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Health Indicators- Variable which helps to measure changes- (Who)

 Required for – health status of one’s own and other countries, access care
and needs, monitoring and evaluation.
 Characteristics- Valid, Reliable and objective, Sensitive, Specific, Feasible and
 Classification- Mortality (Crude death rate at which people are dying), Life
Expectancy (+ve, avg no of the average (see below) time an organism is
expected to live, based on the year of its birth, its current age, and other
demographic factors including gender, Morbility Indicators (indirect
measure, incidence(risk), prevalence(widespread)), Disability (event and
person type), HALY, DALY, QALY. Nurtitional Status (+ve,
anthropometric,BMI, height weight) Health Delivery (ratios- doctor- nurse-
population- bed-trational birth attendant) Utilization (immunization,
occupancy etc), Environmental (waste, sanitation, water, air), Socio-
economic- GNP, literacy, family size, unemployment

2. MDGs and SDGs

 Health for all (2000)- healthier, longer life expentancy,lower mortality rate,
safe water. Limitations- disparity in measurement – ssocioeconomical class,
climate change, non communicable diseases, Aging
 MDG (2015)- 8 Goals, 18 targets, 48 indicators.
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
3. Promote gender Equality and empower women
4. Reduced Child Mortality
5. Improved Maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria other diseases
7. Ensure Environmental Sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development
SDGs (2030)-

3. Ethics in Public Health

 A systematic approach to balancing competing interests and providing justification for public
health policies and decisions
 Truthfulness and confidentialityAutonomy and informed consentBeneficence (do good)
Nonmaleficence (no harm)Justice.

4. Health Planning
 Purpose is to meet health needs and demands of people
 Essentail Activities- Assessment of the current status •Identification of the
desired state in the future •Specification of interventions and other activities
to achieve the new desired state.
 Planning steps- Analysis of health situation •Establishment of objectives and
(SMART) goals •Assessment of resources •Fixing priorities •Write up of
formulate plan•Programming and implementation•Evaluation.- (Relevance,
adequacy,Progress, efficiency, impact
5. Public Health System in India

 The ministry of health and family welfare -

 The directorate general of health services
 The central council of health and family welfare

 Community health centre
 Primary health centre
 Sub centre

R202004_Priya Kataria

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