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University of Luzon

College of Engineering and Architecture


Compiled by:
Prof. Hapilen M. Dacasin CoE., MME

University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture


University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

Learning Objectives:

1. Distinguish the difference between millennials from other generations

2. Know how the millennials control social media
3. Identify the effects of the internet to us humans

Millennials and the Rise of the Information Society

It is a common misconception that the millennials are simply the latter

part of the generation. Most people believe that even if you are born in the
latter years of the 90’s or up until 2000’s, you are technically a millennial.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Some researchers said that as of 2018 that you can only use the label
millennial to those who were born between the years of 1981 and 1996.
The young adults, which are the millennials, making their way into a
new stage in life which is adulthood at a start of the new millennium have
begun to change. They shape and construct their confidence, self-
expressiveness, liberation, and their minds that are very much open to
change. Compared to other adults or the other generations, their ethical
perspective and racial perspective are more diverse. They have become less
religious or spiritual.
Millennials are known for being, as the older generation says, self-
centered. According to Jos Ortega, the Chairman and CEO of Havas Media
Ortega wherein anthropologists study millennials, the foundation of millennials
have a perspective in life where in whatever decision they make, it must be
their own way. Despite failure, based on the decision it’s alright!, it’s my
decision, they will accept the consequences and go on with their lives.
Millennials developed their minds all through the electronics field and
progressively constructing their way to make social life in social networked
world. This generation has established the most attention when it comes to
trades and merchandises of many various products and deals due to their
countless needs. At this kind of situation, millennials are inclined to tolerate
huge differences. Being raised in an era of people believing the quote “Follow
your dreams” are making the mind of these people positive in life. On the
other hand, the confidence of the millennial’s generation has exponentially
fading away due to narcissism and issues with oneself. Based on research,
they are proven to be more optimistic rather than the other late generation
regardless that they are the first generation (ever since the Silent Generation)
to be able to more effective and fortunate than their parents.
Many millennials experienced educational institution with a certain field,
only to discover that they will soon be employed with an unrelated field or

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College of Engineering and Architecture

worse, unemployed. They are lucky if they could finish post-secondary

education and afterwards employed with the particular field they have taken
in college. Although millennials have been considered and categorized as lazy,
study has already proven that people in this era are encouraged to work on
things especially if it interests them as an individual. Millennials have to see it
as important matter before they put effort and value to it.

The Difference of Millennials from other generation

1. Millennials are more educated

2. Increased in the number of female population that has completed
3. Increased in the number of working women
4. Millennials are three times less likely to get married
5. Millennials are more racial and ethnically diverse
6. Millennial men are less likely to become a veteran
7. Most of the millennials live in the metropolitan area

Adopting to New technology

A. What is the New Technology? Any form of technology which is more

advanced or automated relative to that which preceded it in a given
social context. The term is normally used to refer to information and
communications technologies based upon microelectronics. ‘New
technology’ entered the sociological vocabulary in the early 1970s.

B. Millennials on Social Media When it comes to keeping themselves

entertained, Millennials are spending plenty of time with social media. A
study from GWI focusing on the digital behaviors of Millennials

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College of Engineering and Architecture

unsurprisingly finds that this age group spent more time each day with
social media than the average internet user. Millennials today are the
biggest and leading generation in the world and it developed its way to
the top with innovation and technology by their side helping them in
terms of media stands and putting them in place where they get hooked
with regard to social media habits. Mobile phones, laptops and
televisions are the examples of technology that they most often get
addicted with. New and advanced technology are in disguised as a
fashion trend where millennials are digging their way to have it simply
because it is practiced and made to be addictive. They are so good with
their multi-tasking capabilities that they can work on school assignment
on their computer, and do research at their tablet all while taking notes;
and later that day, they will sit in front of the television to watch a movie
and at the same time, chatting or texting a friend on social media from
their mobile phones. Researchers have certain reports that millennials
are more skilled and capable of doing multitasking compared with other

University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

About the Data: Findings are based on a survey of 179,201 respondents (66,466 Millennials, ages 24-
37) across 46 countries, fielded in Q3 2020.

Facebook is the most popular social media platform among internet users in
the Philippines, according to a September Pulse Asia poll and reported by GMA
network online published on September 2021. Facebook is a social networking
website where users are free to post their current status, comment on posts,
share photos, and post links about news or any attention-grabbing content
outside the Facebook itself. Although the adults under the age of 35 years are
already influenced by the enormous spread of Facebook, still millennials who
are younger are more likely to use social media networks for news and
broadcast better than the older generations.
The said survey conducted via face-to-face interviews of 2,400
respondents from September 6 to 11, the nationwide survey said 63% of
Filipino adults use the internet, with more than half saying they log on more
than once a day. The rest go online once a day (22%), twice to six times a
week (13%), once a week (3%), or less than once a week (2%).

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Almost all internet users (99%) go online to check their social media
accounts with Facebook and YouTube as the most popular social media
platforms among internet users in the country.

