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Bread and Pastry Production NCII:

Prepare and Present Gateaux, Tortes and Cakes
Online Training
I. Course Design 

a. Nominal Duration:  25 hours

 Online Activities: 12 hours
 Offline Activities: 13 hours
 Pre-Test
 Information sheets
 Task Sheets
 Self-Check / Quizzes
 Video Presentations
 Post-test

b. Trainee Requirements 
 Can communicate in basic English either oral and written;
 At least high school graduate;
 Basic knowledge and operation of the following technologies
 Desktop Computer / Laptop
 Tablet / Smartphone
 Must pass in online aptitude test
 Must be trainable

c. Trainer Requirements 
 Must have completed a Trainers Training Methodology Course (TM
II) or its equivalent
  Must have at least 2 years industry experience
  Must be a holder of a Bread and Pastry Production NC level II or
  Must be of good moral character
  With pleasing personality
  Must have attended relevant Bread and Pastry Production 
trainings and seminars (for patisserie trainers) or equivalent
  Proficient in bakery/pastry productions (for Bread and Pastry
Production trainers)
 Must have completed TESDA FeLS Training
d. Monitoring and Grading System
o Built-in LMS Monitoring System such as logs report, activity reports
and grade book will be used to monitor the attendance and learning
progress of the learner. Learners must accomplish prerequisites
before proceeding to succeeding parts of the lesson.
e. Institutional Assessment System 
 Computer-Based Test - This is composed of multiple-choice tests
given online. The computer-based test shall only be opened to a
particular participant scheduled for assessment during a designated
time. If the participant failed to take the test during the designated
time, he should notify the online mentor for another schedule of
tests. A trainee should be able to get at least 90% of the correct
answers to pass the test.

f. Training Plan/Schedule 
 The training of this competency shall run for 3 days (25 hours). A
more detailed breakdown of schedules, which include learning
activities, deadline of submission of outputs, and assessment, shall
be indicated in the study guide, which will be uploaded to the LMS
(Moodle) to serve as further guidance to ensure completion of the

II.   Training Package 

o A printed and digitized CBC for Unit of Competency: Prepare and Present
Gateaux, Tortes and Cakes is prepared. The eLearning material is a
package consisting of web scripts, videos, quizzes, interactive elements,
task sheets with performance criteria checklist. The institutional
competency assessment is composed of computer-based tests on the

III.   Supplies, materials and equipment 

o Laptop / Desktop
o Wifi Modem / Data Connection
o CBLM / Modules
o Android Phone / Tablet
I. The Learning Management System 

a. Name of LMS or eLearning platform

 Moodle
 BPP Academy Learning Management System (LMS) shall be
utilized as the training platform which can be accessed via invitation
through their Google account email or via class code given directly
by the trainer through text messaging or via email. Another LMS
shall be used as a supplementary to further address other means of
eLearning modality to help students further absorb all module

b. Type of Connection 
 Fiber Optic Internet 20 mbps

c.  Course Overview 
 This course is designed to enhance your knowledge, skills, positive
attitude and work values in accordance with the prevailing
standards in the Technical-Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) sector. This encompasses competencies required to Bread
and Pastry Production NC II.

d. Help Features (Technical Support System)

 The following technical support is provided on the LMS and
Training Advisories: 
a. LMS Support Features 
b. How to enroll 
c. How to login 
d. How to send Message 
e. Navigations 
f. Technical Support Groups using Facebook Messenger 
g. Google Meet / Microsoft Teams / Zoom 

e.  Enrolment System 
 Students shall be manually enrolled to the LMS and shall be
provided with their respective user credentials.
 Students can enroll themselves to the program using the class
code issued to them provided they complied with all the
requirements for enrolment.

f. Monitoring System for Learner’s Progress

 The following built-in LMS monitoring tools shall be used in
monitoring learner’s progress:
a. Activity Completion
b. Participation Report
c. Course Completion Report

g. Learner Support System 

i. Trainer to Peer communication
 Online mentors shall be online to respond to participants’
queries from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM weekdays through the
following mechanism:
o Email messaging:
o Instant Messaging: Respective Messenger Groups
o Discussion Forum: Can be accessed through the

ii. Peer to Peer communication 

 Instant Messaging: Respective Messenger Groups
 Discussion Forum: Can be accessed through the LMS 

h.  Instructional Strategies 
i.   Online Activities - Synchronous
 Training Induction Program
 Webinar

ii. Online Activities - Asynchronous

 Self-Paced learning materials
 Discussion Forums
 Quizzes
 Task Sheets

i. Learning Materials 
i. Description of Learning Resources 
 The following learning materials shall be used in the training:
o Interactive learning materials with Self Checks – the
interactive eLearning materials were developed by
BPP NC II Trainers. The e-learning materials were
bundled by learning outcomes. The eLearning
materials have the following parts: 
i. Learning Objectives
ii. Learning Contents
iii. Interactive Learning Activities
iv. Self-checks with auto feedback
v. Task Sheets with Performance Criteria Checklist Task
Sheets, Performance Criteria Checklists and output
templates are downloadable from the elearning materials so
that the task sheets may be done offline. b. Description of
Courseware (if using outsourced materials)
 Computer based exams – self scoring computer based self-
checks and quizzes serve as practice exercises for
participants. They are made available per learning outcome.
 Sample outputs and templates for the required outputs –
aside from the templates on the elearning materials, sample
outputs and templates maybe downloaded directly from the
 Submission Bins – uploading interfaces for particular outputs
(e.g. study guide) are provided on the LMS. The participants
shall upload their outputs for trainer evaluation and
download the comments and suggestions of the online
mentor through this interface. A notification email is sent by
the LMS both to the participant and the online mentor in
case of submission to these interfaces.
 Discussion Forum - is where participants can communicate
with other participants. This component of the LMS is not a
live discussion area but all enrolled participants will be able
to see all posts and replies. This component will encourage
discussion of the topics being learned. Video Conferencing
will also be done using the Google meet. Google meets will
be recorded for participants who failed to participate in the
 Video Conferencing will also be done using the Google
Meet. Google Meets will be recorded for participants who
failed to participate in the discussions.

ii. Description of Courseware (if using outsourced materials) 

 None

II. List of Personnel 

a. Trainer
The following personnel shall serve as the trainers/facilitator for this
Diana Rose Arca Lead Trainer

Rowena Levita Trainer

Viniel Calimlim Trainer

Danica May Trapsi Trainer

Florence de Vera Trainer

b. Technical Support Staff 

Emil Santos Technical Support

Mark Suarez Technical Support

III.           Facilities 
The training will be conducted purely online via:
1. Webinar room via Google Meet
2. Learning Management System 
a. Training Site:

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