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Série: Turma: Turno:




a) Which part of the sentence from the comic strip makes us believe that Jon is going to read a
fairy tale aloud?

[ ] "This sounds familiar"

[ ] "Once upon a time there was... "

b) Which house do you think Jon refers to?

[ ] His own house.

[ ] The house from the story he is reading.

c) Who are the real fat cat and the happy dog?

[ ] Garfield and Oddie.

[ ] Characters from the story.

d) Why is Jon angry?

[ ] Because he is tired of reading stories aloud.

[ ] Because Garfield and Oddie have ruined his morning.

e) Look at Jon's facial expressions in the first and second panels and compare them to the one in
the last panel. What can you notice?

[ ]. In the first and second panels, Jon is focused. In the third one, he is much more upset.

[ ]. In the first and second panels, Jon's face doesn't show any emotion at all. In. the third one, it's crystal
clear that he is very upset.

f) Look at Garfield's and Oddie's faces in the three panels. Do they react the same way?

[ ]. No, they don't. Garfield seems not to worry about Jon's anger, but Oddie does.

[ ] Yes, they do. Both seem to be worried about ion's írony.

2) Read the text below and check the correct alternative.

We humans have probed the heart of the atom, unraveled the mysteries of DNA, and glimpsed
the edges of space and time. Yet when it comes to understanding life's place in the universe, we
are mere children, standing on a beach, staring uncomprehendingly at a vast, inscrutable ocean.
Our predicament is not that we know nothing about life; it is rather that nothing we know can be
compared with anything anywhere else. All the creatures of the earth - from worms to whales -
are fundamentally cousins, linked by the same biochemistry, sharing the same planetary home.
But is the earth's biosphere the only one there is? So far none of the other planets or moons in
our system has been shown to harbor Iife. However, given the vastness of the universe, the
possibilities are endless.

(The sciences, July/August, 1998.)

(UFPB) Read the following sentences:

I. We humans have probed the heart of the atom, _____________?

II. All the creatures of the earth are fundamentally cousins, ____________?

Fill the gaps with the correct sequence:

a) haven't we/aren't they

b) did we/are they

c) have we/are they

d) we don't/they aren't

e) we haven'tlthey aren't

(Udesc-SC) Select the carrect question tag: The sun shone the whole day, _________ it?

a) is;

b) did;

c) doesn't;

d) didn't;

e) isn't.

(UEPG-PR). Complete with the correct question tag: They kept it in the bank, _________?

a) didn't they;

b) is it;

c) wasn't it;

d) did they;

e) nda.
(PUC-RS) Mark the right option: She's gone to Miami, ____________?

a) hasn't she;

b) doesn't she;

c) wasn't she;

d) didn't go she;

e) didn’t she.

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