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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y. 2022 – 2023

Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: ___________

Directions: Read each selection and answer the question/s about it carefully.

Write the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.

In a month, your hair grows about three quarters of an inch. Even when

you stop growing taller, your hair will still keep growing. It grows faster in the

summer than in the cold months. It grows faster during the day than at night.

1. What part of the paragraph indicates the main idea of the selection?

A. first sentence

B. second sentence

C. third sentence

D. last sentence

2. Which is the most appropriate heading of the paragraph?

A. Growing Hair

B. Hair in the Summer

C. Hair Grows Faster in the Day

D. When You Stop Growing

3. What kind of learning resource is shown in the picture below?

A. atlas

B. dictionaryencyclopedia

C. thesaurus

One day, a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. He met a

group of robbers. They stripped him off his clothes. They beat him and went

away, leaving the man half-dead. A priest who was going down the same

road saw the man. But he passed by on the other side. A Levite also passed

by the same way and saw the beaten-up man. Like the priest, he also

passed on the other side. Finally, a Samaritan came by the same road. When

he saw the wounded man, he took pity on him. He went to him and

bandaged his wound, pouring oil on them. Then he put the man on his own

donkey. He took him to an inn and took care of him.

-The Holy Bible

4. Where was the traveller going?

A. Jerusalem

B. Jericho

C. Market

D. Nazareth

5. How did the Samaritan help the traveller?

A. He beat him and went away.

B. He ignored him.

C. He took him to an inn and took care of him.

D. He scolded him.

The durian is a unique fruit. Some people say this fruit smells like hell but

tastes like heaven. That is how this kind of fruit is regarded. Durian is a native
plant from Borneo and Malaysia. It is scientifically named durio zibethenus. It

adapts well to the climate and soil of Mindanao. Davao and Zamboanga

are the commercial markets of the fruit.

6. What is the purpose of the author in writing the paragraph?

A. To describe the fruit

B. To entertain or amuse

C. To persuade readers to accept a specific point of view

D. To give information or directions

The Swan and the Goose

A rich man bought a swan and a goose

That for song, and this for use

It chanced his simple-minded cook

One night the swan for goose mistook

But in the dark about to chop

The swan in the two above the crop

He heard the lyric note and stayed

The action of the fatal blade.

And thus we see a proper tune

Is sometimes very opportune -Aesop’s fable

7. What did the rich man intend to do with a goose?

A. as a companion

B. as a food

C. as a gift

D. as a pet

8. Why did the cook mistake the swan for the goose?

A. It was dark.

B. The cook did not take a closer look at them.

C. They looked alike.

D. They both have feathers.

9. What is the moral of the poem?

A. Looks can be deceiving.

B. Sometimes, a timely song can save the day.

C. Swans and geese should not be kept together.

D. Turn on the light before cooking.

10. The message was interpreted incorrectly. Which word has a right prefix

that will best describe the idea of the undelined words?

A. disinterpreted

B. misinterpreted

C. non-interpreted

D. uninterpreted

11. Stones and marbles are lifeless. What is the meaning of the word with a

suffix in the given sentence?

A. devoid of living

B. hard objects

C. living things

D. non-living things

When I finally realized this, I myself went on to seek professional help. I

needed someone to help explain to me my being over-shy, and my strange


12. Which of the following word denotes the underlined word in the


A. attempt to find

B. hunt

C. motivate
D. pursue

13. My friend is very careful about spending money. I admire that, so I call

him ____________________. What word would best complete the sentence


A. miserly

B. selfish

C. stingy

D. thrifty

I Shall Not Pass This Way Again

Through this toilsome world alas!

Once and only once I pass;

If a kindness I may show,

If a good deed I may do.

To a suffering fellowmen

Let me do it while I can,

No delay, for its plain

I shall not pass this way again.

14. Which of the following words is related to work?

A. leisure

B. trait

C. travel

D. toilsome

15. What feeling does the word alas suggest?

A. bitterness

B. happiness

C. sadness
D. surprise

16. When do you say that something said is plain?

A. When it is short

B. When it is complex

C. When it does not need any explanation

D. When it uses an idiomatic expression


by Christina Rossetti

Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry,

Take your walk

To the shady leaf, or stalk,

Or what not,

Which may be the chosen spot.

No toad spy you,

Hovering bird of prey pass by you;

Spin and die, To live again a butterfly.