C. Social Media on Millennials

Social media has become more developed and approved by most of the
people in regards to trends and style. It is the most used way as of today for
interacting and communicating globally. Researchers have explained that the
social media have so much to benefit people from. Therefore, it is examined
as one of the best examined learning devices that mends to the people’s
talking and communicating skills and knowledge. The conflict of millennials to
social media with their mobile phones discharges a chemical that is called
“dopamine” that when an individual gets a notification; it will make them feel
good and better. They express their emotions through social media because
they are expecting a response from others and that is what makes them feel
good. Dopamine is the exact same chemical that makes people feel good when
they smoke and drink so in other words it is indeed, extremely addictive. An
entire generation that has an access to dopamine through social media, and
technologies like mobile phones and computers as they are like going through
the pressure of teenagers.
Some scientists who conducted certain experiments on many different
societies made them noticed that people who spend extra time on their screen
doing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., experience higher rates of
depression less than to those people who spend less time on social media. In
fact, there is nothing wrong with social media and mobile phones but it is the
imbalance of using it spending a lot more time than being productive for the
day. The example of which is that when people are sitting in a meeting with
important people where you are supposed to be listening to and speaking with,

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College of Engineering and Architecture

then you started using mobile phones instead of doing urgent things, and the
fact that people cannot put it away is because they are addicted to it. Another
example is when a person wakes up and starts to check his or her phone
before saying good morning or doing the usual thing, people doing this show
signs of addiction and like all addiction, sooner or later will destroy
relationships, cost time and money and will make a life miserable.

The Many forms of Social Media

It has many forms of diversity of technology enabled activities that

includes blogging, social gaming, photo and video sharing, business and social
networks, virtual worlds, reviews, etc., The government, private sectors,
politicians, and international and local celebrities make use of social media to
engage with constituents, customers, voters, and avid fans.
For individuals. The use of social media is form family, friends and
extended family that use various applications to look and search for
opportunities on their career, search people world-wide with their interest,
likes, and share thoughts, feelings, insight, and emotions, and engage in the
activities of virtual social network.
For businesses. The role of social media is crucial tool that used some
companies as a platform to find and engage with customers, consumer trends,
offering good customer service or support and even drive sales through
advertising, marketing and promoting their products.
The significant role of social media is helping the business to facilitate
the communication with customers, ability to collect information from the
customer to focus on the marketing efforts and research, enabling the merging
of social interactions on e-commerce sites, helps in promotion products and
services according to targeted in distribution, exclusive sales and coupons to

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College of Engineering and Architecture

would-be customers, and timely that helps to build customer relationships

through loyalty programs linked to social media.

D. Millennials dependency on the internet

Almost everyone in today’s time uses technology. Whether it is for the

means of communication to usage of machines to building fire, that is
technology. With the century we are currently living in with technology
surrounding us, technology has helped us in our daily lives. It is difficult not
to use technology. But the biggest group of people who uses social media of
the internet in general are the millennials. There are a lot of ways that we can
say that millennials are dependent, or even obsessed as the media perceive it
to be on technology.
1. Information gathering
It was observed that most students would prefer using the internet
rather than visiting the library in gathering any information. With the
number of accessible information in the internet such as google,
Wikipedia, they could access all the information they want

2. Navigation and transportation

To get around the area or to go a specific place, the old way is to
grab yourself a map and that will help you navigate. But with today’s
advance technology, all you need is GPS (Global Positioning System)
or even a smartphone. There are a lot of applications that can help
you navigate such as Google Maps and Waze.
Transportation has been made easier when it comes to
commuting. There are applications that manage bus transports so
that you will know their routes and what they would arrive. You can

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College of Engineering and Architecture

even get yourself a cab over your smartphones with the use of Uber
or Grab.

3. Communication
The millennials or generation Y are more globally diverse compared
to the previous generations. They have friends and families all over
the world. Nowadays, only few use landlines due to the fact phones
have drastically evolved to smartphones. Messaging apps such as
Messenger and Skype are already used. They are free, all you need
is to have an internet connection.

4. Education
Today, you can already learn and study with the use of your mobile
phones or computer. There are already online schools wherein they
will give you books and activities so that you won’t need to leave
your home.

New Technologies That Could Change the World

There are more innovative drainages, machines, and transportation

these days
1. Agricultural Drones
With the help of technology, farmers begin to use drones with
cameras attached to them to improve how they treat their crops. The
drone allows the farmers to have a different perspective compared
to the previous satellite used. They only help reveal irrigation
treatment issues and soil variation but distressed plants as well as.
This cost less compared to the methods such as crop imaging. The
agricultural drone has been made possible with the usage of GPS,

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College of Engineering and Architecture

digital radios, and small MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical System),


Image from

2. Ultra Private Smartphones

Ultra Private smartphones are smartphones with upgraded
security software and hardware. The reason why Ultra Private
smartphone have been created is due to smartphone's flaw in hardware
and software that makes them easily hackable. With the Ultra Private
smartphone, the software is custom built and the hardware is
programmed to work with only that particular software. If a thieve
attempt to open the phone to gain user's information, the phone itself
will delete everything including the operating system itself. The
hardware will also not function. These types of smartphone will help
protect users from getting hacked easily. The company, Silent Circle
even has plans to create a smartphone called Blackphone. It will use
encryption that is currently being used by the company.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

