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Civil Engineering



Assistant Professor IV
A World-Class University
Producing Leaders and
Change Agents for
Social Transformation
and Development.
The Bicol University shall give
professional and technical training,
and provide advanced and
specialized instruction in literature,
philosophy, the sciences and arts,
besides providing for the promotion
of technological researches (RA
5521, Sec.3.0).
Bicol University commits
to continually strive for
excellence in instruction,
research, and extension
by meeting the highest
level of clientele
satisfaction and
adhering to quality
To primarily give professional and technical training and provide
advanced and specialized instruction in Engineering and provide for the
promotion of scientific and technological researches.

 To produce professionals in engineering in the region with managerial
capability through improved instruction and relevant experiences.
 To embark on relevant new programs.
 To intensify the development of moral spiritual, social, intellectual and
physical well-being of the students.
 To improve the competency of teaching Engineering in the Region
through utilization of innovative methods and the development and
production of instructional materials.

 To conduct study in industry and energy, culture and

heritage, utilities and infrastructure, environmental
protection and control, housing and instructional
concerns through the use of different research
methods for various end users.

 To conduct extension activities within the service area

of the college through non-formal education, and
strengthen linkage with other school and agencies
along areas in industry disaster preparedness, heritage
conservation, energy utilization, safety in buildings,
environmental protection and control, and social

To increase the financial capability of the

college through institutionalized income
generating projects.
Infrastructure development Maintenance
To realize the infrastructure development in
the University and modernize classrooms and
other instructional facilities and make it a work
of art in engineering.
To properly maintain the existing facilities.
To enhance the output of the college through
the acquisition of sufficient facilities and
By the time of graduation, students of the program shall have the following
• To produce graduates with sufficient knowledge in different areas of Civil
Engineering and possess the necessary skills for work in the industry.
• To produce graduates who are sensitive and responsible in the social,
cultural and the environmental context.
• To produce graduates for work in advanced design and innovation at
international level.
• To become effective communicators in professional and non-professional
environments and be able to function as a team member.
• To purpose continued professional development, including professional
registration if desired.
• To successfully pursued engineering graduate studies and research if
• To design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
• To design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards.
• To function in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.
• To communicate effectively Civil Engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large.
• To understand the impact of Civil Engineering solutions in a global
economic, environmental, and societal context.
• To use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
Civil Engineering practice.
• To know and understand engineering and management principles as
a member and leader of a team, and to manage projects in a
multidisciplinary environment.
Civil Engineering Program Outcomes
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences,
engineering sciences to the practice of civil engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze

and interpret data.

c. An ability to design, build, improve, and install system or processes

which meet desired needs within realistic constraints.

d. An ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural


E. An ability to recognize, formulate and solve civil engineering


F. An understanding of the effects and impacts of civil engineering

projects on nature and society, and of the civil engineers social and
ethical responsibilities.
g. Specialized engineering knowledge in each applicable field, and the
ability to apply such knowledge to provide solutions to actual problems.

H. An ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing using the english


i. An ability to engage in life-long learning and an acceptance of the need

to keep current of the development in the specific field of specialization.

j. An ability to use the appropriate techniques, skills and modern engineering

tools necessary for the practice of civil engineering.

k. A knowledge of contemporary issues.


Engineering – is the creative application of scientific principle to design or develop

structures, machines, apparatus or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them
singly or in combination; to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of
design; forecast behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respect an
intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.

Civil Engineering – is a Professional engineering discipline that deals with the design,
construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment,
including works like roads, bridges, canal, dams and buildings.

Civil engineers design major transportation projects. Civil engineers conceive,

design, build, supervise, operate, construct and maintain infrastructure projects and
systems in the public and private sector, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels,
dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment

Civil engineers play an extremely important role in the society. They are responsible for
maintaining the overall safety of society in a number of ways including rural engineering.
Civil Engineering is considered as the
oldest branch or discipline of engineering
next to military engineering. All
Engineering works other than military
purposes were grouped to civil
engineering, it deals with the analysis,
design, construction and maintenance of
infrastructure facilities such as buildings,
bridges, dams and roads.
Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life since the beginnings
of human existence. The earliest practices of Civil engineering
have commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt
and Mesopotamia (Ancient Iraq) when humans started to
abandon a nomadic existence, causing a need for the
construction of shelter. During this time, transportation became
increasingly important leading to the development of the wheel
and sailing. Until modern times there was no clear distinction
between civil engineering and architecture, and the term
engineer and architect were mainly geographical variations
referring to the same person, often used interchangeably. The
construction of Pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700-2500 BC) might be
considered the first instances of large structure constructions.
John Smeaton FRS was an English civil engineer responsible
for the design of bridges, canals, harbours and lighthouses.
He was also a capable mechanical engineer and an eminent
physicist. Smeaton was the first self-proclaimed "civil
engineer", and is often regarded as the "father of civil
engineering". Wikipedia
Born: 8 June 1724, Austhorpe, United Kingdom
Died: 28 October 1792, Austhorpe, United Kingdom
Spouse: Ann Jenkinson (m. 1756–1784)
Education: Leeds Grammar School
Structures: Eddystone Lighthouse, Coldstream Bridge, Banff
Bridge, Lower North Water Bridge, Summit Bridge

John Smeaton was a prolific figure of towering intellect who become known as “The
Father of Civil Engineering.” As a youth, he joined the family law firm before deciding
his talents lie elsewhere and becoming a maker of mathematical tools. He did
pioneering work on the mechanics of windmills and watermills, being lauded by the
day’s learned Societies.

He was also responsible for over a dozen major civil engineering projects,
including harbors, canals, mills, and bridges. Civil engineering students across
Europe studied his contributions for decades following his death.
John Smeaton, (born June 8, 1724, Austhorpe, Yorkshire, Eng.—died Oct. 28, 1792, Austhorpe),
English engineer noted for his all-masonry lighthouse on Eddystone reef off Plymouth, Devon,
and as the founder of the civil-engineering profession in Great Britain.

Smeaton learned mathematical instrument making in London, where his scientific papers led to
his election to the Royal Society in 1753. Smeaton visited the Low Countries during 1754, studying
canals, harbours, and mills; the tour was the turning point in his career. In 1756–59 he built the
third Eddystone Lighthouse, using dovetailed blocks of portland stone to withstand the pounding
of the waves; this technique became standard for such wave-swept structures. While planning the
lighthouse, he discovered the best mortar for underwater construction to be limestone with a high
proportion of clay, and thus he was the first to recognize what constitutes a hydraulic lime.
Smeaton also constructed the Forth and Clyde Canal in Scotland, which opened a waterway
between the Atlantic and the North Sea; built bridges at Perth, Banff, and Coldstream, Scot.; and
completed the harbour at Ramsgate, Kent.