17. If you are to complete the graphic organizer, what will you write at the


A. butterfly

B. caterpillar

C. spider

D. toad

18. If your plan fails, you have to find someone who can devise a better

one. What does devise mean?

A. against
B. copy

C. dislike

D. make

19. Many of my classmates have high intelligence quotient but they are

not succeeding. What prefix would best complete the word __________-

achiever that will describe my classmates?

A. extra

B. super

C. over

D. under

Filipino fiestas are lavish. The Filipinos follow some systems to make

fiestas as they are. One of them is the hermano system. One person is

assigned to take care of the fiesta. Only the most affluent and distinguished

are made hermanos of fiestas. It is a big honor to be an hermano mayor.

And in some towns, the assignment is passed around among 10 to 12


20. What is the purpose of the author in writing the third sentence?

A. to describe

B. to entertain

C. to inform

D. to persuade

21. What is the purpose of the author in writing the paragraph?

A. to describe

B. to entertain

C. to inform

D. to persuade
Developing Reading Power 4

22. What office publishes this ad?

A. Cargo and Arrival Terminal

B. GrandAir

C. Philippine Village Airport Hotel

D. Old Manila International Airport

23. Where is Grand Air’s arrival terminal located?

A. At the domestic airport

B. At the Ninoy Aquino International Airport

C. At the Old Manila International Airport

D. At the Philippine Village Airport Hotel

24. Which of the fact is true of the ad?

A. There are more flights from Manila to Davao than flights from Manila to


B. There are more flights from Manila to Cebu than flights from Manila to


C. Manila to Davao and Manila to Cebu have the same number of flights.

D. The ad mentions the flight fares of Manila to Cebu and Manila to


Emilio Jacinto was the field general of the north zone which included

Morong, Laguna, Bulacan and Nueva Ecija. In 1898, his group fought the

Spanish forces in Majayjay, Laguna. He was wounded in the thigh and

captured. He was taken prisoner. One year later, the brave Emilio Jacinto

died of malaria in Jail in Alilpit, Sta. Cruz.

25. Which key sentence best fits the paragraph?

A. Emilio Jacinto was tortured while a prisoner of the Spaniards.

B. Emilio Jacinto was the field general of the Katipunan north zone.

C. Emilio Jacinto was not taken care of while a prisoner of the Spaniards.

D. Emilio Jacinto was a Brave Katipunero, who died of a disease while in


Developing Reading Power 4

26. How are the subtopics on the subject listed?

A. Arranged alphabetically

B. Arranged chronologically

C. Arranged in degree of importance

D. Arrange in numerical order

27. What subtopic is further divided into smaller into smaller ideas?

A. Fauna and Flora

B. Flag

C. Government
D. History

The next day, Rabbit came for a drink again. Crocodile lay very still. He

did not move an inch. He pretended to be a big motionless log. Crocodile

moved with the current like a log. Rabbit looked keenly at the big shape in

the river. “It must be a log after all!” said Rabbit to himself.

28. Which is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

A. Crocodile lay very still.

B. He did not move an inch.

C. He pretended to be a big motionless log.

D. “It must be a log after all!” said Rabbit to himself.

29. Which sentence does not belong to the paragraph?

A. Crocodile lay very still.

B. He did not move an inch.

C. He pretended to be a big motionless log.

D. Crocodile moved with the current like a log.

The Robin and the Blackbird

The weather was very cold but a robin was warm and comfortable in

his nest up in a tree. Soon a blackbird trembling with cold flew near the nest.

He placed his head inside the nest.

He said, “Friend Robin, may I put my head inside your nest? I will not

feel so cold if my head feels warm.”

“Certainly, you may,” said the kind and friendly Robin.

Soon the blackbird said, “Friend Robin, may I put my two legs inside

your nest? I will not feel so cold if my feet feel warm.”

“Certainly, you may,” said the kind and friendly Robin.

Then the blackbird had another request. “Friend Robin, may I put my

wings inside your nest? I will not feel so cold if my wings feel warm.”
“Certainly, you may,” said the kind and friendly Robin.

But the nest was not a big one. It did not hold the two birds inside. The

robin was pushed a tiny corner of the nest when the blackbird stretched his


“This is getting too far. Now he has the nest to himself,” said the Robin

not feeling friendly anymore.

When the blackbird closed his eye, the robin gave him a big push. The

blackbird lost his balance and fell out of the nest, down into gound.

