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natin our of Nate aati for such persons lnguoges an words te only powerful rust othe ge that he speaker hs eommand over them. Al unfortunate ha opportuni: for people to lan guages and words and he aways ben conte othe Pia agendas of thas in power. The power ofthe word then ws ogiied ‘when uso In conjunction with foeign language fo conta and tanage o Aigenouspooples over tha centre Today werecognine hat indigenous esa hols the capacity Yo beak the sence and ring forth the powerful song of Jong-imprisoned Indigenous vice uring hirown language Indigenous research methodologies are those that ensble and permit In Aigenousressarchrs tobe who tha are vehs engage actively a8 pti “seech pc tne ne own ant ho yah ames? What is an Indigenous Research Methodology? Shawn Wilson Brandon University Foray research [began looking Indigenous poycholgy and what an I> dligenous peyhology ie art of my work involves taking wit Indigenous people herein Canada an le in Australia [am intersted in sme of the sims ‘ur ways of thinking snd ways of being inthe worl A big pt of hs as been Teoking t peoples epaterolope o hw hey think, and How thi aes haw ‘hinge inher word Speiealy, mn oking a digenos graduate stdents ‘and how we are able tobe rasta at univer, butt the same time mail tur culture and maintain strong Indigent entity mina our eis as Cree pele o Bundling peopl or fom wherever we come. How i posible for flv in bth worl, and hat tthe thinking behind what males t osblet Ths thought proves sindieative oan ndigenouseptomolgy, which ely ded to Indigenous methodology. Show thax vo, epistemology and ‘mathoolog, interplay with eachother has been focal point of my reser hve lod ot various research paradigms anda the dfereees been research paradigms and research perspectives We now need move beyond am “indigenous perspective in cesreh” to "researching om an Tndignous paradigm” Before goany fre should define some words, Tomea patnigm {Ssimpiya label for se of belies that go together that guide my actions. 50 8 ‘esearch pradigm xa ac ofbelts about the wl and about aig howd that go together guide your ations as o how Vou glng to 0 about doing {your research, When Iwas dunking about ts 1 focused on fou pects hat Combine the makeup of diferent peredigns ‘Ones onsiogy rb nthe nature of ait. Your way of being what you tires ain he word thi’ your logy. Scon ir pistaraogy, eich is ‘ow ou think abut that realty. Nest hen abot research methodology, ‘he ate talking about how you are going to ise your ways of thing (Your ‘psterolgy) to gin more Snowe abot your reality. Fall paradigm iteludes nly whichis xt of morals ar ast of ec. Cora poke about Ns ‘hove essrch hat Yo 0 something Benes his world that part ofthe _solgy ofan ngenous research paras. The exilogy the isan ad trent of which rere i worthy of Sing it diferent for diferent reach paradigms, These four-ontology, epistemology, methodology, and aolgy—Bo {Cpe o make a teserch paradigm. nthe dominant Eracenc way fing ‘esearch there te fur, maybe five, major paradigms that ae ned mont ofthe Posi and portpositivim ae two paudigns that arsed onthe simlar ontloia oundstion tat here sony one reat. Thre sone el Word ot there and our job ae searcher tha, ew explore Bat one rely. A postpostivit would sy that os human beings we re imperfect, so we a never [now rity for sure but we wil ot as close a we ca. Because postive ad omtpostvism oy ther tone ray, hel eplstemology isbased on the es that [suptousasfumanstoinerret hat realty Further shee sony nese tne hove fo be ar ebjetive ae posable inorder foreach tat reat. So thar ‘Matoslogis are tie together eft har epiteraogy and ontology. They {ie manipulative and experimental ypes of eserch to try fo ncresecjetiy Ione fo get coserto ta realy ‘Css ovis would sn hat maybe ther ixolyone eat, butts Nuk and dependent on se eaten socal ss. These actos ane moe go together ‘Succes fl eal, changing It bse on who you are Therefor, her ‘Simemology is eomtext based ow you think abou realty depends on tho con- EeThe mahodology must fl the ontology fa Mud ey. Hei where Joseanane theology come ino ply Crt teors recognize that fealty Psd, then we ean chang Social theory orks on the ei ha their ‘Sathodlogy fs working toward socal change. Int avlogy i up tr ‘archers