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Based on what I understand while sitting beside my Lola upon having an interview about
The Martial Law. Before Marcos declares Martial Law, he gave a lot of contributions. Some are
infrastructure programs, electricity generator, and development of roads, buildings, bridges, and others.

She stated that most of us remember Martial Law as a painful turmoil that the nation ever
experience. A national situation associated to all forms of violence from killings, enforced
disappearances, lifting of the writ habeas corpus, massive human rights violations, and grave abuses of
military and politicians against the people’s civil liberties and democratic rights. Other than all of these,
who would forget to associate the former fascist dictator President Ferdinand Marcos to Martial Law? It
was a decade lasting of political situation affecting all aspects of the country’s social system. In fact, one
of the two remarkable changes to the country’s political system ever known, 1 st to GMA’s legacy. We
don’t mean a good and exemplary legacy but a traumatic, unashamed and decadent legacy.

The term of Ferdinand Marcos was the most controversial regime in the Philippine history.
My lola added that Marcos was an intellectual, capable of initiating unimaginable ideals for himself and
for his country. He served in the military and assembled medals of prestige and honour.

Moreover, my lola also stated a brief story about Hilda Narciso, To describe Hilda Narciso’s
torture during Martial Law as disturbing is an understatement. Her torture was unimaginable, the kind
you would not want to hear from someone who experienced it first-hand. Hilda Narciso was among the
female detainees repeatedly raped while in detention.

Initially, Ferdinand Marcos implemented beneficial policies. He helped the people who were in
need of medical treatment by constructing infrastructures like the Children's Medical Center. As time
passed, the power got to his head, thus losing focus and letting the Philippines down. When Marcos'
second term was coming to an end, he wanted Imelda (his wife) to run. When he realized she would not
win, he declared Martial Law to keep his power. From that event, he abused the Philippines by taking
away the people's rights and powers. Martial Law also took away his people's freedom of speech and
petition, which led to the People Power Revolution that forced him to give up his presidency and leave the
Philippines. At first, the Filipino people trusted him because of his positive responsible acts; but as time
passed, he betrayed the Filipinos. Our message to everyone is to trust your leaders but always be
cautious of their actions because we do not want to end up with the same fate as the Philippines.

Martial Law sa Danas ng Lola at Lolo Ko

INFORMANT; Mindanao, Amelita Rosario,Batangas

INTERVIEWED BY; Roderos, Trishia Mariella M. Grade 11 – STEM GINTO

INTERVIEWED BY; Trishia Mariella M. Roderos.

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