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Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 1

2.1 LOCATION OF WORKS ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

2.2 SCOPE OF WORKS.............................................................................................................................................................. 2

3.0 EARTHWORKS PLANNING CRITERIA ............................................................................................... 2

4.0 EARTHWORKS DESIGN PHASE ........................................................................................................... 2

4.1 TEMPORARY EARTH DRAIN DESIGN PRINCIPLES .......................................................................................................... 2

4.2 SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN PRINCIPLE ........................................................................................................................... 3

5.0 EARTHWORKS CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED WORKS ............................................................ 3

5.1 ESTIMATED EARTHWORK QUANTITY ............................................................................................................................ 3

5.2 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 3

6.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL .............................................................................................. 4

7.0 MAINTENANCE WORKS ........................................................................................................................ 4

8.0 POST DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................... 5

9.0 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION ........................................ 5

9.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

9.2 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.0 Introduction
This report presents the scope of works to be done on site to manage, control and maintain the erosion and
sediment during the earthworks for:-

Permohonan Kebenaran Merancang Bagi Cadangan Mendirikan Bangunan Kuarters

Pekerja Dan Pusat Pentadbiran Yang Mengandungi:

Fasa 1
A. Satu (1) Blok Asrama Senior 5 Tingkat,
B. Empat (4) Blok Asrama 5 Tingkat,
C. Satu (1) Blok Ameniti/Kemudahan (Gelanggang Dan Gimnasium) 1 Tingkat,
D. Satu (1) Blok Pejabat Pengurusan 6 Tingkat,
E. Satu (1) Blok Kantin 2 Tingkat,
F. Satu (1) Unit Loji Rawatan Kumbahan “STP”,
G. Dua (2) Unit Kolam Tadahan Air,
H. Satu (1) Unit Rumah Sampah, Dan,
I. Lain-Lain Kemudahan M&E.

Fasa 2
A. Dua (2) Blok Asrama Senior 5 Tingkat,
B. Lima (5) Blok Asrama 5 Tingkat,

Fasa 3
Pembangunan Akan Datang

Di Atas Sebahagian Lot 60129, Seluas 34.41 Ekar, Jalan Kemaman Dungun, Taman
Perindustrian Teluk Kalong, Mukim Hulu Chukai, Daerah Kemaman, Terengganu Darul

Untuk Tetuan: Eastern Steel Sdn. Bhd.

Eastern Steel Sdn. Bhd. as a developer has appointed Suramas Perunding Sdn. Bhd. as C&S consultant to
prepare the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Report for this project. This Phase 2 - Living
Quarters and Administrative Buildings development located in Teluk Kalong Industrial Park, Kemaman.

2.0 Project Description

2.1 Location of Works
The proposed Workers’ Living Quarters is located at the northern side of Eastern Steel Phase 1 area,
along the federal route and adjacent to the Sg. Chukai tributary as shown in Appendix 1,
P300E-ESCP-1.1. The proposed site is in Lot 60129 and comprises area of 34.41 acres.

The entire area is low lying area of level 0.3m to 3.8m land survey datum (LSD). The earthworks
generally involve earth filling on the entire site to the proposed 4.2m LSD platform level. The existing
grounds are generally clayey soil type of several meters thick.


2.2 Scope of Works
The scope of works comprise of:-

i) Construction of temporary drainage, wash trough and sediment basins at the construction site
to cater for the erosion and sedimentation control.
ii) Filling and cutting of the existing ground to the desirable platforms level as indicated in the
enclosed drawing plans (Appendix 1, P300E-ESCP-1.1).
iii) Carry out monitoring and maintenance to the erosion and sediment control facilities.

3.0 Earthworks Planning Criteria

The criteria for the planning of earthworks will be governed by the following c onsiderations:

i) Assessment of the existing site condition on drainage patterns, type of soils, natural topography, rainfall,
existing vegetation and environmental features.
ii) Development of base plan to review the physical conditions of site and adjacent area s. The site plan
shall include topography of site, locations of the discharge point, area of fill, conceptual temporary
drain and sediment basin, existing land use, slope and existing vegetation (if any).
iii) The procedure to be adopted in the control of earth movement and compaction.
iv) Methods to be adopted for the control of soil erosion and silting of existing watercourse during
earthworks by using sediment basins and earth drain.
v) Runoff management consideration.
vi) Complying with the requirements of the authority.
vii) Losses in soil volume due to shrinkage, compaction, consolidation, settlement and washout should be

4.0 Earthworks Design Phase

The proposed temporary earth drain and sediment basin are designed in accordance to “Urban Stormwater
Management Manual for Malaysia 2 nd Edition (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia) chapter 1 to 20”
published by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia (DID) (2011).

The design principle and criteria for temporary earth drain and sediment basin are specified as follow:

4.1 Temporary earth drain design principles

The rainfall intensity for the required duration and ARI (Average Return Interval) at the proposed
development is obtained from the IFD (Intensity Duration Frequency) curve for JPS Kemaman,
Terengganu. The earth drain are used during the earthwork only and will be removed after
completion of earthworks activities, thus 2 year ARI is adopted for this drain.