Smeaton is important in the history, rediscovery of, and development of modern cement,
identifying the compositional requirements needed to obtain "hydraulicity" in lime; work which led
ultimately to the invention of Portland cement. Portland cement led to the re-emergence of
concrete as a modern building material, largely due to Smeaton's influence.
Recommended by the Royal Society, Smeaton designed the third Eddystone Lighthouse (1755–
59).[12] He pioneered the use of 'hydraulic lime' (a form of mortar that will set under water) and
developed a technique involving dovetailed blocks of granite in the building of the lighthouse. His
lighthouse remained in use until 1877 when the rock underlying the structure's foundations had
begun to erode; it was dismantled and partially rebuilt at Plymouth Hoe where it is known
as Smeaton's Tower.[
John Smeaton went to Leeds Grammar School between the
ages of 10 and 16.
During the two years after he left, he showed an interest in
engineering by having his own workshop at home, where he
built himself a lathe (a machine for shaping materials like wood
or metal), and where he could also melt metal and forge iron.

At the age of 18, in 1742, John’s father sent him to London to

get a legal education at Gray’s Inn. he returned home in the
summer of 1744, and went to Austhorpe, Yorkshire, where he
developed skills to become a scientific instrument maker.
John Smeaton based his life-long consulting engineering practice at his family home, Austhorpe
Lodge in Whitkirk.

As well as civil engineering, John Smeaton enjoyed carrying out scientific experiments, and 18 of
his papers were published by the Royal Society, the world’s oldest, independent scientific academy.

The topics he wrote about for the Royal Society included a vacuum pump, the thermal expansion of
metals, and the practical measure of horsepower.
His most important work was a series of experiments on model water wheels and windmills, in
1752, carried out a year before he built his first waterwheel.

This was the start of a long career in designing millworks. He focused mainly on watermills, with a
few windmills and horse-drawn mills.

John’s civil engineering experience extended beyond millworks.

He designed new canal navigations, consulted on the drainage of land for farming use, and built
road bridges, and designed six river dams.

The largest dam, built in 1776 on the river Coquet for ironworks in Northumberland, still exists
He also designed steam engines and pumping engines for coalfields, and harbors.
Squire Whipple
Born 1804 in Hardwick, Massachusetts, Squire Whipple
quickly distinguished himself as a student. He graduated from the
private Union College in Schenectady, New York after just one
year of study.
In his professional life, he quickly became known as an expert
bridge-builder, and was even called “the father of iron bridge
building” in his native United States. He is particularly well known
for the bowstring arch truss design he patented in 1841. Several
examples of his work persist to the present and some are even still
in use, including a sleek example in Albany.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Born 1806 in Portsmouth, England, Isambard Kingdom
Brunel was one of the leading civil and mechanical engineers of
the Industrial Revolution. Today, he is best known for working on
the Great Western Railway, which connected London with the
Midlands and much of Wales. Launched in 1833, it was
completed by 1838. In no small part due to Brunel’s innovative
designs, Brunel’s bridges and tunnels dotted Great Britain, and
he was also responsible for numerous steamships. He also
contributed to the Thames Tunnel, though in a less active role.
Gustave Eiffel
Frenchman Alexander Gustave Eiffel, born 1832 in Dijon, is
now best known for the 986-foot tower that bears his name. The
tower, which was intended to be temporary, is just one of Eiffel’s
achievements. During his career, he was better known for
innovative ironwork bridges, railway stations, and cast iron, which
he researched in great depth. His career included projects in
locales as distant as Egypt and Chile, where he designed an
all-metal prefabricated church for on-site assembly. His biggest
project before “le tour” was the observatory at Nice, completed
1886. he growth of the railway network had an immense effect on
people's lives, but although the enormous number of bridges and
other work undertaken by Eiffel were an important part of this, the
two works that did most to make him famous are the Statue of
Liberty and the Eiffel Tower, both projects of immense symbolic
importance and today internationally recognized landmarks.
Karl Von Terzaghi
Karl Terzaghi, an Austrian born in 1883, was the “father of soil
mechanics” and, for much of his career, the patron of Arthur
Casagrande. It was Terzaghi whose research agenda was supported
by Casagrande at MIT, and the two collaborated much over the years.
Though Casagrande brought soil mechanics to the U.S. and its
military, von Terzaghi is also credited with advancing other fields,
such as railway and highway engineering. His energetic desire to
push the boundaries of geology left him well-placed to work on the first
hydroelectric plants in Vienna. Von Terzaghi spent much of 1912 and
1913 in the United States, touring major dams under construction.
During World War I, he managed up to 1,000 engineers. Later in the
war, he established a pioneering soil engineering lab while working for
Istanbul Technical University. Following the war, in 1924, he
published his revolutionary work Soil Mechanics and soon brought his
knowledge of the burgeoning field to the U.S as an MIT professor.
John A. Roebling
John August Roebling, born 1806 in Prussia, learned French and
drafting at an early age before attending the Royal Building Academy
in Berlin. As a student in architecture and engineering, he was drawn
to the challenges of the suspension bridge. During three years of
public service, his requests to build them were continuously declined,
contributing to a decision to immigrate with his brother. John
relocated, becoming an American citizen in 1837. He was among the
founders of the small village of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania. He began
his new career with the Pennsylvania Canal System, and was placed
in charge of surveying a railroad route over the Allegheny Mountains.
On this job, he installed a wire rope that served as the basis of his
new, successful business. In 1844, he built a suspension bridge in
Pittsburgh, launching an illustrious career as America’s foremost
expert on suspension designs.
Ancient Structures
(Circa 2700-2500 BC)
Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first documented
engineer, built a famous stepped pyramid for
King Djoser located at Saqqara Necropolis. With
simple tools and mathematics he created a
monument that stands to this day. His greatest
contribution to engineering was his discovery of
the art of building with shaped stones. Those
who followed him carried engineering to
remarkable heights using skill and imagination.
THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA by General Meng T’ien under orders from
Ch’in Emperor Shih Huang Ti (c. 220 BC)
The Great Wall of China was originally conceived by
Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the third century B.C. as a means
of preventing incursions from barbarian nomads.
Made mostly of earth and stone, the wall stretched from
the China Sea port of Shanhaiguan over 3,000 miles west
into Gansu province. From a base of 15 to 50 feet, the Great
Wall rose some 15-30 feet high and was topped by ramparts
12 feet or higher; guard towers were distributed at intervals
along it.
The Roman aqueduct was a channel used to
transport fresh water to highly populated
areas. Aqueducts were amazing feats of
engineering given the time period. Though
earlier civilizations in Egypt and India also built
aqueducts, the Romans improved on the
structure and built an extensive and complex
network across their territories. Evidence of
aqueducts remain in parts of modern-day
France, Spain, Greece, North Africa, and
Turkey. As water flowed into the cities, it was
used for drinking, irrigation, and to supply
hundreds of public fountains and baths.
Eddystone Lighthouse, lighthouse, celebrated in folk ballads and
seamen’s lore, standing on the Eddystone Rocks, 14 miles off
Plymouth, England, in the English Channel. The first lighthouse
(1696–99), built of timber, was swept away with its designer, Henry
Winstanley, by the great storm of 1703. The second, of oak and
iron, designed by John Rudyerd (1708), was destroyed by fire in
1755. John Smeaton built (1756–59) the third Eddystone
Lighthouse entirely of interlocking stone, on a plan that
revolutionized the construction of such towers. It stood until it was
replaced in 1882 by the present structure, which rises 133 feet (40
metres) above the water and was designed by Sir James N.
With a lack of quick, reliable transportation, the city stagnated and stopped
growing. Although the ferry service was popular at the time, many locals
called for a bridge to be constructed so that people could travel more easily
and quickly.
Many engineers and architects believed it impossible to build a bridge over such
a long channel, with its strong tides, deep water and heavy outbursts of wind
and fog. I wasn’t until 1916 that James Wilkins, a former engineering student,
created one of the first feasible proposal for a complicated bridge costing
around $100 million. Although many shrugged off the idea, engineer and
poet Joseph Strauss believed he cold pull off the impossible feat.
Ancient Construction Materials
➢ is a very light weight material. It is used as construction materials in middle ages. Straw
building construction system is adopted for providing natural appearance to the building.
Though it provides sufficient insulation but it is not durable. It is unable to resist natural and
seismic forces. The buildings made up of straw possess poor fire resistant properties. Due to
this, it is not considered as a suitable material for construction process.

