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Key Concepts
A. The woman must be married
 The legitimacy of the marriage relation between the offended
Chapter 1: husband and the defendant wife is one of the circumstances
Adultery and Concubinage which must necessarily attend the crime of adultery

Art. 333. Who are guilty of adultery. - Adultery is committed by any B. The offended party must be legally married to the offender at
married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not the time of the criminal case.
her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her  The person who initiates the adultery case must be an
knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently offended spouse, and by this is meant that he is still married
declared void. to the accused spouse, at the time of the filing of the
Adultery shall be punished by prision correccional in its medium and
maximum periods. AFMQ
Q: Filipino citizens Hector and Wendy were married in New
If the person guilty of adultery committed this offense while being York, and have been living happily in Manila for the last three
abandoned without justification by the offended spouse, the penalty years. Hector was removing junk from his basement when he
next lower in degree than that provided in the next preceding came across an unlabeled recordable cd. He put it in his
paragraph shall be imposed. computer's CD drive to check its contents. To his surprise, he
saw a video of Wendy and another man Ariel, in the act of
I. Crime/s under this article: sexual intercourse in the master's bedroom of his house.
Angered by what he saw, he filed a complaint for adultery
against Wendy and Ariel. During the course of the trial, and
again to the surprise of Hector, it was proved that Wendy was
born male and underwent sex reassignment later in life. May
Any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man
Hector's charge of adultery against Wendy and Ariel prosper?
not her husband
A: Yes. In the case at hand, the discover by Hector of the video of
II. Acts punishable: Wendy having sexual intercourse with another man, Ariel, is
 Knowingly aiding and abetting a band of brigands sufficient to charge his wife with Adultery. The fact that Wendy was
later discovered by Hector to be born male who simply underwent
III. Elements sexual re-assignment later in life, is immaterial to the charge of
1. That the woman is married; Adultery considering that the marriage between the same sex is
2. That she has sexual intercourse with a man not her husband; considered valid in the USA where they were married.
3. That as regards the man with whom she has sexual
intercourse, he must know her to be married.
C. "Even if the marriage be subsequently declared void."  Abandonment should be a mitigating circumstance for both
 In view of this phrase used in Art. 333, it is not necessary that offenders
there be a valid marriage between the offended husband and
the guilty woman. Q: Why is the reason why even if the husband abandoned the
 Until the marriage is declared to be null and void by wife, she is not justified in committing adultery?
competent authority in a final judgment, the offense to the A: Abandonment could not serve her as an excuse or free her from
vows taken, and the attack on the family exists — the adultery the criminal responsibility she incurred by the breach of fidelity she
reunites the essential conditions required for its punishment. owed her husband, for she had means within the law to compel him
to fulfill the duties imposed upon him by marriage
D. Each sexual intercourse constitutes a crime of adultery
 The crime of adultery is an instantaneous crime which is Q: A, a soldier, was called to duty overseas and he was
consummated and completed at the moment of the carnal presumed dead. However, he returned and found his wife and
union. Each sexual intercourse constitutes a crime of adultery. children living with another man. Did the wife committed
adultery? If so, will it be considered mitigating?
Q: The husband pardoned his adulterous wife, thereafter, the A: Yes. Although the woman was not abandoned by her husband in
wife and her paramour committed adulterous acts after the a way that would constitute the mitigating circumstance, for he left
pardon had been granted. Can the wife still be held liable for her in response to a duty, yet she was left helpless and in such a
adultery? great need that she found herself in the predicament of committing
A: Yes. Even if the husband should pardon his adulterous wife, such adultery for the sake of her three children. Moreover, she then
pardon would not exempt the wife and her paramour from criminal believed in good faith that her husband had died in the sea. It was
liability for adulterous acts committed after the pardon had been held that her responsibility arising from her act of giving herself up to
granted, because the pardon refers to previous and not to the man who had lent her a helping hand during such time of want
subsequent adulterous acts. and need should be considered mitigated two-fold by sheer
E. Essence of adultery
 The essence of adultery is the violation of the marital vow G. The man, to be guilty of adultery, must have knowledge of
 The gist of the crime of adultery is the danger of introducing the married status of the woman.
spurious heirs into the family, where the rights of the real heirs  The man may be single or married.
may be impaired and a man may be charged with the  With respect to the man, knowledge that the woman with
maintenance of a family not his own whom he had sexual intercourse is married, is an essential
element that must be established if he is to be convicted of
F. Abandonment without justification is not exempting, but only adultery.
mitigating circumstance.
 If the person guilty of adultery committed the offense while AFMQ
being abandoned without justification by the offended spouse, Q: A is a married woman and she had sexual intercourse with a
the penalty next lower in degree shall be imposed, (last par., man who was not her husband. The man did not know that A
Art. 333) was married. What crime did A commit and the man commit?
A: A committed the crime of adultery for having sexual intercourse  The charge of adultery should be dismissed because of
with a man who is not her husband while the marriage is still consent
subsisting. However, the man who had carnal knowledge with her  If the husband agrees with the wife to separate, he may be
not knowing that she is married shall not be liable for adultery. considered as having consented to the infidelity of his wife,
which bars him from instituting criminal complaint
H. Acquittal of one of the defendants does not operate as a
cause for acquittal of the other V. Other concepts
 There may not be a joint criminal intent, although there is joint  Carnal knowledge may be proved by circumstantial evidence.
physical act  Death of the paramour will not bar prosecution against the
 Thus, one of the parties may be insane and the other sane, in unfaithful wife, because the requirement that both offenders
which case, only the sane could be held liable criminally. should be included in the complaint is absolute only when the
 Thus, also, the man may not know that the woman is married, two offenders are alive
in which case, the man is innocent.  Under the law, there cannot be an accomplice in the crime of
 Thus, also, the death of the woman during the pendency of adultery, although in fact there can be such an accomplice.
the action cannot defeat the trial and conviction of the man.
I. Effect of death of offended party Q: Why can’t there be a crime of an impossible crime of
 The proceedings must continue. The theory that a man's adultery?
honor ceases to exist from the moment that he dies is not A: Impossible crime is only applicable to crimes against persons or
acceptable. property. Adultery is a crime against chastity.
 Art. 353 seeks to protect the honor and reputation not only of Each sexual intercourse constitutes a crime of adultery even if it
the living but of dead persons as well. involves the same man.