Runoff estimation used to estimate the volume of water to be intercepted by the drain s is calculated
based on the Modified form of the Rational Method:


For a specific return period of T years, Q is the peak discharge in cubic meters per second (m 3/s), i
is the average intensity of rainfall in millimetres per hour (mm/hr), A is the catchment area in m 2 C
is the runoff coefficient.


The time of concentration is the time required for the water to flow from the most remote point of
the catchment to the point being investigated. For urban stormwater drains, the time of concentration
(tc) consists of the time required for runoff to flow over the ground surface to the nearest drain ( to),
and the time of flow in the drain to the point under consideration ( td). This defined as: tc = to + td

For the sizing of drains based on calculated flows from runoff estimation, the Manning’s Equation
shown below is used:

2⁄ 1⁄
𝐴𝑅 3𝑆 2
Q is the discharge in m3/s
n is the Manning’s roughness coefficient
A is the cross sectional area of the flow in m 2
R is the hydraulic radius defined as A/P (P is the wetted perimeter)
S is the slope of the channel in m/m

The calculation for temporary earth drain is shown in Appendix 3.

4.2 Sediment Basin Design Principle

One (1) sediment basin will be constructed to cater the run-off for 34.41 acres of land as shown in
(Appendix 1, P300E-ESCP-1.1). The sediment basin is designed as a wet sedimentation basin due
to the existing clayey soil type underneath the site. The water in the basin will discharged to the stream
and channel through the spillway outlet. 3 months ARI is adopted for this basin and the sizing
guideline for wet sediment basin is referred to MSMA Table 39.6. The spillway design is designed for
a 10 year ARI when the basin is full based on MSMA requirements. The detailed design calculation
for this sedimentation basin is enclosed in the Appendix 4.

5.0 Earthworks Construction and Related Works

5.1 Estimated Earthwork Quantity
The quantity of fill as shown in the Earth Works Layout Plan P300E-ESCP-1.1 is estimated to be:

 Amount of fill = 383,920 cubic metres

 Amount of cut = 606 cubic metres

All required additional fill will be imported and transported from the approved borrow site.

5.2 General Construction Conditions

The earthwork shall be carried out in the following manner:

i) Preparation of erosion control plan and management schedule.

ii) Clearing and grubbing for the clearing of the general area (carried out in stages and keeping
uninvolved area undisturbed).
iii) Dump, spread and compact in layers to the required compaction.
iv) Monitor the soil settlement, stability and ground water table.


v) Monitor and check for any environmental pollution.
vi) Turf platform edge toe to avoid erosion.
vii) All contractors will be informed of their responsibilities in minimising the potential for soil
erosion and pollution.
viii) Contractor will ensure all erosion and sediment control works constructed in accordance with
the Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia, 2nd Edition (2011).

6.0 Erosion and Sediment Control

Measures to be taken for erosion and sediment control:

i) Turfing – Spot turfing and close turfing are carried out as soon as platform is completed to avoid
erosion to the platform and further loss of soil. The turf will be watered regularly until an effective
cover has properly established are growing vigorously. Further applications of the turf seeding are
required in the areas of inadequate vegetation establishment.
ii) Earth bund and temporary earth drain– Temporary drains as shown in Appendix 1, P300E-ESCP-1.1
will be provided along the temporary carriageways, bottom and top of slopes as well as along the
perimeter of the construction site to channel surface water and avoid overland flow on the surface
where excessive loss of soil and uncontrolled seepage could lead to erosion and the reduction in slope
iii) Sediment basin – For the application of this site, a wet sediment basin will be constructed to intercept
the flow from temporary earth drains and promote settlement to minimise the introduction of silt to
the existing drainage system. One (1) number of sediment basin will be constructed along the boundary
of the site whereby all temporary drains will be channeled. The sediment basin design is based on
guidelines provided by the ‘Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia’ 2 nd Edition,
published by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage in 2011.
iv) Sediment removed from the sediment basin will be disposed to the approved site.
v) Unprotected areas will be kept moist by sprinkling with water to keep dust under control.
vi) Stockpiles will not be located within 5m of hazard areas, including driveway or water ways.
vii) The temporary erosion and sediment control structures will be removed only after the la nds are fully
protected and stabilised.

7.0 Maintenance Works

i) Assigned a qualified person to oversee the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sediment
control measures on the site. The person is required to carry out site inspection, self-audit and prepare
monthly report to ensure the ESCP is being implemented properly; repairs are undertaken and able to
modify the plan if necessary.
ii) Drainage of site will always be properly maintained.
iii) All spoil or soil should not place closer than 2m from hazard area. If any, it shall be removed from that
area immediately.
iv) Excessive vegetation growth will be controlled through mowing.
v) All erosion and sediment control measures will be kept in good condition until all earthworks activities
are completed and the site stabilised.
vi) Any pollutants removed from sediment basin will be disposed to the approved site and handle with


8.0 Post Development
The plant layout plan with designated drainage layout plan is shown in Appendix 1, P300E-ESCP-5.1.

9.0 Development Schedule and Sequence of

9.1 Project Schedule
The earthwork which involve constructing access road; site clearing; cutting at borrow area; haul, spread and
compaction at filling area will takes about one and a half (1½ ) month time.