3. Brain Mapping

Neuroscientists have worked decades just to understand how the

brain works. Human Brain Project, an international team of
researchers, has created a three dimensional atlas of the brain. With
its map revolution fifty times better than the previous efforts, the
creators digitally stitched thousands of brain cross-sections

4. Genome Editing
(also called gene editing) is a group of technologies that give
scientists the ability to change an organism's DNA. These technologies
allow genetic material to be added, removed, or altered at particular
locations in the genome. Several approaches to genome editing have
been developed. A well-known one is called CRISPR-Cas9, which is short
for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats and
CRISPR-associated protein 9. The CRISPR-Cas9 system has generated
a lot of excitement in the scientific community because it is faster,
cheaper, more accurate, and more efficient than other genome editing
methods. CRISPR-Cas9 has the potential to help researchers and
doctors to study ailments such as autism and Alzheimer’s by identifying
generic mutations.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

5. Microscale 3D Printing
Before you can only on different types of paper, now you can print in
3D. Today’s plastic is the only way to use 3D printing. However,
researchers from Harvard University led by Jennifer Lewis, developed
a new ink based 3D printer. As time comes and technology will
continue to developed, new inks will enable to create artificial organs.

University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

I. True or False, Write True if the statement is True,
otherwise False. Write your answer before the number.

1. Based on research, Millennials are less optimistic.

2. Jos Ortega said that the millennials are “self-centered”
3. Instagram is the most popular social media platform among internet
users in the Philippines
4. Transportation nowadays is become easier with the help of GPS
5. Although millennials have been considered and categorized as lazy,
study has already proven that people in this era are encouraged to
work on things especially if it interests them as an individual.
6. Brain mapping can help doctors in studying autism and Alzheimer’s
by identifying generic mutations.
7. Millennials preferred visiting to the library rather than going online in
looking for some information.
8. Another term for millennials is Gen X?
9. Based on the survey, almost all internet users (90%) go online to
check their social media accounts with Facebook and YouTube
10. Drones are now being used in some agricultural crops nowadays

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College of Engineering and Architecture

II. Word Hunt: Search the following words from the

given puzzle.

Genome Editing


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College of Engineering and Architecture


University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

Learning Objectives:

1. Evaluate the changes between the old and new media

2. Suggest a possible solution on the death of old media and
3. Familiarize with the different types of media used

A. How does the Internet affect Traditional Media?

The internet is continuously developed and it reached for the point that it
gained attention in unstoppable development. With the complexity of the
internet, people can retrieve new information and knowledge about people
and the world. It is said that internet users are not only limited to the use of
information and communication technology but their way of acting and living
their lives are attached to these technologies. Starting from the invention of
the internet, the first media age is beginning to lose its audiences, its purpose
as major source of public information and is challenged to survive from drying
of the industry.

B. Print Media

Are traditional way of knowing the information. By the form newspaper,

magazines, posters, banners and any form of printed materials. Print media
is a printed information which is to be spread by the use of paper. It is one
of the oldest and basic way of spreading out of news. In early years, people
used to handwrite all information before printing material were invented.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Types of Print Media

a. Newspaper

Is considered to be the most popular

form of print media. These are used to
spread reliable news to huge mass of
people. Usually, newspapers are
delivered at homes or made available at
newsstands and stores. The Manila
Times is the oldest extant English-
language newspaper in the Philippines founded in October 1898.

b. Newsletter

Is a source of information for small

communities or groups. the people
who are subscribing to a newsletter
share same interest regarding a certain
topic or event. Also, these are used for

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College of Engineering and Architecture

c. Magazine

It offers articles about various topics like

entertainment, celebrities, foods, fashion,
and many more. Unlike newspapers that
are published every day, magazines are
published monthly, quarterly or annually.
Also magazines have a larger scope
because some titles are larger scopes
because some titles are circulating around
the world. Liwayway is the oldest Tagalog
magazine in the Philippines that was
published in November 1922, Manila
Bulletin was the publishing company of the said magazine.

d. Banner

Is usually made of cloth or paper. Banners are used to display slogans,

logos, and other specific messages. Also, banners are used for advertising
and promotion of some products and companies.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

e. Billboards

Are made for advertisements and usually

made with graphics and texts. These are
printed in huge size so that it can be read
from far distances and to catch more
attention. Billboards are considered to be
costliest kind of social media.

f. Books

Are the oldest kind of print media. Books give writers the freedom to share
their knowledge about certain topic. Books provide a variety of genres and
topics like literature, history, fictional stories, romance, science, and so
on. Books are not limited to give knowledge but it also gives entertainment
to its readers.

g. Brochure

It gives information about a certain product, company or an organization.

Usually, brochures are for giveaways so that brands can be remembered
by people.

h. Flyers

Are mostly used by small brands to help them build their names to the
industry. It is usually distributed at malls, exhibitions, events, or parties.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

i. Direct Mail

Small businesses use direct mail to

develop awareness to the consumers
and generate the list of products and
services for advertiser. However, it is
difficult to maintain and not always cost-
effective. It tends to generate
purchasing responses than television
and appropriate to campaign the image advertising than to indirect.

j. Yellow Pages

It shows and arrange the list of

information and are easy to scan by
consumer according to products and
services available; location; phone
number; business hours; special
features, such as the acceptable kind of
payment like credit cards, checks, etc.,;
parking availability; discounts; and
delivery policies and emergency services. It was also used to “complement
or extend the effects of advertising placed in other media”.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Death of Print Media

The slow death of print media is evident to the current generation.