J. Effect of pardon. Art. 334. Concubinage. - Any husband who shall keep a mistress in
 Art. 344 requires that — the conjugal dwelling, or shall have sexual intercourse, under
1. The pardon must come before the institution of the scandalous circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife, or shall
criminal prosecution; and cohabit with her in any other place, shall be punished by prision
2. Both the offenders must be pardoned by the offended correccional in its minimum and medium periods.
The concubine shall suffer the penalty of destierro.
Q: What is the effect if the offended party had sexual
intercourse with the wife after she committed adultery?
I. Crime/s under this article:
A: The act of having intercourse with the offending spouse
subsequent to adulterous conduct is, at best, an implied pardon of
said adulterous conduct Concubinage

K. Consent of the husband

Any husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal dwelling, or  A married man is liable for concubinage only when he does
shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with any of the three acts specified in Art. 334.
a woman who is not his wife, or shall cohabit with her in any other  If his sexual relations with a woman not his wife is not any one
place of them, he is not criminally liable

II. Three ways of committing the crime of concubinage: AFMQ

1. By keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling; or Q: A is married and he has a paramour with whom he has
2. By having sexual intercourse, under scandalous sexual relations on a regular basis. A and his paramour would
circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife; or meet at least twice a week in hotels, motels, or other places
3. By cohabiting with her in any other place. where they can be alone. Is A guilty of concubinage?
A: A is not guilty of concubinage. Under the law, the sexual
III. Elements intercourse that must be committed must be in a scandalous
1. That the man must be married. circumstance. In this case, they did not commit the act in such
2. That he committed any of the following acts: manner.
a. Keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling,
b. Having sexual intercourse under scandalous AFM:
circumstances with a woman who is not his wife;  However, in People vs. Santos, the Supreme Court said that
c. Cohabiting with her in any other place. having sexual relations on a more or less regular basis in hotels
3. That as regards the woman, she must know him to be or motels may be considered as scandalous circumstance that
married. offends public conscience giving rise to criticisms and general
IV. Key Concepts  In another bar problem where the facts would not mention that
the sexual intercourse was done on a regular basis, in that
A. Concubinage is a violation of the marital vow. problem, the man only had sexual intercourse with his paramour
 Like adultery, concubinage is a violation of the marital vow. once in a motel, the suggested answer is that there is no
 It is, however, unlike adultery in the sense that the infidelity of concubinage because it was not done under scandalous
the husband does not bring into the family, spurious offspring. circumstances.

B. The offenders are the married man and the woman who D. Concubinage by keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling.
knows him to be married.  When the mistress lived in the dwelling of the spouses for
 The offender must be a married man. The woman becomes about two months, no positive proof of actual intercourse is
liable only when she knew him to be married prior to the necessary
commission of the crime.
Q: The wife left the conjugal home and lived with her parents
C. A married man is not liable for concubinage for mere sexual because of troubles between her husband and herself. The
relations with a woman not his wife. husband took into the house his co-accused and they lived
together conjugally. Is there concubinage?
A: Yes. The husband was guilty of concubinage by keeping a  It is only when the mistress is kept elsewhere (outside of the
mistress in the conjugal dwelling. When the mistress lived in the conjugal dwelling) that "scandalous circumstances" become
dwelling of the spouses for about two months, no positive proof of an element of the crime
actual intercourse is necessary.  Scandal consists in any reprehensible word or deed that
offends public conscience, redounds to the detriment of the
Q: What about the fact that it was not proven that they had feelings of honest persons, and gives occasion to the
sexual intercourse, further that it was scandalous? neighbors' spiritual damage or ruin.
A: The law provides that any of the acts constitute concubinage. In
this case, the husband consummate the crime the moment he satisfy G. Concubinage by cohabiting with a woman in any other place.
the first act which is keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling.  In the third way of committing the crime, mere cohabitation is
sufficient. Proof of scandalous circumstances is not
E. Mistress and Conjugal Dwelling necessary.
 it is necessary that the woman is taken by the accused into
the conjugal dwelling as a concubine Q: A and B, both married to other persons, rented a place in
 By "conjugal dwelling" is meant the home of the husband and Naga where they lived for a while. A’s wife sued him for
wife even if the wife happens to be temporarily absent on any concubinage. A argued that he and B never had any sexual
account. intercourse. Is the contention tenable?
A: No. Where a married man and a woman began their illicit relations
Q: A lived in the house of the spouses Hilao, she was never in 1937 and went to Naga where they dwelt together as husband and
considered as concubine of accused Jesus Hilao. She was wife in the house of one Alfonsa Toledo, occupying one room in
voluntarily taken and sheltered thereat and treated as an which they slept alone, it was held that his association with his co-
adopted child by the spouses. Can the accused be convicted of accused is sufficient to constitute a cohabitation within the meaning
concubinage? of the law even disregarding proofs of actual sexual intercourse.
A: No. The woman must be taken as a concubine and not in any
other capacity H. Meaning of "cohabit."
 The term "cohabit" means to dwell together, in the manner of
Q: May a house, constructed from the proceeds of the sale of husband and wife, for some period of time, as distinguished
conjugal properties of the spouses, especially where they had from occasional, transient interviews for unlawful intercourse
intended it to be so, be considered as a conjugal dwelling?  Hence, the offense is not a single act of adultery
A: Yes. The fact that the wife never had a chance to reside therein  it is cohabiting in a state of adultery which may be a week, a
and that the husband used it with his mistress instead, does not month, a year or longer.
detract from its nature.
Q: A man was surprised by his wife in a hotel with another
F. Concubinage by having sexual intercourse under scandalous woman. Did he commit concubinage?
circumstances. A: No. Because there is no cohabitation.
Q: A man bought house for his mistress but does not stay Chapter 2:
there. Did he commit concubinage? Rape and Acts Of Lasciviousness
A: No. Because there is no cohabitation.

I. Adultery is more severely punished than concubinage. ♣

 Because adultery makes possible the introduction of another Art. 335. When and how rape is committed. - Rape is committed
man's blood into the family so that the offended husband may by having carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following
have another man's son bearing his (husband's) name and circumstances:
receiving support from him
1. By using force or intimidation;
V. Other concepts
 The qualifying expression "under scandalous circumstances" 2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious;
refers to the act of sexual intercourse which may be proved by and
circumstantial evidence
 The people in the vicinity are the best witnesses to prove 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age, even though
scandalous circumstances. neither of the circumstances mentioned in the two next preceding
 When spies are employed for the purpose of watching the paragraphs shall be present.
conduct of the accused and it appearing that none of the
people living in the vicinity has observed any suspicious The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua.
conduct on his part in relation with his co-accused, there is no
evidence of scandalous circumstances. Whenever the crime of rape is committed with the use of a deadly
weapon or by two or more persons, the penalty shall be reclusion
perpetua to death.
Q: May a husband be liable for concubinage and adultery at the
When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, the victim has
same time?
become insane, the penalty shall be death.
A: Yes. When the husband commits concubinage with a married
woman and provided that the two offended parties, i.e., his wife and
When rape is attempted or frustrated and a homicide is committed by
the husband of his mistress file separate cases against him.
reason or on the occasion thereof, the penalty shall be likewise
Gablex Pointers
When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, a homicide is
 In both adultery and concubinage, knowledge is an element.
committed, the penalty shall be death. (As amended by R.A. 2632,
 Adultery is more severely punished because approved June 18, 1960, and R.A. 4111, approved June 20, 1964).

I. Note:
The Anti-Rape Law repealed Art 335 and transferred it to Art c. By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of
266, thereby making rape a crime against persons rather than authoity;
crime against chastity d. When the offended party is under 12 years of age or is

IV. Key Concepts

Art. 336. Acts of lasciviousness. - Any person who shall commit A. Lewd, defined
any act of lasciviousness upon other persons of either sex, under  Like "Lewd" is defined as obscene, lustful, indecent,
any of the circumstances mentioned in the preceding article, shall be lecherous. It signifies the form of immorality which has relation
punished by prision correccional.. to moral impurity; or that which is carried on a wanton
I. Crime/s under this article:  The presence or absence of lewd designs is inferred from the
nature of the acts themselves and the environmental
Acts of lasciviousness circumstances.