Wattle & Daub

➢ In ancient times, a composite material commonly known as wattle and daub is used for
making walls. In this, wattle (woven lattice of wooden strips) is coated (daubed) with a
sticky material generally prepared by mixing wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw. It
is used in ancient times due to its economy. It does not require special skills; also it does
not require the use of expensive materials. Despite of having several advantages, it has
some drawbacks also. Wattle and daub walls require regular patching up. In order to
keep the walls made of wattle and daub in good condition, it should be protected from
damp and rain. This building material is not suitable for the areas having wet climate. So, it
is also not widely used as a building material.

Wattle and daub, in building construction, method of constructing walls in which vertical wooden
stakes, or wattles, are woven with horizontal twigs and branches, and then daubed with clay or
mud. This method is one of the oldest known for making a weatherproof structure.
➢ a mixture of earth and water, is economical, practical, functional and attractive.

➢ A natural building material that is found in abundance, especially where other

building materials such as bricks, stone or wood are scarce due to affordability and
or availability.

➢ a natural building material made from sand, clay, water and some kind of fibrous or
organic material (sticks, straw and or manure)

➢ In hot climates, compared with wooden buildings offer significant advantage due to their
greater thermal mass, but they are known to be particularly susceptible to earthquake
➢ In ancient times, stone is used as a building material. It possesses
good resistance against abrasion. It is quite strong and durable
building material. Buildings made up of stones does not need painting.
the process of cleaning the house made up of stone is very easy.
Despite of having several merits, it has some demerits also. The
buildings constructed with stones are not economical.
➢ stones are not available in all the places easily. Special skills are
required for the construction of stone buildings. Stone structures
cannot be repaired easily. Since, stones are available in irregular
pattern; it requires special tools and techniques for its carving into a
desired shape and size.

In the 18th century, the term civil engineering was coined to incorporate all
things civilian as opposed to military engineering. The first engineering school,
The National School of Bridges and Highways, France, was opened in 1747.

The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was John Smeaton who constructed the
Eddystone Lighthouse. In 1771, Smeaton and some of his colleagues formed the
Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, a group of leaders of the profession who
met informally over dinner.

In 1818, world’s first engineering society, the Institution of Civil Engineers was
founded in London, and in 1820 the eminent engineer Thomas Telford became
its first president. The institution received a Royal Charter in 1828,
formally recognizing civil engineering as a profession.

The first private college to teach Civil Engineering in the United States was
Norwich University founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Partridge. The first degree
in Civil Engineering in the United States was awarded by Rensselaer Polytechnic
Topic for Research Project

1. Infrastructure Development
2. Types of Infrastructure
3. The Role of Civil Engineers in Infrastructure Development
4. Effect of Infrastructure in Economic Development of a country
A view of the pyramids at Giza from the
plateau to the south of the complex. From left
to right, the three largest are: the Pyramid of The Watt steam engine,
Menkaure, the Pyramid of Khafre and a major driver in
the Great Pyramid of Khufu. The three the industrial revolution,
smaller pyramids in the foreground are underscores the
subsidiary structures associated with importance of
Menkaure's pyramid. engineering in modern
history. This model is on
display at the main
building of the ETSIIM in
Madrid, Spain
Chapter II - Civil
Engineering and Society
and Other Professions
“You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream
things that never were; and I say "Why not?"” George
Bernard Shaw
What is an engineer?
Engineers are problem solvers!

Engineering is a profession in which scientific knowledge and mathematics is used and

experimented with to develop ways that benefit mankind, making it extremely important to

“Engineering is concerned with the implementation of a solution to a practical

problem. They want to know how to solve a problem and how to implement that
"Engineering is the application of math and science to create something of value
from our natural resources.

What is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering is the oldest and ideal engineering profession. It
encompasses a variety of sub-disciplines and jobs.
The civil engineering curriculum emphasize the following major sub-disciplines:
• structural
• environmental
water resources
• geotechnical
• construction
• transportation

Some interesting thoughts on civil engineering by Bugliarello (1994) include:

Civil engineering is “the modification of nature to create and improve human


Civil engineers work toward an ideal that is “a standard of perfection, beauty, or

moral and physical excellence, especially as an aim of attainment or realization.”

Civil engineers strive to “match deep functionality with aesthetics in every

manifestation of the profession.”
Civil Engineering and other Profession
Architectural engineering is often a related but separate degree .