Hardbound books are now turning into e-books and kindles, and newspapers
are now flashed into the screen of our electronic devices.
The continuous innovation and vast development in the technology
makes almost everything faster. With the fast interconnectivity of the world,
news comes fast to our smartphones. Before, we have to wait for the evening
news or wait for the delivery of newspaper. But now, our constant connection
with the world, news comes in our phones.
Through this connectivity with the world is good at some point, in
contrary, this may sacrifice the quality and factuality of the news that people
may receive. Fake news were being pointed as the cause of this. Circulation
of these kinds of news is now easier. However, some of the sources are not
really credible of such writing such news.
The advancement of media technology relinquishes the quality of its
content. Unlike in print media. There are still more bad effects of the death of
print media. It can eradicate the business of local newspaper publication that
has not made its name online.

Types of Broadcast Media

The different types of broadcast media are the following:

1. Television – Television is being used for promotion by companies and

brand with their advertisement. It is a source of information and
entertainment. In late 1940’s television was replicated by Filipino
engineers and students then released and introduced to the Filipino in

University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

1953. Only three major networks used an

analog television; ABS-CBN Corporation,
GMA Network and TV5 Network Inc., Analog
television in the Philippines used NTSC
(National Science Technology Council)
standard and began to shut down on
February 28, 2017, and is scheduled to
complete by 2023.

2. Radio – is an important source of news and information ever since.

Radio has a wider scope and reach to the mass audience. Radio uses
signal to connect just like television, it is also
being used by advertisers to promote their
products. Henry Herman Sr., a former soldier
and owner of Electrical Supply Company in
Manila, established the AM radio in the
Philippines in 1924.

Music Industry

Making of music for years are human activities, individuals or groups;

for thousands of years’ music was part of our life. Music industry is the
business of making music. Artists who create music, perform, record
and manage a profit-making business music. Behind the music, history
makers are the finest song writers and composers. Songwriters picture
each song with their emotions with the words and meaning of each

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College of Engineering and Architecture

History of the Music Industry

It was 1923 when the first radio advertisement was broadcast. In 1960’s
when communication technology has rapidly improved, people thought about
that world as smaller than they could imagine. FM radio is on full stream, and
because of this it became a household item. Musicians improved and adopted
the technology to deliver more music and entertainment to the audience.
During the time music production, tracked mix were performed live on
specialized studios. This is when music production labels became an influential
in music industry. Recording labels are supporting artist in hope to become
superstar. Artists and labels work together to produce music, advertise and
live performances. Music industry caught a lot of attention and began to
produce more music and artists. The live performance and other musical
records become a profitable income for producers and artists. For years of
successful strategy, more artists and producers continue this method.

Music Incorporated with Current Technology

The advancement in technology helps music producers create music

easier. Today, musicians can use the current technology to promote their
music and do not need to compete just to get some space from the music
store and do not worry for the distributor. Artists are now publicizing their
music through music streaming applications that can be installed on mobile
phones. Music streaming have grown since people are now looking for the
most convenient and easiest way of listening to a music. The different music
apps require their users to subscribe for free. The technology today is so
powerful for the music industry because this can be the medium for musicians

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for self-promotion that is easier and cheaper than the traditional music
production. Here are some of the best music applications available for
mobile phone users.

1. Google Play Music - is a discontinued music and podcast streaming

service and an online music locker operated by Google as part of its
Google Play line of services. The service was announced on May 10,
2011; after a six-month, invitation-only beta period, it was publicly
launched on November 16, 2011 and shut down in December 2020.

2. Apple Music - Apple Music launched in 2015. The Apple Music service
not only lets you stream on-demand any track from the iTunes catalogue
but also access all your music in one place on all of your devices,
whether purchased from iTunes, copied from a CD, or downloaded from
the web. Apple Music is free for three months when you sign up to the
free trial, after which there are three plans available, with a fourth plan

3. You Tube Music – is a free subscription application that gives the

background listening, no ads and downloads with a premium option on
subscription that allows to listen to more than 200,000 songs and
videos. Google makes the interface more appealing and easy to

4. Spotify - is a music application in the personal computer, it has the

same functionality that allows to stream single tracks and entire album
of the singer and has the option to create a custom playlist. This
application has 188 million subscribers with 82 million tracks as of 2022.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

5. Shazam - is an application music that has music-detection skills which

recognize songs and television shows with options and lyrics. This app
works in another streaming such as Amazon music, Spotify, apple
music, and more and has a real-time chart.

6. Amazon Music – a music application that allows the user to access free
songs and create a cloud player library that can upload songs and
purchased songs up to 50 million. This streaming application was left
out compared to Apple music, google music, and Spotify.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

I. Give what is being asked by filling in the missing
letter of the following terms.

1. T _ L _ V _ _ I O _ - is being used for promotion by companies

and brand with their advertisement

2. _ _ _ _ _ MUSIC – a music application launched in 2015.