Any person who shall commit any act of lasciviousness upon other B. Motive of lascivious acts is not important because the
persons of either sex essence of lewdness is in the very act itself.
 It is not a defense that appellant was motivated not by
II. Acts punishable: lewdness but by a desire to avenge
 By using force or intimidation; or
 When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise Q: Taking advantage of the fact that Paula Bautista, a young
unconscious; married woman, was alone in her house with no companion but
 By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of her three-year old child who was then asleep, the accused,
authoity; between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, went to the house of
 When the offended party is under 12 years of age or is said woman on the pretext of asking for a glass of water,
demented stealthily approached her and, without giving her an
opportunity to defend herself, embraced and kissed her and
III. Elements caught hold of her breasts. When Paula recovered from the
1. That the offender commits any act of lasciviousness of shock, she defended herself as best as she could and in spite of
lewdness; the fact that the accused threatened to kill her with a dagger if
2. That the act of lasciviousness is committed against a person she did not accede to his desire, she bit him on the right side of
of either sex; the chest thereby forcing him to release her instantly. What
3. That it is done under any of the following circumstances; crime did he commit?
a. By using force or intimidation; or A: The foregoing proven facts constitute the crime of acts of
b. When the offended party is deprived of reason or lasciviousness
otherwise unconscious;
C. In some cases, touching the breast of a woman is considered  In cases of acts of lasciviousness, it is not necessary that the
unjust vexation only. intimidation or physical force be irresistible, it being sufficient
 In a case where the accused, inside a Catholic church and that some violence or moral compulsion, equivalent to
after the service had begun, approached a girl from behind intimidation, annuls or subdues the free exercise of the will of
and forcibly embraced and kissed her on the left cheek and at the offended party
the same time fondled her breast, it was held that the accused
was guilty only of unjust vexation. The Court of Appeals said, F. Abuses against chastity distinguished from offenses against
"considering the religious atmosphere and the presence of chastity.
many persons, the conduct of the accused cannot be Abuses against chastity (Art. crimes against chastity (Art.
considered lascivious. He performed the said acts either to 246) 336)
spite the girl or to force her to accept him as a lover." Committed by a public officer, offender is, in the majority of
 When a man embraces and kisses a woman three times and and that a mere immoral or cases, a private individual, and it
intentionally fondles her breast at the same time in a theater indecent proposal made is necessary that some actual act
where the lights were out and the people's attention was earnestly and persistently is of lasciviousness should have
naturally concentrated on the picture, he must be considered sufficient been executed by the offender
as having done so with a feeling of lasciviousness, a mental
process of emotion that differs in intensity in different G. Distinguished from attempted rape. ♣
situations and different persons. Acts lasciviousness Attempted rape.
 Considering that the embracing and kissing of the girl took Acts does not indicate that his the acts performed by the
place in a taxicab while passing along a public thoroughfare purpose is to lie with the woman offender clearly indicate that his
and at about noon time, it is difficult to believe that the but only to commits acts with purpose was to lie with the
appellant could have desired more than the ordinary outburst lewd designs offended woman
of one in love. While the appellant might have take liberties lascivious acts are not just lascivious acts are but the
with the person of the offended party against her strong preparatory acts but the intended preparatory acts to the
resistance, it did not appear that the appellant was prompted act already commission of rape
by lust or lewd designs.

D. The act of lasciviousness must be committed under any of Q: What are acts which suggest intention of the accused to
the circumstances mentioned in the definition of the crime of commit rape?
rape. A: he acts of the accused, which consisted of slipping his trousers
 The circumstances are: (1) by using force or intimidation; (2) down and tearing the drawers of the girl, as well as kissing her and
when the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise fondling her breasts, abundantly show an intention to have
unconscious; (3) by means of fraudulent machination or grave intercourse with her by force.
abuse of authority; or (4) when the offended party is under 12 The accused lifted the dress of the woman and placed himself on top
years old or is demented. of her. The woman awoke and screamed for help. But the accused
persisted in his purpose, thereby indicating his intention to ravish her
E. Moral compulsion amounting to intimidation is sufficient through force and intimidation.
H. Acts of lasciviousness distinguished from unjust vexation. parts or fondling of breasts. But when the act indicates intent to
Acts lasciviousness unjust vexation have carnal knowledge, it becomes rape or attempted rape
the accused not only kissed and the accused merely kissed and
embraced the complainant, but embraced the complainant, either  Intent to commit acts of lasciviousness is not material. The
fondled her breast with the out of passion or other motive, crime is consummated upon the commission of any acts
particular design to touching the girl's breast as a
independently derive vicarious mere incident of the embrace  Thus, what must be determined is not the intent but whether the
pleasure therefrom, the element act is lewd or simply vexatious
of lewd designs exists

I. No attempted or frustrated crime of acts of lasciviousness. Chapter 3:

 from the moment the offender performs all the elements Seduction, Corruption of Minors and White Slave Trade
necessary for the existence of the felony, he actually attains
his purpose and, from that moment, all the essential elements Art. 337. Qualified seduction. - The seduction of a virgin over
of the offense have been accomplished. twelve years and under eighteen years of age, committed by any
 From the standpoint of the law, there can be no frustration of person in public authority, priest, home-servant, domestic, guardian,
acts of lasciviousness, because no matter how far the teacher, or any person who, in any capacity, shall be entrusted with
offender may have gone towards the realization of his the education or custody of the woman seduced, shall be punished
purpose, if his participation amounts to performing all the acts by prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods.
of execution, the felony is necessarily produced as a
consequence thereof. The penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed upon any person
who shall seduce his sister or descendant, whether or not she be a
virgin or over eighteen years of age.
V. Other concepts
 Compelling a girl to dance naked before men is an act of Under the provisions of this Chapter, seduction is committed when
lasciviousness, even if the dominant motive is revenge, for her the offender has carnal knowledge of any of the persons and under
failure to pay a debt. the circumstances described herein.
 There is no attempted crime of acts of lasciviousness.
I. Crime/s under this article:
Gablex Pointers