te change curently to make things beter forthe people they ae ‘Mocking with The oy Te ei tvory hat works foward soll change itaying to improve cure reality trough undestanding This isl the bois ‘Stpurtcatrytsarch ov acon sere, where esearch may ty hat ey ‘Sflald and tit up tous arrsarcher to promot change. "Another sor schoo of thought that har emerged nthe pos 9 years or 50s conatructvi ear. Constraivi ble that there ot us ne realty (bet fed or ui) but that thee ae mullpe elie. Dern relies ext hat ore ‘clly constructed. Together, we hee today make our own reality, and that ‘Ratty maybe whatever we chon oak of Dferentsoitis will their ‘Shgue reaoce So constucivisin tek esarch methodlagies ned fo find & ‘tl nang of what hs ely “Thee are the dominant western system research paradigms. Now a In enous researchers we ned tomove beyond hee beyond mere) assuming {ndigenous porapectve on tes non ndigenus paradigm, We might beable fy ental theory ha our Hid ety tected by urclture as ndigenoss ‘tole ourlenguagebyslthes difleen factors that would crete an indlgnous Ferpectve Ori ou look st an Indigenous ontology Issa 0 construe vam where thew is ore tan one ray But Uso views ae still missing, Something We ned to gobeyond this inigenous perspective to fl Indigenous frurndgt Our ontology, epstemology,sxslogy, and our methodology ae fr “erenttly iret, Coa, Lewis, aT are ll ting about how Indignow “eanach nado refe Tndigenous content and wood vows tha they mist ‘ome fom as Indigenous paradigm rather han an Indigenous perspective ‘One major ference behven the comizart paradigms and an Indigenous parsdg thatthe dominant paradigm bud on the fundametl bei hat [rowed san individual en the researcher an indivi i seach of howled, Knowledge something that s gained and therefore owedge may towns an Individual Anindigenous parodgm comes rom the fendametal [tel Hot Knowle resto Rowledge shared witha of ceston. is Pane Preaion: Coming toa Undertending aaa ot ust interpersonal relationships, ot jst withthe research sujet may be Sie AL a bursa eltlonhip withall creation. Irs with he cosmos ti ‘Tans mats with th plants, ith heer that we hae ti wedge. It ee Sou the en of ndvida!Kxowdedge tothe concept of reatlorl kaw ledge ko cares about these ontologies’? not the rts nan of themselves thatareimporanetstheclatontp hat share with ality. ot necesaly SREB mar i importants my vlationstip with that objet hat Becomes ‘pane wastaltng abou ha righ with my ay My father wassaying, tebe acouch or slain re alte erally means someplace where ous. othr than cing Is sol, ater han ang tan objet, you name through Feu Jotonaip to ou can end ths 0 3 that en and once ke Wee Snot impor as ny reltnshpt an es or coer TS an ere aia fom an pistemolog tat ttl foreign f he ther research ‘oe dan eplomelogy where eianships are more portant thn ay arylacnd of owe sr bul on he reatonhpe hat we ave not ist with peobeor cj bu tionship tat we hae wih the oxo, With as cer anlevcythingeround sor esearch lls mportant to hinkabout uF ‘Sonnchip orth the fdses and concepts that ear eplining Because this TeEeeNe Stare and murs dens or knowledge carmot be owned o dr eee Anpropiaton of Indigenous culture and knowledge as taken pace i SGN AREX Proper relationship have not been established and honored be RE ac and thee subjects, Knowledge and peoples wil ese 10 be Speed when ecnches full the role the eeach eltonsp hough theirmetiodology. “Sh ada me the question: What a Indigenous methodology? This is what sree to talk about Tome an indigenous methodology means talking UN Tltonat scummy. Ae a rescarcer you are answering 0 all yur ‘Satis hon you ore doing seach. You arnotarawering queso of validity CRSESy or making jigmets of beter or wore Instad you shoud be fling your atonsipe wih the wold around you, S your methodology has (Gark deren questions er than aking abot validity rab, you are Noes fling my tle nth elatonstip? Wht ae my obligaons ‘Sistine? The sntlogy or morals need o bean integra pat ofthe method Sector ehen a gang bowled Lam ott pining ince stat Sade Lam ging krowge order ull my en ofthe esesch relation. Rup Thi bsemes my methodology, an Indigenous methodology by looking a "Shona accoutabliy or being accountable tall my tions “After ve develop or aust the belles behind an Indigenous sesearch pocngm, we a locks