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Dysrhythmia Causes CMs Treatment

Sinus Tachycardia -Hypovolemia -Diaphoretic -TREAT THE CAUSE!

-Normal response -SOB (When pt symptomatic)
to stress, exercise, -Palpitations -Med: beta blockers
etc. -Syncope

Sinus Bradycardia -Normal w/ ↓ Cardiac Output -Treat only when pt is

athletes, sleep, etc. -Cyanosis symptomatic.
-Pale cool skin. -Med: Atropine
-Cap refill +3 sec -Pacemaker
-↓ BP & UO

Sinus Rhythm w/ Premature Atrial Contractions -Stimulants -”Skip a beat” -Treat only when pt is
(PACs) (Coffee, drugs) -Flutter sensation symptomatic
-Intensified beat

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Supraventricular/ Atrial Tachycardia -Electrolyte change ↓ Cardiac Output -Treat only when pt is

-Heart disease/ not -Initially warm/ symptomatic

rs e flushed but -Vagal maneuver

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changes. -Med: Adenosine- Use
-Diaphoretic stopcock to push fast
-Clammy and raise arm. Will stop

heart. Can give twice

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Atrial Flutter *1 ectopic focus ↓ Cardiac Output -Treat only when pt is

-Heart disease -Cyanosis symptomatic
-Heart failure -Pale -Med: diltiazem
-Valve disease -Cool skin (Cardizem)- IV infusion
ed d

-Post open heart -Cap refill +3 sec titrated to HR.

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Atrial Fibrillation- MOST COMMON DYSRHYTHMIA *Many ectopic foci -↓ UO confirm there are no
-Heart disease -Dyspnea clots present b/f
sh is

-Heart failure cardioversion

-Valve disease -Cardioversion

-Post open heart *Anticoagulants for rest

of life (Heparin,
@Risk for Blood clots Warfarin)

First Degree Atrioventricular Block (AV Block) *Long PR intervals *Usually *Usually do not have to
-MI asymptomatic treat
conduction problem
-Aging heart

Third Degree Heart Block (Complete Heart Block) -PR not uniform -Meds= Atropine, Epi,
-Atria & Ventricles Dopamine- WONT FIX
are independent of -Pt needs pacemaker
each other
Sinus Rhythm w/ Premature Ventricular -Weird QRSs -TREAT THE CAUSE!
Contractions (PVCs) -Stimulants
-Electrolyte change

Ventricular Tachycardia (V- Tach) Stable- Pulse

-Treat w/ Amiodarone
and cardioversion
Unstable- No Pulse
-Treat w/ CPR,
defibrillate and Epi.

Ventricular Fibrillation -CPR


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Asystole -CPR

eH w
*Do not defibrillate

*Must confirm asystole
rs e w/ 2 EKG leads
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sh is

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