 What is punished in acts of lasciviousness is the commission of Qualified seduction

any acts of lasciviousness.
Seduction of a virgin over 16 years and under 18 years of age by
 Lasciviousness means lewd, obscene, lustful, indecent certain persons, such as, a person in authority, priest, teacher, etc.;
and Seduction of a sister by her brother, or descendant by her
 There are a lot of lascivious acts such as touching of private ascendant, regardless of her age or reputation.
B. Offended party need not be physically virgin.
 The virginity to which the Penal Code refers is not to be
II. Classes of qualified seduction: understood in so material a sense as to exclude the idea of
 Seduction of a virgin over 16 years and under 18 years of age abduction of a virtuous woman of good reputation.
by certain persons, such as, a person in authority, priest,  She is still considered a virgin if she had intercourse with only
teacher, etc.; and other
 Seduction of a sister by her brother, or descendant by her  If the girl had carnal relations with other men, her chaste
ascendant, regardless of her age or reputation. character was then open to question. Thus, in law, she is no
longer a virgin.
III. Elements
a. Seduction of a virgin C. There must be sexual intercourse in qualified seduction
1. That the offended party is a virgin, which is presumed if she is  If there is no sexual intercourse and only acts of lewdness are
unmarried and of good reputation. performed, the crime is act of lasciviousness under Art. 339.
2. That she must be over 12 and under 18 years of age.
3. That the offender has sexual intercourse with her. D. Who could be the offenders in qualified seduction?
4. That there is abuse of authority, confidence or relationship on  Those who abused their authority:
the part of the offender o Person in public authority.
o Guardian.
b. Seduction of a sister by her brother, or descendant by her o Teacher.
ascendant o Person who, in any capacity, is entrusted with the
1. There must be seduction education or custody of the woman seduced.
2. The victim is the sister or a descendant  Those who abused confidence reposed in them:
o Priest.
IV. Key Concepts o House servant.
o Domestic.
A. The offended party must be a virgin, over 16 years and under
 Those who abused their relationship:
18 years of age.
o Brother who seduced his sister.
 She must be a virgin and over 16 years but under 18 years of
age. o Ascendant who seduced his descendant.
 Virginity is presumed if the woman is unmarried and of good
reputation Q: What makes the crime of qualified seduction?
 If the woman is married and the offender knows it, having A: The acts would not be punished were it not for the character of the
sexual intercourse with her is adultery. person committing the same, on account of the excess of power or
 If the victim is less than 15 years of age, the crime is rape abuse of confidence of which the offender availed himself
 If the victim is over 18 years of age, qualified seduction is not
committed. E. Deceit is not an element of qualified seduction.
 It is settled that deceit, although an essential element of because of his moral influence as member of the faculty over
simple seduction, does not need to be proved in a charge of the student.
qualified seduction. It is replaced by abuse of confidence.  If the master shall have sexual intercourse with a female
servant, a virgin over 12 but less than 18 years of age, it is
F. The fact that the girl gave consent to the sexual intercourse also qualified seduction, covered by the phrase "any person
is no defense. who, in any capacity, shall be entrusted with x x x the custody
 Lack of consent on the part of the girl to the sexual of the woman seduced."
intercourse is not an element of the offense  A person who had sexual intercourse with the cousin of his
wife, then living with them in the house and a virgin under 18
G. Meaning of "domestic." years old but over 12 years, is guilty of qualified seduction. He
 "Domestic" is a person usually living under the same roof, took advantage of his authority and abused the confidence
pertaining to the same house. and trust reposed in him as head of family and master of the
 The term "domestic" includes all those persons residing with house.
the family and who are members of the same household,  When the girl went to the church to confess, the priest, upon
regardless of the fact that their residence may only be meeting her, embraced and kissed her. The priest made her
temporary or that they may be paying for their board and lie on a board on the floor and had sexual intercourse with
lodging. her. The priest was guilty of qualified seduction.
 The accused charged with rape cannot be convicted of
H. Distinguished from rape. qualified seduction under the same information.
 If any of the circumstances in the crime of rape is present, the
crime is not to be punished under this article.
 Thus if the offended woman was sleeping, or the offender Art. 338. Simple seduction. - The seduction of a woman who is
used force or intimidation, when he had sexual intercourse single or a widow of good reputation, over twelve but under eighteen
with her, the crime would be rape. years of age, committed by means of deceit, shall be punished by
arresto mayor.
I. Qualified seduction by seducing a sister or descendant.
 The seduction of a sister or descendant is known as incest.
Virginity of the sister or descendant is not required and she
I. Crime/s under this article:
may be over 18 years of age. Relationship must be by
consanguinity. The relationship need not be legitimate.
 If the sister or descendant is under 12 years of age, the crime Simple seduction
would be rape. If she is married and over 12 years of age, it
would be adultery Seduction of a woman who is single or a widow of good reputation,
over twelve but under eighteen years of age, committed by means of
V. Other concepts deceit
 Even if the accused is not the teacher of the offended party, it
is sufficient if the accused is a teacher in the same school, II. Acts punishable:
 Seduction of a woman who is single or a widow of good  If there is no sexual intercourse and only acts of lewdness are
reputation, over twelve but under eighteen years of age, performed, the crime is acts of lasciviousness under Art. 339.
committed by means of deceit
D. Deceit generally takes the form of unfulfilled promise of
III. Elements marriage
1. That the offended party is over 12 and under 18 years of age.  Deceit generally takes the form of unfulfilled promise of
2. That she must be of good reputation, single or widow. marriage and this promise need not immediately precede the
3. That the offender has sexual intercourse with her. carnal act
4. That it is committed by means of deceit.  Promise of marriage must be the inducement and the woman
must yield because of the promise or other inducement.
IV. Key Concepts  If she consents merely from carnal lust, and the intercourse is
from mutual desire, there is no seduction.
A. The offended girl must be over 12 and under 18 years of age.
 If she is under 12 years old, the crime is rape, even if the Q: B, a promise of marriage to A to have carnal knowledge with
offender succeeds in having sexual intercourse with her by her. A knew that B is a married man. Is there seduction?
means of deceit. A: No. A promise of marriage made by a married man, whom the
 If she is over 18 years of age, there is no force or intimidation woman knew to be married when she surrendered herself, could not
or she is not unconscious or otherwise deprived of reason, have induced her to do so; and in such a case, it is clear that there
was no reliance on the promise.
B. Virginity of offended party is not required.
 Unlike in qualified seduction, simple seduction does not Q: What if the promise of marriage was made after the sexual
require the woman to be a virgin intercourse?
 It is not essential in simple seduction that the woman seduced A: There is no seduction.
be a virgin, as all that is necessary is that she is of good A promise of marriage made after the sexual intercourse had taken
reputation. place, or after the woman had yielded her body to the man's illicit
embraces, cannot be held to have induced the woman to surrender
Q: Does a woman who had sexual intercourse because she was her virtue.
raped be a victim of simple seduction?
A: Yes. A woman who was raped before may be the victim of simple E. Purpose of the law in punishing simple seduction
seduction, provided she is a woman of good reputation The purpose of the statute making seduction a crime is not to punish
illicit intercourse, but to punish the seducer who by means of a
Q: What if the woman had illicit relations with a number of men? promise of marriage, destroys the chastity of an unmarried female of
A: No. a woman, who had illicit relations with a number of men prior previous chaste character, and who thus draws her aside from the
to accused's sexual intercourse with her, is not of good reputation. path of virtue and rectitude and then fails and refuses to fulfilll his
promise, a character despicable in the eyes of every decent,
C. There must be sexual intercourse. honorable man.
F. Deceit consisting in unfulfilled promise of material things Gablex Pointers
 If a woman under 18 years old, but over 12, agrees to a
sexual intercourse with a man who promised to give her  The recent law passed which raises the age of statutory rape to
precious jewelry, and the man never fulfills it, there is no 16 years old also raised the same in seduction. Thus, seduction
seduction, because she proves to be a woman of loose of a minor is from 16 – 18 years old.
morals. She is a high-class prostitute.
o Before: if 12 years old and below the crime is
G. Distinguish: Qualified vs Simple Seduction ♣♣♣ statutory rape; if 12-18 yo crime is seduction
Qualified Seduction Simple Seduction
o Now: if 16 years old and below the crime is statutory
1. The seduction of a minor, The seduction of a minor, sixteen
sixteen and over but under and over but under eighteen rape; if 16-18, crime is seduction
eighteen years of age, years of age, committed by
committed by any person in means of deceit.
public authority, priest, home-
servant, domestic, guardian, Art. 339. Acts of lasciviousness with the consent of the
teacher, or any person who, offended party. - The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed to
in any capacity, shall be punish any other acts of lasciviousness committed by the same
entrusted with the education persons and the same circumstances as those provided in Articles
or custody of the minor 337 and 338.
2. Any person who shall seduce I. Crime/s under this article:
his sister or descendant,
whether or not she be a virgin Acts of lasciviousness with the consent of the offended party
or over eighteen years of age.
Any other acts of lasciviousness committed by the same persons
and the same circumstances
V. Other concepts
 A man who is willing and ready to marry the girl seduced by
him may be held liable for simple seduction. It is believed that II. Acts punishable:
he is liable, because his willingness to marry her may still  Seduction of a woman who is single or a widow of good
amount to deceit as when the man knows that the girl cannot reputation, over twelve but under eighteen years of age,
legally consent to the marriage, and yet he makes a promise committed by means of deceit
to marry her.
 The carnal relations had after the complainant was over 18 III. Elements
years does not constitute a continuation of the offense begun 1. That the offender commits acts of lasciviousness or lewdness.
when she was under 18 years of age
2. That the acts are committed upon a woman who is virgin or under circumstances under the circumstances which, had there
single or widow of good reputation, under 18 years of age but which, had there been been carnal knowledge, would amount to
over 12 years, or a sister or descendant regardless of her carnal knowledge, would either qualified seduction or simple
reputation or age. amount to rape seduction. There may be consent, but
3. That the offender accomplishes the acts by abuse of authority, there is either abuse of authority,
confidence, relationship, or deceit. confidence, or relationship, or deceit

