Falling in Love A Star Is Born Nama Kelompok Fitriah Nur Jannah Galang Pangedi Gilang Ario Seto Hashabul Khaffi Ikhza Noor Abdi

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A star is born

Nama kelompok

Fitriah Nur jannah

Galang pangedi

Gilang ario seto

Hashabul khaffi

Ikhza noor abdi

NARATOR: Once upon a time there is two

family which become hate each other and

have revealed a vow that they never want

to put in the same place untill the end of

the day. No one knew real reason of their

hatred but only thing which people know

is they children fall into ecth other and

want to be together in this forbidd

NARATOR: Romeo is a good looking

young man, strong and health, he is the

only Son of Rudolf Family. He was falling

in love with the most beautiful young lady

named Juliete that is the only Daughter

from Keen Family. One day they met

accidently in some party.

Keff: It's the most amazing mask party

ever came in. wasn't it Romeo?

Romeo: Yeah, it would be more

interesting if I can find some lady to

dance with me

Keff: go find one. All of them so beautiful.

In case we wearing mask Romeo, who

cares about how we appearance

Romeo: Oh, I do care. I'm not looking

man beautiful by my eyes, I feel it by

(they both laughing and drank up their


NARATOR: And soon after that Romeo

was stoped drinking to look at into

someone that pick her interest. She has a

blu eyes, blonde long hair, and beautiful

smile. She wearing a mask covered half of

her face, but deep in his heart Romeo

knew she was he looking for. Romeo

approached to the girl whom giggling

with group of chics.

Romeo: Hi, ladies. Mind if l joining?

Girl 1: Of course not sir, as long as you

can treat young lady politely and nice

Romeo: My pleasure to treat you better

Girl 2: 1 like your mask, what is your

name, young man? (aku suka topengmu,

siapa namamu?)

Girl 2: 1 like your mask, what is your

name, young man?

Romeo: my name is Romeo. And can you

tell me 4 of you miss?

(they introduce theirself one by one even

juliet speak up)

Juliet: My nama is Juliet.

Romeo: What a nice name. Do you mind

to dance with me?

Juliet: l'd love to, but unfornutely I'm not

a expert of dancing, sir. I make terrible

mistake in step.

Romeo: Well I don't mind to see how bad

you dance is.

Juliet; seriously, I will make terrible

mistak that can make you lost your

dignity among others couple on there

Romeo: I don't mind Juliet.

NARATOR: And then both of those

young man dancing in the ball room. The

music sound bumping, laughter and

happiness picturing the scene of party

that night. Hour by hour they spent

together, dancing, talking, and admiring


Romeo: VWhy you don't show your beauty

for me

Juliet: As long as I'm still here I can't

open my mask, because this party theme

is mask party

Romeo: Well, what about outside?

Juliet: Why you really curious want to

know my face?

Romeo: because it so unfair when I

dancing with a girl I never how her face

looks like.

Juliet: Meet me tomorrow, in the park. I'lI

show you my face.

NARATOR: Romeo can't wait about

tomorrow. He already knew that hes

fallen to her. But it wasn't urequited love.

Juliet feel the same. She fallen to that

guy, honestly she can't wait to surprise

each other which they considering they

didn't knew each other appearance yet.

Then today, they met in the park.

Juliet: Romeo? (Romeo)

Romeo: ls this you Juliet? you really look


Juliet: Thank you. but I have something

to say to you
Romeo: What? Just tell me.

Juliet: My family put me in the

matchmaking. I found it this morning.

Romeo: Serious?

Juliet: Yeah, and my mom, she find out

about you. She warned me, because you

came from her blacklist.

Romeo: what do you mean? our parents

hate each other not us. We are allowed

to disobey about this. (

Juliet: I can't Romeo, lf my Mom give me

warn that's mean I need to take it


NARATOR: They find out about their

family, about the truth that can't run like

how they expect them to be. Their family

background history make their love

toward eachother become forbidden. But

Romeo Wouldn't let it go just like that.

They keep have backstreet relationship

until one night they got caught.

Romeo: We can meet secretly, like this.

As long as you with me l don' mind. I love

you Juliet.
Juliet: Me too, but there is nothing I can

do, there is nothing I can change about

my mom.

NARATOR: Suddenly Juliet's mom show

up. both of them really surprise. They

can't say anything but still show how

strong their affection.

Mom: you!! how dare you come to see my

daughter. You are not eligible for her. I

will let my daughter get along with

anybody except you! Rudolf's son.

Juliet: Mama, please just let us be

together. I will not asking you about any

favor if you let me be with him.

Mom: I said NO Julliet!!

Romeo: If you have a problem with my

family, with my parent I don't take any

part of that. We have no idea what you

had been through in the past time. Let

our live alone from now on, Mam.

Juliet Mom's: Never in million years. I

never let you step in to my family.

NARATOR: Juliet Mom taook her home,

with feeling full of tender she again warn

her daughter. This forbidden love can't

help. There is no way to help them to

stay in this relationship. Romeo and

Juliet lost contact for almost 2 weeks

untill he heard the news aout her


Keff: I hope you didn't heard about

anythinng. It's better you don't know.

Romeo: What's wrong Keff?

Keff: Juliet

Romeo: What's wrong wih her?

Keff: She will get merried soon. I heard

the news about that. I'm sorry Romeo.

NRATOR: Romeo lost his words. He just

fall down on the floor like he just lost his

strengh to sand up properly. He never cry,

but for the very women he love about. He

was crying his eyes out

Romeo: Oh my Juliet.. I can't live without


Keff: I know my friend, but you need to

take it. we can't do more. This is out of

her will, she wants you for the rest of her

life I knew it. Bu t she can't do anything.

Romeo: Hatred of our family has killed

our love. I was killed by haterd that I

never know how and why. It was killed

me literally Keff.

Keff: I Know.. I know that... keep calm,

she always love you even she merried

and has kids, you are the only one she

care about.

Romeo: Sometime, love doesn't mean

you need to have her in person. love

always here in our heart forever

Narator: Romeo and Juliet are two man

kind that present us as true love story.

They cant be together, they can't have

each other in person. But their love too

strong and never die untill the end.



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