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Rules can be described as the guidelines or instructions of doing something

correctly. these are the principles that govern the conduct or behavior or a person
in an organization or country. On the other hand, regulations refer to the directives
or statute.

The primary difference between rules and regulation is that while the former do not
as such have a legal binding, the latter have a legal binding. As these two terms
are used in the same breath, people do not recognize their differences. These are
of utmost importance in that rules and regulations are present everywhere, i.e.
school, college, office, club, corporations, banks etc., as they are helpful in
maintaining law and order in the concerned place.

Hello, my name is Jhosmar Alexis Mosso Valencia. In this video, I will introduce
you to the rules and regulations that exist in a classroom.


1. Follow directions the first time given.

Students must follow the instructions given to them by their teachers

2. Teasing, name calling and foul language are not acceptable.

3. You must walk quietly when entering or leaving the building.

4. Students have to take care of the furniture in their classroom, otherwise they will
receive a wake-up call.

5. The student must be courteous and respectful at all times.

6. Students cannot allowed to wear hats in the building.

7. You cannot smoke in the class.

8. Students have to wear uniforms to school, otherwise they will be reported.


1. The student must not throw food in the classroom.

Remember to clean up after yourselves whether in the cafeteria or on the


Get permission before leaving to the cafeteria.


General rules have been adopted for use throughout the building. For students not
adhering to these, this disciplinary guide has been set.

Teacher warning (1st offense)

Student time-out (2nd offense)

Parent notification (3rd offense)

Principal intervention

In order to ensure a safe environment, conflicts will be settled peacefully. Students

who feel they are unable to solve conflicts peacefully need to seek an adult for
assistance. Students are responsible for their actions and need to avoid physical
or verbal aggression at all costs. Physical and/or verbal aggression will not be
tolerated and will be considered a severe event resulting in police intervention
along with other interventions listed below.

This is an example of rules and regulations that can be used in a classroom. I hope
it has met your expectations. See you goodbye

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