IV. Key Concepts E. Penalty when victim is under 12 years of age

 The penalty for acts of lasciviousness with the consent of the
A. Male cannot be the offended party in this crime offended party shall be one (1) degree higher than that
 Note that Art. 339, unlike Art. 336, does not mention "persons imposed by law when the victim is under 12 years of age
of either sex" as the offended party.

B. "Committed by the same persons and under the same Art. 340. Corruption of minors. - Any person who shall promote or
circumstances as those provided in Arts. 337 and 338." facilitate the prostitution or corruption of persons underage to satisfy
the lust of another, shall be punished by prision mayor, and if the
Q: A, a girl 16 years of age, and B were lovers. While they were culprit is a pubic officer or employee, including those in government-
in the theater, B kissed A, touched her breast, including her owned or controlled corporations, he shall also suffer the penalty of
private parts with the consent of A. Was B guilty of acts of temporary absolute disqualification. (As amended by Batas
lasciviousness with the consent of the offended party? Pambansa Blg. 92).
A: No. In order that the crime of acts of lasciviousness with the
consent of the offended party may be committed, it is necessary that
I. Crime/s under this article:
the crime is committed under circumstances which would make it
qualified or simple seduction had there been sexual intercourse,
instead of acts of lewdness only. Corruption of minors
In the problem given, B did not accomplish the act by abuse of
authority, confidence or relationship. B did not commit the act by Any person who shall promote or facilitate the prostitution or
means of deceit corruption of persons underage to satisfy the lust of another

C. "With the consent of the offended party." II. Acts punishable:

 The offended woman may have consented to the acts of  Promoting or facilitating prostitution of underage persons
lasciviousness but the consent is obtained by abuse of
authority, confidence or relationship or by means of deceit III. Key Concepts

D. Art. 336 and Art. 339, compared. A. Habituality or abuse of authority or confidence, not
Art. 336 Art. 339 necessary.
the acts are committed the acts of lasciviousness are committed
 Before Art. 340 was amended by Batas Pambansa Big. 92,  Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by
the essential requisite of the offense is that there must be means of written or oral advertisements or other similar
habituality means;
 As the amended Art. 340 is worded, it is not now a requisite of  Taking advantage of influence or relationship to
the crime of corruption of minors procure a child as a prostitute;
 Threatening or using violence towards a child to
B. To satisfy the lust of another." engage him as a prostitute;
 Note the phrase "to satisfy the lust of another."  Giving monetary consideration, goods or other
 Therefore, one who casts for his own ends does not incur the pecuniary benefit to a child with the intent to engage
sanction of the law such child in prostitution