9.2 Construction Sequence

The construction sequence for earthwork shall be as follows:

i) Construct access road at borrow area;

ii) Construct access road to filling area;
iii) Carry out site clearing at fill area to remove trees including stump & roots, bushes, etc. and dispose at
designated area by truck;
iv) Construct temporary drain, ditches, sediment basins etc. to maintain earthwork free from water
ponding and prevent silt and sediment flow to existing water course;
v) Excavation at hilly area by excavator and loaded to dump truck; haul to filling area and tipping;
vi) At filling area, spread the delivered material using bull dozer and back pusher in layers and compact by
vibrating roller. Compaction test for field density shall be carry out for each layer of fill for acceptance;
vii) Water truck shall be deployed constantly to spray water to the access road to prevent excessive dust;
viii) All temporary drain and sediment basin shall be maintain regularly to ensure in good working condition;





1. P300E-ESCP-1.1 –
2. P300E-ESCP-1.2 –
3. P300E-ESCP-1.3 –
4. P300E-ESCP-1.4 –
5. P300E-ESCP-2.1 –
6. P300E-ESCP-2.2 –
7. P300E-ESCP-2.3 –
8. P300E-ESCP-3.1 –
9. P300E-ESCP-4.1 –



Job Description P300E - Earthwork
Designed By Zubaidah
Date 14/1/2019
11 Earthworks Volume Summary
12 DTM Method
Soil Swell Factor 1.00
Soil Shrink Factor 1.00
Topsoil Stripping Depth mm
Topsoil Stripping Volume m^3
Bank Cut 605.99 m^3
Expanded Cut 605.99 m^3
Bank Fill 383917.92 m^3
Volume Needed Before Compacted Fill 383917.92 m^3
Export/Import -383311.93 m^3
Total Platform Plane Area 164735.90 m^2
Total Boundary Slope Area 0.00 m^2



1 7 8 9

H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/200 L = 115.0m Cascading:-

Dr = 8 TD 300 FB = 50
H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/200 L = 222.7m
H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/250 L = 223.3m Cascading:-

H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/200 L = 220.5m Cascading:-


Dr = 6 TD 300 FB = 50
Dr = 1 TD 300 FB = 50

Dr = 7 TD 300 FB = 50



0 , W2
30 =
0 D
, W1 r = 9

= 9 00 D 3
S 00
= 1/2 FB =
ing d

H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/150 L = 20.9m Cascading:-


2 Dr = 2 TD 300 FB = 50
3 Dr = 3 TD 300 FB = 50
45 Dr = 10 TD 300 FB = 50
H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/350 L = 74.7m Cascading:-
H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/350
H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/350 L = 92.4m Cascading:- H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/350 L = 101.5m Cascading:-

Dr = 5 TD 300 FB = 50
13 Dr = 12 TD 300 FB = 50
H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/350 L = 183.4m Cascading:-
14 6 Dr = 13 TD 300 FB = 50

1516 Dr = 14 TD 300 FB = 50

Up Sump Down Sump Ground Level, m Invert Level, m Sump Invert Level, m Depth, m Drain Type Gradient(1/x) Length, m
H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/350 L = 83.3m Cascading:-
H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 S = 1/300 L = 16.4m Cascading:-
L = 8.8m Cascading:-

9 1 2 4.200 3.007 - 1.193 Trapezoid 1/250 223.339

2 3 4.200 2.743 - 1.457 Trapezoid 1/350 92.353
3 4 4.200 2.453 - 1.747 Trapezoid 1/350 101.530
4 5 4.200 2.406 - 1.794 Trapezoid 1/250 11.723
Dr = 17 TD 300 FB = 50

5 6 4.200 2.266 - 1.934 Trapezoid 1/150 20.900

7 3 4.200 2.787 2.743 1.457 Trapezoid 1/200 222.678
8 4 4.200 2.798 2.453 1.747 Trapezoid 1/200 220.474
9 10 4.200 3.325 - 0.875 Trapezoid 1/200 115.032
10 11 4.200 2.819 - 1.381 Trapezoid 1/250 126.479
11 5 4.200 2.605 2.406 1.794 Trapezoid 1/350 74.737
H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/250 L = 249.4m Cascading:-

12 13 4.200 2.902 - 1.298 Trapezoid 1/250 249.376

13 14 4.200 2.379 - 1.821 Trapezoid 1/350 183.361
13 14 15 4.200 2.353 - 1.847 Trapezoid 1/350 8.804
17 15 16 4.200 2.299 - 1.901 Trapezoid 1/300 16.400

22 Dr = 20 TD 300 FB = 50

18 Dr = 16 TD 300 FB = 50
19 17 18 4.200 3.114 - 1.086 Trapezoid 1/200 157.103

H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/200 L = 95.2m Cascading:- H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/200 L = 84.0m Cascading:-
18 19 4.200 2.694 - 1.506 Trapezoid 1/200 84.047
19 15 4.200 2.456 2.353 1.847 Trapezoid 1/350 83.303
Dr = 11 TD 300 FB = 50

= 1200 S = 1/250 L = 41.8m

20 21 4.200 3.448 - 0.752 Trapezoid 1/200 60.464

Dr = 19 TD 300 FB = 50
H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 S = 1/200 L = 157.1m Cascading:-