The responsibilities of engineers and architects often overlap. Both professions are
integral to the design and construction of structures, such as buildings and bridges.
Architects design the space to meet client needs, as well as the aesthetic
appearance of the inside and exterior of the building.

Engineers' main responsibility is to ensure the design is safe and meet all
appropriate building codes.

Engineers concern themselves with making buildings safe and functional by

selecting structural materials, determining the structural members of the design, and
specify the electrical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing systems.
One way that engineers and architects communicate their ideas to
each other is through blueprints, or technical drawings.

The key difference between an architect and an engineer is that an

architect focuses more on the artistry and design of the building,
engineer focuses more on the technical and structural side.

While the architect is concerned with making the building aesthetically

pleasing, an engineer makes sure that the building is functional and
Surveying is a skill used by many civil engineers, but there is a
separate professional licensure for land surveyors.

The surveyor provides important information about the site to
architects and engineers, which helps them to list out the
important site-specific details they need to take into account
for a project.

The surveyor can provide the engineer with information about

where exactly the bridge footings or a building should be
located, and civil engineer can then determine how much
weight the bridge can hold and the specific building
strategies that need to be used for it.
Mechanical Engineers

Design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors

and devices, including tools, engines, and machines.
A civil engineer helps design and create buildings, infrastructure and other
large-scale structural projects. Mechanical engineers, on the other hand,
help design and create machines and mechanical devices for individuals
or small groups.

Electrical Engineers

Designs and develops new electrical systems, solves problems and tests
equipment. They study and apply the physics and mathematics of
electricity, electromagnetism and electronics to both large and small scale
systems to process information and transmit energy. They work with all
kinds of electronic devices, from the smallest pocket devices to large
Civil engineers work on projects that involve infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and
water supply and sewage treatment. Electrical engineers work on projects that
involve electrical components, such as wireless communication devices and navigation

The difference between science and engineering was explained by Theodore

Von Karman, an aerospace engineer. As he stated:

"Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was."

Scientists investigate phenomena, whereas engineers create solutions to problems or

improve upon existing solutions.

A scientist builds in order to learn. An engineer learns in order to build.”

Qualities or Attributes of a Civil Engineer

1. Technical Skills – Civil Engineer must be competence in using engineering

tools, process quantitative techniques and construction methodology.

2. Human Skills – CE must have an ability to work with people, to understand

management or manage people performing specific tasks and motivate them as
an individual or group.

3. Conceptual skills- the mental ability to coordinate and integrate all project

4. Leadership skills – CE need to be learned, energetic, active, dedicated,

enthusiastic and resourceful.
Roles of Civil Engineers in the society

1. Engineers have always played a vitally important role in developing societies way of life
and standard of living. From constructing bridges and highways to exploring the vast
earth beneath us, engineers are helping to keep our society moving and safe.”

2. Civil engineers create, improve and protect the environment in which we live. They plan, design
and oversee construction and maintenance of building structures and infrastructure, such as
roads, railways, airports, bridges, harbours, dams, irrigation projects, power plants, and water
and sewerage systems.

3. Civil engineering has played a vital role in increasing the health and quality of life, from
developing better water supplies, municipal sewer systems, waste water treatment plants, to the
design of buildings to protect us from natural hazards and provide health care, to improved
agriculture through water resource ..
Duties of a civil engineers

Civil engineers create, improve and protect the environment in which we live. They plan, design
and oversee construction and maintenance of building structures and infrastructure, such as
roads, railways, airports, bridges, harbours, dams, irrigation projects, power plants, and water
and sewerage systems.

Civil engineering has played a vital role in increasing the health and quality of life, from
developing better water supplies, municipal sewer systems, waste water treatment plants, to the
design of buildings to protect us from natural hazards and provide health care, to improved
agriculture through water resource ...

Civil engineers design, build, and maintain the foundation for our modern society – our roads
and bridges, drinking water and energy systems, sea ports and airports, and the infrastructure for
a cleaner environment, to name just a few. Civil engineering touches us throughout our day.
Essential Skills for a Career in Civil Engineering
•Technical training
•Mathematical skills
•Written communication skills
•Oral communication skills
•Leadership skills
•Organizational skills
Engineers as a Profession
” “Professional engineers should work for the welfare of the public.
They are responsible for observing societal needs, and often have
the position and resources to improve society.

As professionals, engineers are expected to set examples in the

work field and to establish themselves as assets to society.”
Engineering Functions
Problem solving is common to all engineering work. The problem may involve quantitative or
qualitative factors; it may be physical or economic; it may require abstract mathematics or common
sense. Of great importance is the process of creative synthesis or design, putting ideas together to
create a new and optimum solution.

engineering problems vary in scope and complexity, the same general approach is applicable. First
comes an analysis of the situation and a preliminary decision on a plan of attack. In line with this
plan, the problem is reduced to a more categorical question that can be clearly stated. The stated
question is then answered by reasoning from known principles or by creative synthesis, as in a new
design. The answer or design is always checked for accuracy and adequacy. Results for the
simplified problem are interpreted in terms of the original problem and reported in an appropriate
In order of decreasing emphasis on science, the major functions of all engineering branches
are the following:
•Research. Using mathematical and scientific concepts, experimental techniques are
conducted, the research engineer seeks new principles and processes.
•Engineers who work full-time in research are at the forefront of development, they study and
expand on the knowledge that currently exists in search of better and different solutions.

•Development. Development engineers apply the results of research to useful purposes.

Creative application of new knowledge may result in a working model of a new electrical
circuit, a chemical process, or an industrial machine.

•Engineer can be in-charge of turning the ideas into reality, it is often the engineer involved
with implementation that makes reality possible possible.
•Design. In designing a structure or a product, the engineer selects methods, specifies materials,
and determines shapes to satisfy technical requirements and to meet performance specifications.

•Construction. construction engineer is responsible for preparing the site, determining

procedures that will economically and safely yield the desired quality, directing the placement of
materials, and organizing the personnel and equipment.

•Production. Plant layout and equipment selection are the responsibility of the production
engineer, who chooses processes and tools, integrate the flow of materials and components, and
provides for testing and inspection.

•Operation. The operating engineer controls machines, plants, and organizations

providing power, transportation, and communication; determines procedures; and supervises
personnel to obtain reliable and economic operation of complex equipment.

•Management and other functions. In some countries and industries, engineers analyze
customers’ requirements, recommend units to satisfy needs economically, and resolve related
What is Civil Engineering
Civil engineering, the profession of designing and executing
structural works that serve the general public.

