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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

A very good morning I bid to our
*Principal, Pn. Hjh Andik Radhiah bt A. Aziz
Administration Senior Assistant – En. Zulkurnain bin Abd Rahman
  Student’s Affair Senior Assistant – Pn. Jamiah bt Basimin
Co curriculum Senior Assistant – En. Khairul Hisham bin Ali Barzom
Form 6 Senior Assistant – En. Rozman bin Shafie
Special Education Senior Assistant – Tn. Hj. Mohd Ashari bin Maheran
Head of Sectors, teachers and friends.

Alhamdulillah, thank to Allah for his blessings as we can gather here in a lovely morning for our
weekly assembly.

1. DOA
To bless our assembly today, I would like to invite ________________
to recite the doa.
Thank you.


Now, teachers and students, please stand still and straight to sing our Johor State’s Anthem,
followed by National Anthem.

Now, I would like to invite ________________to recite our national oath.

Thank you.
Teachers and students are welcome to sit.


For the teacher’s weekly report, I would like to call Encik / Puan _____________________
who was on duty last week to brief on last week’s report.

Thank you __________________________. 


Now, I would like to welcome,

*1) Co curriculum Senior Assistant,

………………………………………………………………, to deliver his speech. …….Thank you Sir.

*2) Student’s Affair Senior Assistant,

…………………………………………………………….., to deliver his speech. …...Thank you

*3) Administration Senior Assistant,

………………………………………………………………., to deliver his speech. …...Thank you

*4) Our Principal,

………………………………………………………….., to deliver his speech. …...Thank you
Students, please listen attentively.
Thank you to our Principal for the benefit speech and useful advices.
Hopefully, it will lead us to a great success.

6.        ANNOUNCEMENT (Optional)
We have almost come to the end of our assembly. Before we dismiss, I have a few
announcements to make ;

1) Teachers who on duty this week are Encik / Puan _____________

2) ________________________________________________________

Now, Teachers and students, please stand still and straight to sing our school song.

Thank You for singing the school song with enthusiastic.
Hopefully, we have gained a lot of valuable and beneficiary information during the assembly.
Thank you for your cooperation and attention.
Assembly Dismissed. Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

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