21 19 4.200 3.281 2.694 1.506 Trapezoid 1/250 41.768

22 18 4.200 3.424 3.114 1.086 Trapezoid 1/200 95.167
Ca H = 450, W2 = 300, W1

Dr = 15 TD 300 FB = 50

00 50
1/2 B =
S = 00 F
12 TD
1 = 18
,W r=




12 17
Final Sump Depth
Effective Cum. Effective Peak Drain Ground Total
Drain Up Down Length Drain Velocity Intensity, I Invert Drop Invert Depth Below Cascading
Drain Size (mm) Gradient Catchment Catchment Flow Capacity Level Depth, Remarks
Mark Sump Sump (m) Type (m/s) (mm/hr) Level (m) Level (m) Invert Drain
(ha) (ha) (m³/s) (m³/s) (m) TD (m)
(m) (m) (m)
- - 1 - - 4.20 3.90 3.90 0.30 0.00 0.30 - OK
1 1 2 223.34 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/250.00 0.61 0.69 0.69 181.65 0.35 0.57 4.20 3.01 0.00 3.01 1.19 0.00 1.19 - OK
2 2 3 92.35 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/350.00 0.61 0.10 0.79 143.58 0.31 0.90 4.20 2.74 0.00 2.74 1.46 0.00 1.46 - OK
3 3 4 101.53 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/350.00 0.63 0.12 2.05 143.58 0.82 1.15 4.20 2.45 0.00 2.45 1.75 0.00 1.75 - OK
4 4 5 11.72 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/250.00 0.75 0.00 3.31 143.58 1.32 1.41 4.20 2.41 0.00 2.41 1.79 0.00 1.79 - OK
5 5 6 20.90 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/150.00 0.98 0.00 4.49 143.58 1.79 2.01 4.20 2.27 0.00 2.27 1.93 0.00 1.93 - OK
- - 7 - - 4.20 3.90 3.90 0.30 0.00 0.30 - OK
6 7 3 222.68 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/200.00 0.70 1.14 1.14 181.65 0.58 0.79 4.20 2.79 0.04 2.74 1.46 0.00 1.46 - OK
- - 8 - - 4.20 3.90 3.90 0.30 0.00 0.30 - OK
7 8 4 220.47 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/200.00 0.70 1.26 1.26 181.65 0.64 0.79 4.20 2.80 0.34 2.45 1.75 0.00 1.75 - OK
- - 9 - - 4.20 3.90 3.90 0.30 0.00 0.30 - OK
8 9 10 115.03 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/200.00 0.63 0.63 0.63 181.65 0.32 0.41 4.20 3.32 0.00 3.32 0.88 0.00 0.88 - OK
9 10 11 126.48 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/250.00 0.62 0.42 1.05 181.65 0.53 0.69 4.20 2.82 0.00 2.82 1.38 0.00 1.38 - OK
10 11 5 74.74 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/350.00 0.62 0.13 1.18 143.58 0.47 1.02 4.20 2.61 0.20 2.41 1.79 0.00 1.79 - OK
- - 12 - - 4.20 3.90 3.90 0.30 0.00 0.30 - OK
11 12 13 249.38 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/250.00 0.62 0.79 0.79 143.58 0.32 0.64 4.20 2.90 0.00 2.90 1.30 0.00 1.30 - OK
12 13 14 183.36 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/350.00 0.63 0.41 1.20 143.58 0.48 1.22 4.20 2.38 0.00 2.38 1.82 0.00 1.82 - OK
13 14 15 8.80 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/350.00 0.64 0.00 1.20 143.58 0.48 1.24 4.20 2.35 0.00 2.35 1.85 0.00 1.85 - OK
14 15 16 16.40 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/300.00 0.69 0.00 3.11 143.58 1.24 1.39 4.20 2.30 0.00 2.30 1.90 0.00 1.90 - OK
- - 17 - - 4.20 3.90 3.90 0.30 0.00 0.30 - OK
15 17 18 157.10 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/200.00 0.66 0.88 0.88 181.65 0.44 0.56 4.20 3.11 0.00 3.11 1.09 0.00 1.09 - OK
16 18 19 84.05 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/200.00 0.71 0.23 1.39 181.65 0.70 0.86 4.20 2.69 0.00 2.69 1.51 0.00 1.51 - OK
17 19 15 83.30 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/350.00 0.63 0.11 1.91 143.58 0.76 1.15 4.20 2.46 0.10 2.35 1.85 0.00 1.85 - OK
- - 20 - - 4.20 3.75 3.75 0.45 0.00 0.45 - OK
18 20 21 60.46 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/200.00 0.65 0.36 0.36 181.65 0.18 0.41 4.20 3.45 0.00 3.45 0.75 0.00 0.75 - OK
19 21 19 41.77 TD1200 FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200 1/250.00 0.63 0.05 0.41 181.65 0.21 0.53 4.20 3.28 0.59 2.69 1.51 0.00 1.51 - OK
- - 22 - - 4.20 3.90 3.90 0.30 0.00 0.30 - OK
20 22 18 95.17 TD900 FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900 1/200.00 0.61 0.29 0.29 271.54 0.22 0.34 4.20 3.42 0.31 3.11 1.09 0.00 1.09 - OK
Project: P300E – Temporary Drain
Date: 15/1/2019