Job Description of Civil Engineers

A Civil Engineer's job focuses mainly on construction of infrastructure
and buildings, this might include project management in the
commercial construction industry, geotechnical engineering,
environmental engineering, hydrology and coastal engineering.

Civil engineering affects many of our daily activities: the buildings

we live in and work in, transportation facilities we use, the water we
drink, and the drainage and sewerage systems that are necessary
to our health and well-being.
Civil engineers:

• Measure and map the earth’s surface.

• Design and supervise the construction of bridges, tunnels,
large buildings, dams, and coastal structures.
• Plan, lay out, construct, and maintain railroads, highways,
and airports.
• Devise systems for the control and efficient flow of traffic.
• Plan and build river regulation and flood control projects.
• Provide plants and systems for water supply and sewage
and refuse disposal.
Civil is a very broad branch of engineering, and it includes the following
major specialized areas of practice:

1. Structural engineering.
2. Construction engineering and management.
3. Transportation engineering.
4. Geotechnical engineering.
5. Hydraulic and water resources engineering.
6. Environmental engineering.

The largest specialty within civil engineering, structural engineering, is concerned with
the design of large buildings, bridges, tanks, towers, dams, and other large structures.
These engineers design and select appropriate structural components (e.g., beams,
columns, and slabs) and systems to provide adequate strength, stability, and durability.

A large fraction of civil engineers work in the construction industry, building the facilities
that other engineers and architects design. The task of construction engineers is to utilize
and manage the resources of construction (the vehicles, equipment, machines,
materials, and skilled workers) to produce with timeliness and efficiency the structure or
facility envisioned by the designer.
Transportation engineers are concerned with the planning and layout of
highways, airports, harbors and ports, and mass transportation systems. They plan and
design transportation terminals and devise and operate systems for the control of
vehicular traffic.

Geotechnical engineers are concerned with the structural behavior of soil and
rock. They analyze earth support systems and design foundations, earth walls, and
highway and airport pavements.

Hydraulic and water resources engineers are concerned with the flow of
water through ditches, conduits, canals, dams, and estuaries. They use their special
knowledge of fluid mechanics to design dams, irrigation systems, municipal water
works, and drainage and erosion control systems.

Environmental engineers are concerned with solid waste management, air and
water pollution, and control of pesticides and radiological hazards. They design and
oversee the operation of water treatment and sewage treatment plants and measure
and monitor pollutants in the air, on land, and in lakes and streams.

Civil engineers work with construction companies, manufacturing companies,

power companies, and with consulting engineering firms. Many opportunities for civil
engineering employment exist in city, county, and state engineering departments and
in the various agencies of the federal government.
Structural Engineering
Structural engineering is a specialty of civil engineering that deals with the design and
analysis of structures used to support loads in the most economical manner, with
maximum element of safety.

Structural engineering has a significant influence on the life, healthiness, and goods of
people, due to which extra vigilance is required during the construction and inspection of
the structures.

Structural design is the methodical investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of
structures. The basic objective in structural analysis and design is to produce a structure
capable of resisting all applied loads without failure during its intended life.

The loads applied could be of a varied nature, including the load on bridges due to
traffic, effect of strong winds on high buildings, load on structures because of variation in
temperatures caused due to changes in weather, and load due to earthquakes.

Specialties of structural engineering are building engineering, industrial structures, and

pipeline engineering.


Structural engineering directly impacts the safety and durability of buildings and

It is structural engineering that allows an accurate estimation of safe weight

maximums on bridges, the storm force winds a warehouse or facility can withstand, or the
magnitude of tremors a skyscraper can endure during an earthquake.

Structural engineering is also tasked with ensuring that materials and resources are used

structural engineers must determine the optimal material grade that ensures safety and
function without unnecessarily raising costs.

Structural engineers must able to work within the design aesthetics called for by the
project. Thus structural engineering plays a crucial role by visual appeal, practical
function, and budgetary resources in a way that satisfies all needs.
Key tasks include:
 preparing reports, designs and drawings
 selecting appropriate construction materials
 obtaining planning and/or building regulations approval
 monitoring and inspecting work undertaken by contractors
 managing projects
 inspecting properties to check conditions/foundations
 Inspecting unsafe buildings and recommending options for
repairs or demolition
 Developing design ideas
 Working out the loads and stresses on different parts of a
structure like the foundations, beams, arches and walls
 Work is based both in the office and on site, and you may get
the chance to travel globally, depending on your employer
and the type of project you're working on
Most structural engineers work either for construction/engineering
consultancies – where they focus on designing structures and tend
to work in an office environment – for contractors, where they will
oversee the construction of the structure, working on site.
Key skills for structural engineers:
 Creativity
 Commercial awareness
 Team working and communication skills
 Excellent mathematical, IT and analytical skills
 Project and budget management skills
Roles and Responsibilities

Structural engineers must have a strong grasp of physics, three-

dimensional conceptual skills and creative problem solving. An
ability to apply principles of mechanics, mathematics and physics
and to construct safe, sustainable buildings.

Roles and responsibilities of structural engineers are:

Training: structural engineers must be trained to strict standards. Most

structural engineering courses require a related undergraduate
degree in an engineering discipline. He must work towards
professional qualifications -to become Associated and Chartered
Members with the Institution of Structural Engineers.
Investigation: structural engineers must investigate and survey sites to
determine the suitability of the soil as requirements for the upcoming project.

Communication: Structural engineers must be a good communicator for he is

required to coordinate and consult other members of a projects, including
engineers, environmental scientists, architects and landscape architects. and
also required to assist government officials to facilitate government project.

Management: Structural engineers are often responsible for the organization

and delivery of materials and equipment needed in a construction project.
Supervision and management of on-site labor must also their responsibility.

Design: structural engineers deal primarily in the design of structures –

considering the loads and stresses in the construction design to safely resist the
structure. Structural engineers should know the different qualities and strengths
of building materials, and have knowledge how to incorporate support beams,
columns and foundations.
Structural includes the following:

a. Computer software in structural Analysis

b. Earthquake Engineering
c. Design of steel structure
d. Reinforced Concrete Design
e. Prestressed Concrete Design
f. Structural Design of towers and other vertical structures
g. Bridge Engineering
h. Foundation and retaining wall design
structural analysis and design software

Ex. Of software that can be used in structural design

Autodesk AutoCAD.
Autodesk Revit.

