
Having your own workspace doesn’t have to be extravagant or deeply aesthetic. It just
needs to come from your own personality and utilization. Everyone has their own fascinating
workspace that can reflect their life as a whole. You just have to find your own and make it for
your own satisfaction and joy in working. As Joseph Campbell, a writer and a literature
professor, proclaims, “Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.”
What are you waiting for? Go, and create your own workspace!

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