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(a) Alkali metals have only one electron on valence shell.

So, it will lose an electron and attained

noble gas configuration so its form M+ ion
(b) Alkali metals are having very large size compare to other group elements as size increases
the Ionization enthalpy decreases and like that down the group atomic size increases so
Ionization enthalpy decreases.
(c) Like ionization enthalpy, Hydration enthalpy decreases with increasing atomic radius/size.
Lithium is having most small size compared to other Alkali metals so it’s having high
hydration enthalpy.
(d) Alkali metals are very reactive hence its stored in kerosine and like different medium.
(e) As the outermost electron in potassium can be lost easily as compared to sodium. Hence,
potassium is more reactive than sodium.
(f) Due to diagonal relationship which is an anomalous property of lithium
(g) They are strongly reducing agent and high reactivity they cannot be obtained by chemical
reduction methods
(h) Potassium and cesium are used in photo electric cell because it can easily lose electron and
low ionization enthalpy.
(i) unlike sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate is fairly soluble in water and does not
precipitate out.
(j) because ammoniated electrons absorb energy in the visible region of light and impart blue
(k) Lithium is having very small size and high polarizability. So Lithium carbonate decomposes at
a lower temperature.
(l) LiF is almost insoluble in water because it is having high Lattice enthalpy and very low
ionization enthalpy.
(m) Beryllium and magnesium are having almost same ionic size. So, as they are having small size
compare to other group 2 element they are not able excite more electron so it donot exhibit
colour to flame electrons have strong nuclear attractive force.
(n) In case of Mg and Ca hydration energy is very less than lattice energy.
(o) BeO is almost insoluble because it is having low hydration enthalpy and high lattice enthalpy.
(p) BaO is having high hydration enthalpy and low lattice enthalpy.
(q) Na2CO3 react with water to form NaOH which is a base.
(r) Because the liberated metals reAact with water vigorously.
(s) Because the sodium is most reducing agent than potassium.
(t) Alkali metal produce colour to flame because of exciting of electrons.
(u) BaSO4 have low hydration enthalpy and high lattice enthalpy to compare to BeSO4
(a) it will react vigorously with water to sodium hydroxide and liberated hydrogen gas.
(b) sodium peroxide is formed along with the small quantity of sodium oxide.
(c) produces sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide.
(d) It produces white coloured luminous light and form magnesium oxide.
(e) it produces NaOH and H2O2.
(f)it produces KOH and O2 and temperature of water increases.
(g) produces Na2CO3
(h) calcium oxide, nitrogen dioxide and O2 gas is liberated
(I) calcium oxide and CO2
(J) it produce calcium sulphate hemihydrated.

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