3. H _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ SR. – he established the AM Radio in

the Philippines.

4. _ H _ _ _ _ - is an application music that has music-detection


5. _ R _ C _ _ _ _ - It gives information about a certain product,

company or an organization

II. Enumeration:
1. The different types of broadcast media
2. Types of print media

III. Essay
1. Discuss in your own words, the “The death of old media”
2. What do you think the reason why there is a sudden shift from
the use of print media and broadcast media to our new media?

University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

Old Technologies
and Millennials

University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

Learning Objectives:

1. Differentiate the old technologies from the new technologies

2. Know the importance of news in the millennial generations
3. Identify how millennials connect with mobile technology and networks;
4. Explain how social media affects the millennials

A. Millennials and News

News is the information available to its audience about the current events
that are happening locally or globally. Common topics used and discussed
for news reports include government, politics, weather, catastrophes,
economy, education, health, fashion, athletic events, entertainment and
so on. It may be provided through different platforms depending from each
kind of generation.

The Difference between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers to the Millennials

Baby boomers are people who were born from 1946 – 1964, while the
Gen Xers are those who were born from 1965 to 1980. There is a huge
difference on how news was received by the people from the old times and
now. When the old generation think about the news, they think of the old ways
of how they come to be updated with the news. It may be through the radio,
newspaper, and the good old-fashioned televisions; but with the innovations
of today’s generation, millennials now have different ways to consume and
get updated with the news.

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How millennials get up-to-date

Millennial generation does not rely on the newspapers or the television

just like the Baby Boomers and some Gen Xers do. They get their news
through social media networks like Facebook and Twitter.

How Do We Know What We Think We Know?

Though knowledge is on the grasp of users through the internet, people

still are having a hard time getting access to it leaving many of them lacking.
How do we know what we think we know? This an epistemological question
that has been continually debated and explained. There are two sources of
knowledge can exist:

1. Expert Knowledge – is a knowledge that acquired by those who

study and read scientific papers, conducted and examined findings
from studies, and those who earned their advanced degrees. They
are people who are called in for advice on their respective subject of
2. “Wiki” knowledge – a knowledge that was taken from the famous
website “Wikipedia”, a website which allows its users collaboratively
modify the content of some topic and structure directly from their
web browser. But since the contributors are not experts, the
knowledge gained does not provide conclusive evidence.

Internet can be a useful tool to its users but it can also lead to
misinformation. Users must not forget that there are designated
experts in each field that had allotted time and expert to gain reliable

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knowledge on their subjects of study. Users must remember that not

everything you see in the internet is true.

B. Millennials and Social Media

Social media is a platform wherein interaction can be made by both the

machine and the user in order to share data or information that can be
beneficial to various uses. It was created and designed for public use,
whether it is for free or not. The usage of the social media networks is
Limitless. Anything can literally be found in social media in the matter of
seconds, or even less. That is why the millennials of today are very much
attracted whatever it produces.

The Social Media in the Modern World

Social media as we know contain many benefits for our diverse users,
and since technology dominates the usage of daily living, the power of
social media are now being used as a platform to perform task whether it
is personal or professional matters. Social media diversify its capability on
producing great that is user-generated friendly for its content.

Forms and types of social media

1. Social Networking – known for being the most popular and casual use
of social media users.
2. Forum – provides interaction between users with the same hobby.
3. Microblogging – it consists of small amount of words posted online to
share one’s thoughts and opinions for personal matters.

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4. Bookmarking – personalize identifier to easily identify the specified

network site specifically for the user.
5. Video Site – allows user to view video material based on preferences
6. Search engine – helps out user to perform a task on what has been

How Millennials use Social Media for Beneficial Platforms?

1. Social connections. This network allows the user to keep in touch to

their friends and families in order to keep updated in order to build
connections. Social connections can:
a. Improve the quality of your life
b. Boost your mental health
c. Help you live longer
d. Decrease the risk of suicide

2. Multimedia Sharing. People nowadays interact by viewing

photographs and watching online videos and cope up with the
entertainment industry, as well as the pop culture. Media sharing allows
media to place on other sites by embedding that can copy and paste the
snippet of HTML (Hyper Text Mark Up Language) code into web page.
Examples are: Youtube, Netflix, Pinterest and Instagram.
3. Professional. Social networks that provides professional usage for
users creates a beneficial purpose career-wise. The network provides
assistance in finding occupation or create and connect professional
forum. Examples are: LinkedIn and Classroom 2.0
4. Information. It provides assistance and guidance to people in need
and answer what the users need to their everyday problems. Example
is Do-It-Yourself community.

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5. Educational. It provides interaction for students to students, students

to teacher or even teacher to teacher, and create a working forum where
they can collaborate based on school related tasks and projects.
6. Academic. It provides workspace wherein they can share previous
researchers for the people to view it in public and create beneficial for
oneself. Academia and Research are the good examples for this.
7. Hobbies. One of the reason why Millennials are using the social media
nowadays in order to conduct hobbies network-wise. is
an example for this.

Why Social Media are Always Being Used for Personal Purposes and
as a Market?