Drain Mark [1]

From Node 1
To Node 2
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 223.339m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/250 1 / 250

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.606m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.569m3/s
Time of t0 = 7.22522578665625(redefined by user) 10.95min
td = L/V
= 3.72min

tc = t o + t d
= 7.23+3.72
= 10.95min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 1

Catchment Area: 1.37ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.346m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.00
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 1.37*0.50
= 0.6862

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 0.69
= 0.6862

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.6862 * 181.65/360
= 0.35m3/s

Qprov = 0.57m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [2]
From Node 2
To Node 3
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 92.353m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/350 1 / 350

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.605m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.900m3/s
Time of t0 = 4.80012378354262(redefined by user) 12.49min
tCprev = 10.95min

td = L/V
= 1.54min

tc = tCprev + td
= 10.95+1.54
= 12.49min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Mark: 6

Catchment Area: 0.20ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.314m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.69
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.20*0.50
= 0.1017

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.69 + 0.10
= 0.7879

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.7879 * 143.58/360
= 0.31m3/s

Qprov = 0.90m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [3]
From Node 3
To Node 4
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 101.530m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/350 1 / 350

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.629m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 1.153m3/s
Time of t0 = 5.1274558372141(redefined by user) 14.18min
tCprev = 12.49min

td = L/V
= 1.69min

tc = tCprev + td
= 12.49+1.69
= 14.18min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Mark: 7

Catchment Area: 0.25ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.819m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 1.93
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.25*0.50
= 0.1236

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 1.93 + 0.12
= 2.0524

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 2.0524 * 143.58/360
= 0.82m3/s

Qprov = 1.15m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [4]
From Node 4
To Node 5
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 11.723m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/250 1 / 250

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.748m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 1.413m3/s
Time of tCprev = 14.18min 14.37min
td = L/V
= 0.20min

tc = tCprev + td
= 14.18+0.20
= 14.37min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 1.321m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 3.31
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 3.31 + 0.00
= 3.3115

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 3.3115 * 143.58/360
= 1.32m3/s

Qprov = 1.41m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [5]
From Node 5
To Node 6
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 20.900m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/150 1 / 150

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.978m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 2.012m3/s
Time of tCprev = 14.37min 14.72min
td = L/V
= 0.35min

tc = tCprev + td
= 14.37+0.35
= 14.72min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 1.791m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 4.49
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 4.49 + 0.00
= 4.4894

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 4.4894 * 143.58/360
= 1.79m3/s

Qprov = 2.01m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [6]
From Node 7
To Node 3
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 222.678m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/200 1 / 200

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.699m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.794m3/s
Time of t0 = 6.91829719517728(redefined by user) 10.63min
td = L/V
= 3.71min

tc = t o + t d
= 6.92+3.71
= 10.63min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 2

Catchment Area: 2.28ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.576m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.00
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 2.28*0.50
= 1.141

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 1.14
= 1.141

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.141 * 181.65/360
= 0.58m3/s

Qprov = 0.79m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [7]
From Node 8
To Node 4
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 220.474m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/200 1 / 200

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.698m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.786m3/s
Time of t0 = 7.70937355110675(redefined by user) 11.38min
td = L/V
= 3.67min

tc = t o + t d
= 7.71+3.67
= 11.38min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 3

Catchment Area: 2.52ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.635m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.00
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 2.52*0.50
= 1.259

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 1.26
= 1.259

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.259 * 181.65/360
= 0.64m3/s

Qprov = 0.79m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [8]
From Node 9
To Node 10
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 115.032m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/200 1 / 200

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.629m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.411m3/s
Time of t0 = 8.38313538272711(redefined by user) 10.30min
td = L/V
= 1.92min

tc = t o + t d
= 8.38+1.92
= 10.30min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 5

Catchment Area: 1.26ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.317m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.00
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 1.26*0.50
= 0.6277

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 0.63
= 0.6277

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.6277 * 181.65/360
= 0.32m3/s

Qprov = 0.41m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [9]
From Node 10
To Node 11
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 126.479m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/250 1 / 250

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.622m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.690m3/s
Time of t0 = 7.13502328357245(redefined by user) 12.41min
tCprev = 10.30min

td = L/V
= 2.11min

tc = tCprev + td
= 10.30+2.11
= 12.41min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 4

Catchment Area: 0.83ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.527m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.63
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.83*0.50
= 0.4175

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.63 + 0.42
= 1.0451

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.0451 * 181.65/360
= 0.53m3/s

Qprov = 0.69m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [10]
From Node 11
To Node 5
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 74.737m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/350 1 / 350

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.617m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 1.019m3/s
Time of t0 = 5.50218291328109(redefined by user) 13.65min
tCprev = 12.41min

td = L/V
= 1.25min

tc = tCprev + td
= 12.41+1.25
= 13.65min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Mark: 8

Catchment Area: 0.27ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.470m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 1.05
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.27*0.50
= 0.1328

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 1.05 + 0.13
= 1.1779

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.1779 * 143.58/360
= 0.47m3/s