“Friend Robin!” cried the blackbird.

“I am not friendly anymore!” answered the Robin.

30. Where did the story happen?

A. In a nest up in a tree

B. In a nest in the middle of a field

C. In a nest in a roof of a house

D. In a nest inside a cave

31. Which character remained friendly up to the end of the story?

A. The Robin

B. The Blackbird

C. Both the Robin and the Blackbird

D. Not one of them

32. Why did Robin push the Blackbird out of the nest?

A. He is uncomfortable in one corner of the nest.

B. He was bigger and stronger than the Blackbird.

C. He realized the Blackbird had the nest to himself.

D. He did not like the Blackbird from the beginning.

Members of the family tend to live away from where their parents were

born. Families who live in new subdivision tend to forget their old townmates.
If the co-parents do not see their godchildren often, the compadre system


33. What is the purpose of the author in writing the paragraph?

A. to describe

B. to entertain

C. to inform

D. to persuade

34. Which of the following will help improve godfather-godchild


A. Visit him often and ask for gifts.

B. Be courteous and respectful to him.

C. Invite your godfather to attend your family celebrations.

D. Remind him of special events in your life like birthdays, feastday and


35. The winner in the raffle draw was dumbstruck after winning the grand

prize yesterday. What suffix will best complete the word speech-_________ so

that it would mean the same as the underlined word in the sentence?

A. -able

B. -ful

C. -less

D. -ness

36. I had been lucky. The psychiatrist I found had been very patient with

me. Everyday, we would have sessions in her _______________ office. Which of

the following words best fits the sentence?

A. isolated

B. private

C. secluded
D. secured

The shark is a sea animal whose prodigious strength and size is

unequalled. A hungry shark attacks its prey viciously. Because of this, many

people fear the animal.

37. The elephant is another mammal with prodigious strength. What does

prodigious mean?

A. beautiful

B. great

C. unfriendly

D. wicked

38. Normally, the shark’s prey are other fishes. What does prey mean?

A. Animals who eat other animals

B. Animals that are hunted as food

C. All animals that swim

D. Animals that live together

39. A hungry shark attacks viciously. How does the shark move?

A. gently

B. gracefully

C. in slow motion

D. with force

Some bats feed on insects

Other bats eat ripe fruits

Some eat the pollen of flowers

Some bats feed solely on blood

40. Which topic sentence do the details above support?

A. Bats are even helpful.

B. The eating habits of bats differ.

C. Bats are unusual animals.

D. Some people do not like bats.

The curse grew worse. Animals in the farm died. The rains did not

come. Even the fish swam away from the shore. It was only when Marushi

had forgiven her people did the curse end.

41. Which sentence does not belong to the paragraph?

A. The curse grew worse.

B. Animals and plants in the farm died.

C. The rains did not come.

D. It was only when Mashuri had forgiven her people did the curse end.

Library resources are meant to be kept for long periods of time. A

primary function of a library is to be an organized storehouse of information.

As well as finding very current information, you can also find books that are no

longer published and older issues of magazines.

42. Which of the following library resources refer to all the different

magazines in the library?

A. audio-visual materials

B. microfilm reader

C. periodicals

D. vertical file

43. Which are categories of resources that include recordings, video

cassette, films, film strips, picture files, and computer materials?

A. audio-visual materials

B. microfilm reader

C. periodicals

D. vertical file

44. Which is a book of synonyms and antonyms?

A. dictionary

B. microforms

C. periodicals

D. thesaurus

Parents have hopes and dreams for their children. Some dream of

sending them abroad to earn dollars. Others dream of seeing their children

finish college degrees because they can find better jobs. Parents do their

best in guiding their children. They work hard to be able to send their children

to school. They provide their needs. They always show them great love and


45. Who have high hopes and dreams for their children?

A. doctors

B. parents

C. relatives

D. teachers

46. When do they show their love to their children?

A. always

B. every week

C. often

D. sometimes

47. How can they send their children to school?

A. by gambling

B. by asking help from relatives

C. by winning in a lottery

D. by working hard to earn money

The “pipit” is a small active bird with a white breast and belly. Its head

is olive brown, so are its back and tail. It has a loud and cheerful call.
48. What is the author’s purpose in writing the paragraph?