CSI SAP2000 (Structural Analysis Program) is an engineering software that is ideal for
analysis and design of structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, trusses, cables, shells,
etc. It can perform basic analysis like shear and moment calculations to time history
analysis and dynamic analysis.
PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and
geotechnical engineering industry. Applications range from excavations, embankments
and foundations to tunneling, mining and reservoir geomechanics.

Computer Aided Structural Analysis (CASA) is an interactive computer graphics program

designed to solve two dimensional structural analysis problems. These three modules are
essential to the creation, solution, and interpretation of the analysis of determinate and
indeterminate trusses and frames.

AutoCad Civil 3D. Easily the most used program in the industry, Civil 3D is a civil engineering
drafting software with a multitude of design, analysis and simulation tools for civil
engineering design.

What are the types of Structural Analysis?

Hand Calculations. Hand Calculations in Structural Analysis.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Structural Analysis Software.
BIM & 3D modeling software applied for civil & structural engineering
BIM-( Building Information Modelling) technology, one or more accurate virtual models of a building
are constructed digitally. They support design through its phase, allowing better analysis and control
than manual process.

Tekla Structures- powerful structural BIM software, it is also a building information modelling able to
model structures that incorporate different kinds of building materials, including steel, concrete,
timber and glass. It is also used in the construction industry for steel concrete detailing, pre-cast and
cast in-situ. The software enables user to create and mange 3D structural concrete, steel and guides
them through the process from concepts to fabrication.

CAD plays an important role for automated design drawings in civil engineering. Draftsmen primarily
use CAD and the design analysis provided by the civil engineer

Civil engineers can use Revit to accurately streamline data with architectural and MEP teams. A
structural model can be created by the accurate placement of beams and columns. Structural
models can be easily created in Revit by civil engineers, with its wide variety of tools.

SketchUp is one of the most complete 3D visualization programs for civil engineers, and allows and
suitable for large architectural projects ex landscape design.

Autodesk Revit. Autodesk Revit is building information modeling software for architects, landscape
architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, designers, and contractors developed by Autodesk.
Analysis Methods for Buildings Frames
Force Method.
Displacement Method.
1. Slope Deflection Method.
2 . Moment Distribution Method.
3. Direct Stiffness Method.
Approximate Methods.
1. Portal Method.
2. Cantilever Method.
3. Points of Inflection Method.

Kani's Method.

Kani's method was introduced by Gasper Kani in 1940's. It involves distributing the unknown
fixed end moments of structural members to adjacent joints, in order to satisfy the
conditions of continuity of slopes and displacements. Kani's method is also known as
Rotation contribution method.

This method was developed by Dr. Gasper Kani of Germany in 1947. The method provides
a iterative scheme for employing slope deflection method. It is mostly recognized for frame

Behavior of a structure subjected to horizontal forces depends on its height to width ratio.
The deformation in low-rise structures, where the height is smaller than its width, is
characterized predominantly by shear deformations. In high rise building, where height is
several times greater than its lateral dimensions, is dominated by bending action.

To analyze the structures subjected to horizontal loading we have two methods.

Portal method and Cantilever method

The portal method is an approximate analysis used for analyzing building frames subjected
to lateral loads such as Wind loads/ seismic forces. shear deformations are dominant in
low rise structures, the method makes simplifying assumptions regarding horizontal shear in
Each bay of a structure is treated as a portal frame, and horizontal force is distributed
equally among them.
Assumptions in portal method

1. The points of inflection are located at the mid-height of each column above the first
floor. If the base of the column is fixed, the point of inflection is assumed at mid height
of the ground floor columns as well; otherwise it is assumed at the hinged column base.
2. Points of inflection occur at mid span of beams.
3. Total horizontal shear at any floor is distributed among the columns of that floor such
that the exterior columns carry half the force carried by the inner columns.

The basis for this third assumption is the frame is composed of individual portals having
one bay only


The cantilever method is applicable to high rise structures. This method is very similar to
the portal method.
It assume hinges at the middles of the beams and columns. The only difference is that
for the cantilever method, instead of finding the shears in the columns we using an
assumption to find the axial force in the columns.

The assumption that is used to find the column axial force is that the entire frame will
deform laterally like a single vertical cantilever.
Assumptions in cantilever method

1. The points of inflection are located at the mid-height of each column above the first
floor. If the base of the column is fixed, the point of inflection is assumed at mid height
of the ground floor columns as well; otherwise it is assumed at the hinged column

2. Points of inflection occur at mid span of beams.

3.The axial force in the column at any floor is linearly proportional to its distance from the
centroid of all the columns at that level.
Earthquake Engineering

Earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great
destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.

Earthquakes are usually caused when underground rock suddenly breaks and there is rapid
motion along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the
ground shake.

There are two types of earthquakes: tectonic and volcanic earthquakes.

Tectonic earthquakes are produced by sudden movement along faults and plate
Earthquakes induced by rising lava or magma beneath active volcanoes is called volcanic

Earthquakes can result in the ground shaking, soil liquefaction, landslides, fissures,
avalanches, fires and tsunamis. The extent of destruction and harm caused by an
earthquake depends on: magnitude. intensity and duration.

The effects from earthquakes include ground shaking, surface faulting, ground failure, and
less commonly, tsunamis.
Earthquake Engineering

Earthquake engineering draws on the disciplines of structural engineering, structural dynamics,

seismology, materials engineering, geotechnical engineering, risk and decision analysis, and
probability and reliability theory to holistically address infrastructure performance in an uncertain
seismic future.

Earthquake engineering is the science of the performance of buildings and structures when
subjected to seismic loading. It also assists analysing the interaction between civil infrastructure and
the ground, including the consequences of earthquakes on structures

Earthquake engineering is most useful in reducing the risk the population is exposed to by designing
new structures so they will resist strong ground shaking.

Earthquake engineers investigate the reasons why infrastructure and buildings fail during earthquakes
and then apply their knowledge to planning, designing, constructing, and managing earthquake-
resistant structures and facilities.

The objective of earthquake-resistant structure, Building designed to prevent total collapse, preserve
life, and minimize damage in case of an earthquake or tremor.

Its advantage include: lower building repair and replacement costs, continuation of building
function that reduces business interruption, preservation of revenue streams and, most importantly,
improved life safety.
Earthquake Engineering is a study which talks about how the society and other natural, as
well as human-made structures, can be protected from earthquakes by reducing the
seismic risk to the acceptable levels. The main aim of the Earthquake Engineering course is
to build systems which can withstand seismic impacts.