Qprov = 1.02m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [11]
From Node 12
To Node 13
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 249.376m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/250 1 / 250

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.615m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.636m3/s
Time of t0 = 9.4212421715691(redefined by user) 13.58min
td = L/V
= 4.16min

tc = t o + t d
= 9.42+4.16
= 13.58min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Mark: 16

Catchment Area: 1.59ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.317m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.00
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 1.59*0.50
= 0.794

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 0.79
= 0.794

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.794 * 143.58/360
= 0.32m3/s

Qprov = 0.64m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [12]
From Node 13
To Node 14
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 183.361m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/350 1 / 350

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.634m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 1.218m3/s
Time of t0 = 6.35095147836944(redefined by user) 16.63min
tCprev = 13.58min

td = L/V
= 3.06min

tc = tCprev + td
= 13.58+3.06
= 16.63min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Mark: 9

Catchment Area: 0.81ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.478m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 0.79
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.81*0.50
= 0.405

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.79 + 0.41
= 1.1991

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.1991 * 143.58/360
= 0.48m3/s

Qprov = 1.22m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [13]
From Node 14
To Node 15
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 8.804m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/350 1 / 350

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.635m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 1.241m3/s
Time of tCprev = 16.63min 16.78min
td = L/V
= 0.15min

tc = tCprev + td
= 16.63+0.15
= 16.78min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.478m3/s
Discharge CAprev = 1.20
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 1.20 + 0.00
= 1.1991

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.1991 * 143.58/360
= 0.48m3/s

Qprov = 1.24m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [14]
From Node 15
To Node 16
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 16.400m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/300 1 / 300

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.690m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 1.392m3/
=0.690*0.280 s
Time of tCprev = 16.78min 17.05min
td = L/V
= 0.27min

tc = tCprev + td
= 16.78+0.27
= 17.05min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 1.241m3/
Discharge CAprev = 3.11 s
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 3.11 + 0.00
= 3.1103

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 3.1103 * 143.58/360
= 1.24m3/s

Qprov = 1.39m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [15]
From Node 17
To Node 18
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 157.103m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/200 1 / 200

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.664m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.559m3/
=0.664*0.138 s
Time of t0 = 7.57506992080048(redefined by user) 10.19min
td = L/V
= 2.62min

tc = t o + t d
= 7.58+2.62
= 10.19min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 14

Catchment Area: 1.75ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.443m3/
Discharge CAprev = 0.00 s
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 1.75*0.50
= 0.8771

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 0.88
= 0.8771

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.8771 * 181.65/360
= 0.44m3/s

Qprov = 0.56m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [16]
From Node 18
To Node 19
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 84.047m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/200 1 / 200

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.706m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.861m3/
=0.706*0.138 s
Time of t0 = 7.07397077613285(redefined by user) 11.59min
tCprev = 10.19min

td = L/V
= 1.40min

tc = tCprev + td
= 10.19+1.40
= 11.59min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 13

Catchment Area: 0.46ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.702m3/
Discharge CAprev = 1.16 s
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.46*0.50
= 0.229

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 1.16 + 0.23
= 1.3918

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.3918 * 181.65/360
= 0.70m3/s

Qprov = 0.86m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [17]
From Node 19
To Node 15
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 83.303m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/350 1 / 350

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.628m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 1.150m3/
=0.628*0.280 s
Time of t0 = 5.95285148479128(redefined by user) 12.98min
tCprev = 11.59min

td = L/V
= 1.39min

tc = tCprev + td
= 11.59+1.39
= 12.98min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 143.584
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.2500 + 0.000)0.580
= 143.584 mm/hr
Mark: 11

Catchment Area: 0.23ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.762m3/
Discharge CAprev = 1.80 s
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.23*0.50
= 0.1129

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 1.80 + 0.11
= 1.9112

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 1.9112 * 143.58/360
= 0.76m3/s

Qprov = 1.15m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [18]
From Node 20
To Node 21
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 60.464m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/200 1 / 200

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.645m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.413m3/
=0.645*0.280 s
Time of t0 = 8.15705055706803(redefined by user) 9.16min
td = L/V
= 1.01min

tc = t o + t d
= 8.16+1.01
= 9.16min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 15

Catchment Area: 0.72ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.181m3/
Discharge CAprev = 0.00 s
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.72*0.50
= 0.3588

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 0.36
= 0.3588

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.3588 * 181.65/360
= 0.18m3/s

Qprov = 0.41m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [19]
From Node 21
To Node 19
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 450, W2 = 300, W1 = 1200
Drain Length 41.768m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.280m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.431m
Hydraulic Radius 0.195616670564347m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/250 1 / 250

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.627m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.527m3/
=0.627*0.280 s
Time of t0 = 5.85969739921812(redefined by user) 9.86min
tCprev = 9.16min

td = L/V
= 0.70min

tc = tCprev + td
= 9.16+0.70
= 9.86min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 181.651
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.1667 + 0.000)0.580
= 181.651 mm/hr
Mark: 12

Catchment Area: 0.10ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.205m3/
Discharge CAprev = 0.36 s
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.10*0.50
= 0.0477