the eof pei methods that with ourmethadoo ea of poop have ted 1 declonizerestrch methods ut hey re RAP. dings matod without looking tts undering belt, Youcanchange SaTithodtin been contrive and uel oman Indigenous perspective, ‘Sane well wihin a indigenous paradigm Other research metbods ae ea bul on the Joinent paradigms and they are epaabe from then For ia ra Ne lun 25 Naber? ample, some of the postive methods do ot 6 well with an Indigenous prdigr Indigenous people have been airs to some otter reach mats be cause they fit eaiy within our paradigm, Thai wy we ave all bled wth ‘Sing ting cls (fen uti by eling thm focus group disco) a ‘method beense i colnldes with the Indignous epistemological importance of ‘Rstonshipe, Storytelling and methods Uke personal narrtve als he ep {Emlogy becouse when you are relting a personal avai you are geting to ‘elatorchip wth somene, You ae teling our the) side ofthe story ad Svar analyzing Wen you lak st the elton that develop between the Sram lng the sory and te pron Istening Yo Be stoy I becomes 2 0g, ‘Sssonthip Paricpatory acon rneacch also useful fr Inlgeous peopl ‘eeawe I ligne with our axlopcl bee. Acton rearch may have been ‘Eveloped from contest or eal theory model, but ft wel io ur ‘ptigm because the ea eo mprove the elt of the peopl wth whem you ‘Nort nordertodothis another eltonships encourage ‘ut some questions do ned tobe asked when evaluating research methods, ‘one is Whats my sole aa resarher and what are my obligations? You then fave to eh yourele Does ths method allow me to fall my ciation i ny ‘ole? Farther, dow he method help ull relationship between myself 8 ‘esther and my research topic? Best bul respect lationship with the ‘ier pattpant inthe sear? Relaonship with heen opis wel {Sih te pele or mice o recs or whatever you are working with, hse to be ‘older ‘ronal spend alot of tive thinking “Well what the eck are my ent ‘0s Tam nat ely uring formal alhing cies in my research, bot discsions ‘Roig prot my method hs invlved using ntiveleanng. Many people don't tht ttt, Some stent Of Testarchers comet university and thelr {nalgenty ge evitallandromhow or another, but hey are still ming some ‘Bing Thevame sor thing happens when prop aereoxperencng Indigenous ‘Eadina! pital. lbcomes ane dogs forthe. Rather tan ving the Tene ntralsing the things hat hey ae oringabou all youcsnseearethe ‘rte tappings fhe exe show bacomes more important than the ern Fetingandrtegety of te Inigenos bolls isthe ct of iving the bel that ales the el. Many’ people who ave leatorboen forced fromthe igo tough tageot romancing when they tome back foo redlscover tee Enaigenous heritage. We hope that ving he ‘tera part wai thom eventual to reach the point where they con itera \tethex is During this ieralzaton the elasonship between the belies and the person sat (0 gan ts sength, and Indigenous people art tus their Invltion and relly stato grow. {hope that my own ssearch and bei have resche hi stage Tra cussion Intl ith some ofthe oe participantsn my research, and itmas nt ust about gaining knowledge from them, It was ke ng, interior aterng shag snd analyse, Mach of what Lam ering I have ‘Refenning ll my ies sa mater of cecing in with ther espe, “Aa a ‘on the ight rack? le involes coming to a agreement aout a mul under Sood den, The esech ir buding the elatonship withthe en ofan indies psychology andthe ide ofan indigenous research paradigm. Indigenous people Fedde delndigenous researc cre we havetheilong ering and elation- ‘hp that goes not You arent arguing normation from people; you are oving your inormation, You are aalyang and you ae bldg Wes ond {elatonchips ar wal Reserch isnotjustsomathingthatsou ther fs something ‘Batyoute bing or yourelfand for your communi "Hh rapome oso rote ec eguding engage, legals and language te A pst of my work hs bon stern ngage t id ways of ‘raaiing Language msi ante usd nao way to rake people fsa, ‘ritcan'S acl ina good way fo explain conept Indigenous languages have Sore tht do thi bot ther are wards ke that n English oo. don hk ts Fapfl to make people wo cant spk an Indigenous anguge fel bad about 1 Bur do think da ts important hat everyone mater the lnguage that they ‘Sompek Mastery of anguage's ely inportnt ome hater hat guages ” y

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