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CBSE Class 12

Physical Education
Previous Year Question Paper 2012
Series: SMA/1 Code no. 75/1

● Please check that this question paper contains 4 printed pages.

● Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be
written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
● Please check that this question paper contains 27 questions.

● Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting

● 15 minutes of time has been allotted to read this question paper. The
question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30
a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any
answer on the answer script during this period.


Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question paper carries A and B two parts.
3. Answers to questions carrying 1 mark should be in approximately 30 words.
4. Answers to questions carrying 2 marks should be in approximately 60 words.

Class XII Physical Education 1

5. Answers to questions carrying 3 marks should be in approximately 100 words.
Answers to questions carrying 5 marks should be in approximately 150-200

1. What do you mean by Recreation? 1 Mark
Ans: It provides opportunities for social interaction, stimulation, and cooperation,
thereby giving people a certain amount of strength and confidence. This is a pleasant
and satisfying activity that can restore the body and mind after getting off work.

2. How seeding is given? 1 Mark

Ans: Seeding is given to a few unique teams or the ones groups that are
winners/runners up of the closing year's tournament. In seeding, the sturdy groups
are decided on to preserve them at suitable locations within the furniture in order
that they no longer meet in the sooner rounds.

3. What do you mean by sports environment? 1 Mark

Ans: Sports environment is the condition and environment for athletes to practice
or engage in sports. Athletes, including coaches, physical education teachers and
other officials engaged in sports, must understand and give due consideration to the
sports environment.

4. Explain causes of Scoliosis. 1 Mark

Ans: Scoliosis is the lateral curvature of the spine, most commonly during the
growth spurt period before puberty. Although scoliosis can be caused by diseases
such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most scoliosis is unclear.

5. What is meditation? 1 Mark

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Ans: In yoga, this is also called Dhyana. This means that through meditation, one
can maintain and maintain the focus of attention without being limited by time and
space. This is an exercise to cultivate attention to specific objects. Clear your mind
and emotions.

6. Explain the importance of calcium for children. 1 Mark

Ans: Calcium is important for the growth and development of children and
adolescents as it maintains strong bones and teeth while helping with muscle
contractions, nerve stimulation, and blood pressure regulation.

7. Distinguish between reaction time and movement time. 1 Mark

Ans: The difference between reaction time and movement time is:

Reaction Time Movement Time

Allows athletes to respond quickly and This is the speed development stage for
effectively to different types of stimuli, high-frequency exercise. Coordination
namely seeing things, hearing and and synchronization of motor units.

8. What do you mean by the term Anxiety? 1 Mark

Ans: The main aim of teachers, trainers, coaches, and psychologists in physical
education is to improve the performance of an individual. In fact, anxiety is an
individual's state of psychology and physiology. It has cognitive, emotional and
compartmental elements. These components combine to create an uncomfortable
feeling, combined with discomfort, fear and worry.

9. Discuss any four factors affecting physical fitness. 2 Marks

Ans: The four factors for physical fitness are:

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1) Anatomical: A person must have the appropriate height, shape and structure
essential for performance. Sometimes genetically modified organs are
responsible for structural weaknesses that limit individual performance.
2) Physiological: The physiological system such as the muscular, respiratory,
circulatory and nervous systems must function effectively because when one
is in physiological form, only he can perform the specific movement of the
3) Psychological factor or stressful tension: It can become an impediment to a
performance by contributing to tension and anxiety that affect a person's
physical condition. You have to be mentally strong/strong and ready to
perform better.
4) Climate: Physical fitness is also influenced by various climatic conditions
such as summer, winter, wetness, etc.

10. How media can play an important role in creating positive sports
environment? 2 Marks
Ans: The media, whether printed or electronic, plays an important and effective role
in creating a supportive sports environment.
● The media has made valuable contributions to the promotion and
popularization of sports. Electronic media is the source for millions of people
to follow the various World Cups and Olympic Games.
● The media encourages people to have a reasonable interest in sports, whether
it is entertainment, excitement, leisure, fitness or health.
● Another role of the media in sports is to protect the unity of different races,
religions, nationalities, languages, colors, nationalities, traits and worldviews.
● The media not only advertises for competitions and sports but also advertises
for athletes, which is their source of motivation.