E. Attempt to Commit Child Prostitution under Rep. Act No.

C. It is not necessary that the unchaste acts shall have been 7610
done.  Sec. 6. Attempt to Commit Child Prostitution. — There is
 What the law punishes is the act of a pimp who facilitates the attempt to commit child prostitution under Section 5,
corruption of, and not the performance of unchaste acts upon, paragraph (a) thereof when any person who, not being a
the minor. relative of a child, is found alone with the said child inside the
room or cubicle of a house, an inn, hotel, motel, pension
Q: A was charged with corruption of minors. He argued that house, apartelle or other hidden or secluded area under
while he facilitated the prostitution, the minor had not engaged circumstances which lead a reasonable person to believe that
sexual intercourse. Is the argument tenable? the child is about to be exploited in prostitution and other
A: No. A mere proposal will consummate the offense. Thus, a father, sexual abuse.
who proposes to his daughter that she accompany a man to satisfy
the lust of the latter, commits a consummated corruption of minors IV. Other concepts
 The term "persons under age" means a person below 18
D. Child Prostitution under Rep. Act No. 7610. years of age
 Sec. 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. - Children,  The victim must be of good reputation, not a prostitute or
whether male or female, who for money, profit or other corrupted person.
consideration or due to the coercion or influence of any adult  The penalty for corruption of minors shall be one (1) degree
syndicate or group, indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious higher than that imposed by law when the victim is under 12
conduct, are deemed to be children exploited in prostitution years of age.
and other sexual abuse.
 The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to Art. 341. White slave trade. - The penalty of prision mayor in its
reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the following: medium and maximum period shall be imposed upon any person
(a) Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce child who, in any manner, or under any pretext, shall engage in the
prostitution which include, but are not limited to, the following: business or shall profit by prostitution or shall enlist the services of
 Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute;
any other for the purpose of prostitution (As amended by Batas  In a violation of the white slave trade law, habituality is not
Pambansa Blg. 186.) necessarily an element.
 A person engaged in the business of prostitution need not be
the owner of the house.
 The presence of the maintainer or manager of a house of ill-
I. Crime/s under this article:
repute at the time of a raid or an arrest or while the illicit traffic
is being conducted is not a condition to a criminal prosecution
White slave trade against such maintainer or manager
 One who engaged the services of a woman ostensibly as a
Any person who, in any manner, or under any pretext, shall engage maid but in reality for purposes of prostitution and who in fact
in the business or shall profit by prostitution or shall enlist the dedicated her to such immoral purposes for profit, is guilty of
services of any other for the purpose of prostitution white slave trade
 The penalty for white slave trade shall be one (1) degree
II. Acts punishable: higher than that imposed by law when the victim is under 12
 Engaging in the business of prostitution. years of age
 Profiting by prostitution.
 Enlisting the services of women for the purpose of prostitution.
Chapter 4:
III. Key Concepts Abduction
A. One of those above-mentioned acts is sufficient to constitute
the offense. Art. 342. Forcible abduction. - The abduction of any woman
 Once it is proved that the accused enlisted the services of against her will and with lewd designs shall be punished by reclusion
women for the purpose of prostitution, he is criminally liable temporal.
even if there is no proof that he shared in the profit
The same penalty shall be imposed in every case, if the female
B. Differences between corruption of minors and white slave abducted be under twelve years of age.
trade ♣
Corruption of Minors White Slave Trade I. Crime/s under this article:
It is essential that victims are Minority need not be established.
minors Forcible abduction
Not necessarily for profit It is generally for profit.
It is committed by a single act As a general rule, it may be Abduction of any woman against her will and with lewd designs
committed habitually.
II. Acts punishable:
IV. Other concepts  Abducting a woman against her will and with lewd designs
III. Elements her resistance and succeeded in lying with her, it was held
1. That the person abducted is any woman, regardless of her that defendant was guilty of forcible abduction.
age, civil status, or reputation.  The Supreme Court said: "It is unquestionable that the
2. That the abduction is against her will. offended woman who had freely gone to the place where she
3. That the abduction is with lewd designs. believed she would find her fiancee, lost her liberty from the
moment defendant opposed her returning home, and that
IV. Key Concepts consequently, it was against her will that she was taken by
defendant into the sugar cane. This was the commencement
A. Meaning of abduction of the abduction of the young woman, committed by
 By abduction is meant the taking away of a woman from her defendant with violence and against her will."
house or the place where she may be for the purpose of
carrying her to another place with intent to marry or to corrupt E. If the female abducted is under 12 years of age, the crime is
her." forcible abduction, even if she voluntarily goes with her
B. The woman abducted may be married.  In case the female abducted be under 12 years of age, it is
 Art. 342 mentions "any woman" as the victim of the crime of not necessary that she be taken against her will.
forcible abduction.  The law says: "The same penalty shall be imposed in every
 Hence, the forcible taking away of a married woman, the case, if the female abducted be under 12 years of age." The
offender having lewd designs, is penalized under Art. 342. As reason for this provision is that she has no will of her own and,
in rape, the civil status, the age, and the reputation of the therefore, is incapable of giving consent.
woman are immaterial.
C. The taking away of the woman must be against her will. Q: A, with lewd designs, took a twelve-year old girl in a nipa hut
 The taking away of the woman is against her will, when force in his farm and he had sexual intercourse with her. The girl did
or intimidation is used by the offender not offer any resistance because she was infatuated with the
man who was good looking and belongs to a rich family. What
D. The taking away of the woman may be accomplished by crime is committed by A?
means of deceit first and then by means of violence and A: A committed the crime of statutory rape. The initial intention of the
intimidation. offender was to have carnal knowledge with the offended party. The
 Thus, when defendant, who had served as an intermediary abduction made against the victim was only absorbed in the crime.
between the lovers, told the woman that her lover was
awaiting her at a spot near a growth of sugar cane for the F. Sexual intercourse is not necessary in forcible abduction
purpose of joining her and eloping with her, which was not  Actual illicit relations with the female abducted need not be
true, and upon arriving at the place referred to, defendant shown. The intent to seduce the girl is sufficient.
caught her by the hand, gave her a slap, and dragged her into  If there was sexual intercourse after the forcible abduction,
the midst of the sugar cane growing nearby, where, and the offender used force or intimidation, or when the
threatening her with a dagger he had in hand, he overcame woman was deprived of reason, is demented or otherwise
unconscious, or the victim was under 12 years of age, the J. Forcible abduction distinguished from grave coercion.
offender is liable for the complex crime of forcible abduction Forcible abduction grave coercion
with rape under Art. 266-A in relation to Arts. 335 and 342 of there is violence or intimidation there is violence or intimidation
the Code used by the offender and the used by the offender and the
offended party is compelled to do offended party is compelled to do
AFMQ something against her will something against her will but
Q: Is sexual intercourse an element of forcible abduction? coupled with lewd design there is no lewd design
A: NO. Sexual intercourse is not necessary in forcible abduction, the
intent to seduce a girl is sufficient. Q: A girl was dragged from the doorway of her house to a
waiting vehicle 40 or 50 feet away. What is the crime
G. Lewd designs present in hurried ceremony of marriage by committed?
force. A: Grave coercion.
 When the ceremony of the marriage is merely an artifice by From the moment that the accused, by means of violence and
which the accused sought to escape the criminal intimidation, had taken and put the offended party in the truck
consequences of his acts, the intention to contract marriage against her will, they compelled her to do something against her will.
constitutes lewd designs, as where the offender knows that Since the accused did not molest or attempt to molest her during the
the girl cannot give consent legally to the marriage because of ride and the whole time she stayed with the accused, the element of
minority. lewd design was lacking and, hence, the crime committed was grave
 However, when not only the woman, but the man as well, had coercion under Art. 286.
the required age for consenting to marriage, and it does not
appear that either of them had any impediment to contracting K. Forcible abduction distinguished from corruption of minors
it, the intention to marry does not constitute unchaste designs Forcible abduction corruption of minors
person abducted is any woman promote or facilitate the
coupled with by lewd designs prostitution or corruption of
H. When there are several defendants, it is enough that one of persons underage to satisfy the
them had lewd designs lust
 For the conviction of various defendants for the crime of
abduction, it is enough that there was lewd design by one of L. When there is deprivation of liberty and no lewd designs, it is
them and that the same was known to the others who kidnapping and serious illegal detention (Art. 267).
cooperated in the commission of the felony Forcible abduction kidnapping and serious illegal
I. Nature of the crime of forcible abduction. kidnapping of a woman which kidnapping of a woman which
 In the crime of forcible abduction, the act of the offender is was committed with unchaste was not proven to have been
violative of the individual liberty of the abducted, her honor designs committed with unchaste designs
and reputation, and of public order.
M. Forcible abduction with rape distinguished from kidnapping.
Forcible abduction with rape Kidnapping with rape
the violent taking of a woman is the violent taking of a woman is  This happens when the abduction was unsuccessful because
motivated by lewd designs then not motivated by lewd designs of the resistance of the victim, and it can be clearly inferred
rape was committed but there is intent to rape the that there was lewd design by the accused such as holding of
victim the girl around her waist