1. Since the connectivity is globally, anyone can easily interact with one
2. The ease of looking for website that caters their interest to consume
their time online
3. People can save time and information can be easily shared.
4. Through advertising online, it is expected that there will be a high profit,
5. Boundless speed of the current technologies.

University of Luzon
College of Engineering and Architecture

I. Essay:
What do you think of the advantage and disadvantage of
using the “Wiki” knowledge? Defend your answer.

II. Name the picture of the given forms and types of

social media

________________ _________________

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_________________ _________________

_____________ ______________

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Learning Objectives:
• Explore the evolution of the internet.
• Differentiate Utopian from Dystopian
 Know the cause and solve “internet addiction”

The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web (WWW), or Web, consists of a worldwide collection

of electronic documents. Each electronic document on the Web is called a Web
page, which can contain text, graphics, animation, audio, and video.

Tim Berners Lee

A broader definition comes from the organization that Web inventor Tim
Berners-Lee helped found, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

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The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an

embodiment of human knowledge. In simple terms, The World Wide Web is a
way of exchanging information between computers on the Internet, tying
them together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia resources.

Internet and Web is not the same thing: Web uses internet to pass over the

Evolution of the WWW

World Wide Web was created by Timothy Berners Lee in 1989

at CERN in Geneva. World Wide Web came into existence as a proposal by
him, to allow researchers to work together effectively and efficiently
at CERN. Eventually it became World Wide Web. The following diagram
briefly defines evolution of World Wide Web:

Web 2.0
• Social Media
• Keyword search
• Rich use experience
• tagging

Web 3.0
• Highly mobile
• Open ID
• Semantic search
• Micro Blogging

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1. Web 1.0 (Read Only Static)

It is an old internet that only allows people to read from the internet.
First stage worldwide linking web pages and hyperlink. Web is use as
“information portal”. It uses table to positions and align elements on
page. Examples are :
• Home Page
• Directories
• Page Views
• HTML/Portals.

2. Web 2.0 (Read-Write Interactive Web)

A term used to describe a new generation of Web services and

applications with an increasing emphasis on human collaboration.
Examples are: Social networking site, blogs, Wikis and video sharing.

3. Web 3.0 (Read-write intelligent web)

is the technological period that includes the latest internet technologies
and applications that can produce data and share between them through
to internet connections, it is also called “semantic web”. Semantic web
provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver
web content specifically targeting the user.
Tim had written the three fundamental technologies that remain
the foundation of today’s web (and which you may have seen appear on
parts of your web browser):

1. HTML. Hyper Text Markup Language, is the foundation of the WWW.

All documents, or pages, on the Web are formatted using HTML. These
documents can contain embedded links to other pages of information

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and resources including text, sound, graphics, animation, and video,

and can even link within themselves.

2. URL. Uniform Resource Locator. Every Web page has a unique identifier
known as a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL. WWW browsers uses the
URL to find a particular Web page among all the computers on the
3. HTTP. Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Is the protocol used to transmit Web
pages from the Web server being accessed to your computer. With this
protocol, your WWW browser sends requests and receives information
from WWW servers over the internet

The Internet

The Internet or “net” (network of network) is the largest computer

network in the world that connects billions of computer user. The word internet
comes from combination between “interconnection” and “network”. Network
is a collection of computers and devices connected via communication
channels and transmission media allow to share resources (hardware,
software, data, information). Generally, nobody owns the internet.
The Internet has its roots in a networking project started by the Pentagon’s
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an agency of the U.S.
Department of Defense. ARPA’s goal was to build a network that
(1) allowed scientists at different physical locations to share
information and work together on military and scientific projects and
(2) Could function even if part of the network were disabled or
destroyed by a disaster such as a nuclear attack. That network, called

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ARPANET, became functional in September 1969, linking scientific and

academic researchers across the United States.

Major Components of the Internet

1. Servers – is a computer program that provides service to another

computer program and it’s user.

Types of Servers

Application Server – a program in computer that provides the

business logic for an application program.

Web Server – a computer program that serves requested HTML pages

or files.

Proxy Server – is a software that acts as an intermediary between an

endpoint device, such as computer and another server from which a user is

Mail Server – is an application that receives incoming e-mail from local

users and remote senders and forward outgoing e-mail for delivery

File Server – is a computer responsible for central storage and

management of data files so that other computer on the same network can
access them.

Policy Server – is a security component of a policy – based network

that provides authorization services and facilities tracking and control of files

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2. IP Address (Internet Protocol) – is a numerical label assigned to each

device. This provides identity to a network device.
3. Browser – is an application program that provides a way to look
information on the web.
Example of browsers: Google chrome, safari, internet explorer,
opera, Mozilla
4. Domain Name System (DNS) – is the phonebook of internet. We access
information online through domain names.

Example of DNS:

Name Identity
.com Commercial
.org Organization
.net Network
.edu Education
.gov National and State Government Agencies
.ph Philippines
.au Australia

How do Internet influence our way of communication?

In today’s society, we are very fond of using social media such as
Facebook, Twitter, and emails which we are being used in different field such
as in work and in business. With the help of internet and innovations
integrated with technology, people have a greater ability of being connected
with other people regardless of time and distance. Examples of these are the
messaging applications that let us interact to our families and loved ones

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through a different world. This is where the integration of the interpersonal

communication takes place.