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.36 + 0.05
= 0.4065

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.4065 * 181.65/360
= 0.21m3/s

Qprov = 0.53m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory
Drain Mark [20]
From Node 22
To Node 18
Drain Type Trapezoid
Drain Dimension FB = 50, H = 300, W2 = 300, W1 = 900
Drain Length 95.167m
Cross-sectional area of flow (A) 0.138m2
Wetted Perimeter 1.007m
Hydraulic Radius 0.136529713202806m
Reference Calculation Output
Gradient Friction Slope of Drainage = 1/200 1 / 200

Frictional slope of Drainage is satisfactory

Velocity (V) =1/n*R2/3S1/2 0.608m/s

The drain velocity is OK

Capacity (Q) =V*A 0.342m3/
=0.608*0.138 s
Time of t0 = 5.07143713207125(redefined by user) 6.66min
td = L/V
= 1.59min

tc = t o + t d
= 5.07+1.59
= 6.66min
Rainfall From table 13.A1, the fitting coefficients for Terengganu - JPS Kemaman, TwoYears ARI are: 271.541
Intensity λ = 55.8990 mm/hr
ĸ = 0.2010
θ = 0.0000
ƞ = 0.5800

Rainfall intensity is calculated from empirical Equation 2.2:

i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ
= 55.899 x 20.201/(0.0833 + 0.000)0.580
= 271.541 mm/hr
Mark: 17

Catchment Area: 0.57ha

Peak Previous Flow ratio =1.00 0.216m3/
Discharge CAprev = 0.00 s
CAcurr = sum(Area * Runoff coefficient)
= 0.57*0.50
= 0.2858

CA = CAprev + CAcurr
= 0.00 + 0.29
= 0.2858

Qreq = CA * I/360
= 0.2858 * 271.54/360
= 0.22m3/s

Qprov = 0.34m3/s
Qprov > Qreq, drain dimension is satisfactory




Job Description : P300E – Sediment Basin
Designed by : Zubaidah
Date and Time : Wednesday, 30 January, 2019 1:59:20 PM
File Path : C:\Users\zubaidah\Desktop\Zubaidah\MES Project (2018)\P300E ES
Living Quaters\P300E ES Living Q - EW\MSMA\P300E ES Living Q.doc

Wet Sediment Basin

Time of Concentration = 10 minutes

Required Settling Zone Volume = 1668.00 m³

Required Total Basin Volume = 2502.00 m³

Overall Basin Dimensions

Top Width = 32.70 m

Top Length = 113.20 m

Bottom Width = 27.90 m

Bottom Length = 108.40 m

Settling Zone Depth = 0.60 m

Sediment Storage Zone Depth = 0.60 m

Side Slope = 2 (H): 1(V)


Discharge for 10 years ARI, Q10 = 3.14 m³/s

Spillway Discharge = 2.21 m³/s

Total Basin Depth = 2.50 m

Project Name: P300E – ES Living Quaters
Company Name: SURAMAS

File No.:
Description: Sediment Basin Designer: Zubaidah Checker:
Date: 30 January, 2019 Date:
Reference Calculation Output

1. Design Criteria

Design Manual : MSMA 2nd Edition

Design Type : Wet Sediment Basin
Outlet Design Storm ARI : 10 years

2. Determination Time of Concentration

a) Overland Flow Time, to (minutes)

Table 2.1 Friend's Equation

Table 2.2 to = (107 × n* × L1/3)/S1/5
= (107 × 0.028 × 51.0001/3)/2.0001/5
= 9.50 min

Hence, standard storm duration = 10 min

3. Determination Type of Soil

Table Soil Type = Fine-grained loam, clay, more than 33%<0.02mm
12.16 = Dispersible fine-grained clays; more than 10% of dispersible
Wet Sediment Basin is selected

4. Determination of Basin Dimension

Table The 75th percentile 5-day storm event is 38.00 mm. Required
12.18 Settling Zone
For Moderate to High runoff, the Settling Volume is 185.40 m3/ha and the Total Volume =
Volume is 278.00 m3/ha. 1668.00 m2
The Required Settling Zone Volume for the site = 185.40 × 9.00 = 1668.00 m 3 volume =
2502.00 m3
The Required Total Basin Volume for the site = 278.00 × 9.00 = 2502.00 m 3

a) Settling Zone

Table The Required Settling Zone, V1 = 1668.00 m3 and the Settling Zone Depth y1 =
12.17 0.60 m

Settling Zone Average Width, W1 = 31.50 m

Settling Zone Average Length

L1 = V1/(W1 × y1)
= 1668.00/(31.50 × 0.60)
= 88.25 m

Minimum L1 = V1/(W1 × y1) = 1251.000/(0.60 × 31.50 = 88.25 m

Maximum L1 = y1 × 200.00 = 120.00 m

File Path : C:\Users\zubaidah\Desktop\Zubaidah\MES Project (2018)\P300E ES Living Quaters\P300E ES Living Q - EW\MSMA\P300E ES Living Q.doc
Provided L1 = 112.00 m

Check Settling Zone Dimensions:

