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Roberto M. Ladres Jr.

BSIT 4 3rd – 5th Week of September

Web Development
Sections 1-3
In these first three sections, what I have learned from the videos that the instructor
used to talked about and discussed are the following.
In Section 1: the main topic that was being discussed in this section was all about,
“Front-end Web Development”, how internet works, how website works, how to set-up
Local Web Development Environment and how to easily learn coding for easy and simple
steps. In this section I have learned the basic concept that makes me familiar with the
web and how it works. I have learned the concept that we can use Chrome, Safari, Firefox,
whatever is our favorite one to look up for the IP address of a certain website and to be
able to receive data that can be rendered into websites that we usually see. I also learned
that the common data that we have received from the server usually consists of three
types of files: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that plays an integral role to how websites
In section 2: the main topic that was being discussed in this section was all about,
HTML, the introductory lessons for HTML. It falls into different subtopics, these are the
anatomy of HTML Tags, HTML Boilerplate, structuring text in HTML, List in HTML, Image
elements, links and anchor tags. In this lesson I have realized that the HTML tags are so
important in structuring your websites, these tags make requests to the browser asking it
to structure and display our plaintext in the way that the web designer wanted it to be
shown. I have learned that there are two types of tags, the tags that has a closing tag to
be partnered and tags that are self-closing tags. In this area, <hr>, heading tags, text tags,
<href>, and a lot of basic tags has been discussed and featured.
In section 3: the main topic that was being discussed in this section was all about,
Intermediate HTML, being discussed here were HTML Tables, Typing Emojis and HTML
forms. It is also discussed in this section the Habit Building with Calendar trick; it means
that we need to set time for us to learn how to code into a specific time of a day repeatedly
until we make it as a habit to learn.
These are the things I have learned in these sections, and I realized that I am quite
familiar with the tags that was being used in the discussion. It’s a nice listening!
Sections 4-6
In these three sections, what I have learned from the videos that the instructor used
to talked about and discussed are the following.
In Section 4: the main topic that was being discussed is all about, “Introduction to
CSS”, inline CSS, external CSS, internal CSS, how to debug CSS, the Anatomy of CSS
and a lot more. In this section I have learned that people started using something called
Cascading Style Sheets in order for them to esthetically beautify the HTML files more.
And this the reason why it is called a style sheet or a style language in the sense that it
can't really do anything by itself rather than designing the webpage. Its only purpose is to
style Hyper Text markup language and to bring your web site from the 90s into the current
day and age. It is also discussed that the CSS has its own grammar to follows, the first
thing that you'll see is the selector. And this comes at the beginning of the CSS rule. And
then comes a pair of curly braces inside, which is where your CSS rules are going to
reside. And the rule will change the appearance of some property and give it a new value.
And each rule has to end with a semicolon at the end.
In section 5: the main topic that was being discussed is all about “Intermediate
CSS”, favicons, HTML Divs, CSS Display properties and different CSS positioning. In this
section I have realized that placing a certain element in the webpage into a different
position is a hard and confusing job. I have learned here the different used of positioning
like if we are going to talked about absolute positioning, it looks like you're giving it a
margin relative to the entire page which looks like you're changing the absolute position
of it. While in relative positioning when you set the position relative to an element, without
adding any other positioning attributes (top, bottom, right, left) nothing will happen.
In section 6: the main topic that was being discussed was all about, Introduction to
Bootstrap 4, being discussed here were the definition of bootstrap, bootstrap contains and
a lot more. It is discussed that bootstrap is called a front-end library which means a bunch
of code that was written to be reusable that you can drop into your site, and it'll make
designing the website much, much easier for you.
These are the things I have learned in these sections, and I realized that it’s nice
that CSS has been developed for it doesn’t only make your webpage beautiful it also
enhances the user’s experience.
Sections 7-9

In these three sections, what I have learned from the videos that the instructor used
to talked about and discussed are the following.
In Section 7: the main topic that was being discussed is all about, “Intermediate
Bootstrap”, Bootstrap Carousel, Bootstrap Cards, and a lot more. In this section I have
learned that bootstrap can do a lot of things when in terms of designing the HTML. It can
do carousel which means that which it is going to create a sort of slideshow of all the
testimonials or any that we got from the costumers or viewers. It can do cards which
means a flexible and extensible content container. It includes options for headers and
footers, a wide variety of content, contextual background colors, and powerful display
In section 8: the main topic that was being discussed is all about “How to design a
website that people will love it”, understanding color theory, Typography, manage an
effective user interface and user experience design. In this section I have realized that in
order to have effective websites, it doesn’t only mean to have a great functionality, but it
also looks beautiful. The most important thing to making a website is that it is being loved
by users, pretty much the design. In achieving that we must learn the different theory,
these are the theory of colors, typography and a lot more. I also realize here that the
flexibility in your design skills is really important when it comes to User Interface design.
We should keep in mind those five things: hierarchy, layout, alignment, white space and
your audience and you'll be well on the way to creating more beautiful user interfaces for
your websites.
In section 9: the main topic that was being discussed was all about, Introduction to
JavaScript, being discussed here were the different JavaScript variables and a lot more.
I have realized here how powerful JavaScript is because it doesn’t only give the backbone
of the websites it also gives the essence, functionality and the reasons on why we are
creating a certain website. I realize how hard this topic was and how confusing, but I know
that I will be learning these all someday. In these topics I realized that we do already
coding here the same as dealing with problems in C, Java, Python and different
languages. The challenging part has arrived.
These are the things I have learned in these sections, and I realized that it’s nice
that bootstrap plays big impact in making your website because it really makes your
website neat and beautiful. For the JavaScript it’s still hard for me to digest all the
information and slowly I’m still learning it.

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