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The Philippines is one of the most natural hazard-
prone countries in the world. The social and
economic cost of natural disasters in the country
is increasing due to population growth, change in
land-use patterns, migration, unplanned
urbanization, environmental degradation and
global climate change.
Basic Terminologies of Disaster
● Disaster
● Hazard
● Risk
● Vulnerability
● Capacity
● Response
● Relief
● Recovery
● Rehabilitation
● Reconstruction
● Development
● Mitigation
● Preparedness
● Prevention
● Disaster Risk Management
 Disaster Risk Reduction- A systematic approach to identifying, assessing
and reducing the risks of disaster. It aims to reduce socio-economic
vulnerabilities to disaster as well as dealing with the environmental and
other hazards that trigger them.
 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management- The application of disaster
risk reduction policies and strategies to prevent new disaster risk, reduce
existing disaster risk and manage residual risk, contributing to the
strengthening of resilience and reduction of disaster losses.
 Hazard- An agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable
target. Hazards can be both natural or human induced. Sometimes natural
hazards such as floods and a drought can be caused by human activity.
 Vulnerability- Refers to the inability to withstand the effects of a hostile
environment. A window of vulnerability is a time frame within which
defensive measures are diminished, compromised or lacking.
 Capacity- Refers to all the strengths, attributes and resources available
within a community, organization or society to manage and reduce disaster
risks and strengthen resilience.
The National Disaster Preparedness
● The primary goal of preparedness is to avert the loss of lives and assets
due to threats and emergencies. RA 10121 defines preparedness as the
“knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional
response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to
effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the impacts of likely,
imminent or current hazard events or conditions.” While essentially
implementation of preparedness is before any hazard or any disasters
strikes, preparedness outcomes straddle between pre-disaster, disaster
and post disaster phases based on existing definitions.
The NDP Plan Objectives:
 To increase level of awareness and enhanced capacity of
communities to anticipate, avoid, reduce and survive the threats and
impacts of all hazards;
 To fully-equip communities with the necessary skills and capability to
face and survive hazards and cope with the impacts of disasters;
 To increase Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) and
Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) capacity of Local DRRM Councils,
Offices and Operation Centers at all levels;
 To develop and implement comprehensive national and local
preparedness and response policies, plans and systems; and
 To strengthen partnership and coordination among all key players and
An act strengthening the Philippine disaster risk
reduction and management system, providing for the
national disaster risk reduction and management framework and
institutionalizing the national disaster risk
reduction and management plan, appropriating funds thereof and
for other purposes.
of the
Type 1 – two pronounced season, dry from
November to April and wet during the rest of the
year. Maximum rain period is from June to
Type 2 – no dry season with a very pronounced
maximum rain period from December to February.
There is not a single dry month. Minimum monthly
rainfall occurs during the period of March to May.
Type 3 – no very pronounced maximum rain
period with a dry season lasting only from one to
three months, either during the period from
December to February or from March to May. This
type resembles type 1 since it has a short dry
Type 4 – rainfall is more or less evenly distributed
throughout the year. This type resembles type 2
since it has no dry season.
Disaster Risk Profile and Disaster Risk Management
Framework of the Philippines: Natural Disasters
Oversight and Implementation
Components of DRR and Management
The provision of emergency services and public assistance during or
immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure
public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected.

 Prevention
 Mitigation
 Adaptation
 Preparedness
Components of DRR and
The recovery task of rehabilitation and reconstruction begins soon after
the emergency phase has ended and should be based on pre-existing strategies
and policies that facilitate clear institutional responsibilities for recovery action and
enable public participation.

 Response
 Recovery
 This is a group activity
 Choose at least one among the following topics:
 Earthquake
 Floods
 Typhoon
 Fire
 Volcanic Eruption
 Covid 19 Prevention
 Each group will create a video presentation on what to do before,
during and after the disaster/ chosen topic.
 Finalize your work for class presentation.




 AUDIO 20%

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