Six Differences of Internet over Interpersonal Communication

1. The information provided in the internet is more of a written than to an

interpersonal communication which is more of an oral type of
conversation which means that the words are spoken.
2. Communication over the internet is considered undirected since there
are lapses in transferring the data or the message.
3. Messages in the internet are often anonymous as it covers a wide range
of platform resulting to a more diverse type of people involved in the
4. Since internet is composed of interconnected networks, it captures wide
range of audience
5. Communication over the internet reduced social presence since it takes
place in a virtual world
6. Convenience in terms of time is more useful when it comes in using the
internet compared to a personal conversation that needs consideration
to other factors including the place and proper timing to be able to reach
the goal of sending the right information to the receiver and vice versa

Dark Side of the Internet

A. Utopian and Dystopian Views of the Internet

People tend to think of the negative sides of the internet and the possible
negative effects that it may possess through the dystopian mentality. It
is easier to judge than to appreciate the beauty in life, same goes with

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our view of the internet. Although it would never hurt to have a positive
thinking for the internet, or the Utopian mentality, for it will provide us
an even greater purpose in the future than it already does now.

What is Utopia?
Based from the Cambridge dictionary, Utopia is the idea of having a
perfect society in which everyone works well with each other and is happy.
Describing an idea or thinking as utopian means that it is too optimistic,
unrealistic and sort of impossible. Utopian thinking is an imagination of a
perfect society mostly applicable in government, politics and economics.

Utopian society

The term utopia was coined from the Greek word meaning “no place” or
nowhere by Sir Thomas More used in his 1516 book Utopia, describing a
fictional place an almost perfect society.

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The Importance of having a Utopian view in Technology

Utopianism plays an important role in influencing change. A human’s
mind is more powerful than what we credit for it. Having a Utopian idea may
seem naïve for some, because of it being far from reality but aren’t the latest
technologies used to be just a silly concept in the past few years. Utopian

thinking let us to maneuver different possibility of innovation, imagining, and

creating masterpiece inside our heads that could be a possible output.
Changes in technology seldom start with having an actual invention on the
spot, it is formed from our imagination with the thirst for innovation and
inventing something that does not yet exist. From the past years, who knew
that someday we would have self-lacing shoes, robots that can serve us
coffee, driverless cars, and other technologies that were once a crazy illusion
but somehow it became a possibility. Utopian ideas may be a little ahead of
our time but it could help in shaping what can be our future.

Negative effects of having a Utopian view in technology

Utopianism may be important for the improvement of our way of life. It

may possess great effects but if it is not used carefully, it may become
dangerous. It can be dangerous because it can lead to people to do whatever
it takes into attaining an almost impossible goal.

What is Dystopia?

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, dystopia is an imagined world

or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives. Dystopia
is an imperfect world, where everything goes the wrong way. It shows the

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nightmare of having a doomed future filled with rebellion, wars, oppression,

corruption, disasters, or simply the exact opposite of utopia.

Dystopian Society

Utopian and Dystopian Views of the Internet and Technology

Jobs that were once performed by humans are now being done by
machines. Jobs are vanishing, huge amount of people being unemployed
because of this as time goes by, these numbers will undeniably increase.
Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain, these
are advancement in our technology that developers promised. However,
through the development of these, the world is at risk of possibly removing
the sole purpose of humans. In the online world, our need for easier

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communication before, resulted into today’s successful mode of

communications. The Utopian goal was to have a perfect mode of
communication and it became triumphant. On the other hand, with these
utopian goals comes with dystopian fear things going awry that it could lead
to a huge destruction. As of now, it may not yet reach to that extreme but if
we continue to take advantage of it, things could go out of our control. One of
the bad effect internet has caused today is the rampant spreading of fake
news, and the use of different accounts to fool other people. Today, the
utopian justifies the dystopian effects and if we learn to control and properly
use it, then we could live in a world without fear of the world’s destruction.

B. Media Acceleration and Information

Data Smog?

The term Data Smog is connected to the smog we experience through

nature. The mixing of fictitious and actual information online is compared to
the mixing of fog and smoke pollution, both of which make it hard to
distinguish one from the other. Overwhelming amount of data on almost every
possible topic can be favorable, but this continuous bombardment of data can
have negative effects without us even noticing it.

Several tips on how to avoid the negative effect of Data Smog

1. Go on “data fast”
2. Try spending some time away from communication devices, television
and even the internet.
3. Make use of print media once in a while
4. Avoid sending or forwarding chain messages or any other useless
information online

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5. Filter unwanted messages and emails.

C. Internet Addiction and Isolation

What is Internet Addiction?

Internet Addiction” is a growing problem. As more individuals gain
internet access every year, the number of people becoming obsessed
with and then addicted to a digital lifestyle is increasing as well. Internet
addiction shares a lot of similarities to other addictions, and like other
addictions, can also be treated.