A. to describe

B. to give direction

C. to inform

D. to persuade

The belief in omens given by birds is found not only among the ethnic

groups. People of the city are afraid of the “tik-tik” and the “wak-wak”. No

one keeps owls as pets. Those in modern subdivisions feel afraid at the

hooting of the grass owl among the talahib. Who would say omens given by

birds are things of the past.

49. What is the purpose of the author in writing the paragraph?

A. to describe

B. to give direction

C. to inform

D. to persuade

50. What will a “tik-tik” sound made by the grass owl mean to you?

A. The aswang’s servant has found a victim for his master.

B. A dead relative wants to give you a message.

C. The bird is making a call to his mate.

D. The bird is calling the evil spirits from the underworld.

Mother gave many do’s and dont’s to my sister to protect her from

harm. Mother appeared to be ______________________ of my sister.

51. What prefix would best complete the word _________-protective that

will best complete the sentence?

A. extra

B. over

C. super
D. under

A whale lives in the ocean. A __________ lives in the __________.

52. Which pair of words shows the same relationship indicated by the pair

of underlined words in the first sentence?

A. car : garage

B. chair : table

C. snake : ocean

D. tiger : jungle

53. The tongue is used to taste. The __________ is used to _________.

A. boat : swim

B. bed : sit

C. bag : buy

D. nose : smell

54. When should the ointment be applied?

A. morning only

B. after lunch

C. evening only

D. morning and evening

55. Where should the ointment be applied?

A. all over the body

B. only on the part that is affected

C. only on the face

D. oral intake three times a day

56. Alvin holds a grudge against me when I did not vote for him in the

pupils’ election. Which of the following word denotes the underlined word in

the sentence?

A. feeling of bitterness

B. feeling of encouragement

C. feeling of forgiveness

D. feeling of happiness

57. Did you answer my letter already? Please _________ as soon as possible.

What word would best complete the sentence above?

A. ask

B. command

C. reply

D. speak

58. Where there is a court hearing, there are ________________________.

Which of the following choices given cannot be used to complete the

sentence above?

A. defendants

B. lawyers

C. soldiers

D. witnesses

59. What proper heading does the set of words belong?

abaca cotton silk triton

A. citrus fruits

B. fibers

C. hardwood
D. shells

A Riddle

I watch him playing pitter-patter on the windowpane

I like the little pools he makes along the country lane

He goes drip drip from off the trees

or swish swish down the drain

I wonder if you like him too, my dear friend Mr. Rain.

60. Who is the friend referred to in the poem?

A. his best friend

B. his dog

C. the house

D. the rain
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

S.Y. 2022 – 2023
Most Essential Learning No. of Easy Average Difficult Total
Competencies Days
18 items 18 items 24 items 60 items
(30%) (30%) (40%) (100%)

Item Placement

Recognize the parts of a

5 1, 41 2, 29 28, 40 6
simple paragraph.

Use resources such as a

dictionary, thesaurus, online 3, 42, 43,
5 26, 27 6
resources to find the meaning 44
of words.

23, 31,
Note significant details of 4, 5, 22, 24, 25,
10 32, 45, 15
various text types. 30 54, 55, 60
46, 47

Identify the structure, 6, 7, 8, 9,

purpose, and language 20, 21,
8 11
features of different text 33, 34,48,
types. 49, 50

Identify meanings of
unfamiliar words through 19, 35,
5 10, 11 6
structural analysis (words and 36, 51
affixes: prefixes and suffixes).

Identify different
12, 13,
meanings of content specific 6 16, 39 57 8
15, 18, 56
Get the meaning of words
through word association 17, 37,
6 14, 38 58, 59 8
(analogy) or and 52, 53

Total 45 18 18 24 60

Prepared by:


Teacher III
Baliwag South Central School

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

S.Y. 2022 – 2023
1. A 22. B
2. A 23. D
3. B 24. A
4. B 25. D
5. C 26. A
6. D 27. D
7. B 28. A
8. B 29. D
9. B 30. A
10. B
11. D
12. A 31. D
13. A 32. C
14. D 33. C
15. C 34. B
16. A 35. C
17. A 36. C
18. D 37. B
19. D 38. B
20. C 39. D
21. A 40. B
41. B 52. D
42. C 53. D
43. A 54. D
44. D 55. B
45. B 56. A
46. A 57. C
47. D 58. C
48. A 59. B
49. D 60. D
50. D
51. B
Prepared by:


Teacher III
Baliwag South Central School

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