Software which represent future earthquake engineering

SeismoArtif is an application capable of generating artificial earthquake accelerograms
matched to a specific target response spectrum using different calculation methods and
varied assumptions.
Ways to make building more earthquake resistant
An Appropriate Foundation.
Creating a flexible foundation for a building could help it stay standing during an
Seismic Dampers. Earthquake-resistant buildings also need features to help absorb shocks. .
A Drainage Mechanism.
Structural Reinforcement. .
Material With Adequate Ductility.
Design of Steel Structures

Steel has a unique combination of properties that make it an ideal building material.
Steel's advantages in construction include speed, safety, optimal cost, reliability, light
weight and design adaptability.

There are three different methods for design of steel structure, simple design, continuous
design and semi-continuous steel design. Joints in structures have been assumed to
behave as either pinned or rigid to render design calculations manageable. In simple
design the joints are idealised as perfect pins.

Its versatility, sustainability and flexibility are some of the main reasons for its use, as well
as being a very cost-effective material. With a high strength-to-weight ratio, steel can
often provide a solution where other materials are unsuitable.

Procedure of Structural Design

There are currently two common methods of steel design: The first method is the Allowable Strength
Design (ASD) method. The second is the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method. Both
use a strength, or ultimate level design approach.

Comparing both on the same building design, the general consensus is that LRFD will result in
stronger structures for more highly dynamic loads and ASD will result in stronger structures for less
variable (more predicable) loads.

The traditional Allowable Strength Design (ASD) is based on using an allowable design strength
calculated by dividing the component nominal strength by a safety factor.

Load and Resistance Factor Design, abbreviated as LRFD, is a scheme of designing steel structures
and structural. components which is different from the traditionally used.

The AISC Code of Standard Practice provides a framework for a common understanding of the
acceptable standards when contracting for structural steel.

an American national standard "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings" Allowable Stress Design
and Plastic Design, released in July 1, 1989. This Standard implements checks for the design of
members for tension, compression, bending, shear and combined.

Steel is the material of choice for design for it is inherently ductile and flexible. It flexes
under extreme loads rather than crushing or crumbling. Many of the beam-to-column
connections in a steel building are designed principally to support gravity loads.
The Four Main Types of Steel
1. Carbon steel looks dull, matte-like, and is known to be vulnerable to corrosion.
2. alloy steel, which is a mixture of several different metals, like nickel, copper, and aluminum.
3. Tool Steel
4. Stainless Steel.

Steel properties: hardness, toughness, tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, fatigue strength,
corrosion, plasticity, malleability and creep.

The tensile strength for structural steel is 400 megapascals (MPa) and for carbon steel it is 841 MPa. Tensile
strength values are different for different densities of steel

Steel structure is a metal structure which is made of structural steel components connect with each other
to carry loads and provide full rigidity.

Structural design is important in civil engineering because it helps to check that the structure is safe.
Structural design gives all the vital information regarding foundations, floors, walls, beams, roof types and
the quality of materials to ensure that any of the structures built meet all the safety requirements.



Construction management is a professional service that uses specialized, project

management techniques to oversee the planning, design, and construction of a
project, from its beginning to its end.
Engineers are expected to perform a variety of tasks depending on the field
of specialization and skills. According to Henry Gantt, It is necessary for an
engineer to manage the five human resources namely: manpower, money,
machines, materials and time as well as the proper, efficient and effective
utilization of these resources with minimal cost and short period of time.
Engineers are often faced responsibilities requiring outputs that depend on
individuals accomplishments of subordinates.
Managing is one of the most challenging task of an engineer to be prepared
for it will utilize the techniques and skills of people doing work activities.
When engineer is assigned to supervise the work of even a few people, he is
already engaged in the first phase of engineering management. His main
responsibility is to lead his group into producing a certain output consistent
with the required specifications.
Construction engineering is about organizing and coordinating the people, equipment
and materials so that the construction work is done efficiently, safely and in an
environmentally sensitive and sustainable way.

Construction engineers design and execute processes for building and maintaining the
infrastructure of our world. Construction engineers have the option of either working in
an office setting or out in the field. Often times, it's a combination of both.
Some construction engineers focus on the design aspect, while others focus on the
actual build phase of each project.

Construction management is a professional service that provides a project’s owner(s)

with effective management of the project's schedule, cost, quality, safety, scope, and
function. Construction management is compatible with all project delivery methods.


Construction engineering management, or CEM, involves the application of technical
and scientific knowledge to infrastructure construction projects. While engineering
focuses on design and construction; management is concerned with overseeing the
actual construction, CEM often represents a blend of both disciplines, bridging design
and management or project execution.
The Construction Engineering and Management area of study prepares
students to manage design, construction and operation of sustainable
buildings and infrastructure systems in the increasingly global construction

Research interests of the Construction Engineering and Management


• Optimization of resource utilization during the construction and

rehabilitation of critical infrastructure systems
• Productivity assessment and improvement
• Construction equipment, methods, and safety
• Sustainable construction
• Building Information Modeling (BIM)
• Semantic systems, ontologies, interoperability, and mergers
• Construction process modeling, simulation, and integration
• Visual sensing and analytics for project controls
• Facility lifecycle management
Construction Engineer Duties and Responsibilities

Develop Construction Plans

Construction engineers manage the planning and design stage of construction projects.
They carefully evaluate the structural, electrical, and mechanical condition of each
Engineers carefully inspect all drawings and designs before they are implemented. They
plan personnel flows and decide how other contractors and subcontractors will support
ongoing operations. The construction engineer also analyzes a job’s financial projections
to ensure they are accurate and practical.

Oversee Engineering Processes

Overseeing all the different engineering processes in a construction project is the primary
responsibility of a construction engineer. They are expected to be subject-matter experts
and complete routine tests to make sure that all legal regulations are followed. They keep
an up-to-date understanding of all legal obligations and contract terms to prevent
project delays, support all construction workers, and actively drive projects to completion.
Manage Construction Projects
Construction engineers bring specific knowledge to construction projects, such as cost
control, cost accounting, and management of project schedules. They constantly refer
to schedules to make sure quality work is done on time. When needed, they facilitate
discussions and create solutions between construction contractors and construction
managers. It is their responsibility to eliminate disagreements in the field and
misunderstandings about expected work outcomes.

Draft Technical Support Documents

Keeping up-to-date logs, estimates, change orders, vendor forms, and surveys with
different software is a key role of construction engineers. With documentation, they
identify and spot technical problems in the construction process. If necessary, they
secure more materials to keep construction going.

