Art As A Humanistic Discipline - GILLA - BSIT 202

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"Who am I"?/"Sino ba ako?

As I looked in the mirror this question keeps on running in my

mind because I can’t imagine how well I know myself. Yes, I can say
that my name is Jannamae Francine Loise Gilla, 19 years old and you
can call me Janna but who am I really? Is my name enough for me to
know who am I.? All I know is I am cheerful but also sad, loving but
also hurting but always smiling. I would like to ask who am I to other
people’s POV but also scared to what they will say. I keep on
wandering and finding some answer that could fulfill my question of
who am I?

But now I’m trying to know myself. I’m the girl who is ambitious
who wants to be perfect and beautiful in this chaotic world. I really
like a lot. There are also many dislikes. I do not want to mess. I don’t
want to see someone fall into misery. I don't want to see man
incessantly sheds tears in his eyes. I don’t want the people I love to
suffer. I slowly know the difference between "Who are you?" in “Who
am I”. Gradually the answer to the question “Who am I” is coming out.
All I know now is I want to prove something to myself and to the world
I live in. I know someday I can find my place here in the world that will
help me to get to know myself. One day I will be enlightened in my
mind. I know when the time comes, I can complete the answer to the
question “WHO AM I?” Again, I am Jannamae Gilla the girl still
recognizes herself and will leave the phrase "I am Me".

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