N. Forcible abduction with several acts of rape. R. Conviction of acts of lasciviousness, not a bar to conviction
 There can only be one complex crime of forcible abduction of forcible abduction.
with rape.  Even though these crimes are related, they may proceed
 The crime of forcible abduction was only necessary for the independently because they have different elements
first rape  This is because even if accused did not actually commit any
acts of lasciviousness, libidinous designs may exist.
Q: A took B with violence coupled with lewd design. Thereafter  On the other hand, in the crime of acts of lasciviousness, the
he took her to an abandoned warehouse and raped her. He tied lecherous acts must have actually been committed.
her to a post and slept afterwards. When he awoke, he raped B  Moreover, in the crime of abduction, the person abducted
again on two separate occasions. What is the proper crime must be a woman, while in the crime of acts of lasciviousness,
charge? the lustful acts may be committed upon persons of either sex.
A: One complex crime of forcible abduction with rape and two counts Accordingly, one of these two crimes involves some important
of rape. The subsequent acts of rape can no longer be considered as act which is not an essential element of the other, so that the
separate complex crimes of forcible abduction with rape. They conviction of one of them is not obstacle to that of the other.
should be detached from and considered independently of the There was, therefore, no double jeopardy.
forcible abduction. Therefore, accused should be convicted of one
complex crime of forcible abduction with rape and two separate acts
of rape. V. Other concepts
 Lewd designs may be shown by the conduct of the accused
O. Is there a complex crime of forcible abduction with attempted such as While inside the car, the accused kissed and
rape? embraced the offended party and often attempted to take hold
 No. The attempt to rape the victim is absorbed by the of her body, and knowing that the offended party was to be
abduction, being the element of lewd design of the latter. married to another
 The husband cannot be found guilty of the crime of forcible
P. Forcible abduction only, or rape only. abduction of his wife, the element of unchaste or lewd design
 If there was an abduction but the resistance of the woman to being wanting.
the alleged rape was not tenacious, the accused would be
guilty only of abduction. Gablex Pointers
 Rape may absorb forcible abduction if the main objective was
to rape the victim  What is punished in forcible abduction is the act of abducting
any woman against her will and with lewd designs
Q. Attempted forcible abduction.
 Hence, what will determine forcible abduction is the intent of the
offender II. Acts punishable:
 Abducting a virgin with her consent coupled with lewd design
 To distinguish against Kidnapping or Illegal detention:
III. Elements
o If the victim is a woman and is abducted to with lewd 1. That the offended party must be a virgin.
design, the crime is forcible abduction 2. That she must be over 12 and under 18 years of age.
3. That the taking away of the offended party must be with her
o If the victim is a man and is abducted, the crime is consent, after solicitation or cajolery from the offender.
kidnapping 4. That the taking away of the offended party must be with lewd
o If the victim is a woman but without lewd design, the
crime is kidnapping IV. Key Concepts
 To distinguish against grave coercion
A. Meaning of virginity
o If the victim is compelled to do something against her will  Similar to seduction, the virginity referred to in Art. 343 is not
coupled with lewd design, the crime is forcible abduction to be understood in so material a sense as to exclude the idea
of abduction of a virtuous woman of good reputation.
o If the victim is compelled to do something against her will
coupled without lewd design, the crime is grave coercion B. If virgin is under 12 years old, it is forcible abduction.
 If the offended party is under 12 years of age, the crime
committed is forcible abduction, even if the girl agrees to the

C. Must the taking of the virgin have the character of

Art. 343. Consented abduction. - The abduction of a virgin over
twelve years and under eighteen years of age, carried out with her
 The taking away of the girl in consented abduction need not
consent and with lewd designs, shall be punished by the penalty of
be with some character of permanence.
prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods.
 No, no matter how short is the taking away the crime exists.

