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Data Operations - (ITI10106V03)

Level 1 - Cluster 2


Project duration: Three (3) weeks


• All tasks should be completed by candidates working in groups of two (2).

• CANDIDATES MUST WORK IN TEAMS. Any form of duplication of other

candidates’ work will attract strong penalty. DO NOT COPY OR PLAGIARIZE

• This project should be completed using word processing, spreadsheet,

database, and presentation programs, and Internet resources, compiled onto a
DVD/RW/USB flash drive, and saved as Student’s Name & TRN.

• All files in the folder should be clearly labelled with the letter of each task.

• Marks will be awarded for originality, creativity, and presentation of project.

• The instructor should maintain a copy of all candidates’ work.

ITI10106V03-1.0 Project-Data Operations Level 1

June 2021 Cluster 2
Task A
Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a presentation of six (6) slides titled: “Distance Learning”.

• Slide 1 should be a title slide with the heading:

Distance Learning
Presented by
Candidate’s Name

• Slide 2 should have the following narrative: “Defining Distance Learning”.

• Slide 3 should feature images of tools a student needs to access the distance learning
environment. Use an Internet search engine to locate suitable images, and insert them
at an appropriate location on this slide, with the following narrative: “Distance Learning

• Slide 4 should have a list containing four (4) software programs/platforms used to
deliver distance learning.

• Slide 5 should contain the following narrative: “To have a successful school life, one
should be computer literate and text savvy.”

• Slide 6 should be the ending slide containing an appropriate picture.

Guidelines for presentation:

1. Apply slide transition to each slide.
2. Apply a slide design of your choice to all slides.
3. Add animation to the text on Slide 4.
4. Make a duplicate of Slide 5.
5. Add a footer to all slides, using your TRN.
6. Save presentation as Distance Learning – Your Name
7. Print the presentation using a PDF printer installed to the computer. Print the document as
a handout displaying three (3) slides per page, under the name

Task B
Create a database called YOUR TRN.

The physical education teacher at your institution needs your help in creating a database with
information on athletes’ race times. Each student is required to have an Identification Number.
Set the ID field as the Key Field.

ITI10106V03-1.0 Project-Data Operations Level 1

June 2021 Cluster 2
1. Create two table structures to store the information needed. Save one as TrackData, and
the other as RaceTimes. The fields for both tables contain the following data: FName, MI,
SName, DOB, Sex, Address, Phone, Next of Kin. FName, MI, SName, RaceType, Race 1,
Race 2, Average Race Time, Final Race.
2. Open the TrackData table and modify the table by changing the field name Next of Kin to
3. Open the RaceTimes table and arrange the field names in the following order: StuId,
Sname, MI, FName, RaceType, Race 1, Race 2, Final Race, Average Race Time.
4. Open the TrackData data dictionary; add the records below to the data dictionary.

StuId SName MI FName DoB Sex Addr

0001 Brown A Damion 12-May-85 Male Mt. Karamel, St. John

0002 Kelly H Sharlene 14-Feb-82 Female 24 Sunset Ave, Kingston 20

0003 Swaby M Kemar 02-Mar-79 Male Long Pond, Green Bay P.O.,

0004 Franklin J Benjamin 05-May-81 Male Gregory Park P.O., St. Catherine

0005 Hendricks M Kerry-Ann 12-Dec-82 Female Georgia, St. Thomas

5. Fill in the rest of information in the other field for the TrackData dictionary.
6. Open the RaceTimes table add the following records:

StuId SName MI FName RaceType Race 1 Race 2 Final


0001 Brown A Damion 100M 10.11 10.02 9.92

0002 Kelly H Sharlene 200M 20.12 19.88 19.90

0003 Swaby M Kemar 400M 48.50 44.75 44.00

0004 Franklin J Benjamin 110M 10.91 11.00 10.88

0005 Hendricks M Kerry-Ann 800M 1.52 1.58 1.49

7. Populate both tables with 10 records.

8. Create a print screen of the TRACKDATA table in Datasheet View and save into MS
Word as STU_First and Last Initial.
9. Erase the following records from each table:

ITI10106V03-1.0 Project-Data Operations Level 1

June 2021 Cluster 2
0002 Kelly H Sharlene 200M 19.90 19.73 19.65

0003 Swaby M Kemar 400M 48.00 47.65 44.12

10. Create a simple query to display each athlete’s Average Race Time. Save as
11. Rank athletes based on RaceType and Final Race. Save as Rank.


ITI10106V03-1.0 Project-Data Operations Level 1

June 2021 Cluster 2

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