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No Title Data Type Steps of Steps of analyzing Validity and

collecting the the data Reliability


1. Interest and Questionnaire 1. Writer 1. Analyzing the first In my opinion

Motivation in distributing table about the spirit the research is
Improving questionnaires of participating in PBM invalid. Because
Student at SMPK 1 BPK for class VIII SM PK 1 the survey
Learning PENABUR BPK PENABUR results show
Outcomes Jakarta in 2008. students that the subjects
what students
2. This 2. Analyzing the are interested in
questionnaire is second table about are skills,sports,
distributed in the reasons why and the arts.
class VIII SMPK 1 respondents are While the value
BPK PENABUR enthusiastic about according to the
Jakarta with a participating in PBM KKM is in the
total of 137
3. Analyze the third eyes of sports,
respondents. arts, and ICT
table about not being
3.The enthusiastic in lessons
questionnaire participating in PBM (Information
contains three for the subjects of and
questions and class VIII SM PK 1 BPK communication
Respondents PENABUR students technology)
were asked to
give a cross (X)

2. MOTIVATION Questionnaire 1. Researchers 1. The normality test I think this

AND INTEREST make used in This research research is valid.
IN LEARNING observations to is an analysis of Because from
CONTRIBUTION students of the Kolmogorov Smirnov the research
TO ENGLISH Guidance Study by comparing the results, it is clear
SPEAKING Program and coefficient sig. or P- that students
SKILLS South Nias STKIP value with Guidance and
STUDENTS Counseling. 0.05(significance Counseling
STUDY level). Criteria Study Program
2. Researchers
PROGRAM FOR significance testing is of STKIP Nias
THE formulate as follows.Accept H0 if South to study is
COUNSELING P-value (sig.) > 0.05 in category
GUIDANCE OF 3. Researchers means data normally currently. In
STKIP NIAS distribute distributed. Reject H0 accordance with
SELATAN if P-value (sig.) < 0.05 the purpose of
questionnaires means that the data is the research
to students of not normally where the
the Guidance distributed(Widiyanto research aims to
Study Program 2013, pp. 169-170). find out the
and South Nias extent of their
2. Linearity test In this
STKIP English speaking
Counseling. study, using the ability
program SPSS
computer for windows
17.00 and view
deviation from
linearity of the F test.
If the value of sig.
deviation from
linearity 0.05, then
datadeclared linear.

3. Double regression
free from
symptoms if the value
of VIF(Variance
Inflation Factor) less
than 10(Widiyanto
2013, p.241).

3. THE Questionnaire 1. The research Data analysis in this I think this

RELATIONSHIP was carried out study was carried out research is valid.
OF MOTIVATION in January – July including univariate Because the
WITH INTEREST 2020. analysis and bivariate. survey results
IN LEARNING With the help of the show that there
2. The
LANGUAGE SPSS (Statistical is a relationship
ENGLISH FOR population in Product and Service between
this study were
STUDENTS IN Solution) program motivation and
MA AL - all students of version 21.0. interest in
class X and XI at
ISTIQOMAH Univariate analysis is learning English
DISTRICT MA Al- by displaying in students at
TANGERANG distribution tables the university
YEAR 2020 Tangerang frequency to see the MA Al-
Regency in 2020 description of the Istiqomah
as many as 137 frequency distribution Tangerang
person of respondents by Regency is in
variable researched, accordance with
3. The type of good. the objectives of
instrument used the research
in this study is a

4. THE purposive 1. In this study, 1. Partial Test From In my opinion,

RELATIONSHIP sample the sample was the results of this research is
BETWEEN 5th grade calculations carried valid because
STUDENTS' elementary out using the SPSS the results of
LEARNING school students program, obtained the study are in
INTEREST AND Cibuluh 6 Bogor test data accordance with
LEARNING City, totaling 75 the objectives
2. Simultaneous Test
MOTIVATION people made by the
ON STUDENTS' Based on the SPSS researcher
2. Samples were calculation, the F-
LEARNING taken by means count value is 14, 779
of purposive with sig 0.000,
CLASS V OF samples, namely compared with the F-
samples taken table value at level =
ELEMENTARY specifically and 0.05 with df1 = 2
aimed at (number of
CIBULUH 6 CITY independent
3. Sample used variables) and df2 = n
OF BOGOR in this research – 2 – 1 = 75-2-1 = 72,
are grade 5 then the f-table value
students obtained by 3, 12. This
shows F-count 14, 779
> F-table 3, 12 and sig
0, 000 < 0, 05, which
means that the
hypothesis is
accepted, meaning
that there is positive
and significant
relationship between
students' interest in
learning and
motivation students
learn together on the
results of learning

5. DEVELOPING Interview and 1. The first stage There are only a few I don't think this
INTEREST AND Questionnaire is problem questions and the research is valid.
MOTIVATION OF identification questions are Because this
SPEAKING IN which is carried processed only with a research is only
LANGUAGES out before the percentage limited to
ENGLISH activity.Problem activities carried
THROUGH identification is out for the
STORYTELLING done through ability to speak
DEVELOPING interviews with English and
INTEREST AND resource student
MOTIVATION persons motivation
TO SPEAK IN through
ENGLISH 2. The second storytelling.
stage is the
THROUGH And this activity
STORY TELLING implementation is expected to
of activities. be the
This activity is beginning of the
entitled in the similar activities
form of online that are useful
training. for increasing
3. The third ability and
stage is the motivation
evaluation of English.
activities. In this
case, the
evaluation of
activities carried
out through the
distribution of

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