11. Suggest four corrective exercises for flat foot. 2 Marks

Ans: The four corrective exercises for flat foot are:

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1) Stand in front of the wall and place one hand on the wall flush with your eyes.
2) Place the leg you want to stretch behind the other leg, and then place your heel
firmly on the floor.
3) Bend the knees of the front legs until you feel a stretch in the back legs.
4) The important thing is not to arch your back and keep it straight.

12. Write a few lines on any two elements of yoga. 2 Marks

Ans: Elements of Yoga: The eight stages of yoga ensure the purity of the body and
mind: (i) Yama, (ii) Niyama, (iii) Asana, (iv) Pranayama, (v) Pratyahara, (vi)
Dharana, (vii) meditation, (viii) Samadhi.
In this, we are going to explain any two
1) Asanas: These are slow stretching exercises used to improve the physical
condition of the entire body. Asanas are postures that keep the body healthy and
balanced and help it to live in harmony with nature.
2) Pratyahara: used to improve intelligence to develop inner spiritual power.
Anything we receive through our senses affects the mind. It helps liberate the senses
from the objects of desire.

13. Explain developmental characteristics during childhood. 2 Marks

Ans: Developmental characteristics of childhood:
● Physical development: In early childhood, teeth begin to fall out and
permanent teeth begin to grow. During this period, girls grew faster than boys.
Growth is slow because of muscle and bone development.
● Intellectual development: When children are 12 years old, they develop
language skills, begin to think, argue, remember, etc., closely observe others,
their interest in various things is constantly changing, and they show a love
for nature.
● Emotional development: Your emotions become more stable. At this stage,
feelings and complexes are formed. The child is innocent and can be
controlled. You begin to realize your behavior.

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● Social development: expand and improve your circle of friends. He likes to
play with his peers. They show more interest in team games and like to play.
In their group.

14. Explain any three components of physical fitness. 3 Marks

Ans: The components of physical fitness: physical fitness includes seven
components required in the field of physical education. Our athletic performance
depends to a large extent on fitness components. The main three components of
physical fitness are:
1. Strength: It is defined as the maximum strength that a muscle can produce in
a single effort or the individual's maximum strength. This is the ability to
overcome resistance. For example, ball exercises, push-ups, etc.
2. Speed: This refers to the ability of a person to continuously perform similar
actions at a high speed. It is also defined as a necessary condition to complete
the movement in the shortest time under certain conditions. Examples include
the repetition method, the speed development before the long jump and the
triple jump.
3. Endurance: This is the body's ability to work for a long time without fatigue,
and endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue. For example, continuous as
well as interval training methods.

15. What is the role of an individual in prevention of sports related accidents?

3 Marks
Ans: There are several reasons for sport-related accidents. In order to reduce or
prevent sports-related accidents, the following points should be noted:
● Appropriate training and guidance: You are responsible for reducing the
number of serious accidents. The physical education teacher is responsible for
the design and management of the fitness plan and the behavior of the athletes
on the court. You need to understand sports psychology. Safety and first aid

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● Protective equipment: It is important to ensure that protective equipment is
worn during training, training, and competition. Sports equipment protects
athletes, gives freedom of movement and safety. And play comfortably
without proper protective equipment or never enter the playing field to avoid
accidents on the playing field. Be sure to check the equipment before use.
● Obey the rules: We must know and understand the rules of the four
competitions or sports. The rules must be strictly followed to avoid accidents.
If the contestants violate the rules, they must be punished. The coach is
responsible for informing the athletes about all the rules and regulations of the
game and sports.