D. Consent of the minor to being taken away may be due to

I. Crime/s under this article: honeyed promises of marriage by the offender.
 where the defendant, by means of honeyed promises of
Consented abduction marriage, induces a minor to leave her house and deflowers
her, and immediately after which she returns to her dwelling,
Abduction of a virgin over twelve years and under eighteen years of he is guilty of the offense of consented abduction
age, carried out with her consent and with lewd designs
E. The taking away must be with lewd designs
 Like in forcible abduction, the element of lewd designs is Chapter 5:
important in consented abduction. Provisions Relative to the Preceding Chapters of Title Eleven
 Actual sexual intercourse with the abducted girl is not
 Kissing and holding the body of the girl while being abducted Art. 344. Prosecution of the crimes of adultery, concubinage,
with her consent is indicative of lewd designs seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness. - The
crimes of adultery and concubinage shall not be prosecuted except
F. Purpose of the law in punishing the crime of consented upon a complaint filed by the offended spouse.
 The purpose of the law is not to punish the wrong done to the The offended party cannot institute criminal prosecution without
girl, because she consents thereto, but to prescribe including both the guilty parties, if they are both alive, nor, in any
punishment for the disgrace to her family and the alarm case, if he shall have consented or pardoned the offenders.
caused therein by the disappearance of the one who is, by her
age and sex, susceptible to cajolery and deceit. The offenses of seduction, abduction, rape or acts of lasciviousness,
shall not be prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by the
G. Consented Abduction vs Seduction offended party or her parents, grandparents, or guardian, nor, in any
Consented Abduction Seduction case, if the offender has been expressly pardoned by the above
1. That the offended party must 1. That the offended party is named persons, as the case may be.
be a virgin. over 12 and under 18 years of
2. That she must be over 12 and age. In cases of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness and rape,
under 18 years of age. 2. That she must be of good the marriage of the offender with the offended party shall extinguish
3. That the taking away of the reputation, single or widow. the criminal action or remit the penalty already imposed upon him.
offended party must be with 3. That the offender has sexual The provisions of this paragraph shall also be applicable to the co-
her consent, after solicitation intercourse with her. principals, accomplices and accessories after the fact of the above-
or cajolery from the offender. 4. That it is committed by means mentioned crimes.
4. That the taking away of the of deceit.
offended party must be with I. Crime/s under this article:
lewd designs.
Does not provide for any crime but for rules pertinent to crimes
committed under Title 11
V. Other concepts
 Offended party need not be taken from her house.
 When there was no solicitation or cajolery and no deceit and II. Key Concepts
the girl voluntarily went with the man, there is no crime
committed even if they had sexual intercourse. A. Prosecution of adultery, concubinage, seduction, abduction,
rape and acts of lasciviousness
Crime Complaint by A: No. The parent of the offended party cannot validly pardon the
Adultery and concubinage offended spouse offenders in adultery or concubinage.
Seduction, abduction, rape or a. offended party,
acts of lasciviousness b. her parents, Q: F was aware that his wife was having carnal relations with M.
c. grandparents, or With this knowledge, F and his wife executed a separation
d. guardians in the order in which agreement. After this agreement was signed by them, F visited
they are named above. his wife and M in their residence Later, F filed a complaint for
adultery against his wife and M. Will his complaint prosper?
B. Underlying principle or reason why crimes against chastity A: No. His complaint for adultery was dismissed, because F had
cannot be prosecuted de oficio. pardoned the adulterous acts of his wife.
 Art. 344 was enacted "out of consideration for the offended
woman and her family who might prefer to suffer the outrage Q: Art. 344 provides that the offenses of seduction, abduction,
in silence rather than go through with the scandal of a public rape, or acts of lasciviousness shall not be prosecuted in any
trial." case, if the offender has been expressly pardoned by the
 In some instances, the virginity of the girl may be questioned. offended party or her parents, grandparents, or guardian, as the
This would involve the examination of the girl's past life and case may be. Can the parent validly grant pardon to the offender
the conduct of her family, which may cause painful without the express pardon by the offended girl?
mortifications to the modesty and honor of the girl and cause A: While the law provides that parents, grandparents or guardians
discredit to her family. may pardon, the parent validly grant pardon to the offender without
the express pardon by the offended girl.
C. Rape may be prosecuted de oficio The mother of the offended girl, 11 years of age, cannot validly grant
 Rape is now under crime against persons, thus may proceed pardon, because the pardon must be granted directly by the
de oficio offended party, and it is only when she is dead or otherwise
 Rape has been reclassified by Republic Act No. 8353 as a incapacitated to grant it, that her parents, grandparents or guardian
crime against persons and, thus, may be prosecuted even may do so for her. Pardon by the parent must be accompanied by
without a complaint filed by the offended party. It can now be the express pardon of the girl herself.
instituted by any person.
E. Marriage of the offender with the offended party in seduction,
D. Pardon in crimes against chastity abduction, acts of lasciviousness and rape, extinguishes
 Pardon of the offenders by the offended party is a bar to criminal action or remits the penalty already imposed.
prosecution for adultery or concubinage. (Art. 344, par. 2) The  Marriage of the offender extinguishes criminal action or remits
pardon may be express or implied. the penalty
 The term "pardon" refers to the offense after its commission.  Even if the accused as accomplice is already serving
"Consent" refers to the offense prior to its commission sentence, the marriage of the principal with the offended party
must benefit him
Q: May the parents of the offended party pardon the offender?  In rape, marriage extinguishes the criminal action or the
penalty imposed only as to the principal
 The pardon must be express in seduction, abduction, rape, or
III. Other concepts acts of lasciviousness.
 The crimes of adultery and concubinage shall not be  Pardon by the offended party who is a minor must have the
prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by the offended concurrence of parents.
spouse. The offended party cannot institute criminal  Actual marriage, not desire to marry, extinguishes criminal
prosecution without including both the guilty parties liability.
 The imputation of a crime of prostitution against a woman can  Marriage of the offender with the offended party in other
be prosecuted de oficio. crimes does not extinguish criminal liability of the offender
 The parent or grandparent, or any other person in behalf of (such as libel, kidnapping, etc)
the offended party, is not authorized by law in any case to  Marriage of parties guilty of adultery or concubinage, not
sign and file complaint for adultery or concubinage. included in extinguishment of liability
 Both parties in adultery or concubinage must be included in
the complaint even if one of them is not guilty
 When the offended party is a minor and she does not file the Art. 345. Civil liability of persons guilty of crimes against
complaint, this may be done by her parents, grandparents or chastity. - Person guilty of rape, seduction or abduction, shall also
guardian, in the order named be sentenced:
 When the offended party is of age and is in complete
possession of her mental and physical faculties, she alone 1. To indemnify the offended woman.
can file the complaint.
 The complaint, which must be signed by the offended party, 2. To acknowledge the offspring, unless the law should prevent him
must be filed in court, not with the fiscal from so doing.
 Rape complexed with another crime need not be signed by
the offended woman 3. In every case to support the offspring.
 When the evidence fails to prove a complex crime of rape with
other crime, and there is no complaint signed by the offended The adulterer and the concubine in the case provided for in Articles
woman, the accused cannot be convicted of rape. 333 and 334 may also be sentenced, in the same proceeding or in a
 Silence or acquiescence of the accused does not cure fatal separate civil proceeding, to indemnify for damages caused to the
defect offended spouse.
 As condonation is forgiveness based upon the presumption
and belief that the guilty party has repented, any subsequent
I. Crime/s under this article:
acts of the offender showing that there was no repentance will
not bar the prosecution of the offense. Any act of infidelity to
the vows of marriage subsequent to in the condonation Does not provide for any crime but for civil liability
constitutes a new offense that is subject to criminal
 Delay in the filing of complaint, if satisfactorily explained, does II. Key Concepts
not indicate pardon.
A. Civil liability of persons guilty of rape, seduction or
abduction: ♣ III. Other concepts
1. To indemnify the offended woman.  Only civil liability is possible because acknowledgment of the
2. To acknowledge the offspring, unless the law should prevent offspring is not legally possible, since only children born of
him from doing so. parents who could marry at the time of conception may be
3. In every case to support the offspring. acknowledged.

B. Civil liability of the adulterer and the concubine.

 The adulterer and the concubine can be sentenced only to Art. 346. Liability of ascendants, guardians, teachers, or other
indemnify for damages caused to the offended spouse. persons entrusted with the custody of the offended party. - The
ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers and any person who, by
C. Under the Revised Penal Code, there is no civil liability for abuse of authority or confidential relationships, shall cooperate as
acts of lasciviousness. accomplices in the perpetration of the crimes embraced in chapters,
 Note that Art. 345 mentions only person guilty of rape, second, third and fourth, of this title, shall be punished as principals.
seduction, or abduction, and the adulterer and concubine. The
person guilty of acts of lasciviousness is not mentioned. Teachers or other persons in any other capacity entrusted with the
AFMQ education and guidance of youth, shall also suffer the penalty of
Q: Will persons guilty of acts of lasciviousness also incur any temporary special disqualification in its maximum period to perpetual
civil liability? special disqualification.
A: No civil liability is incurred for acts of lasciviousness because it is
not expressly provided under the law. Any person falling within the terms of this article, and any other
person guilty of corruption of minors for the benefit of another, shall
D. Moral damages in crimes against chastity. be punished by special disqualification from filling the office of
 Art. 2219 of the Civil Code provides that moral damages may guardian.
be recovered in seduction, abduction, rape, or other lascivious
acts, as well as in adultery and concubinage. The parents of I. Crime/s under this article:
the female seduced, abducted, raped or abused may also
recover moral damages. Does not provide a crime but only for penalty of ascendants,
 Moral damages may be recovered both by the offended party guardians, teachers, or other persons entrusted with the
and by her parents. custody of the offended party

E. Civil liability of the offenders in multiple rape.

 All the accused must support the offspring. II. Key Concepts
 As any one of them may be the father and that each and
every one of them is directly responsible that an unwilling A. Persons who cooperate as accomplices but are punished as
mother may gave birth to an undesired offspring principals in rape, seduction, abduction, etc. To indemnify the
 Only indemnity is allowed in rape of a married woman. offended woman.
 They are:
1. Ascendants,
2. Guardians,
3. Curators,
4. Teachers, and
5. Any other person, who cooperates as accomplice with
abuse of authority or confidential relationship.
 Actually, these persons participate as accomplices in the
commission of any of the crimes mentioned, but they are held
liable as principals.
 There is another crime where the accomplice is punished as
principal, and that is the crime of slight illegal detention. (Art.
268, par. 2)

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