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1. You did not listen to my advice in the first place, so you get into trouble now. LAM
If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't get into trouble now.
2. If I said I loved you, what would you do? QUẾ
Were I to say I loved you , what would you do?
3. Thanks for your help with the garden otherwise I would not have done it. ĐẠT
If it hadn't been for your help with the garden, I wouldn't have done it.
4. We won’t go away if the weather is bad. GIA LINH
Only if the weather isn't bad/is better will we go away.
5. I will lend you the money on condition that you pay it back next week.
- Provided (that) you pay it back next week, I will lend you the money. NHƯ QUỲNH
6. Without your encouragement, I would have given up years ago. Minh Tú
If you had not (hadn’t) encouraged me, I would have given up years ago.
If it hadn't been for your encouragement, I would have given up years ago.
7. It won’t make any difference if City score first; United will still win. (EVEN) Minh Thư
Even if City score first, Untied will still win.
8. Please take a seat, and I will inquire for you. (WILL) Kiều Bảo Duy
If you will take a seat, I will inquire for you.
9. If you happen to be in London, come and see me. Tấn Phát
Should you be in London, come and see me.
10. The piano was too big for us to put in the room. Gia Bảo
If the piano hadn't been too big, we could have put IT in the room.
11. He does not like the party atmosphere, so I did not invite him to my housewarming.
Trúc Quỳnh (Mixed 2)
If he liked the party atmosphere, I would have invited him to my housewarming.
12.Without the misunderstanding between John and me, we would not have fallen out. Gia
If there hadn't been the misunderstanding between John and me, we wouldn't have fallen
If there had been no misunderstanding between John and me, we would not have fallen out
13. Keith does not have any friends, so she feels lonely. Lê Thành
If Keith had some friends, she would not feel lonely.
14. He did not finish the report, so he refused to go the staff party.
Tiên If he had finished the report, he would not have refused to go the staff party.
Tú Were he to have finished the report, he would not have refused to go the staff party.
15.John did not know the answers to the math problems, but he pretended to. Trâm Anh
John acted as if/though he had known the answer to the math problems.
16.The result of the match did not live up to our expectations. It was too bad. Duyên
If only the result of the match hadn't been too bad/had been better.
17.I haven’t got any spare cash, so I am afraid that I cannot help you with your financial
problem. Phan Huỳnh Minh Thư
If I had some spare cash, I could help you with your financial problem.
18.If you insist on doing everything by yourself, of course you will feel tired. (WILL) Dao
Kim Ngan
If you will do everything by yourself, you will feel tired.
19. Dick is in prison because a detective recognized him. Bao Ngoc
Had a detective not recognized Dick, he would not be in prison now.
20.It is raining so heavily that we cannot reach the summit by 5 p.m. Gia Thoại
If it weren't raining so heavily, we could reach the summit by 5pm.
21.Her father is very generous, so he donated a big sum of money to modernize my school.
Cẩm Tú If it weren't for her father's generosity, he wouldn't have donated a big sum of
money to modernize my school. (Mixed 2) đầu 2 đuôi 3
22.He is allergic to (dị ứng) seafood. That is the reason why he did not eat the clam
chowder at the party. Quế Nhi
Were he not allergic to seafood, he could/would have eaten the clam chowder at the party.
(Mixed 2)
23.If a teacher has given permission, a student is allowed to leave the room. Bảo Trâm
Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room.
24.The bad weather prevented me from reaching the flood-stricken village. Gia Hy
If the weather hadn’t been bad, I could/would have reached the flood-stricken village.
If it hadn’t been for the bad weather, … village.
25.The reason for his absence was that he did not know there was a meeting on that day. Trí
Had he known there was a meeting on that day, he wouldn't have been absent.

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