16. Explain the six advantages of Pranayama. 3 Marks

Ans: There are several advantages of pranayama. Now we will list out the main six
advantages of pranayama:
● It has an important contribution to health, endurance, and mind control.
● Physical activity places a heavy burden on the human body's respiratory tract
and cardiovascular system, so the practice of pranayamas such as Bhastrika,
Kapalabhati, and Smya Bhedana plays an important role.
● Through slow and rhythmic deep breathing, you can strengthen the respiratory
system, purify the blood, and calm the nervous system.
● Regular pranayama practice enables people to focus better on games and
● Tonic liver, spleen, pancreas, and abdominal muscles.
● Improve the digestive system.

17. Explain the procedure of Autogenic as technique for anxiety management.

3 Marks
Ans: Anxiety is an emotion characterized by physical changes such as tension,
anxious thoughts, and high blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders often have
repetitive obsessive thoughts or worries.

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Autologous therapy as a method of coping with anxiety: Simply put, it is self-
hypnosis. It includes a series of mental exercises to make the limbs feel heavy,
imagine the feeling of relaxation, and warm and stimulate the whole body.
Spiritual and physical relaxation. This mental activity enables athletes to improve
the performance and accuracy of specific skills or tasks through thinking and
imagination. In this way, athletes can better organize themselves. We also refer to
the athlete’s emotional state and his physical performance as training from within.

18. What is the meaning of a tournament? Draw knock-out fixture for 27 teams.
1+4=5 Marks
Ans: The tournament is a large-scale competition consisting of multiple rounds
between multiple teams. It is a competition where multiple teams follow a fixed
schedule in a certain event. The winner is determined.
The number of participating teams is 27:
Number of games n-1 = 27 -1 = 26
games in the first half team
1 1 28
= n+ =27+ = =14 teams
2 2 2
in the second half team
1 1 26
= n- =27- = =13 teams The number of participating teams is an odd number,
2 2 2
so the number of passes = 32-27 = 5. In the knockout system, the losing team is
eliminated and the winner keeps playing. When we don’t have much time, we
usually hold knockout matches. Each game is given a time and seat number so that
the team/player can appear in their game on time.

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19. Mention the causes, precautions and corrective measures for knock knees.
5 Marks
Ans: Knock knee is a condition where the knee is bent inward and the ankle is
separated. The Causes of knee knock are listed below
● Heredity: Defects such as kyphosis and other genetic defects can lead to poor
● Sedentary lifestyle: Exercise can tighten spinal nerves, improve
coordination, reduce psychological pressure, and improve physical function
and productivity. Lead to posture deformation.
● Obesity: Being overweight will put extra stress on the muscles and bones of
the body, leading to postural deviations.
● Overwork: When lifting heavy objects on your shoulders, you may have
round shoulders and back problems.
● Weakness of muscles and ligaments.
Precautions are:
● Be careful when walking and don't stand for long.
● Always wear branded shoes/slippers or comfortable shoes corrective
measures are

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● Massage under the guidance of a specialist.
● Lose weight through regular exercise or yoga.
● Walking on a sloping outer surface and applying pressure to the outer edge of
the foot can help prevent knee kicks.
● Sit down cross-legged, then press your knees.
● Do lotus pose.

20. “Vitamins are essential for our metabolic process." What happens if we
devoid our diet of vitamins? 5 Marks
Ans: Vitamins are essential for the body's various metabolic processes and normal
functioning of the body. The body needs them in very few quantities. Vitamins do
not produce energy, but they allow the body to use other nutrients. These needs of
healthy people can be met through a normal, balanced diet; however, if our diet is
deficient in vitamins, we will suffer from vitamin deficiencies.
● Vitamin A is essential for normal vision, reproduction, growth, and a healthy
human immune system. Most children under five have dry eye, a serious eye
disease that can cause blindness in children. A lack of vitamin A in pregnant
women can cause complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
● Vitamin B can be of different types, such as vitamins B1, B2, B12, etc. The
disease caused by vitamin B deficiency depends on the type of B vitamin that
a person lacks.
Vitamin B1 deficiency causes beriberi, leading to weak muscles and severe
loss of weight. Acute deficiency can cause heart failure and paralysis. Vitamin
B6 deficiency can cause deficiencies such as anemia and certain skin
conditions such as cracks around the mouth. It can also cause depression and
neurasthenia. Lack of vitamin B12 can cause pernicious anemia. Other
diseases associated with vitamin B12 deficiency include muscle and nerve
paralysis, extreme fatigue, dementia, and depression.
● Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scrub, a disease with bleeding gums, skin
spots, and joint swelling. The immune system can also be fatal and even
acutely adversely affected.