Internet Addiction

Types of Online Addiction

1. Games – it includes excessive amount of time online playing online

games and gambling. This is the type of addiction that is very
rampant nowadays, especially with the younger generation.
2. Cyber Sexual and Cyber Relationships – It includes obsession
with online dating, watching pornography, and cybersex

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3. Social Networking – It includes the over usage of social networking

sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.. The user also feels the
need to constantly update his/her social media and to monitor
different posts.
4. Net Compulsion – is considered to be an addiction in online
shopping or stock trading.
5. Information – Includes obsession with searching and collecting
different information.

Signs of Online Addiction

1. An increase of time of using the internet just to feel satisfied.
2. The user is using the Internet to cope with the negative feelings and bad
3. The user feels anxious, restless, irritable, or moody when they are not
able to go online.

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4. The user is unable to minimize the use of internet after multiple

5. The user spent most of his time using the internet instead of other
significant things in life like job, studies relationships and more.
6. The user is willing to sacrifice or even lose his job, studies, relationships
and other opportunities to be able to go online.

Causes of Internet Addiction

There are a lot of causes of online addiction, and they are the following:
1. The feeling of having a quick access to everything persuades the user
to use the internet more often than intended.
2. The user uses the virtual world to connect with people to compensate
their lack of ability in real life communication.
3. The user turns to internet use to escape from their problems.
4. The user feels secured with the anonymity when using the internet.

Effects of Internet Addiction

1. Family problems – The user does not spend time with his family and
that leads to disagreement.
2. Mental health problems – If the user cannot use the internet in
moderation, it can lead to depression and anxiety.
3. Academic difficulty – significant decrease in the user’s academic
4. Financial issues – can be costly especially with online gambling and
online games.

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5. Medical problems – Spending too much using te computer can lead to

serious health problems like severe headache, body pains, eye
discomfort, carpal tunnel syndromes and eating irregularities.
6. Work complications – this can cause the user to neglect his work that
may lead to losing his job.
7. Unhealthy sleeping habits – makes the user lose track of time due to
long durations or over use of the internet.
8. Socially awkward – takes away the time that the user can be used to
socialize and explore the world.

How to Treat Internet Addiction?

Medication for Internet Addiction

Internet addiction medical treatment is limited. In some cases, internet

addiction may be rooted in other disorders such as depression or anxiety.
When this is the case, medication to treat the
underlying disorder may prove beneficial in
treating the internet addiction. For example, if
internet addiction develops as a byproduct of
depression, using antidepressants may relieve
the desire to engage in internet addiction-
related behaviors. Mood stabilizers used for
impulse control disorders may also be helpful in
reducing the impulse to use the internet.

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Alternative Treatments

Alternative solutions for internet addiction may assist a user in reducing

their internet use without seeking therapy. Some possible alternative
solutions focus on improving mood with the hope that improved mood
will relieve the desire to engage in internet addiction-related

 Exercise. Regular exercise can reduce symptoms of depression and

anxiety. Exercising provides mood-boosting benefits which may reduce
the compulsion to act on internet addiction. Depending on the exercise
type, it may be difficult to use a phone at the same time which would
then eliminate the ability to use the internet during that set period as

 Leave Your Smartphone at Home. With smartphones, people can use

the internet nearly anywhere at any time. For people who find that they
are using their phone excessively for internet use, it may be beneficial
to intentionally leave their phone at home when going out.

 Take Breaks. Scheduling breaks from the internet or scheduling

confined time limits for internet use can help reduce overall use. This
method requires self-discipline and a strong desire to reduce internet
use, as the person will have to consciously stop their internet use at a
specific time.

 Content Control Software. Software is available that can limit internet

use by blocking certain websites after a specified period of activity or
during certain parts of the day. This includes options such as Surfblocker
as well as internet browser extensions like StayFocusd.

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Social Isolation

It is the state in which a person feels the lack of ability in socializing.

The person also feels like he does not belong. He also usually fails in creating
relationships with others. A person who feel socially isolated involuntarily
prevent contact and socialization between individuals and society. The
common signs of social isolation are the following:

1. Loneliness and distress

2. Shame and depression
3. Solitude
4. Social anxiety and fears of abandonment
5. Lack in social contact
6. Limited relationship on social and professional

Emotional Isolation

It is a state of unable and unwilling to share emotions with anyone. It

occurs due to social isolation and isolated emotionally because of social
network. Solitude means being alone, Isolation means lack of support in social
relationships and emotion and loneliness means longing for social contact.

Does Social Media Cause Isolation?

Social media feel connected that replaces in person in fleeting online

interactions substitute for more substantive conversation that increases
access to meaningful relationships and reduce isolation.

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College of Engineering and Architecture

I. Identification: Write your answer before the number:
1. He created the WWW
2. Is a computer program that provides service to another
computer program and its user
3. Is the idea of having a perfect society in which everyone
works well with each other and is happy
4. It is an old internet that only allows people to read from
the internet.
5. Is considered to be an addiction in online shopping or
stock trading.
6. The mixing of fictitious and actual information online
7. Is a numerical label assigned to each computer device
This provides identity to a network device
8. Used for impulse control disorders.
9. This is the type of addiction that is very rampant
nowadays, especially with the younger generation.
10. Is the largest computer network in the world that
connects billions of computer users

II. Enumeration:

a. Common signs of social isolation

b. Effects of internet addiction
c. Types of online addiction


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