Communicate with Team Leadership

Weekly meetings with all parties involved in a construction project are common for
construction engineers. Part of their job is to provide necessary status updates and
respond to questions from contractors, clients, and their own company leadership.
Furthermore, they regularly assess all projects to suggest different cost-saving
techniques for a project. Many construction engineers are also required to send weekly
project reports to their construction manager.
Construction engineering managers are key players in the successful completion of
construction projects. Over the course of his or her career, a construction engineering
manager is likely to work on and oversee a broad range of projects. This may include the
design of drainage and sewage systems, building construction, or even larger
infrastructure projects like developing highways or railroads. Others choose to focus on
one particular type of construction and build a career around it.

Some common specialties include:

• Commercial business or housing construction
• Electrical system design
• HVAC/mechanical
• Highway/heavy construction (bridge building, airport design, water waste
management systems, etc.)

Technical and Leadership Background

Construction engineering managers are often called upon to use computers and
construction management software to produce and analyze designs for their projects.
They are responsible for assembling teams of qualified engineers who can ensure
completion of a given project. Construction engineering managers also need to possess
the right knowledge for controlling estimation and planning of associated costs for a
Work Responsibilities
Construction engineering managers often work out of a central office but may make
frequent visits to job sites and sometimes engage in on-location work with labor. They
also tour sites regularly to inspect the work being done and to ensure that proper
standards in the construction project are being maintained. The typical workweek for a
construction engineering manager is 40 hours, but many work longer hours in an effort
to meet deadlines or solve problems that arise within a project.

Professional Skills and Expertise

Construction engineering managers must possess a thorough understanding of laws,
regulations, and building codes, especially those that have a direct impact on the
project at hand. They must also be able to estimate the total cost of a given project
with consideration to:
• Site inspections
• Drainage, sewage, and elevation level tests
• Equipment and materials
• Labor
Construction engineering managers are also responsible for managing the workings of
various other entities involved in the project. They are responsible for providing expert
supervision from beginning to end while also keeping the project running on or ahead
of schedule and within budget.
Studies in construction engineering and management equip an engineer for working in
both the office and the field as either:
• a project manager,
• a construction engineer,
• a construction manager
• or a combination of these

Management Functions
Managers are expected to perform certain duties and functions as they move projects
to successful completion. Experts classified management functions in variety of ways
especially in big and complex projects with more stakeholders, function of
management become more specialized allowing for a more thorough handling of
each work activity.

Fundamental Management Function

1. Planning - the selection and sequential ordering of tasks required to achieve an
organizational goal. And deciding what will be done, who will do it, where, when and
how it will be done, and the standards to which it will be done.
2. Organizing is a management function which refers to “the structuring of resources
and activities to accomplish objectives in an efficient and effective manner.”
Organizing is undertaken to facilitate the implementation of plans
3. Staffing – deals with the recruitment and development of competent employees
through a process of evaluation, selection, placement and human resource
development.( it includes setting up of training program and benefit scheme).

4. Directing – is providing instructions to lower level personnel, communicating the work

to be done periodically, leading the task required in a project and motivating people to
work effectively and efficiently.

5. Controlling – is a function performed by middle and top management. They measure

accomplishment according to set targets and objectives, check personnel productivity
and examine the quality of work done. If there are deviation, appropriate corrective
actions are recommended and verified thereafter if such were followed after a
reasonable period of time.

6. Reporting –deals with the periodic preparation required for submission to higher
authorities and to the project owner. If financing was secured, copies of the reports
should likewise be given to the financial or lending institution for variation. Form
depicting all pertinent information are developed and subsequently accomplished.
7. Monitoring and evaluation – are related to controlling. There are instances when
monitoring is performed monthly while evaluation is done on a semi-annual basis.
Issues, problems and constraints that hinder project completion and implementation of
plans are identified and analyzed. Solution are recommended and actions are
developed and executed. Forms used in monitoring and evaluation may vary on the
details depending on the depth of the contents.

8. Coordinating – it involves formal meetings including planning sessions, project

coordination, consultation and problem solving meetings. It is a venue to
communicate project participants views, positions and opinions. Productive
deliberations, decisions are made and participants agree on course of action to take.

9. Reviewing – A project is reviewed in a wholistic manner when 95% completed or

after completion of the project-depending on the agreement of the project
participants. The whole process of Project Management or construction management,
especially its output, is once reviewed prior to project turnover. This ensures that all
aspects are covered, desired objectives and target are achieved, and all problems
are solved.
These are PERT and CPM. PERT project management and CPM are two famous
managerial techniques. PERT is an abbreviation of the Program Evaluation and Review
Technique. CPM is an abbreviation of the Critical Path Method.

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) was first used in the development of
submarines capable of firing Polaris missiles. CPM (the Critical Path Method) was used to
manage the annual maintenance work in an oil and chemical refinery.

PERT deals with unpredictable activities, but CPM deals with predictable activities. PERT
is used where the nature of the job is non-repetitive. In contrast to, CPM involves the job
of repetitive nature. There is a demarcation between critical and non-critical activities in
CPM, which is not in the case of PERT.

PERT analysis improves planning and decision-making by integrating the presentation of

data across various departments. The qualitative and quantitative data collected from
these various sources can also help improve coordination of project activities and
communication between departments

The critical path method (CPM) is a step-by-step project management technique for
process planning that defines critical and non-critical tasks with the goal of preventing
project schedule problems and process bottlenecks.
The critical path method is a reliable way for project managers to budget time and
allocate resources. Advantages of CPM include improved accuracy and flexibility in
scheduling, clearer communication between project managers and stakeholders, easier
task prioritization, and more

Construct a network diagram. Estimate the time required for each activity. Determine the
critical path. Update the PERT chart as the project progresses.
The CPM would describe the sequence that takes the most time. For example, if you're
building a house, you would have several task sequences as follows: Each task takes a
different amount of time and resources. It takes more time to build walls and lay the roof
than to install faucets and fixtures

ERT – Project Evaluation and Review Technique

CPM – Critical Path Method
PERT – PERT is a popular project management technique that is applicable when the time
required to finish a project is not certain
CPM – CPM is a statistical algorithm which has a certain start and end time for a project

six steps in the critical path method:

Step 1: Specify Each Activity.
Step 2: Establish Dependencies (Activity Sequence)
Step 3: Draw the Network Diagram.
Step 4: Estimate Activity Completion Time.
Step 5: Identify the Critical Path.
Step 6: Update the Critical Path Diagram to Show Progress
Construction Engineering and Management
Project construction and management
Advanced Construction Methods and Equipment
Construction Cost Engineering
Data base Management in Construction
Construction Occupational Safety and Health(COSH

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