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● Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets, which can lead to weak bones,
especially around joints, and tooth decay.
● Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for blood clotting. Its deficiency is common
in infants and causes heavy bleeding due to the inability to form blood clots.

21. What does the word 'training' mean in sports? Explain any two methods of
speed development in detail. 5 Marks
Ans: The term "training" is a process in which an individual is prepared for an event,
activity, or task. A long-term training program aimed at improving the performance
of sportsmen is considered sports training. Sport training is a process planned to
improve sportsmen and women. The aim of sports training is at a certain time to
achieve maximum performance. Sports training programs, with preparations,
competition and transitional periods, are spread over years.
Sports training refers to the entire process of ensuring that a sportsman is able to
achieve the highest sporting performance and develop an all-around personality. The
coach is solely responsible for the planning, implementation, and control of training.
Two rapid development methods are:
1) Drag racing: Acceleration is the ability to move at high speed from a resting
position. This speed depends to a large extent on explosive power, exercise
frequency and technique. It is best to run a distance of 30 to 80 meters. Studies
have shown that sprinters start from a resting position and reach their
maximum speed in about 6 seconds. Therefore, the selected distance should
be approximately 4 to 6 seconds. However, the actual distance may vary from
activity to activity and also depends on the type of exercise.
2) Pace Races: This is another way to develop an athlete's speed. The distance
and number of repetitions depending on the sport's activity or nature. The
speed with another athlete must be set in these races. It consists of two athletes
with the same speed. It is also an efficient tool to improve speed durability.
Examples include: The pacesetter is 10-15 meters ahead of the other athlete
at 200 meters repeatedly. The speed setter movement should be correctly
adhered to otherwise the repetition by the good athlete will be slowed down
and the motor coordination will have a negative impact. Therefore, the speed

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of the set speed must be as good as training another athlete. In a rhythmic
game, the athlete's speed requires a high degree of attention and full attention
to the game in order to achieve the best results.

Answer the questions 22 to 25 from any one sport/game of your choice only.
22. Write about any two important tournaments with their venues in-
game/sport of your choice. 2 Marks
Ans: The Knockout tournament: This tournament is also known as the elimination
tournament. The loser of each bracket is immediately removed from the tournament.
League tournament: Also known as a round-robin tournament is a league
tournament. Each competitor meets all other competitors in this type of tournament.

23. Explain the importance of proper sport gear in your game/sport of your
choice. 2 Marks
Ans: The important gears in cricket sport are:
● Batsmen and wicketkeepers wear an abdomen guard to protect their bodies
from the impact of the ball.
● Batsmen and fielders wear helmets, sometimes with an attached visor, to
protect their heads. It is also recommended that wicketkeepers wear protective
eyewear. The impact of the ball hitting the wicket can be significant, with the
bails becoming dislodged as a result of the impact.

24. Write about any 6 terminologies of game/sport of your choice. 3 Marks

Ans: We will be discussing the terminology of the cricket game. Here we have
LBW, No ball, Run-out, Innings, Bye and Appeal, etc.
● LBW (leg before wicket): The bowler's method of dismissal has been
approved. When Batsman failed to play the ball and hit his leg just opposite
the wicket. It has to be judged whether or not the batsman is subject to certain
cricket laws.