L1/y1 ratio = 112.00/0.60 = 186.67 186.67<200.00


L1/W1 ratio = 112.00/31.50 = 3.56 3.56>2.00 OK

b) Sediment Storage Zone

The required Sediment Storage Zone Volume, V2 = 1251.00 m3 (1/2 of the Total
Basin Volume)

For a Side Slope Z = 2(H): 1(V), the dimensions at top the Sediment Storage Zone
W2 = W1 - 2 × y1/2 × Z
= 31.50 - 2 × 0.60/2 × 2
= 30.30 m

L2 = L1 - 2 × y1/2 × Z
= 112.00 - 2 × 0.60/2 × 2
= 110.80 m

The required Depth for the Sediment Storage Zone, which must be at least 0.3m,
can be calculated from the following relationship,
V2 = Z2y23 - Zy22(W2 + L2) + y2(W2L2)

Which gives. y2> 0.3 m

1251.00 = 4y23 - 282.20y22 + 3357.24y2 V2>1251.00 m3

For y2 = 0.60m, V2 = 1913.62 m3

c) Overall Basin Dimension Total Basin

Top Water Level:

Top Width = W1 + 2 × Z × y1/2 WT = 32.70 m

= 31.50 + 2 × 2 × 0.60/2 = 32.70 m

Top Length = L1 + 2 × Z × y1/2 LT = 113.20 m

= 112.00 + 2 × 2 × 0.60/2 = 113.20 m

Bottom Width = W1 - 2 × Z × y1/2 + y2) WB = 27.90 m

= 31.50 - 2 × 2 × (0.60/2 + 0.60) = 27.90 m

Bottom Length = L1 - 2 × Z × y1/2 + y2) LB = 108.40 m

= 112.00 - 2 × 2 × (0.60/2 + 0.60) = 108.40 m

Depth: y1 = 0.60 m
Settling Zone, y1 = 0.6 m

Sediment Storage Zone, y2 = 0.60 m y2 = 0.60 m

Side Slope:

Z = 2(H): 1(V) Z=2(H):1(V)

File Path : C:\Users\zubaidah\Desktop\Zubaidah\MES Project (2018)\P300E ES Living Quaters\P300E ES Living Q - EW\MSMA\P300E ES Living Q.doc
4. Sizing of Basin Outlet

The Spillway is designed for 10 year ARI flood.

Qrequired = Q10

a) Design rainfall intensity equation

Eq. 2.2 i = λTK/(d + θ)ƞ

i = average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) for selected ARI (T) and storm duration (d)
T = average recurrence interval, ARI (years)
d = storm duration (hours); 0.20 ≤ d ≤ 72
λ , K, θ and ƞ = fitting constants dependent on the rain gauge location

Location ARI, T Storm Derrived Parameters

(years) duratio λ K θ ƞ
Terengganu - JPS 10 10.00 55.899 0.201 0.000 0.580

i = 55.899 × 100.201/(10.00/60 + 0.000)0.580 i=251.034mm/hr

= 251.034 mm/hr

b) Determine runoff coefficient, C

Table 2.6 C (Impervious) = 0.50 (Landuse = Bare Soil (No Cover))

C (Pervious) = 0.50 (Landuse = Bare Soil (No Cover))

Eq. 2.3 Q10 = CIA/360 Q10=3.138 m3/s

= [(0.00 × 0.50) + (9.00 × 0.50)] × 251.034/360
= 3.138 m3/s

c) Determination of Outlet Pipe Sizing and Qriser

Outlet Riser: 1000 mm diameter perforated pipe.

Average Surface Area,

Aav = [(32.70 × 113.20) + (108.40 × 27.90)]/2 = 3363.00 m2

Orifice Area,
Atotal = (2Aav/tCd√2g) × √y
= (2 × 3363.00)/(24 × 60 × 60) × 0.6 × √(2 × 9.81)) × √(0.60 + 0.60)
= 0.03209 m3

Using an orifice of 1000 mm, area of each orifice is

Ao = (π × D2)/4 = (3.142 × 1.0002)/4 = 0.78540 m2

Total number of orifice required = 0.03209/0.785398


Eq. 2.6 Qriser = CoAo(2gHo)0.5 Qriser=2.087 m3/s

= 0.6 × (3.142 × 1.002)/4 × (2 × 9.81 × 1.000)0.5 = 2.087 m3/s

File Path : C:\Users\zubaidah\Desktop\Zubaidah\MES Project (2018)\P300E ES Living Quaters\P300E ES Living Q - EW\MSMA\P300E ES Living Q.doc
d) Spillway Sizing

Qrequired = Q10 - Qriser = 3.138 - 2.087 = 1.051 m3/s Qrequired=1.051


Eq. 2.10 Qspillway = CspBH1.5

Table 2.7 B = 1.50 m, H = 1.00 and Csp = 1.47 from Table 2.7

Qspillway = 1.47 × 1.50 × 1.001.5 Qspillway=2.205

= 2.205 m3/s m3/s>1.051 m3
Total Basin Depth including spillway
= 0.60 + 0.60 + 1.00 + 0.30
= 2.50 m

File Path : C:\Users\zubaidah\Desktop\Zubaidah\MES Project (2018)\P300E ES Living Quaters\P300E ES Living Q - EW\MSMA\P300E ES Living Q.doc

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