Pengajaran Aksara Bali

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Saking sesuratan mamidya (artikel) sane mamurda The writing system at play durus sliksikin miwah

limbakang (eksplorasi) malih tata manah miwah pangresepan tur mangda kapaiketan sareng Aksara
Bali (miwah pangajahannyane) malantaran bantang-bantang bebaosan sakadi ring sor:

Domain bahasa tulis itu apa saja= membaca dan menulis

Konsep graf, basic shape, grafem.

 What is writing for?

 Attributes of the writing system are exploited by?
 The writing system is played with in many ways and many different levels
 That the distinctive thing about language is that it can create fictions, meaningful
statements which do not correspond to the ‘‘real’’ world (Gregory, 1974)
 The crucial aspect of human language is its ability to describe what is not (Jean-Paul Sartre,
 The boundaries of human rule systems can be explored and deliberately transgressed.
 Homo Ludens play is a central aspect of human culture (Huizinga’s, 1955).
 The meaning of play and relation with writing system terms?

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