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● No Ball: A delivery that is illegal within the terms of a specific law is referred
to as a "no-ball." The score is increased by one run. In Addition, the bowler is
required to bowl extra.
● Run-out: A dismissal method that is not attributed to the bowler. When a
batsman attempting to score a run fails to reach the stumps in time, the stumps
are smacked by a fielder throwing the ball.
● Innings: A team's or an individual's batting session.
● Bye: A run not scored by the bat occurs when the wicketkeeper fails to stop
the bowling delivery, allowing a batter to score run/runs regardless of whether
the bowl connected with the bat or not.
● Appeal: A player's call to an arbiter to decide on any matter. It is usually 'How
about the field side,' which requires the umpire to declare a batsman 'out.'

25. What are the common sports injuries in your game or sports? suggest
preventive measures. 1+2=3 Marks
Ans: The common injuries in cricket game are:
1. Low back pain
2. Ankle sprains
3. Hamstring strains
4. Abdominal side strain
The preventive measures are:
1. Cool-down and warm-up: A well-structured warm-up and cool-down are
required to physically and mentally prepare the 1 person or to help him or her
recover from sports and exert.
2. Planning of a session: In view of frequency, intensity, duration, and type of
training method, any training or rehabilitation programs should be planned
carefully. If programs are carefully arranged, they enable a gradual adaptation
to the requirements imposed and reduce tissue damage through training.

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3. Use of protective devices: The use of protective equipment prevents,
minimizes, and disperses harmful movements and strength and acts as a
protective tool against force. Shoes, caskets, goggles, gum shields, shin pads,
gloves, etc. are key pieces of protection equipment.
4. Regulation compliance: Injuries can be reduced if everyone knows and
adheres to the rules and laws in the game.

26. Explain about SGFI and its organization set up. 5 Marks
Ans: SGFI and its organizational establishment: In 1954-55, the Indian School
Games Federation was set up. The Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Government
of India has recognized this. SGFI organizes national-level games and contests for
girls and boys. The Indian Olympic Association is also a member. Every year, the
school organizes national sports competitions. This Executive Council is made up
of representatives of all States. The SGFI is a member of the Asia Sports School
Federation and the International Sports School Federation. SGFI's main purpose is
to develop grassroots games and sports. In the national school record games, SGFI
organized the highest number of disciplines.
The discipline includes sport, archery, badminton, baseball, basketball, boxing,
chess, cricketing, cycling, cycling, swimming, swimming, fence, gymnastics,
football, handball, hockey, judo, kabaddi, kho-kho, tennis, netball, gun-shooting,
roller hockey skating. Due to many disciplines. Because Two sessions, i.e., summer
games and winter games, were held by the Federation. Many games are played by a
large number of sportspeople. The Indian government provides financial support for
these games as well. This federation also sends its teams to different sports for
international participation. The State Government's assistance and the Indian
Government have made a major contribution to the success and promotion of these
games. These games contributed to the standard of the sport in our country. SGFI
games are held separately for boys and girls in different states of age groups,
including those under 14, 16, 17 and 19.
The SGFI Sports Committee is headed by the Chair and Secretary-General of the
Indian School Games Federation (SGFI) of Padmashree and Dronacharya awards:
Sh. Satpal Ji. Each discipline is subject to the SGFI Sports Technical Committee. It
prepares a calendar of sports beforehand. Everyone with Ist, II nd, and III rd place
receives a National Bursary.

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27. What are the physiological and psychological benefits of warming up?
5 Marks
Ans: Physiological and psychological warming ups are:
● Increases the entire body temperature to enhance the efficiency of physical
● Increases the volume of the stroke according to the demands of the acting
● The lung ventilation that supplies more oxygen also increases.
● Enables the possibility of stretching in the sides to be reduced.
● The reaction time improves.
● Enhances the coordination of muscles.
● Enhances the movement range in connections.
● The concentration necessary for the main task is improved. Improve the
performance of skills.
● Speeds up the rate of muscle contraction. There are therefore minimized
chances of injury or wear.
● Ready the game/sports player to play mentally.
With physiological warm-up athletes, he prepares his muscles and his warm-up for
the match. However, with psychological warm-up athletes, he is ready to work on
the next schedule. It makes it easier for him to focus.

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