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Actividad de aprendizaje 10

Evidencia 6: Video “Steps to export”

Sharon Alexandra Castro Marin


Kattia Vanessa Carbonell Sanabria


FICHA: 2374657
 Elabore una presentación en inglés, donde explique los pasos para realizar
un proceso de exportación, utilizando el presente simple y el presente

 Grabe un video donde exponga la presentación del proceso de exportación

que realizó en el punto anterior, con el fin de afianzar la pronunciación y el
uso adecuado de los tiempos verbales.

Within the steps to export it is necessary to check if the company is ready to

export, identify markets with opportunity, know the needs of the client and
offer specialized services are some of the aspects that must be taken into
account when undertaking a plan service exporter.

Evaluate if your company is ready to export
 Must have sufficient production capacity to serve the export market
 The management of the company must be committed to the development of
 the export market and has the interest and capacity to commit personnel,
time and resources to the process
 Your company should have prepared an international marketing plan with
defined strategies and goals.
Identify opportunities and set clear objectives
One of the first steps of the export process for the services sector is to identifying
which markets there are opportunities for the product / service that is to be
commercialized, and for this it is necessary to set specific objectives.
Betting on alliances
To export more, alliances are essential, in this area Colombia has an advantage,
and that is part of the Pacific Alliance, an integration mechanism that opens the
doors to the countries of this important trade bloc to different markets in the region.
World, like Asians and Europeans. What becomes an opportunity to continue
conquering new niches?

Do a market study?
For companies it is important to make analyzes that allow knowing different
variables such as: economic environment, socio-cultural, technological, legal,
market prices, internal consumption, required certifications, among other aspects
according to the sector. In addition, doing internal studies allows the company to
identify how competitive it can become with its products / servicesin certain
markets. It is also interesting to study the competitors and investigate the sector in
which they are working and want to export.

Understanding the needs of the client is the key
Factors such as estimation of demand, purchasing habits, preferred distribution
channels, buyers, users, influencers, demographics and psychographics of users,
levels of consumption and the purchasing process are crucial to know market
preferences and reach precisely the Final client.
Identify the applicable regulation in the country of destination of your export
Regarding the issue of the physical presence of people, keep in mind the
applicable regulations: licenses, registration and authorizations to provide the
service. In addition, immigration regulation, visas and entry permits.

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